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* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef DNS_STATS_H
#define DNS_STATS_H 1
/*! \file dns/stats.h */
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <dns/types.h>
* Statistics counters. Used as isc_statscounter_t values.
enum {
* Resolver statistics counters.
dns_resstatscounter_queryv4 = 0,
dns_resstatscounter_queryv6 = 1,
dns_resstatscounter_responsev4 = 2,
dns_resstatscounter_responsev6 = 3,
dns_resstatscounter_nxdomain = 4,
dns_resstatscounter_servfail = 5,
dns_resstatscounter_formerr = 6,
dns_resstatscounter_othererror = 7,
dns_resstatscounter_edns0fail = 8,
dns_resstatscounter_mismatch = 9,
dns_resstatscounter_truncated = 10,
dns_resstatscounter_lame = 11,
dns_resstatscounter_retry = 12,
dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv4 = 13,
dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv6 = 14,
dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv4fail = 15,
dns_resstatscounter_gluefetchv6fail = 16,
dns_resstatscounter_val = 17,
dns_resstatscounter_valsuccess = 18,
dns_resstatscounter_valnegsuccess = 19,
dns_resstatscounter_valfail = 20,
dns_resstatscounter_dispabort = 21,
dns_resstatscounter_dispsockfail = 22,
dns_resstatscounter_querytimeout = 23,
dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt0 = 24,
dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt1 = 25,
dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt2 = 26,
dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt3 = 27,
dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt4 = 28,
dns_resstatscounter_queryrtt5 = 29,
dns_resstatscounter_nfetch = 30,
dns_resstatscounter_disprequdp = 31,
dns_resstatscounter_dispreqtcp = 32,
dns_resstatscounter_buckets = 33,
dns_resstatscounter_refused = 34,
dns_resstatscounter_cookienew = 35,
dns_resstatscounter_cookieout = 36,
dns_resstatscounter_cookiein = 37,
dns_resstatscounter_cookieok = 38,
dns_resstatscounter_badvers = 39,
dns_resstatscounter_badcookie = 40,
dns_resstatscounter_zonequota = 41,
dns_resstatscounter_serverquota = 42,
dns_resstatscounter_nextitem = 43,
dns_resstatscounter_max = 44,
* DNSSEC stats.
dns_dnssecstats_asis = 0,
dns_dnssecstats_downcase = 1,
dns_dnssecstats_wildcard = 2,
dns_dnssecstats_fail = 3,
dns_dnssecstats_max = 4,
* Zone statistics counters.
dns_zonestatscounter_notifyoutv4 = 0,
dns_zonestatscounter_notifyoutv6 = 1,
dns_zonestatscounter_notifyinv4 = 2,
dns_zonestatscounter_notifyinv6 = 3,
dns_zonestatscounter_notifyrej = 4,
dns_zonestatscounter_soaoutv4 = 5,
dns_zonestatscounter_soaoutv6 = 6,
dns_zonestatscounter_axfrreqv4 = 7,
dns_zonestatscounter_axfrreqv6 = 8,
dns_zonestatscounter_ixfrreqv4 = 9,
dns_zonestatscounter_ixfrreqv6 = 10,
dns_zonestatscounter_xfrsuccess = 11,
dns_zonestatscounter_xfrfail = 12,
dns_zonestatscounter_max = 13,
* Adb statistics values.
dns_adbstats_nentries = 0,
dns_adbstats_entriescnt = 1,
dns_adbstats_nnames = 2,
dns_adbstats_namescnt = 3,
dns_adbstats_max = 4,
* Cache statistics values.
dns_cachestatscounter_hits = 1,
dns_cachestatscounter_misses = 2,
dns_cachestatscounter_queryhits = 3,
dns_cachestatscounter_querymisses = 4,
dns_cachestatscounter_deletelru = 5,
dns_cachestatscounter_deletettl = 6,
dns_cachestatscounter_max = 7,
* Query statistics counters (obsolete).
dns_statscounter_success = 0, /*%< Successful lookup */
dns_statscounter_referral = 1, /*%< Referral result */
dns_statscounter_nxrrset = 2, /*%< NXRRSET result */
dns_statscounter_nxdomain = 3, /*%< NXDOMAIN result */
dns_statscounter_recursion = 4, /*%< Recursion was used */
dns_statscounter_failure = 5, /*%< Some other failure */
dns_statscounter_duplicate = 6, /*%< Duplicate query */
dns_statscounter_dropped = 7, /*%< Duplicate query (dropped) */
* DNSTAP statistics counters.
dns_dnstapcounter_success = 0,
dns_dnstapcounter_drop = 1,
dns_dnstapcounter_max = 2
#if 0
* Flag(s) for dns_xxxstats_dump(). DNS_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE is obsolete.
* ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE should be used instead. These two values are
* intentionally defined to be the same value to ensure binary compatibility.
#define DNS_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE 0x00000001 /*%< dump 0-value counters */
* (Obsoleted)
LIBDNS_EXTERNAL_DATA extern const char *dns_statscounter_names[];
* Attributes for statistics counters of RRset and Rdatatype types.
* The rdata type is not explicitly supported and the corresponding counter
* is counted for other such types, too. When this attribute is set,
* the base type is of no use.
* RRset type counters only. Indicates the RRset is non existent.
* RRset type counters only. Indicates a non existent name. When this
* attribute is set, the base type is of no use.
* RRset type counters only. This indicates a record that marked for
* removal.
* Note: incrementing _STALE will decrement the corresponding non-stale
* counter.
* Conversion macros among dns_rdatatype_t, attributes and isc_statscounter_t.
#define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_BASE(type) ((dns_rdatatype_t)((type) & 0xFFFF))
#define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_ATTR(type) ((type) >> 16)
#define DNS_RDATASTATSTYPE_VALUE(b, a) (((a) << 16) | (b))
* Types of dump callbacks.
typedef void (*dns_generalstats_dumper_t)(isc_statscounter_t, uint64_t,
void *);
typedef void (*dns_rdatatypestats_dumper_t)(dns_rdatastatstype_t, uint64_t,
void *);
typedef void (*dns_opcodestats_dumper_t)(dns_opcode_t, uint64_t, void *);
typedef void (*dns_rcodestats_dumper_t)(dns_rcode_t, uint64_t, void *);
dns_generalstats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp, int ncounters);
* Create a statistics counter structure of general type. It counts a general
* set of counters indexed by an ID between 0 and ncounters -1.
* This function is obsolete. A more general function, isc_stats_create(),
* should be used.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context.
*\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL.
* Returns:
*\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok
*\li anything else -- failure
dns_rdatatypestats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp);
* Create a statistics counter structure per rdatatype.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context.
*\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL.
* Returns:
*\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok
*\li anything else -- failure
dns_rdatasetstats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp);
* Create a statistics counter structure per RRset.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context.
*\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL.
* Returns:
*\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok
*\li anything else -- failure
dns_opcodestats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp);
* Create a statistics counter structure per opcode.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context.
*\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL.
* Returns:
*\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok
*\li anything else -- failure
dns_rcodestats_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_stats_t **statsp);
* Create a statistics counter structure per assigned rcode.
* Requires:
*\li 'mctx' must be a valid memory context.
*\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL.
* Returns:
*\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok
*\li anything else -- failure
dns_stats_attach(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_stats_t **statsp);
* Attach to a statistics set.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t.
*\li 'statsp' != NULL && '*statsp' == NULL
dns_stats_detach(dns_stats_t **statsp);
* Detaches from the statistics set.
* Requires:
*\li 'statsp' != NULL and '*statsp' is a valid dns_stats_t.
dns_generalstats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, isc_statscounter_t counter);
* Increment the counter-th counter of stats. This function is obsolete.
* A more general function, isc_stats_increment(), should be used.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create().
*\li counter is less than the maximum available ID for the stats specified
* on creation.
dns_rdatatypestats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatatype_t type);
* Increment the statistics counter for 'type'.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rdatatypestats_create().
dns_rdatasetstats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatastatstype_t rrsettype);
* Increment the statistics counter for 'rrsettype'.
* Note: if 'rrsettype' has the _STALE attribute set the corresponding
* non-stale counter will be decremented.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rdatasetstats_create().
dns_rdatasetstats_decrement(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatastatstype_t rrsettype);
* Decrement the statistics counter for 'rrsettype'.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rdatasetstats_create().
dns_opcodestats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_opcode_t code);
* Increment the statistics counter for 'code'.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_opcodestats_create().
dns_rcodestats_increment(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_opcode_t code);
* Increment the statistics counter for 'code'.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_rcodestats_create().
dns_generalstats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_generalstats_dumper_t dump_fn,
void *arg, unsigned int options);
* Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter
* in stats, dump_fn is called with its current value and the given argument
* arg. By default counters that have a value of 0 is skipped; if options has
* the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even such counters are dumped.
* This function is obsolete. A more general function, isc_stats_dump(),
* should be used.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create().
dns_rdatatypestats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatatypestats_dumper_t dump_fn,
void *arg, unsigned int options);
* Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter
* in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding type in the form of
* dns_rdatastatstype_t, the current counter value and the given argument
* arg. By default counters that have a value of 0 is skipped; if options has
* the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even such counters are dumped.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create().
dns_rdatasetstats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rdatatypestats_dumper_t dump_fn,
void *arg, unsigned int options);
* Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter
* in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding type in the form of
* dns_rdatastatstype_t, the current counter value and the given argument
* arg. By default counters that have a value of 0 is skipped; if options has
* the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even such counters are dumped.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create().
dns_opcodestats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_opcodestats_dumper_t dump_fn,
void *arg, unsigned int options);
* Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter
* in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding opcode, the current
* counter value and the given argument arg. By default counters that have a
* value of 0 is skipped; if options has the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even
* such counters are dumped.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create().
dns_rcodestats_dump(dns_stats_t *stats, dns_rcodestats_dumper_t dump_fn,
void *arg, unsigned int options);
* Dump the current statistics counters in a specified way. For each counter
* in stats, dump_fn is called with the corresponding rcode, the current
* counter value and the given argument arg. By default counters that have a
* value of 0 is skipped; if options has the ISC_STATSDUMP_VERBOSE flag, even
* such counters are dumped.
* Requires:
*\li 'stats' is a valid dns_stats_t created by dns_generalstats_create().
dns_stats_alloccounters(isc_mem_t *mctx, uint64_t **ctrp);
* Allocate an array of query statistics counters from the memory
* context 'mctx'.
* This function is obsoleted. Use dns_xxxstats_create() instead.
dns_stats_freecounters(isc_mem_t *mctx, uint64_t **ctrp);
* Free an array of query statistics counters allocated from the memory
* context 'mctx'.
* This function is obsoleted. Use dns_stats_destroy() instead.
#endif /* DNS_STATS_H */