Your IP :
command -v getarg >/dev/null || . /lib/
# check if the crypttab contains an entry for a LUKS UUID
crypttab_contains() {
local luks="$1"
local dev="$2"
local l d rest
if [ -f /etc/crypttab ]; then
while read l d rest || [ -n "$l" ]; do
strstr "${l##luks-}" "${luks##luks-}" && return 0
strstr "$d" "${luks##luks-}" && return 0
if [ -n "$dev" ]; then
for _dev in $(devnames $d); do
[ "$dev" -ef "$_dev" ] && return 0
if [ -e /etc/ ]; then
# search for line starting with $d
_line=$(sed -n "\,^$d .*$,{p}" /etc/
[ -z "$_line" ] && continue
# get second column with uuid
_uuid="$(echo $_line | sed 's,^.* \(.*$\),\1,')"
strstr "$_uuid" "${luks##luks-}" && return 0
done < /etc/crypttab
return 1
# ask_for_password
# Wraps around plymouth ask-for-password and adds fallback to tty password ask
# if plymouth is not present.
# --cmd command
# Command to execute. Required.
# --prompt prompt
# Password prompt. Note that function already adds ':' at the end.
# Recommended.
# --tries n
# How many times repeat command on its failure. Default is 3.
# --ply-[cmd|prompt|tries]
# Command/prompt/tries specific for plymouth password ask only.
# --tty-[cmd|prompt|tries]
# Command/prompt/tries specific for tty password ask only.
# --tty-echo-off
# Turn off input echo before tty command is executed and turn on after.
# It's useful when password is read from stdin.
ask_for_password() {
local cmd; local prompt; local tries=3
local ply_cmd; local ply_prompt; local ply_tries=3
local tty_cmd; local tty_prompt; local tty_tries=3
local ret
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
--cmd) ply_cmd="$2"; tty_cmd="$2"; shift;;
--ply-cmd) ply_cmd="$2"; shift;;
--tty-cmd) tty_cmd="$2"; shift;;
--prompt) ply_prompt="$2"; tty_prompt="$2"; shift;;
--ply-prompt) ply_prompt="$2"; shift;;
--tty-prompt) tty_prompt="$2"; shift;;
--tries) ply_tries="$2"; tty_tries="$2"; shift;;
--ply-tries) ply_tries="$2"; shift;;
--tty-tries) tty_tries="$2"; shift;;
--tty-echo-off) tty_echo_off=yes;;
{ flock -s 9;
# Prompt for password with plymouth, if installed and running.
if type plymouth >/dev/null 2>&1 && plymouth --ping 2>/dev/null; then
plymouth ask-for-password \
--prompt "$ply_prompt" --number-of-tries=$ply_tries \
if [ "$tty_echo_off" = yes ]; then
stty_orig="$(stty -g)"
stty -echo
local i=1
while [ $i -le $tty_tries ]; do
[ -n "$tty_prompt" ] && \
printf "$tty_prompt [$i/$tty_tries]:" >&2
eval "$tty_cmd" && ret=0 && break
[ -n "$tty_prompt" ] && printf '\n' >&2
[ "$tty_echo_off" = yes ] && stty $stty_orig
} 9>/.console_lock
[ $ret -ne 0 ] && echo "Wrong password" >&2
return $ret
# Try to mount specified device (by path, by UUID or by label) and check
# the path with 'test'.
# example:
# test_dev -f LABEL="nice label" /some/file1
test_dev() {
local test_op=$1; local dev="$2"; local f="$3"
local ret=1; local mount_point=$(mkuniqdir /mnt testdev)
local path
[ -n "$dev" -a -n "$*" ] || return 1
[ -d "$mount_point" ] || die 'Mount point does not exist!'
if mount -r "$dev" "$mount_point" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
test $test_op "${mount_point}/${f}"
umount "$mount_point"
rmdir "$mount_point"
return $ret
# match_dev devpattern dev
# Returns true if 'dev' matches 'devpattern'. Both 'devpattern' and 'dev' are
# expanded to kernel names and then compared. If name of 'dev' is on list of
# names of devices matching 'devpattern', the test is positive. 'dev' and
# 'devpattern' may be anything which function 'devnames' recognizes.
# If 'devpattern' is empty or '*' then function just returns true.
# Example:
# match_dev UUID=123 /dev/dm-1
# Returns true if /dev/dm-1 UUID starts with "123".
match_dev() {
[ -z "$1" -o "$1" = '*' ] && return 0
local devlist; local dev
devlist="$(devnames "$1")" || return 255
dev="$(devnames "$2")" || return 255
strstr "
" "
# getkey keysfile for_dev
# Reads file <keysfile> produced by probe-keydev and looks for first line to
# which device <for_dev> matches. The successful result is printed in format
# "<keydev>:<keypath>". When nothing found, just false is returned.
# Example:
# getkey /tmp/luks.keys /dev/sdb1
# May print:
# /dev/sdc1:/keys/some.key
getkey() {
local keys_file="$1"; local for_dev="$2"
local luks_dev; local key_dev; local key_path
[ -z "$keys_file" -o -z "$for_dev" ] && die 'getkey: wrong usage!'
[ -f "$keys_file" ] || return 1
local IFS=:
while read luks_dev key_dev key_path || [ -n "$luks_dev" ]; do
if match_dev "$luks_dev" "$for_dev"; then
echo "${key_dev}:${key_path}"
return 0
done < "$keys_file"
return 1
# readkey keypath keydev device
# Mounts <keydev>, reads key from file <keypath>, optionally processes it (e.g.
# if encrypted with GPG) and prints to standard output which is supposed to be
# read by cryptsetup. <device> is just passed to helper function for
# informational purpose.
readkey() {
local keypath="$1"
local keydev="$2"
local device="$3"
# No mounting needed if the keyfile resides inside the initrd
if [ "/" == "$keydev" ]; then
local mntp=/
# This creates a unique single mountpoint for *, or several for explicitly
# given LUKS devices. It accomplishes unlocking multiple LUKS devices with
# a single password entry.
local mntp="/mnt/$(str_replace "keydev-$keydev-$keypath" '/' '-')"
if [ ! -d "$mntp" ]; then
mkdir "$mntp"
mount -r "$keydev" "$mntp" || die 'Mounting rem. dev. failed!'
case "${keypath##*.}" in
if [ -f /lib/ ]; then
. /lib/
gpg_decrypt "$mntp" "$keypath" "$keydev" "$device"
die "No GPG support to decrypt '$keypath' on '$keydev'."
if [ -f /lib/ ]; then
. /lib/
loop_decrypt "$mntp" "$keypath" "$keydev" "$device"
printf "%s\n" "umount \"$mntp\"; rmdir \"$mntp\";" > ${hookdir}/cleanup/"crypt-loop-cleanup-99-${mntp##*/}".sh
return 0
die "No loop file support to decrypt '$keypath' on '$keydev'."
*) cat "$mntp/$keypath" ;;
# No unmounting if the keyfile resides inside the initrd
if [ "/" != "$keydev" ]; then
# General unmounting mechanism, modules doing custom cleanup should return earlier
# and install a pre-pivot cleanup hook
umount "$mntp"
rmdir "$mntp"