Your IP :
GOOF----LE-8-2.0�! ] p 4 h� ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g scripts� g help� � g filenameS�
f scripts/help.scm� g importsS� g ice-9�
g format�
� � g
documentation� � � g srfi� g srfi-1� � g selectS� g fold� g
append-map� � � � g exportsS� g show-help� g show-summary� g
show-usage� g main� ! � "g set-current-module� #" � $" � %f Show a brief help message.� &g %summary� 'f help
help --all
help COMMAND� (g %synopsis� )f �
Show help on guild commands. With --all, show arcane incantations as
well. With COMMAND, show more detailed help for a particular command.
� *g %help� +g file-exists?� ,g file-is-directory?� -g opendir� .g eof-object?� /g closedir� 0g readdir� 1g string=?� 2f .� 3f ..� 4g directory-files� 5g or-map� 6g string-suffix?� 7g string-null?� 8g substring� 9g
string-length� :g append� ;g %load-compiled-extensions� <g %load-extensions� =g strip-extensions� >g unique� ?g map� @g symbol->string� Ag sort� Bg in-vicinity� Cg
%load-path� Dg string<?� Eg find-submodules� Fg display� Gf lUsage: guild COMMAND [ARGS]
Run command-line scripts provided by GNU Guile and related programs.
� Hg for-each� Ig string->symbol� Jg resolve-module� Kg ensureS� Lg and=>� Mg module-variable� Ng variable-ref� Og %include-in-guild-list� Pf ~A ~23t~a
� Qf ~A
� R � Sf
For help on a specific command, try "guild help COMMAND".
Report guild bugs to ~a
GNU Guile home page: <>
General help using GNU software: <>
For complete documentation, run: info guile 'Using Guile Tools'
� Tg %guile-bug-report-address� Ug
list-commands� Vg file-commentary� Wg %search-load-path� Xg module-filename� Yg module-commentary� Zg last-pair� [g module-name� \g module-command-name� ]g current-output-port� ^g string-split� _g
string-append� `f
OPTION...� af
Usage: guild � bg newline� cf
guild � df )No documentation found for command "~a".
� eg current-module� fg %mod� gf --all� hg � if -a� ji � kg current-error-port� lg exit� mg string-prefix?� nf -� of No command named "~a".
�C 5 hx � ]4
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