Your IP :
/* hv.h
* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
* 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, by Larry Wall and others
* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
/* These control hash traversal randomization and the environment variable PERL_PERTURB_KEYS.
* Currently disabling this functionality will break a few tests, but should otherwise work fine.
* See perlrun for more details. */
# define PERL_HASH_ITER_BUCKET(iter) ((iter)->xhv_riter)
# else
# define PL_HASH_RAND_BITS_ENABLED PL_hash_rand_bits_enabled
# endif
# define PERL_HASH_ITER_BUCKET(iter) (((iter)->xhv_riter) ^ ((iter)->xhv_rand))
/* entry in hash value chain */
struct he {
/* Keep hent_next first in this structure, because sv_free_arenas take
advantage of this to share code between the he arenas and the SV
body arenas */
HE *hent_next; /* next entry in chain */
HEK *hent_hek; /* hash key */
union {
SV *hent_val; /* scalar value that was hashed */
Size_t hent_refcount; /* references for this shared hash key */
} he_valu;
/* hash key -- defined separately for use as shared pointer */
struct hek {
U32 hek_hash; /* computed hash of key */
I32 hek_len; /* length of the hash key */
/* Be careful! Sometimes we store a pointer in the hek_key
* buffer, which means it must be 8 byte aligned or things
* dont work on aligned platforms like HPUX
* Also beware, the last byte of the hek_key buffer is a
* hidden flags byte about the key. */
char hek_key[1]; /* variable-length hash key */
/* the hash-key is \0-terminated */
/* after the \0 there is a byte for flags, such as whether the key
is UTF-8 or WAS-UTF-8, or an SV */
struct shared_he {
struct he shared_he_he;
struct hek shared_he_hek;
/* Subject to change.
Don't access this directly.
Use the funcs in mro_core.c
struct mro_alg {
AV *(*resolve)(pTHX_ HV* stash, U32 level);
const char *name;
U16 length;
U16 kflags; /* For the hash API - set HVhek_UTF8 if name is UTF-8 */
U32 hash; /* or 0 */
struct mro_meta {
/* a hash holding the different MROs private data. */
HV *mro_linear_all;
/* a pointer directly to the current MROs private data. If mro_linear_all
is NULL, this owns the SV reference, else it is just a pointer to a
value stored in and owned by mro_linear_all. */
SV *mro_linear_current;
HV *mro_nextmethod; /* next::method caching */
U32 cache_gen; /* Bumping this invalidates our method cache */
U32 pkg_gen; /* Bumps when local methods/@ISA change */
const struct mro_alg *mro_which; /* which mro alg is in use? */
HV *isa; /* Everything this class @ISA */
HV *super; /* SUPER method cache */
CV *destroy; /* DESTROY method if destroy_gen non-zero */
U32 destroy_gen; /* Generation number of DESTROY cache */
#define MRO_GET_PRIVATE_DATA(smeta, which) \
(((smeta)->mro_which && (which) == (smeta)->mro_which) \
? (smeta)->mro_linear_current \
: Perl_mro_get_private_data(aTHX_ (smeta), (which)))
/* Subject to change.
Don't access this directly.
union _xhvnameu {
HEK *xhvnameu_name; /* When xhv_name_count is 0 */
HEK **xhvnameu_names; /* When xhv_name_count is non-0 */
struct xpvhv_aux {
union _xhvnameu xhv_name_u; /* name, if a symbol table */
AV *xhv_backreferences; /* back references for weak references */
HE *xhv_eiter; /* current entry of iterator */
I32 xhv_riter; /* current root of iterator */
/* Concerning xhv_name_count: When non-zero, xhv_name_u contains a pointer
* to an array of HEK pointers, this being the length. The first element is
* the name of the stash, which may be NULL. If xhv_name_count is positive,
* then *xhv_name is one of the effective names. If xhv_name_count is nega-
* tive, then xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_names[1] is the first effective name.
I32 xhv_name_count;
struct mro_meta *xhv_mro_meta;
U32 xhv_rand; /* random value for hash traversal */
U32 xhv_last_rand; /* last random value for hash traversal,
used to detect each() after insert for warnings */
U32 xhv_aux_flags; /* assorted extra flags */
#define HvAUXf_SCAN_STASH 0x1 /* stash is being scanned by gv_check */
#define HvAUXf_NO_DEREF 0x2 /* @{}, %{} etc (and nomethod) not present */
/* hash structure: */
/* This structure must match the beginning of struct xpvmg in sv.h. */
struct xpvhv {
HV* xmg_stash; /* class package */
union _xmgu xmg_u;
STRLEN xhv_keys; /* total keys, including placeholders */
STRLEN xhv_max; /* subscript of last element of xhv_array */
=head1 Hash Manipulation Functions
=for apidoc AmU||HEf_SVKEY
This flag, used in the length slot of hash entries and magic structures,
specifies the structure contains an C<SV*> pointer where a C<char*> pointer
is to be expected. (For information only--not to be used).
=head1 Handy Values
=for apidoc AmU||Nullhv
Null HV pointer.
(deprecated - use C<(HV *)NULL> instead)
=head1 Hash Manipulation Functions
=for apidoc Am|char*|HvNAME|HV* stash
Returns the package name of a stash, or C<NULL> if C<stash> isn't a stash.
See C<L</SvSTASH>>, C<L</CvSTASH>>.
=for apidoc Am|STRLEN|HvNAMELEN|HV *stash
Returns the length of the stash's name.
=for apidoc Am|unsigned char|HvNAMEUTF8|HV *stash
Returns true if the name is in UTF-8 encoding.
=for apidoc Am|char*|HvENAME|HV* stash
Returns the effective name of a stash, or NULL if there is none. The
effective name represents a location in the symbol table where this stash
resides. It is updated automatically when packages are aliased or deleted.
A stash that is no longer in the symbol table has no effective name. This
name is preferable to C<HvNAME> for use in MRO linearisations and isa
=for apidoc Am|STRLEN|HvENAMELEN|HV *stash
Returns the length of the stash's effective name.
=for apidoc Am|unsigned char|HvENAMEUTF8|HV *stash
Returns true if the effective name is in UTF-8 encoding.
=for apidoc Am|void*|HeKEY|HE* he
Returns the actual pointer stored in the key slot of the hash entry. The
pointer may be either C<char*> or C<SV*>, depending on the value of
C<HeKLEN()>. Can be assigned to. The C<HePV()> or C<HeSVKEY()> macros are
usually preferable for finding the value of a key.
=for apidoc Am|STRLEN|HeKLEN|HE* he
If this is negative, and amounts to C<HEf_SVKEY>, it indicates the entry
holds an C<SV*> key. Otherwise, holds the actual length of the key. Can
be assigned to. The C<HePV()> macro is usually preferable for finding key
=for apidoc Am|SV*|HeVAL|HE* he
Returns the value slot (type C<SV*>)
stored in the hash entry. Can be assigned
SV *foo= HeVAL(hv);
HeVAL(hv)= sv;
=for apidoc Am|U32|HeHASH|HE* he
Returns the computed hash stored in the hash entry.
=for apidoc Am|char*|HePV|HE* he|STRLEN len
Returns the key slot of the hash entry as a C<char*> value, doing any
necessary dereferencing of possibly C<SV*> keys. The length of the string
is placed in C<len> (this is a macro, so do I<not> use C<&len>). If you do
not care about what the length of the key is, you may use the global
variable C<PL_na>, though this is rather less efficient than using a local
variable. Remember though, that hash keys in perl are free to contain
embedded nulls, so using C<strlen()> or similar is not a good way to find
the length of hash keys. This is very similar to the C<SvPV()> macro
described elsewhere in this document. See also C<L</HeUTF8>>.
If you are using C<HePV> to get values to pass to C<newSVpvn()> to create a
new SV, you should consider using C<newSVhek(HeKEY_hek(he))> as it is more
=for apidoc Am|U32|HeUTF8|HE* he
Returns whether the C<char *> value returned by C<HePV> is encoded in UTF-8,
doing any necessary dereferencing of possibly C<SV*> keys. The value returned
will be 0 or non-0, not necessarily 1 (or even a value with any low bits set),
so B<do not> blindly assign this to a C<bool> variable, as C<bool> may be a
typedef for C<char>.
=for apidoc Am|SV*|HeSVKEY|HE* he
Returns the key as an C<SV*>, or C<NULL> if the hash entry does not
contain an C<SV*> key.
=for apidoc Am|SV*|HeSVKEY_force|HE* he
Returns the key as an C<SV*>. Will create and return a temporary mortal
C<SV*> if the hash entry contains only a C<char*> key.
=for apidoc Am|SV*|HeSVKEY_set|HE* he|SV* sv
Sets the key to a given C<SV*>, taking care to set the appropriate flags to
indicate the presence of an C<SV*> key, and returns the same
/* During hsplit(), if HvMAX(hv)+1 (the new bucket count) is >= this value,
* we preallocate the HvAUX() struct.
* The assumption being that we are using so much space anyway we might
* as well allocate the extra bytes and speed up later keys()
* or each() operations. We don't do this to small hashes as we assume
* that a) it will be easy/fast to resize them to add the iterator, and b) that
* many of them will be objects which won't be traversed. Larger hashes however
* will take longer to extend, and the size of the aux struct is swamped by the
* overall length of the bucket array.
* */
#define PERL_HV_ALLOC_AUX_SIZE (1 << 9)
/* these hash entry flags ride on hent_klen (for use only in magic/tied HVs) */
#define HEf_SVKEY -2 /* hent_key is an SV* */
#ifndef PERL_CORE
# define Nullhv Null(HV*)
#define HvARRAY(hv) ((hv)->sv_u.svu_hash)
#define HvFILL(hv) Perl_hv_fill(aTHX_ MUTABLE_HV(hv))
#define HvMAX(hv) ((XPVHV*) SvANY(hv))->xhv_max
/* This quite intentionally does no flag checking first. That's your
responsibility. */
#define HvAUX(hv) ((struct xpvhv_aux*)&(HvARRAY(hv)[HvMAX(hv)+1]))
#define HvRITER(hv) (*Perl_hv_riter_p(aTHX_ MUTABLE_HV(hv)))
#define HvEITER(hv) (*Perl_hv_eiter_p(aTHX_ MUTABLE_HV(hv)))
#define HvRITER_set(hv,r) Perl_hv_riter_set(aTHX_ MUTABLE_HV(hv), r)
#define HvEITER_set(hv,e) Perl_hv_eiter_set(aTHX_ MUTABLE_HV(hv), e)
#define HvRITER_get(hv) (SvOOK(hv) ? HvAUX(hv)->xhv_riter : -1)
#define HvEITER_get(hv) (SvOOK(hv) ? HvAUX(hv)->xhv_eiter : NULL)
#define HvRAND_get(hv) (SvOOK(hv) ? HvAUX(hv)->xhv_rand : 0)
#define HvLASTRAND_get(hv) (SvOOK(hv) ? HvAUX(hv)->xhv_last_rand : 0)
#define HvNAME(hv) HvNAME_get(hv)
#define HvNAMELEN(hv) HvNAMELEN_get(hv)
#define HvENAME(hv) HvENAME_get(hv)
#define HvENAMELEN(hv) HvENAMELEN_get(hv)
/* Checking that hv is a valid package stash is the
caller's responsibility */
#define HvMROMETA(hv) (HvAUX(hv)->xhv_mro_meta \
? HvAUX(hv)->xhv_mro_meta \
: Perl_mro_meta_init(aTHX_ hv))
#define HvNAME_HEK_NN(hv) \
( \
HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_count \
? *HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_names \
: HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name \
/* This macro may go away without notice. */
#define HvNAME_HEK(hv) \
(SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name ? HvNAME_HEK_NN(hv) : NULL)
#define HvNAME_get(hv) \
((SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name && HvNAME_HEK_NN(hv)) \
#define HvNAMELEN_get(hv) \
((SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name && HvNAME_HEK_NN(hv)) \
? HEK_LEN(HvNAME_HEK_NN(hv)) : 0)
#define HvNAMEUTF8(hv) \
((SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name && HvNAME_HEK_NN(hv)) \
? HEK_UTF8(HvNAME_HEK_NN(hv)) : 0)
#define HvENAME_HEK_NN(hv) \
( \
HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_count > 0 ? HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_names[0] : \
HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_count < -1 ? HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_names[1] : \
HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_count == -1 ? NULL : \
HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name \
#define HvENAME_HEK(hv) \
(SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name ? HvENAME_HEK_NN(hv) : NULL)
#define HvENAME_get(hv) \
((SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_count != -1) \
#define HvENAMELEN_get(hv) \
((SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_count != -1) \
? HEK_LEN(HvENAME_HEK_NN(hv)) : 0)
#define HvENAMEUTF8(hv) \
((SvOOK(hv) && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name && HvAUX(hv)->xhv_name_count != -1) \
? HEK_UTF8(HvENAME_HEK_NN(hv)) : 0)
/* the number of keys (including any placeholders) - NOT PART OF THE API */
#define XHvTOTALKEYS(xhv) ((xhv)->xhv_keys)
* HvKEYS gets the number of keys that actually exist(), and is provided
* for backwards compatibility with old XS code. The core uses HvUSEDKEYS
* (keys, excluding placeholders) and HvTOTALKEYS (including placeholders)
#define HvKEYS(hv) HvUSEDKEYS(hv)
#define HvUSEDKEYS(hv) (HvTOTALKEYS(hv) - HvPLACEHOLDERS_get(hv))
#define HvPLACEHOLDERS(hv) (*Perl_hv_placeholders_p(aTHX_ MUTABLE_HV(hv)))
#define HvPLACEHOLDERS_get(hv) (SvMAGIC(hv) ? Perl_hv_placeholders_get(aTHX_ (const HV *)hv) : 0)
#define HvPLACEHOLDERS_set(hv,p) Perl_hv_placeholders_set(aTHX_ MUTABLE_HV(hv), p)
#define HvSHAREKEYS(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) & SVphv_SHAREKEYS)
#define HvSHAREKEYS_on(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) |= SVphv_SHAREKEYS)
#define HvSHAREKEYS_off(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) &= ~SVphv_SHAREKEYS)
/* This is an optimisation flag. It won't be set if all hash keys have a 0
* flag. Currently the only flags relate to utf8.
* Hence it won't be set if all keys are 8 bit only. It will be set if any key
* is utf8 (including 8 bit keys that were entered as utf8, and need upgrading
* when retrieved during iteration. It may still be set when there are no longer
* any utf8 keys.
* See HVhek_ENABLEHVKFLAGS for the trigger.
#define HvHASKFLAGS(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) & SVphv_HASKFLAGS)
#define HvHASKFLAGS_on(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) |= SVphv_HASKFLAGS)
#define HvHASKFLAGS_off(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) &= ~SVphv_HASKFLAGS)
#define HvLAZYDEL(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) & SVphv_LAZYDEL)
#define HvLAZYDEL_on(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) |= SVphv_LAZYDEL)
#define HvLAZYDEL_off(hv) (SvFLAGS(hv) &= ~SVphv_LAZYDEL)
#ifndef PERL_CORE
# define Nullhe Null(HE*)
#define HeNEXT(he) (he)->hent_next
#define HeKEY_hek(he) (he)->hent_hek
#define HeKEY(he) HEK_KEY(HeKEY_hek(he))
#define HeKEY_sv(he) (*(SV**)HeKEY(he))
#define HeKLEN(he) HEK_LEN(HeKEY_hek(he))
#define HeKUTF8(he) HEK_UTF8(HeKEY_hek(he))
#define HeKWASUTF8(he) HEK_WASUTF8(HeKEY_hek(he))
#define HeKLEN_UTF8(he) (HeKUTF8(he) ? -HeKLEN(he) : HeKLEN(he))
#define HeKFLAGS(he) HEK_FLAGS(HeKEY_hek(he))
#define HeVAL(he) (he)->he_valu.hent_val
#define HeHASH(he) HEK_HASH(HeKEY_hek(he))
#define HePV(he,lp) ((HeKLEN(he) == HEf_SVKEY) ? \
SvPV(HeKEY_sv(he),lp) : \
((lp = HeKLEN(he)), HeKEY(he)))
#define HeUTF8(he) ((HeKLEN(he) == HEf_SVKEY) ? \
SvUTF8(HeKEY_sv(he)) : \
#define HeSVKEY(he) ((HeKEY(he) && \
HeKLEN(he) == HEf_SVKEY) ? \
HeKEY_sv(he) : NULL)
#define HeSVKEY_force(he) (HeKEY(he) ? \
((HeKLEN(he) == HEf_SVKEY) ? \
HeKEY_sv(he) : \
newSVpvn_flags(HeKEY(he), \
HeKLEN(he), \
SVs_TEMP | \
( HeKUTF8(he) ? SVf_UTF8 : 0 ))) : \
#define HeSVKEY_set(he,sv) ((HeKLEN(he) = HEf_SVKEY), (HeKEY_sv(he) = sv))
#ifndef PERL_CORE
# define Nullhek Null(HEK*)
#define HEK_HASH(hek) (hek)->hek_hash
#define HEK_LEN(hek) (hek)->hek_len
#define HEK_KEY(hek) (hek)->hek_key
#define HEK_FLAGS(hek) (*((unsigned char *)(HEK_KEY(hek))+HEK_LEN(hek)+1))
#define HVhek_UTF8 0x01 /* Key is utf8 encoded. */
#define HVhek_WASUTF8 0x02 /* Key is bytes here, but was supplied as utf8. */
#define HVhek_UNSHARED 0x08 /* This key isn't a shared hash key. */
/* the following flags are options for functions, they are not stored in heks */
#define HVhek_FREEKEY 0x100 /* Internal flag to say key is Newx()ed. */
#define HVhek_PLACEHOLD 0x200 /* Internal flag to create placeholder.
* (may change, but Storable is a core module) */
#define HVhek_KEYCANONICAL 0x400 /* Internal flag - key is in canonical form.
If the string is UTF-8, it cannot be
converted to bytes. */
#define HVhek_MASK 0xFF
#define HEK_UTF8(hek) (HEK_FLAGS(hek) & HVhek_UTF8)
#define HEK_UTF8_on(hek) (HEK_FLAGS(hek) |= HVhek_UTF8)
#define HEK_UTF8_off(hek) (HEK_FLAGS(hek) &= ~HVhek_UTF8)
#define HEK_WASUTF8(hek) (HEK_FLAGS(hek) & HVhek_WASUTF8)
#define HEK_WASUTF8_on(hek) (HEK_FLAGS(hek) |= HVhek_WASUTF8)
#define HEK_WASUTF8_off(hek) (HEK_FLAGS(hek) &= ~HVhek_WASUTF8)
/* calculate HV array allocation */
/* Default to allocating the correct size - default to assuming that malloc()
is not broken and is efficient at allocating blocks sized at powers-of-two.
# define PERL_HV_ARRAY_ALLOC_BYTES(size) ((size) * sizeof(HE*))
# define PERL_HV_ARRAY_ALLOC_BYTES(size) \
(((size) < 64) \
? (size) * sizeof(HE*) \
: (size) * sizeof(HE*) * 2 - MALLOC_OVERHEAD)
/* Flags for hv_iternext_flags. */
#define HV_ITERNEXT_WANTPLACEHOLDERS 0x01 /* Don't skip placeholders. */
#define hv_iternext(hv) hv_iternext_flags(hv, 0)
#define hv_magic(hv, gv, how) sv_magic(MUTABLE_SV(hv), MUTABLE_SV(gv), how, NULL, 0)
#define hv_undef(hv) Perl_hv_undef_flags(aTHX_ hv, 0)
#define Perl_sharepvn(pv, len, hash) HEK_KEY(share_hek(pv, len, hash))
#define sharepvn(pv, len, hash) Perl_sharepvn(pv, len, hash)
#define share_hek_hek(hek) \
(++(((struct shared_he *)(((char *)hek) \
- STRUCT_OFFSET(struct shared_he, \
shared_he_hek))) \
->shared_he_he.he_valu.hent_refcount), \
#define hv_store_ent(hv, keysv, val, hash) \
((HE *) hv_common((hv), (keysv), NULL, 0, 0, HV_FETCH_ISSTORE, \
(val), (hash)))
#define hv_exists_ent(hv, keysv, hash) \
cBOOL(hv_common((hv), (keysv), NULL, 0, 0, HV_FETCH_ISEXISTS, 0, (hash)))
#define hv_fetch_ent(hv, keysv, lval, hash) \
((HE *) hv_common((hv), (keysv), NULL, 0, 0, \
((lval) ? HV_FETCH_LVALUE : 0), NULL, (hash)))
#define hv_delete_ent(hv, key, flags, hash) \
(MUTABLE_SV(hv_common((hv), (key), NULL, 0, 0, (flags) | HV_DELETE, \
NULL, (hash))))
#define hv_store_flags(hv, key, klen, val, hash, flags) \
((SV**) hv_common((hv), NULL, (key), (klen), (flags), \
#define hv_store(hv, key, klen, val, hash) \
((SV**) hv_common_key_len((hv), (key), (klen), \
(val), (hash)))
#define hv_exists(hv, key, klen) \
cBOOL(hv_common_key_len((hv), (key), (klen), HV_FETCH_ISEXISTS, NULL, 0))
#define hv_fetch(hv, key, klen, lval) \
((SV**) hv_common_key_len((hv), (key), (klen), (lval) \
#define hv_delete(hv, key, klen, flags) \
(MUTABLE_SV(hv_common_key_len((hv), (key), (klen), \
(flags) | HV_DELETE, NULL, 0)))
/* Provide 's' suffix subs for constant strings (and avoid needing to count
* chars). See STR_WITH_LEN in handy.h - because these are macros we cant use
* STR_WITH_LEN to do the work, we have to unroll it. */
#define hv_existss(hv, key) \
hv_exists((hv), ("" key ""), (sizeof(key)-1))
#define hv_fetchs(hv, key, lval) \
hv_fetch((hv), ("" key ""), (sizeof(key)-1), (lval))
#define hv_deletes(hv, key, flags) \
hv_delete((hv), ("" key ""), (sizeof(key)-1), (flags))
#define hv_name_sets(hv, name, flags) \
hv_name_set((hv),("" name ""),(sizeof(name)-1), flags)
#define hv_stores(hv, key, val) \
hv_store((hv), ("" key ""), (sizeof(key)-1), (val), 0)
#ifdef PERL_CORE
# define hv_storehek(hv, hek, val) \
hv_common((hv), NULL, HEK_KEY(hek), HEK_LEN(hek), HEK_UTF8(hek), \
# define hv_fetchhek(hv, hek, lval) \
((SV **) \
hv_common((hv), NULL, HEK_KEY(hek), HEK_LEN(hek), HEK_UTF8(hek), \
(lval) \
# define hv_deletehek(hv, hek, flags) \
hv_common((hv), NULL, HEK_KEY(hek), HEK_LEN(hek), HEK_UTF8(hek), \
(flags)|HV_DELETE, NULL, HEK_HASH(hek))
/* This refcounted he structure is used for storing the hints used for lexical
pragmas. Without threads, it's basically struct he + refcount.
With threads, life gets more complex as the structure needs to be shared
between threads (because it hangs from OPs, which are shared), hence the
alternate definition and mutex. */
struct refcounted_he;
/* flags for the refcounted_he API */
#define REFCOUNTED_HE_KEY_UTF8 0x00000001
#ifdef PERL_CORE
# define REFCOUNTED_HE_EXISTS 0x00000002
#ifdef PERL_CORE
/* Gosh. This really isn't a good name any longer. */
struct refcounted_he {
struct refcounted_he *refcounted_he_next; /* next entry in chain */
U32 refcounted_he_hash;
U32 refcounted_he_keylen;
HEK *refcounted_he_hek; /* hint key */
union {
IV refcounted_he_u_iv;
UV refcounted_he_u_uv;
STRLEN refcounted_he_u_len;
void *refcounted_he_u_ptr; /* Might be useful in future */
} refcounted_he_val;
U32 refcounted_he_refcnt; /* reference count */
/* First byte is flags. Then NUL-terminated value. Then for ithreads,
non-NUL terminated key. */
char refcounted_he_data[1];
=for apidoc m|SV *|refcounted_he_fetch_pvs|const struct refcounted_he *chain|const char *key|U32 flags
Like L</refcounted_he_fetch_pvn>, but takes a C<NUL>-terminated literal string
instead of a string/length pair, and no precomputed hash.
#define refcounted_he_fetch_pvs(chain, key, flags) \
Perl_refcounted_he_fetch_pvn(aTHX_ chain, STR_WITH_LEN(key), 0, flags)
=for apidoc m|struct refcounted_he *|refcounted_he_new_pvs|struct refcounted_he *parent|const char *key|SV *value|U32 flags
Like L</refcounted_he_new_pvn>, but takes a C<NUL>-terminated literal string
instead of a string/length pair, and no precomputed hash.
#define refcounted_he_new_pvs(parent, key, value, flags) \
Perl_refcounted_he_new_pvn(aTHX_ parent, STR_WITH_LEN(key), 0, value, flags)
/* Flag bits are HVhek_UTF8, HVhek_WASUTF8, then */
#define HVrhek_undef 0x00 /* Value is undef. */
#define HVrhek_delete 0x10 /* Value is placeholder - signifies delete. */
#define HVrhek_IV 0x20 /* Value is IV. */
#define HVrhek_UV 0x30 /* Value is UV. */
#define HVrhek_PV 0x40 /* Value is a (byte) string. */
#define HVrhek_PV_UTF8 0x50 /* Value is a (utf8) string. */
/* Two spare. As these have to live in the optree, you can't store anything
interpreter specific, such as SVs. :-( */
#define HVrhek_typemask 0x70
/* A big expression to find the key offset */
#define REF_HE_KEY(chain) \
((((chain->refcounted_he_data[0] & 0x60) == 0x40) \
? chain->refcounted_he_val.refcounted_he_u_len + 1 : 0) \
+ 1 + chain->refcounted_he_data)
# define HINTS_REFCNT_LOCK MUTEX_LOCK(&PL_hints_mutex)
# else
# endif
# define HINTS_REFCNT_INIT MUTEX_INIT(&PL_hints_mutex)
/* Hash actions
* Passed in PERL_MAGIC_uvar calls
/* We need to ensure that these don't clash with G_DISCARD, which is 2, as it
is documented as being passed to hv_delete(). */
#define HV_FETCH_ISSTORE 0x04
#define HV_FETCH_ISEXISTS 0x08
#define HV_FETCH_LVALUE 0x10
#define HV_FETCH_JUST_SV 0x20
#define HV_DELETE 0x40
#define HV_FETCH_EMPTY_HE 0x80 /* Leave HeVAL null. */
/* Must not conflict with HVhek_UTF8 */
#define HV_NAME_SETALL 0x02
=for apidoc newHV
Creates a new HV. The reference count is set to 1.
#define newHV() MUTABLE_HV(newSV_type(SVt_PVHV))
#include "hv_func.h"
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