Your IP :
* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef DNS_TYPES_H
#define DNS_TYPES_H 1
/*! \file dns/types.h
* \brief
* Including this file gives you type declarations suitable for use in
* .h files, which lets us avoid circular type reference problems.
* \brief
* To actually use a type or get declarations of its methods, you must
* include the appropriate .h file too.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <isc/types.h>
typedef struct dns_acache dns_acache_t;
typedef struct dns_acacheentry dns_acacheentry_t;
typedef struct dns_acachestats dns_acachestats_t;
typedef struct dns_acl dns_acl_t;
typedef struct dns_aclelement dns_aclelement_t;
typedef struct dns_aclenv dns_aclenv_t;
typedef struct dns_adb dns_adb_t;
typedef struct dns_adbaddrinfo dns_adbaddrinfo_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_adbaddrinfo_t) dns_adbaddrinfolist_t;
typedef struct dns_adbentry dns_adbentry_t;
typedef struct dns_adbfind dns_adbfind_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_adbfind_t) dns_adbfindlist_t;
typedef struct dns_badcache dns_badcache_t;
typedef struct dns_byaddr dns_byaddr_t;
typedef struct dns_catz_zonemodmethods dns_catz_zonemodmethods_t;
typedef struct dns_catz_entry_options dns_catz_options_t;
typedef struct dns_catz_entry dns_catz_entry_t;
typedef struct dns_catz_zone dns_catz_zone_t;
typedef struct dns_catz_changed dns_catz_changed_t;
typedef struct dns_catz_zones dns_catz_zones_t;
typedef struct dns_client dns_client_t;
typedef void dns_clientrestrans_t;
typedef void dns_clientreqtrans_t;
typedef void dns_clientupdatetrans_t;
typedef struct dns_cache dns_cache_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_cert_t;
typedef struct dns_compress dns_compress_t;
typedef struct dns_db dns_db_t;
typedef struct dns_dbimplementation dns_dbimplementation_t;
typedef struct dns_dbiterator dns_dbiterator_t;
typedef void dns_dbload_t;
typedef void dns_dbnode_t;
typedef struct dns_dbonupdatelistener dns_dbonupdatelistener_t;
typedef struct dns_dbtable dns_dbtable_t;
typedef void dns_dbversion_t;
typedef struct dns_dlzimplementation dns_dlzimplementation_t;
typedef struct dns_dlzdb dns_dlzdb_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_dlzdb_t) dns_dlzdblist_t;
typedef struct dns_dyndbctx dns_dyndbctx_t;
typedef struct dns_sdlzimplementation dns_sdlzimplementation_t;
typedef struct dns_decompress dns_decompress_t;
typedef struct dns_dispatch dns_dispatch_t;
typedef struct dns_dispatchevent dns_dispatchevent_t;
typedef struct dns_dispatchlist dns_dispatchlist_t;
typedef struct dns_dispatchset dns_dispatchset_t;
typedef struct dns_dispatchmgr dns_dispatchmgr_t;
typedef struct dns_dispentry dns_dispentry_t;
typedef struct dns_dns64 dns_dns64_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_dns64_t) dns_dns64list_t;
typedef struct dns_dnsseckey dns_dnsseckey_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_dnsseckey_t) dns_dnsseckeylist_t;
typedef uint8_t dns_dsdigest_t;
typedef struct dns_dtdata dns_dtdata_t;
typedef struct dns_dtenv dns_dtenv_t;
typedef struct dns_dtmsg dns_dtmsg_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_dtmsgtype_t;
typedef struct dns_dumpctx dns_dumpctx_t;
typedef struct dns_ednsopt dns_ednsopt_t;
typedef struct dns_fetch dns_fetch_t;
typedef struct dns_fixedname dns_fixedname_t;
typedef struct dns_forwarders dns_forwarders_t;
typedef struct dns_forwarder dns_forwarder_t;
typedef struct dns_fwdtable dns_fwdtable_t;
typedef struct dns_geoip_databases dns_geoip_databases_t;
typedef struct dns_iptable dns_iptable_t;
typedef uint32_t dns_iterations_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_keyflags_t;
typedef struct dns_keynode dns_keynode_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_keynode_t) dns_keynodelist_t;
typedef struct dns_keytable dns_keytable_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_keytag_t;
typedef struct dns_loadctx dns_loadctx_t;
typedef struct dns_loadmgr dns_loadmgr_t;
typedef struct dns_masterrawheader dns_masterrawheader_t;
typedef uint64_t dns_masterstyle_flags_t;
typedef struct dns_message dns_message_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_messageid_t;
typedef isc_region_t dns_label_t;
typedef struct dns_lookup dns_lookup_t;
typedef struct dns_name dns_name_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_name_t) dns_namelist_t;
typedef struct dns_nta dns_nta_t;
typedef struct dns_ntatable dns_ntatable_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_opcode_t;
typedef unsigned char dns_offsets_t[128];
typedef struct dns_order dns_order_t;
typedef struct dns_peer dns_peer_t;
typedef struct dns_peerlist dns_peerlist_t;
typedef struct dns_portlist dns_portlist_t;
typedef struct dns_rbt dns_rbt_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_rcode_t;
typedef struct dns_rdata dns_rdata_t;
typedef struct dns_rdatacallbacks dns_rdatacallbacks_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_rdataclass_t;
typedef struct dns_rdatalist dns_rdatalist_t;
typedef struct dns_rdataset dns_rdataset_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_rdataset_t) dns_rdatasetlist_t;
typedef struct dns_rdatasetiter dns_rdatasetiter_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_rdatatype_t;
typedef struct dns_request dns_request_t;
typedef struct dns_requestmgr dns_requestmgr_t;
typedef struct dns_resolver dns_resolver_t;
typedef struct dns_sdbimplementation dns_sdbimplementation_t;
typedef uint8_t dns_secalg_t;
typedef uint8_t dns_secproto_t;
typedef struct dns_signature dns_signature_t;
typedef struct dns_ssurule dns_ssurule_t;
typedef struct dns_ssutable dns_ssutable_t;
typedef struct dns_stats dns_stats_t;
typedef uint32_t dns_rdatastatstype_t;
typedef struct dns_tkeyctx dns_tkeyctx_t;
typedef uint16_t dns_trust_t;
typedef struct dns_tsec dns_tsec_t;
typedef struct dns_tsig_keyring dns_tsig_keyring_t;
typedef struct dns_tsigkey dns_tsigkey_t;
typedef uint32_t dns_ttl_t;
typedef struct dns_update_state dns_update_state_t;
typedef struct dns_validator dns_validator_t;
typedef struct dns_view dns_view_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_view_t) dns_viewlist_t;
typedef struct dns_zone dns_zone_t;
typedef ISC_LIST(dns_zone_t) dns_zonelist_t;
typedef struct dns_zonemgr dns_zonemgr_t;
typedef struct dns_zt dns_zt_t;
typedef struct dns_ipkeylist dns_ipkeylist_t;
* If we are not using GSSAPI, define the types we use as opaque types here.
#ifndef GSSAPI
typedef struct not_defined_gss_cred_id *gss_cred_id_t;
typedef struct not_defined_gss_ctx *gss_ctx_id_t;
typedef struct dst_gssapi_signverifyctx dst_gssapi_signverifyctx_t;
typedef enum {
dns_hash_sha1 = 1
} dns_hash_t;
typedef enum {
dns_fwdpolicy_none = 0,
dns_fwdpolicy_first = 1,
dns_fwdpolicy_only = 2
} dns_fwdpolicy_t;
typedef enum {
dns_namereln_none = 0,
dns_namereln_contains = 1,
dns_namereln_subdomain = 2,
dns_namereln_equal = 3,
dns_namereln_commonancestor = 4
} dns_namereln_t;
typedef enum {
dns_one_answer, dns_many_answers
} dns_transfer_format_t;
typedef enum {
dns_dbtype_zone = 0, dns_dbtype_cache = 1, dns_dbtype_stub = 3
} dns_dbtype_t;
typedef enum {
dns_notifytype_no = 0,
dns_notifytype_yes = 1,
dns_notifytype_explicit = 2,
dns_notifytype_masteronly = 3
} dns_notifytype_t;
typedef enum {
dns_minimal_no = 0,
dns_minimal_yes = 1,
dns_minimal_noauth = 2,
dns_minimal_noauthrec = 3
} dns_minimaltype_t;
typedef enum {
dns_dialuptype_no = 0,
dns_dialuptype_yes = 1,
dns_dialuptype_notify = 2,
dns_dialuptype_notifypassive = 3,
dns_dialuptype_refresh = 4,
dns_dialuptype_passive = 5
} dns_dialuptype_t;
typedef enum {
dns_masterformat_none = 0,
dns_masterformat_text = 1,
dns_masterformat_raw = 2,
dns_masterformat_map = 3
} dns_masterformat_t;
typedef enum {
dns_aaaa_ok = 0,
dns_aaaa_filter = 1,
dns_aaaa_break_dnssec = 2
} dns_aaaa_t;
* These are generated by gen.c.
#include <dns/enumtype.h> /* Provides dns_rdatatype_t. */
#include <dns/enumclass.h> /* Provides dns_rdataclass_t. */
* rcodes.
enum {
* Standard rcodes.
dns_rcode_noerror = 0,
#define dns_rcode_noerror ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_noerror)
dns_rcode_formerr = 1,
#define dns_rcode_formerr ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_formerr)
dns_rcode_servfail = 2,
#define dns_rcode_servfail ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_servfail)
dns_rcode_nxdomain = 3,
#define dns_rcode_nxdomain ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_nxdomain)
dns_rcode_notimp = 4,
#define dns_rcode_notimp ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_notimp)
dns_rcode_refused = 5,
#define dns_rcode_refused ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_refused)
dns_rcode_yxdomain = 6,
#define dns_rcode_yxdomain ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_yxdomain)
dns_rcode_yxrrset = 7,
#define dns_rcode_yxrrset ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_yxrrset)
dns_rcode_nxrrset = 8,
#define dns_rcode_nxrrset ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_nxrrset)
dns_rcode_notauth = 9,
#define dns_rcode_notauth ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_notauth)
dns_rcode_notzone = 10,
#define dns_rcode_notzone ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_notzone)
* Extended rcodes.
dns_rcode_badvers = 16,
#define dns_rcode_badvers ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_badvers)
dns_rcode_badcookie = 23
#define dns_rcode_badcookie ((dns_rcode_t)dns_rcode_badcookie)
* Update dns_rcodestats_create() and dns_rcodestats_increment()
* and this comment if a rcode > dns_rcode_badcookie is assigned.
/* Private space [3841..4095] */
* TSIG errors.
enum {
dns_tsigerror_badsig = 16,
dns_tsigerror_badkey = 17,
dns_tsigerror_badtime = 18,
dns_tsigerror_badmode = 19,
dns_tsigerror_badname = 20,
dns_tsigerror_badalg = 21,
dns_tsigerror_badtrunc = 22
* Opcodes.
enum {
dns_opcode_query = 0,
#define dns_opcode_query ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_query)
dns_opcode_iquery = 1,
#define dns_opcode_iquery ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_iquery)
dns_opcode_status = 2,
#define dns_opcode_status ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_status)
dns_opcode_notify = 4,
#define dns_opcode_notify ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_notify)
dns_opcode_update = 5 /* dynamic update */
#define dns_opcode_update ((dns_opcode_t)dns_opcode_update)
* Trust levels. Must be kept in sync with trustnames[] in masterdump.c.
enum {
/* Sentinel value; no data should have this trust level. */
dns_trust_none = 0,
#define dns_trust_none ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_none)
* Subject to DNSSEC validation but has not yet been validated
* dns_trust_pending_additional (from the additional section).
dns_trust_pending_additional = 1,
#define dns_trust_pending_additional \
dns_trust_pending_answer = 2,
#define dns_trust_pending_answer ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_pending_answer)
/*% Received in the additional section of a response. */
dns_trust_additional = 3,
#define dns_trust_additional ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_additional)
/* Received in a referral response. */
dns_trust_glue = 4,
#define dns_trust_glue ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_glue)
/* Answer from a non-authoritative server */
dns_trust_answer = 5,
#define dns_trust_answer ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_answer)
/* Received in the authority section as part of an
authoritative response */
dns_trust_authauthority = 6,
#define dns_trust_authauthority ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_authauthority)
/* Answer from an authoritative server */
dns_trust_authanswer = 7,
#define dns_trust_authanswer ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_authanswer)
/* Successfully DNSSEC validated */
dns_trust_secure = 8,
#define dns_trust_secure ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_secure)
/* This server is authoritative */
dns_trust_ultimate = 9
#define dns_trust_ultimate ((dns_trust_t)dns_trust_ultimate)
#define DNS_TRUST_PENDING(x) ((x) == dns_trust_pending_answer || \
(x) == dns_trust_pending_additional)
#define DNS_TRUST_ADDITIONAL(x) ((x) == dns_trust_additional || \
(x) == dns_trust_pending_additional)
#define DNS_TRUST_GLUE(x) ((x) == dns_trust_glue)
#define DNS_TRUST_ANSWER(x) ((x) == dns_trust_answer)
* Name checking severities.
typedef enum {
} dns_severity_t;
* DNS Serial Number Update Method.
* \li _none: Keep the current serial.
* \li _increment: Add one to the current serial, skipping 0.
* \li _unixtime: Set to the seconds since 00:00 Jan 1, 1970,
* if possible.
* \li _date: Set to today's date in YYYYMMDDVV format:
* (Year, Month, Day, Version)
typedef enum {
dns_updatemethod_none = 0,
} dns_updatemethod_t;
typedef struct {
const char *string;
size_t count;
} dns_indent_t;
typedef enum {
} dns_stale_answer_t;
* Functions.
typedef void
(*dns_dumpdonefunc_t)(void *, isc_result_t);
typedef void
(*dns_loaddonefunc_t)(void *, isc_result_t);
typedef void
(*dns_rawdatafunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_masterrawheader_t *);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_addrdatasetfunc_t)(void *, dns_name_t *, dns_rdataset_t *);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_additionaldatafunc_t)(void *, dns_name_t *, dns_rdatatype_t);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_digestfunc_t)(void *, isc_region_t *);
typedef void
(*dns_xfrindone_t)(dns_zone_t *, isc_result_t);
typedef void
(*dns_updatecallback_t)(void *, isc_result_t, dns_message_t *);
typedef int
(*dns_rdatasetorderfunc_t)(const dns_rdata_t *, const void *);
typedef bool
(*dns_checkmxfunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_name_t *, dns_name_t *);
typedef bool
(*dns_checksrvfunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_name_t *, dns_name_t *);
typedef bool
(*dns_checknsfunc_t)(dns_zone_t *, dns_name_t *, dns_name_t *,
dns_rdataset_t *, dns_rdataset_t *);
typedef bool
(*dns_isselffunc_t)(dns_view_t *, dns_tsigkey_t *, isc_sockaddr_t *,
isc_sockaddr_t *, dns_rdataclass_t, void *);
typedef isc_result_t
(*dns_deserializefunc_t)(void *, FILE *, off_t);
typedef void
(*dns_nseclog_t)(void *val, int , const char *, ...);
#endif /* DNS_TYPES_H */