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/* ========================================================================
* Copyright 1988-2008 University of Washington
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* ========================================================================
* Program: UTF-8 routines
* Author: Mark Crispin
* Networks and Distributed Computing
* Computing & Communications
* University of Washington
* Administration Building, AG-44
* Seattle, WA 98195
* Internet: MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU
* Date: 11 June 1997
* Last Edited: 17 January 2008
/* UTF-8 size and conversion routines from UCS-2 values (thus in the BMP).
* Don't use these if UTF-16 data (surrogate pairs) are an issue.
* For UCS-4 values, use the utf8_size() and utf8_put() functions.
#define UTF8_SIZE_BMP(c) ((c & 0xff80) ? ((c & 0xf800) ? 3 : 2) : 1)
#define UTF8_PUT_BMP(b,c) { \
if (c & 0xff80) { /* non-ASCII? */ \
if (c & 0xf800) { /* three byte code */ \
*b++ = 0xe0 | (c >> 12); \
*b++ = 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f); \
} \
else *b++ = 0xc0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f); \
*b++ = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); \
} \
else *b++ = c; \
/* utf8_text() flag values */
#define U8T_CASECANON 2 /* canonicalize case */
#define U8T_DECOMPOSE 4 /* decompose */
/* full canonicalization */
/* utf8_get() return values */
/* 0x0000 - 0xffff BMP plane */
#define U8GM_NONBMP 0xffff0000 /* mask for non-BMP values */
/* 0x10000 - 0x10ffff extended planes */
/* 0x110000 - 0x7ffffff non-Unicode */
#define U8G_ERROR 0x80000000 /* error flag */
#define U8G_BADCONT U8G_ERROR+1 /* continuation when not in progress */
#define U8G_INCMPLT U8G_ERROR+2 /* incomplete UTF-8 character */
#define U8G_NOTUTF8 U8G_ERROR+3 /* not a valid UTF-8 octet */
#define U8G_ENDSTRG U8G_ERROR+4 /* end of string */
#define U8G_ENDSTRI U8G_ERROR+5 /* end of string w/ incomplete UTF-8 char */
#define U8G_SURROGA U8G_ERROR+6 /* surrogate codepoint */
#define U8G_NOTUNIC U8G_ERROR+7 /* non-Unicode codepoint */
/* ucs4_width() return values */
#define U4W_ERROR 0x80000000 /* error flags */
#define U4W_NOTUNCD U4W_ERROR+1 /* not a Unicode char */
#define U4W_PRIVATE U4W_ERROR+2 /* private-space plane */
#define U4W_SSPCHAR U4W_ERROR+3 /* Supplementary Special-purpose Plane */
#define U4W_UNASSGN U4W_ERROR+4 /* unassigned space plane */
#define U4W_CONTROL U4W_ERROR+5 /* C0/C1 control */
#define U4W_CTLSRGT U4W_CONTROL /* in case legacy code references this */
/* ISO-2022 engine states */
#define I2S_CHAR 0 /* character */
#define I2S_ESC 1 /* previous character was ESC */
#define I2S_MUL 2 /* previous character was multi-byte code */
#define I2S_INT 3 /* previous character was intermediate */
/* ISO-2022 Gn selections */
#define I2C_G0 0 /* G0 */
#define I2C_G1 1 /* G1 */
#define I2C_G2 2 /* G2 */
#define I2C_G3 3 /* G3 */
#define I2C_SG2 (2 << 2) /* single shift G2 */
#define I2C_SG3 (3 << 2) /* single shift G2 */
/* ISO-2022 octet definitions */
#define I2C_ESC 0x1b /* ESCape */
/* Intermediate character */
#define I2C_STRUCTURE 0x20 /* announce code structure */
#define I2C_C0 0x21 /* C0 */
#define I2C_C1 0x22 /* C1 */
#define I2C_CONTROL 0x23 /* single control function */
#define I2C_MULTI 0x24 /* multi-byte character set */
#define I2C_OTHER 0x25 /* other coding system */
#define I2C_REVISED 0x26 /* revised registration */
#define I2C_G0_94 0x28 /* G0 94-character set */
#define I2C_G1_94 0x29 /* G1 94-character set */
#define I2C_G2_94 0x2A /* G2 94-character set */
#define I2C_G3_94 0x2B /* G3 94-character set */
#define I2C_G0_96 0x2C /* (not in ISO-2022) G0 96-character set */
#define I2C_G1_96 0x2D /* G1 96-character set */
#define I2C_G2_96 0x2E /* G2 96-character set */
#define I2C_G3_96 0x2F /* G3 96-character set */
/* Locking shifts */
#define I2C_SI 0x0f /* lock shift to G0 (Shift In) */
#define I2C_SO 0x0e /* lock shift to G1 (Shift Out) */
/* prefixed by ESC */
#define I2C_LS2 0x6e /* lock shift to G2 */
#define I2C_LS3 0x6f /* lock shift to G3 */
#define I2C_LS1R 0x7e /* lock shift GR to G1 */
#define I2C_LS2R 0x7d /* lock shift GR to G2 */
#define I2C_LS3R 0x7c /* lock shift GR to G3 */
/* Single shifts */
#define I2C_SS2_ALT 0x8e /* single shift to G2 (SS2) */
#define I2C_SS3_ALT 0x8f /* single shift to G3 (SS3) */
#define I2C_SS2_ALT_7 0x19 /* single shift to G2 (SS2) */
#define I2C_SS3_ALT_7 0x1d /* single shift to G3 (SS3) */
/* prefixed by ESC */
#define I2C_SS2 0x4e /* single shift to G2 (SS2) */
#define I2C_SS3 0x4f /* single shift to G3 (SS3) */
/* 94 character sets */
/* 4/0 ISO 646 IRV */
#define I2CS_94_BRITISH 0x41 /* 4/1 ISO 646 British */
#define I2CS_94_ASCII 0x42 /* 4/2 ISO 646 USA (ASCII) */
/* 4/3 NATS Finland/Sweden (primary) */
/* 4/4 NATS Finland/Sweden (secondary) */
/* 4/5 NATS Denmark/Norway (primary) */
/* 4/6 NATS Denmark/Norway (secondary) */
/* 4/7 ISO 646 Swedish SEN 850200 */
/* 4/8 ISO 646 Swedish names */
#define I2CS_94_JIS_BUGROM 0x48 /* 4/8 some buggy software does this */
#define I2CS_94_JIS_KANA 0x49 /* 4/9 JIS X 0201-1976 right half */
#define I2CS_94_JIS_ROMAN 0x4a /* 4/a JIS X 0201-1976 left half */
/* 4/b ISO 646 German */
/* 4/c ISO 646 Portuguese (Olivetti) */
/* 4/d ISO 6438 African */
/* 4/e ISO 5427 Cyrillic (Honeywell-Bull) */
/* 4/f DIN 31624 extended bibliography */
/* 5/0 ISO 5426-1980 Bibliography */
/* 5/1 ISO 5427-1981 Cyrillic*/
/* 5/2 ISO 646 French (withdrawn) */
/* 5/3 ISO 5428-1980 Greek bibliography */
/* 5/4 GB 1988-80 Chinese */
/* 5/5 Latin-Greek (Honeywell-Bull) */
/* 5/6 UK Viewdata/Teletext */
/* 5/7 INIS (IRV subset) */
/* 5/8 ISO 5428 Greek Bibliography */
/* 5/9 ISO 646 Italian (Olivetti) */
/* 5/a ISO 646 Spanish (Olivetti) */
/* 5/b Greek (Olivetti) */
/* 5/c Latin-Greek (Olivetti) */
/* 5/d INIS non-standard extension */
/* 5/e INIS Cyrillic extension */
/* 5/f Arabic CODAR-U IERA */
/* 6/0 ISO 646 Norwegian */
/* 6/1 Norwegian version 2 (withdrawn) */
/* 6/2 Videotex supplementary */
/* 6/3 Videotex supplementary #2 */
/* 6/4 Videotex supplementary #3 */
/* 6/5 APL */
/* 6/6 ISO 646 French */
/* 6/7 ISO 646 Portuguese (IBM) */
/* 6/8 ISO 646 Spanish (IBM) */
/* 6/9 ISO 646 Hungarian */
/* 6/a Greek ELOT (withdrawn) */
/* 6/b ISO 9036 Arabic 7-bit */
/* 6/c ISO 646 IRV supplementary set */
/* 6/d JIS C6229-1984 OCR-A */
/* 6/e JIS C6229-1984 OCR-B */
/* 6/f JIS C6229-1984 OCR-B additional */
/* 7/0 JIS C6229-1984 hand-printed */
/* 7/1 JIS C6229-1984 additional hand-printd */
/* 7/2 JIS C6229-1984 katakana hand-printed */
/* 7/3 E13B Japanese graphic */
/* 7/4 Supplementary Videotex (withdrawn) */
/* 7/5 Teletex primary CCITT T.61 */
/* 7/6 Teletex secondary CCITT T.61 */
/* 7/7 CSA Z 243.4-1985 Alternate primary #1 */
/* 7/8 CSA Z 243.4-1985 Alternate primary #2 */
/* 7/9 Mosaic CCITT T.101 */
/* 7/a Serbocroatian/Slovenian Latin */
/* 7/b Serbocroatian Cyrillic */
/* 7/c Supplementary CCITT T.101 */
/* 7/d Macedonian Cyrillic */
/* 94 character sets - second intermediate byte */
/* 4/0 Greek primary CCITT */
/* 4/1 Cuba */
/* 4/2 ISO/IEC 646 invariant */
/* 4/3 Irish Gaelic 7-bit */
/* 4/4 Turkmen */
/* 94x94 character sets */
#define I2CS_94x94_JIS_OLD 0x40 /* 4/0 JIS X 0208-1978 */
#define I2CS_94x94_GB 0x41 /* 4/1 GB 2312 */
#define I2CS_94x94_JIS_NEW 0x42 /* 4/2 JIS X 0208-1983 */
#define I2CS_94x94_KSC 0x43 /* 4/3 KSC 5601 */
#define I2CS_94x94_JIS_EXT 0x44 /* 4/4 JIS X 0212-1990 */
/* 4/5 CCITT Chinese */
/* 4/6 Blisssymbol Graphic */
#define I2CS_94x94_CNS1 0x47 /* 4/7 CNS 11643 plane 1 */
#define I2CS_94x94_CNS2 0x48 /* 4/8 CNS 11643 plane 2 */
#define I2CS_94x94_CNS3 0x49 /* 4/9 CNS 11643 plane 3 */
#define I2CS_94x94_CNS4 0x4a /* 4/a CNS 11643 plane 4 */
#define I2CS_94x94_CNS5 0x4b /* 4/b CNS 11643 plane 5 */
#define I2CS_94x94_CNS6 0x4c /* 4/c CNS 11643 plane 6 */
#define I2CS_94x94_CNS7 0x4d /* 4/d CNS 11643 plane 7 */
/* 4/e DPRK (North Korea) KGCII */
/* 4/f JGCII plane 1 */
/* 5/0 JGCII plane 2 */
/* 96 character sets */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_1 0x41 /* 4/1 Latin-1 (Western Europe) */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_2 0x42 /* 4/2 Latin-2 (Czech, Slovak) */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_3 0x43 /* 4/3 Latin-3 (Dutch, Turkish) */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_4 0x44 /* 4/4 Latin-4 (Scandinavian) */
/* 4/5 CSA Z 243.4-1985 */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_7 0x46 /* 4/6 Greek */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_6 0x47 /* 4/7 Arabic */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_8 0x48 /* 4/8 Hebrew */
/* 4/9 Czechoslovak CSN 369103 */
/* 4/a Supplementary Latin and non-alpha */
/* 4/b Technical */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_5 0x4c /* 4/c Cyrillic */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_9 0x4d /* 4/d Latin-5 (Finnish, Portuguese) */
/* 4/e ISO 6937-2 residual */
/* 4/f Basic Cyrillic */
/* 5/0 Supplementary Latin 1, 2 and 5 */
/* 5/1 Basic Box */
/* 5/2 Supplementary ISO/IEC 6937 : 1992 */
/* 5/3 CCITT Hebrew supplementary */
#define I2CS_96_TIS620 0x54 /* 5/4 TIS 620 */
/* 5/5 Arabic/French/German */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_10 0x56 /* 5/6 Latin-6 (Northern Europe) */
/* 5/7 ??? */
/* 5/8 Sami (Lappish) supplementary */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_13 0x59 /* 5/9 Latin-7 (Baltic) */
#define I2CS_96_VSCII 0x5a /* 5/a Vietnamese */
/* 5/b Technical #1 IEC 1289 */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_14 0x5c /* 5/c Latin-8 (Celtic) */
/* 5/d Sami supplementary Latin */
/* 5/e Latin/Hebrew */
/* 5/f Celtic supplementary Latin */
/* 6/0 Uralic supplementary Cyrillic */
/* 6/1 Volgaic supplementary Cyrillic */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_15 0x62 /* 6/2 Latin-9 (Euro) */
/* 6/3 Latin-1 with Euro */
/* 6/4 Latin-4 with Euro */
/* 6/5 Latin-7 with Euro */
#define I2CS_96_ISO8859_16 0x66 /* 6/6 Latin-10 (Balkan) */
/* 6/7 Ogham */
/* 6/8 Sami supplementary Latin #2 */
/* 7/d Supplementary Mosaic for CCITT 101 */
/* 96x96 character sets */
/* Types of character sets */
#define I2CS_94 0x000 /* 94 character set */
#define I2CS_96 0x100 /* 96 character set */
#define I2CS_MUL 0x200 /* multi-byte */
#define I2CS_94x94 (I2CS_MUL | I2CS_94)
#define I2CS_96x96 (I2CS_MUL | I2CS_96)
/* Character set identifiers stored in Gn */
#define I2CS_BRITISH (I2CS_94 | I2CS_94_BRITISH)
#define I2CS_ASCII (I2CS_94 | I2CS_94_ASCII)
#define I2CS_JIS_BUGROM (I2CS_94 | I2CS_94_JIS_BUGROM)
#define I2CS_JIS_KANA (I2CS_94 | I2CS_94_JIS_KANA)
#define I2CS_JIS_ROMAN (I2CS_94 | I2CS_94_JIS_ROMAN)
#define I2CS_JIS_OLD (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_JIS_OLD)
#define I2CS_GB (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_GB)
#define I2CS_JIS_NEW (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_JIS_NEW)
#define I2CS_KSC (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_KSC)
#define I2CS_JIS_EXT (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_JIS_EXT)
#define I2CS_CNS1 (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_CNS1)
#define I2CS_CNS2 (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_CNS2)
#define I2CS_CNS3 (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_CNS3)
#define I2CS_CNS4 (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_CNS4)
#define I2CS_CNS5 (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_CNS5)
#define I2CS_CNS6 (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_CNS6)
#define I2CS_CNS7 (I2CS_94x94 | I2CS_94x94_CNS7)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_1 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_1)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_2 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_2)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_3 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_3)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_4 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_4)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_7 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_7)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_6 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_6)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_8 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_8)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_5 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_5)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_9 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_9)
#define I2CS_TIS620 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_TIS620)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_10 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_10)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_13 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_13)
#define I2CS_VSCII (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_VSCII)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_14 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_14)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_15 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_15)
#define I2CS_ISO8859_16 (I2CS_96 | I2CS_96_ISO8859_16)
/* Miscellaneous ISO 2022 definitions */
#define EUC_CS2 0x8e /* single shift CS2 */
#define EUC_CS3 0x8f /* single shift CS3 */
#define BITS7 0x7f /* 7-bit value mask */
#define BIT8 0x80 /* 8th bit mask */
/* The following saves us from having to have yet more charset tables */
/* Unicode codepoints */
#define UCS2_C0CONTROL 0x00 /* first C0 control */
#define UCS2_C0CONTROLEND 0x1F /* last C0 control */
#define UCS2_C1CONTROL 0x80 /* first C1 control */
#define UCS2_C1CONTROLEND 0x9F /* last C1 control */
/* ISO 646 substituted Unicode codepoints */
#define UCS2_POUNDSTERLING 0x00a3
#define UCS2_YEN 0x00a5
#define UCS2_OVERLINE 0x203e
#define UCS2_EURO 0x20ac
#define UCS2_KATAKANA 0xff61 /* first katakana codepoint */
#define UCS2_BOM 0xfeff /* byte order mark */
#define UCS2_BOGON 0xfffd /* replacement character */
/* next two codepoints are not Unicode chars */
#define UCS2_BOMCHECK 0xfffe /* used to check byte order with UCS2_BOM */
#define UCS2_NOTCHAR 0xffff /* not a character */
#define UCS4_BMPBASE 0x0000 /* Basic Multilingual Plane */
#define UCS4_SMPBASE 0x10000 /* Supplementary Multilinugual Plane */
#define UCS4_SIPBASE 0x20000 /* Supplementary Ideographic Plane */
/* EastAsianWidth says plane 3 is wide */
#define UCS4_UNABASE 0x40000 /* unassigned space */
#define UCS4_SSPBASE 0xe0000 /* Supplementary Special-purpose Plane */
#define UCS4_PVTBASE 0xf0000 /* private-space (two planes) */
#define UCS4_MAXUNICODE 0x10ffff/* highest Unicode codepoint */
#define UTF16_BASE 0x10000 /* base of codepoints needing surrogates */
#define UTF16_SHIFT 10 /* surrogate shift */
#define UTF16_MASK 0x3ff /* surrogate mask */
#define UTF16_SURR 0xd800 /* UTF-16 surrogate area */
#define UTF16_SURRH 0xd800 /* UTF-16 first high surrogate */
#define UTF16_SURRHEND 0xdbff /* UTF-16 last high surrogate */
#define UTF16_SURRL 0xdc00 /* UTF-16 first low surrogate */
#define UTF16_SURRLEND 0xdfff /* UTF-16 last low surrogate */
#define UTF16_MAXSURR 0xdfff /* end of UTF-16 surrogates */
/* UBOGON is used to represent a codepoint in a character set which does not
* map to Unicode. It is also used for mapping failures, e.g. incomplete
* shift sequences. This name has the same text width as 0x????, for
* convenience in the mapping tables.
* NOCHAR is used to represent a codepoint in Unicode which does not map to
* the target character set in a reverse mapping table. This name has the
* same text width as 0x???? in case we ever add static reverse mapping tables.
/* Codepoints in non-Unicode character sets */
/* Codepoints in ISO 646 character sets */
/* British ASCII codepoints */
/* JIS Roman codepoints */
#define JISROMAN_YEN 0x5c
/* Hankaku katakana codepoints & parameters
* In earlier versions, MAX_KANA_7 and MAX_KANA_8 were the maximum codepoint
* values. Although this made sense, it was confusing with the "max ku" and
* "max ten" values used in the double-byte tables; there are 1-origin, but
* the calculated values used for "ku" and "ten" are 0-origin (derived by
* substracting the "base"). What this all meant is that for double byte
* characters the limit test is of the form (value < max_ku), but for single
* byte characters (which used the same cell to hold the max ku) the limit
* test was (value <= max_ku).
* By making MAX_KANA_[78] be maximum+1, the same (value < max_ku) limit test
* is used throughout. - 6/15/2006
#define MIN_KANA_7 0x21
#define MAX_KANA_7 0x60 /* maximum value + 1 */
#define MIN_KANA_8 (MIN_KANA_7 | BIT8)
#define MAX_KANA_8 (MAX_KANA_7 | BIT8)
/* Charset scripts */
/* The term "script" is used here in a very loose sense, enough to make
* purists cringe. Basically, the idea is to give the main program some
* idea of how it should treat the characters of text in a charset with
* respect to font, drawing routines, etc.
* In some cases, "script" is associated with a charset; in other cases,
* it's more closely tied to a language.
#define SC_UNICODE 0x1 /* Unicode */
#define SC_LATIN_1 0x10 /* Western Europe */
#define SC_LATIN_2 0x20 /* Eastern Europe */
#define SC_LATIN_3 0x40 /* Southern Europe */
#define SC_LATIN_4 0x80 /* Northern Europe */
#define SC_LATIN_5 0x100 /* Turkish */
#define SC_LATIN_6 0x200 /* Nordic */
#define SC_LATIN_7 0x400 /* Baltic */
#define SC_LATIN_8 0x800 /* Celtic */
#define SC_LATIN_9 0x1000 /* Euro */
#define SC_LATIN_0 SC_LATIN_9 /* colloquial name for Latin-9 */
#define SC_ARABIC 0x2000
#define SC_CYRILLIC 0x4000
#define SC_GREEK 0x8000
#define SC_HEBREW 0x10000
#define SC_THAI 0x20000
#define SC_UKRANIAN 0x40000
#define SC_LATIN_10 0x80000 /* Balkan */
#define SC_VIETNAMESE 0x100000
#define SC_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED 0x1000000
#define SC_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL 0x2000000
#define SC_JAPANESE 0x4000000
#define SC_KOREAN 0x8000000
/* Script table */
typedef struct utf8_scent {
char *name; /* script name */
char *description; /* script description */
unsigned long script; /* script bitmask */
/* Character set table support */
typedef struct utf8_csent {
char *name; /* charset name */
unsigned short type; /* type of charset */
unsigned short flags; /* charset flags */
void *tab; /* additional data */
unsigned long script; /* script(s) implemented by this charset */
char *preferred; /* preferred charset over this one */
struct utf8_eucparam {
unsigned int base_ku : 8; /* base row */
unsigned int base_ten : 8; /* base column */
unsigned int max_ku : 8; /* maximum row */
unsigned int max_ten : 8; /* maximum column */
void *tab; /* conversion table */
/* Charset types */
#define CT_UNKNOWN 0 /* unknown 8-bit */
#define CT_ASCII 1 /* 7-bit ASCII no table */
#define CT_UCS2 2 /* 2 byte 16-bit Unicode no table */
#define CT_UCS4 3 /* 4 byte 32-bit Unicode no table */
#define CT_1BYTE0 10 /* 1 byte ISO 8859-1 no table */
#define CT_1BYTE 11 /* 1 byte ASCII + table 0x80-0xff */
#define CT_1BYTE8 12 /* 1 byte table 0x00 - 0xff */
#define CT_EUC 100 /* 2 byte ASCII + utf8_eucparam base/CS2/CS3 */
#define CT_DBYTE 101 /* 2 byte ASCII + utf8_eucparam */
#define CT_DBYTE2 102 /* 2 byte ASCII + utf8_eucparam plane1/2 */
#define CT_UTF16 1000 /* variable UTF-16 encoded Unicode no table */
#define CT_UTF8 1001 /* variable UTF-8 encoded Unicode no table */
#define CT_UTF7 1002 /* variable UTF-7 encoded Unicode no table */
#define CT_2022 10000 /* variable ISO-2022 encoded no table */
#define CT_SJIS 10001 /* 2 byte Shift-JIS encoded JIS no table */
/* Character set flags */
#define CF_PRIMARY 0x1 /* primary name for this charset */
#define CF_DISPLAY 0x2 /* charset used in displays */
#define CF_POSTING 0x4 /* charset used in email posting */
#define CF_UNSUPRT 0x8 /* charset unsupported (can't convert to it) */
#define CF_NOEMAIL 0x10 /* charset not used in email */
/* UTF-7 engine states */
#define U7_ASCII 0 /* ASCII character */
#define U7_PLUS 1 /* plus seen */
#define U7_UNICODE 2 /* Unicode characters */
#define U7_MINUS 3 /* absorbed minus seen */
/* Function prototypes */
typedef unsigned long (*ucs4cn_t) (unsigned long c);
typedef unsigned long (*ucs4de_t) (unsigned long c,void **more);
SCRIPT *utf8_script (char *script);
const CHARSET *utf8_charset (char *charset);
char *utf8_badcharset (char *charset);
long utf8_text (SIZEDTEXT *text,char *charset,SIZEDTEXT *ret,long flags);
long utf8_text_cs (SIZEDTEXT *text,const CHARSET *cs,SIZEDTEXT *ret,
ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
long utf8_cstext (SIZEDTEXT *text,char *charset,SIZEDTEXT *ret,
unsigned long errch);
long utf8_cstocstext (SIZEDTEXT *text,char *sc,SIZEDTEXT *ret,char *dc,
unsigned long errch);
unsigned short *utf8_rmap (char *charset);
unsigned short *utf8_rmap_cs (const CHARSET *cs);
unsigned short *utf8_rmap_gen (const CHARSET *cs,unsigned short *oldmap);
long utf8_rmaptext (SIZEDTEXT *text,unsigned short *rmap,SIZEDTEXT *ret,
unsigned long errch,long iso2022jp);
unsigned long utf8_rmapsize (SIZEDTEXT *text,unsigned short *rmap,
unsigned long errch,long iso2022jp);
long ucs4_rmaptext (unsigned long *ucs4,unsigned long len,unsigned short *rmap,
SIZEDTEXT *ret,unsigned long errch);
long ucs4_rmaplen (unsigned long *ucs4,unsigned long len,unsigned short *rmap,
unsigned long errch);
long ucs4_rmapbuf (unsigned char *t,unsigned long *ucs4,unsigned long len,
unsigned short *rmap,unsigned long errch);
unsigned long utf8_get (unsigned char **s,unsigned long *i);
unsigned long utf8_get_raw (unsigned char **s,unsigned long *i);
unsigned long ucs4_cs_get (CHARSET *cs,unsigned char **s,unsigned long *i);
unsigned long *utf8_csvalidmap (char *charsets[]);
const CHARSET *utf8_infercharset (SIZEDTEXT *src);
long utf8_validate (unsigned char *s,unsigned long i);
void utf8_text_1byte0 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_1byte (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,void *tab,ucs4cn_t cv,
ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_1byte8 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,void *tab,ucs4cn_t cv,
ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_euc (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,void *tab,ucs4cn_t cv,
ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_dbyte (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,void *tab,ucs4cn_t cv,
ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_dbyte2 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,void *tab,ucs4cn_t cv,
ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_sjis (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_2022 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_utf7 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_utf8 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_ucs2 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_ucs4 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
void utf8_text_utf16 (SIZEDTEXT *text,SIZEDTEXT *ret,ucs4cn_t cv,ucs4de_t de);
unsigned long utf8_size (unsigned long c);
unsigned char *utf8_put (unsigned char *s,unsigned long c);
unsigned long ucs4_titlecase (unsigned long c);
long ucs4_width (unsigned long c);
long utf8_strwidth (unsigned char *s);
long utf8_textwidth (SIZEDTEXT *utf8);
unsigned long ucs4_decompose (unsigned long c,void **more);
unsigned long ucs4_decompose_recursive (unsigned long c,void **more);