Your IP :
from up2date_client import config
from up2date_client import up2dateErrors
try: # python2
import UserDict
except ImportError: # python3
import collections as UserDict
import gettext
t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback=True)
# Python 3 translations don't have a ugettext method
if not hasattr(t, 'ugettext'):
t.ugettext = t.gettext
_ = t.ugettext
# a dict with "capability name" as the key, and the version
# as the value.
neededCaps = {"caneatCheese": {'version':"21"},
"supportsAutoUp2dateOption": {'version': "1"},
"registration.finish_message": {'version': "1"},
"xmlrpc.packages.extended_profile": {'version':"1"},
"registration.delta_packages": {'version':"1"},
"registration.update_contact_info": {'version': "1"},
"registration.extended_update_support": {"version" : "1"},
"registration.smbios": {"version" : "1"}}
def parseCap(capstring):
value = None
caps = capstring.split(',')
capslist = []
for cap in caps:
(key_version, value) = [i.strip() for i in cap.split("=", 1)]
except ValueError:
# Bad directive: not in 'a = b' format
# parse out the version
# lets give it a shot sans regex's first...
(key,version) = key_version.split("(", 1)
# just to be paranoid
if version[-1] != ")":
print("something broke in parsing the capabilited headers")
#FIXME: raise an approriate exception here...
# trim off the trailing paren
version = version[:-1]
data = {'version': version, 'value': value}
capslist.append((key, data))
return capslist
class Capabilities(UserDict.UserDict):
def __init__(self):
self.missingCaps = {}
# self.validate()
self.neededCaps = neededCaps
self.cfg = config.initUp2dateConfig()
def populate(self, headers):
for key, val in headers.items():
if key.lower() == "x-rhn-server-capability":
capslist = parseCap(val)
for (cap,data) in capslist:[cap] = data
def parseCapVersion(self, versionString):
index = versionString.find('-')
# version of "-" is bogus, ditto for "1-"
if index > 0:
rng = versionString.split("-")
start = rng[0]
end = rng[1]
versions = range(int(start), int(end)+1)
return versions
vers = versionString.split(':')
if len(vers) > 1:
versions = [int(a) for a in vers]
return versions
return [int(versionString)]
def validateCap(self, cap, capvalue):
if not cap in
errstr = _("This client requires the server to support %s, which the current " \
"server does not support") % cap
self.missingCaps[cap] = None
data =[cap]
# DOES the server have the version we need
if int(capvalue['version']) not in self.parseCapVersion(data['version']):
self.missingCaps[cap] = self.neededCaps[cap]
def validate(self):
for key in self.neededCaps.keys():
self.validateCap(key, self.neededCaps[key])
def setConfig(self, key, configItem):
if key in self.tmpCaps:
self.cfg[configItem] = 0
del self.tmpCaps[key]
self.cfg[configItem] = 1
def workaroundMissingCaps(self):
# if we have caps that we know we want, but we can
# can work around, setup config variables here so
# that we know to do just that
self.tmpCaps = self.missingCaps
# this is an example of how to work around it
key = 'caneatCheese'
if key in self.tmpCaps:
# do whatevers needed to workaround
del self.tmpCaps[key]
# we support this, set a config option to
# indicate that possibly
# dict of key to configItem, and the config item that
# corresponds with it
capsConfigMap = {'supportsAutoUp2dateOption': 'supportsAutoUp2dateOption',
'registration.finish_message': 'supportsFinishMessage',
"registration.update_contact_info" : 'supportsUpdateContactInfo',
"registration.delta_packages" : 'supportsDeltaPackages',
"xmlrpc.packages.extended_profile" : 'supportsExtendedPackageProfile',
"registration.extended_update_support" : "supportsEUS",
"registration.smbios" : "supportsSMBIOS"}
for key in capsConfigMap.keys():
self.setConfig(key, capsConfigMap[key])
# if we want to blow up on missing caps we cant eat around
missingCaps = []
wrongVersionCaps = []
if len(self.tmpCaps):
for cap in self.tmpCaps:
capInfo = self.tmpCaps[cap]
if capInfo == None:
# it's completly mssing
missingCaps.append((cap, capInfo))
wrongVersionCaps.append((cap, capInfo))
errString = ""
errorList = []
if len(wrongVersionCaps):
for (cap, capInfo) in wrongVersionCaps:
errString = errString + "Needs %s of version: %s but server has version: %s\n" % (cap,
errorList.append({"capName":cap, "capInfo":capInfo, "serverVersion"[cap]})
if len(missingCaps):
for (cap, capInfo) in missingCaps:
errString = errString + "Needs %s but server does not support that capability\n" % (cap)
errorList.append({"capName":cap, "capInfo":capInfo, "serverVersion":""})
if len(errString):
raise up2dateErrors.ServerCapabilityError(errString, errorList)
def hasCapability(self, capability, version=None):
"""Checks if the server supports a capability and optionally a version.
Returns True or False.
This complements the neededCaps mechanism provided by this module.
Using hasCapability makes it easier to do something only if the server
supports it or to put workaround code in the user of this class. The
neededCaps mechanism makes it easier to put workaround code in this
module, which makes sense if it is to be shared.
'capability' should be a string such as 'registration.foobar'. It can
be a capability in 'neededCaps' above or one that isn't there. 'version'
can be a string (where isdigit() is True) or an int.
assert version is None or str(version).isdigit()
if not capability in
return False
if version:
data =[capability]
if int(version) not in self.parseCapVersion(data['version']):
return False
return True