Your IP :
1) Install using web installer zip from here :
Step mentioned here :
Installer is at /install.html
2) Make our zip from zip archive mentioned in the code in web installer folder i.e /install/install/api/src/Api.php
i.e in constant const WINTER_ARCHIVE = '';
3) Copy 'vendor' folder, 'composer.lock' file from manual installation folder to our zip. Check and copy composer.json as well from manual installation if there is a difference in downloaded zip's file and installed file.
4) Check development dependencies in every version in this file /install/api/src/Api.php i.e in 'postCleanUp()' function,
i.e only the one's mentioned with comment //Remove core development files. Add those files to our <exclude> tag in install.xml.
These dependencies are removed by the script. Also compare with manual installation zip with original zip downloaded from to
check these changes and do them accordingly in our install.xml.
5. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK : Also check in install/api/src/Api.php in MIN_PHP_VERSION its mentioned 7.2.9 so we have kept the same in info.xml. Check PHP version on release notes as well for every major version release.
6. In config/cms.php, Change 'linkPolicy' => env('LINK_POLICY', 'detect'), to 'linkPolicy' => env('LINK_POLICY', 'force'), suggested by vendor as the image preview and the URL was breaking. Check in next version if the issue is resolved
Checked in 1.2.6 . Need to keep it to 'force', as image preview breaks.