Your IP :
1. Make manual installation where MySQL is >= 5.7.7
2. While manual installation : "Config Manager" -> Save Config and then move to Authentication/Accounts
3. Create data directory with "tmp" and "files" directory and add respective paths during manual installation.
4. Check and compare data directory everytime with Addressbook/Export/templates/*, Sales/Export/templates/*, Crm/Export/templates/*, Timetracker/Export/templates/*, Calendar/Export/templates/* of original zip. These files should match with "tmp" and "files" directory files.
5. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK: Setup\essentials.xml
MySQL requirement since 2019.02.2
6. We have set MySQL requirement to 5.6.4 because Some features are not available for MySQL < 5.6. Vendor has recommended to use MySQL 5.6.4
7. Setup.php was not accessible via web browser in tine 2018.8.3/4/5 hence we have made manual installation through command line with following command given by vendor.
php setup.php --config /home/soft/public_html/manual/tine202085/ --install
8. Download 2022.01.08-f54711b-nightly.tar.gz Package from github. i.e
9. Language can be changed from login page