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unnumbered� ��� � �g
unnumberedsec� ��� � �g
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��g read-eof-breaks��g eof-object?��g peek-char��g
next-token��f reading a line��g read-char��g
��g skip-whitespace�� ��g skip-horizontal-whitespace��g char-alphabetic?��f Nonalphabetic @-command char: '��f '��g string->symbol��g
next-token-of��g read-command��g
make-token��g pair?��g token?��g car��g
token-head��g assert-curr-char��@ ��f start of the command��g STRING��g string� g end�g string-trim-both�f malformed @end�g END�g bye�g INCLUDE�g START�g read-command-token�
� f reading verbatim�
g string=?�f
@end verbatim�f
g read-verbatim-body�f arguments of @-command�g map�g string-split�g read-arguments�g reverse�f "@-command expected more arguments:�f '@-command didn't expect more arguments:�f #@-command missing required argument�g arguments->attlist�g read-text-line�g
string-ref�g substring�f @item formatter must be INLINE�f Invalid @item formatter�g
char-numeric?�f Invalid enumerate start�� � g parse-table-args�!{ �"f Inline element lacks {�#g parse-environment-args�$g parse-eol-text-args�%f can't happen�&g complete-start-command�'g find-string-from-port?�(f
@settitle �)f No \n@settitle found�*f "You have a @settitle, but no title�+g take-until-settitle�,g identity�-�{}@
�.f reading char data�/f �0g peek-next-char�1f EOF while reading char data�2f �3g PARA�4g read-char-data�5f Expecting @end for �6f , got �7g assert-token�8g error�9f no file listed�:g read-include-file-name�;g string->list�<g sxml->string�=g sxml->node-name�>g
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make-contents�]g string-prefix?�^g string-suffix?�_g append!�`g string-tokenize�a/ �bg string-join�cg trim-whitespace�df @set missing arguments�ef &expected a constant to define for @set�fg
fold-right�gg cons�hg assoc�if
unknown value�jf copying isn't set yet�kg fold�lg pre-post-order�mg texinfo-arguments�ng *text*�og *default*�C 5 hp~ ]4
!(5 4+ > "