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��^c @ sN d Z d � Z d � Z d d d � � YZ d � Z e d k rJ e � n d S( s Example of a generator: re-implement the built-in range function
without actually constructing the list of values.
OldStyleRange is coded in the way required to work in a 'for' loop before
iterators were introduced into the language; using __getitem__ and __len__ .
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r� t d � � n Xd S(
sg Take list of arguments and extract/create proper start, stop, and step
values and return in a tuplei i i i s step argument must not be zeroc s s | ] } t | � Vq d S( N( t int( t .0t x( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/classes/Range.pys <genexpr> s s$ range() accepts 1-3 arguments, givensA range() arguments must be numbers or strings representing numbersN( t lenR t
ValueErrort tuplet TypeError( t arglist( ( s* /usr/lib64/python2.7/Demo/classes/Range.pyt
handleargs s !
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