Your IP :
* This file is part of the ramsey/uuid library
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Ben Ramsey <>
* @license MIT
namespace Ramsey\Uuid;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Codec\CodecInterface;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Converter\NumberConverterInterface;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Converter\TimeConverterInterface;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Fields\FieldsInterface;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Lazy\LazyUuidFromString;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\FieldsInterface as Rfc4122FieldsInterface;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Type\Hexadecimal;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Type\Integer as IntegerObject;
use ValueError;
use function assert;
use function bin2hex;
use function method_exists;
use function preg_match;
use function sprintf;
use function str_replace;
use function strcmp;
use function strlen;
use function strtolower;
use function substr;
* Uuid provides constants and static methods for working with and generating UUIDs
* @psalm-immutable
class Uuid implements UuidInterface
use DeprecatedUuidMethodsTrait;
* When this namespace is specified, the name string is a fully-qualified
* domain name
* @link RFC 4122, Appendix C: Some Name Space IDs
public const NAMESPACE_DNS = '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8';
* When this namespace is specified, the name string is a URL
* @link RFC 4122, Appendix C: Some Name Space IDs
public const NAMESPACE_URL = '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8';
* When this namespace is specified, the name string is an ISO OID
* @link RFC 4122, Appendix C: Some Name Space IDs
public const NAMESPACE_OID = '6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8';
* When this namespace is specified, the name string is an X.500 DN in DER
* or a text output format
* @link RFC 4122, Appendix C: Some Name Space IDs
public const NAMESPACE_X500 = '6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8';
* The nil UUID is a special form of UUID that is specified to have all 128
* bits set to zero
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.7: Nil UUID
public const NIL = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
* The max UUID is a special form of UUID that is specified to have all 128
* bits set to one
* @link Max UUID
public const MAX = 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff';
* Variant: reserved, NCS backward compatibility
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.1: Variant
public const RESERVED_NCS = 0;
* Variant: the UUID layout specified in RFC 4122
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.1: Variant
public const RFC_4122 = 2;
* Variant: reserved, Microsoft Corporation backward compatibility
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.1: Variant
public const RESERVED_MICROSOFT = 6;
* Variant: reserved for future definition
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.1: Variant
public const RESERVED_FUTURE = 7;
* @deprecated Use {@see ValidatorInterface::getPattern()} instead.
public const VALID_PATTERN = '^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$';
* Version 1 (Gregorian time) UUID
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.3: Version
public const UUID_TYPE_TIME = 1;
* Version 2 (DCE Security) UUID
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.3: Version
public const UUID_TYPE_DCE_SECURITY = 2;
* @deprecated Use {@see Uuid::UUID_TYPE_DCE_SECURITY} instead.
public const UUID_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 2;
* Version 3 (name-based and hashed with MD5) UUID
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.3: Version
public const UUID_TYPE_HASH_MD5 = 3;
* Version 4 (random) UUID
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.3: Version
public const UUID_TYPE_RANDOM = 4;
* Version 5 (name-based and hashed with SHA1) UUID
* @link RFC 4122, § 4.1.3: Version
public const UUID_TYPE_HASH_SHA1 = 5;
* @deprecated Use {@see Uuid::UUID_TYPE_REORDERED_TIME} instead.
public const UUID_TYPE_PEABODY = 6;
* Version 6 (reordered time) UUID
* @link UUID Version 6
public const UUID_TYPE_REORDERED_TIME = 6;
* Version 7 (Unix Epoch time) UUID
* @link UUID Version 7
public const UUID_TYPE_UNIX_TIME = 7;
* DCE Security principal domain
* @link DCE 1.1, §
public const DCE_DOMAIN_PERSON = 0;
* DCE Security group domain
* @link DCE 1.1, §
public const DCE_DOMAIN_GROUP = 1;
* DCE Security organization domain
* @link DCE 1.1, §
public const DCE_DOMAIN_ORG = 2;
* DCE Security domain string names
* @link DCE 1.1, §
public const DCE_DOMAIN_NAMES = [
self::DCE_DOMAIN_PERSON => 'person',
self::DCE_DOMAIN_GROUP => 'group',
self::DCE_DOMAIN_ORG => 'org',
private static ?UuidFactoryInterface $factory = null;
* @var bool flag to detect if the UUID factory was replaced internally,
* which disables all optimizations for the default/happy path internal
* scenarios
private static bool $factoryReplaced = false;
protected CodecInterface $codec;
protected NumberConverterInterface $numberConverter;
protected Rfc4122FieldsInterface $fields;
protected TimeConverterInterface $timeConverter;
* Creates a universally unique identifier (UUID) from an array of fields
* Unless you're making advanced use of this library to generate identifiers
* that deviate from RFC 4122, you probably do not want to instantiate a
* UUID directly. Use the static methods, instead:
* ```
* use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
* $timeBasedUuid = Uuid::uuid1();
* $namespaceMd5Uuid = Uuid::uuid3(Uuid::NAMESPACE_URL, '');
* $randomUuid = Uuid::uuid4();
* $namespaceSha1Uuid = Uuid::uuid5(Uuid::NAMESPACE_URL, '');
* ```
* @param Rfc4122FieldsInterface $fields The fields from which to construct a UUID
* @param NumberConverterInterface $numberConverter The number converter to use
* for converting hex values to/from integers
* @param CodecInterface $codec The codec to use when encoding or decoding
* UUID strings
* @param TimeConverterInterface $timeConverter The time converter to use
* for converting timestamps extracted from a UUID to unix timestamps
public function __construct(
Rfc4122FieldsInterface $fields,
NumberConverterInterface $numberConverter,
CodecInterface $codec,
TimeConverterInterface $timeConverter
) {
$this->fields = $fields;
$this->codec = $codec;
$this->numberConverter = $numberConverter;
$this->timeConverter = $timeConverter;
* @psalm-return non-empty-string
public function __toString(): string
return $this->toString();
* Converts the UUID to a string for JSON serialization
public function jsonSerialize(): string
return $this->toString();
* Converts the UUID to a string for PHP serialization
public function serialize(): string
return $this->getFields()->getBytes();
* @return array{bytes: string}
public function __serialize(): array
return ['bytes' => $this->serialize()];
* Re-constructs the object from its serialized form
* @param string $data The serialized PHP string to unserialize into
* a UuidInterface instance
public function unserialize(string $data): void
if (strlen($data) === 16) {
/** @var Uuid $uuid */
$uuid = self::getFactory()->fromBytes($data);
} else {
/** @var Uuid $uuid */
$uuid = self::getFactory()->fromString($data);
$this->codec = $uuid->codec;
$this->numberConverter = $uuid->numberConverter;
$this->fields = $uuid->fields;
$this->timeConverter = $uuid->timeConverter;
* @param array{bytes?: string} $data
public function __unserialize(array $data): void
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if (!isset($data['bytes'])) {
throw new ValueError(sprintf('%s(): Argument #1 ($data) is invalid', __METHOD__));
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
public function compareTo(UuidInterface $other): int
$compare = strcmp($this->toString(), $other->toString());
if ($compare < 0) {
return -1;
if ($compare > 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
public function equals(?object $other): bool
if (!$other instanceof UuidInterface) {
return false;
return $this->compareTo($other) === 0;
* @psalm-return non-empty-string
public function getBytes(): string
return $this->codec->encodeBinary($this);
public function getFields(): FieldsInterface
return $this->fields;
public function getHex(): Hexadecimal
return new Hexadecimal(str_replace('-', '', $this->toString()));
public function getInteger(): IntegerObject
return new IntegerObject($this->numberConverter->fromHex($this->getHex()->toString()));
public function getUrn(): string
return 'urn:uuid:' . $this->toString();
* @psalm-return non-empty-string
public function toString(): string
return $this->codec->encode($this);
* Returns the factory used to create UUIDs
public static function getFactory(): UuidFactoryInterface
if (self::$factory === null) {
self::$factory = new UuidFactory();
return self::$factory;
* Sets the factory used to create UUIDs
* @param UuidFactoryInterface $factory A factory that will be used by this
* class to create UUIDs
public static function setFactory(UuidFactoryInterface $factory): void
// Note: non-strict equality is intentional here. If the factory is configured differently, every assumption
// around purity is broken, and we have to internally decide everything differently.
// phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.Operators.DisallowEqualOperators.DisallowedNotEqualOperator
self::$factoryReplaced = ($factory != new UuidFactory());
self::$factory = $factory;
* Creates a UUID from a byte string
* @param string $bytes A binary string
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance created from a binary
* string representation
* @psalm-pure note: changing the internal factory is an edge case not covered by purity invariants,
* but under constant factory setups, this method operates in functionally pure manners
* @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticProperty we know that the factory being replaced can lead to massive
* havoc across all consumers: that should never happen, and
* is generally to be discouraged. Until the factory is kept
* un-replaced, this method is effectively pure.
public static function fromBytes(string $bytes): UuidInterface
if (! self::$factoryReplaced && strlen($bytes) === 16) {
$base16Uuid = bin2hex($bytes);
// Note: we are calling `fromString` internally because we don't know if the given `$bytes` is a valid UUID
return self::fromString(
substr($base16Uuid, 0, 8)
. '-'
. substr($base16Uuid, 8, 4)
. '-'
. substr($base16Uuid, 12, 4)
. '-'
. substr($base16Uuid, 16, 4)
. '-'
. substr($base16Uuid, 20, 12)
return self::getFactory()->fromBytes($bytes);
* Creates a UUID from the string standard representation
* @param string $uuid A hexadecimal string
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance created from a hexadecimal
* string representation
* @psalm-pure note: changing the internal factory is an edge case not covered by purity invariants,
* but under constant factory setups, this method operates in functionally pure manners
* @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticProperty we know that the factory being replaced can lead to massive
* havoc across all consumers: that should never happen, and
* is generally to be discouraged. Until the factory is kept
* un-replaced, this method is effectively pure.
public static function fromString(string $uuid): UuidInterface
$uuid = strtolower($uuid);
if (! self::$factoryReplaced && preg_match(LazyUuidFromString::VALID_REGEX, $uuid) === 1) {
assert($uuid !== '');
return new LazyUuidFromString($uuid);
return self::getFactory()->fromString($uuid);
* Creates a UUID from a DateTimeInterface instance
* @param DateTimeInterface $dateTime The date and time
* @param Hexadecimal|null $node A 48-bit number representing the hardware
* address
* @param int|null $clockSeq A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates
* that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the
* node ID changes
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 1 UUID created from a DateTimeInterface instance
public static function fromDateTime(
DateTimeInterface $dateTime,
?Hexadecimal $node = null,
?int $clockSeq = null
): UuidInterface {
return self::getFactory()->fromDateTime($dateTime, $node, $clockSeq);
* Creates a UUID from a 128-bit integer string
* @param string $integer String representation of 128-bit integer
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance created from the string
* representation of a 128-bit integer
* @psalm-pure note: changing the internal factory is an edge case not covered by purity invariants,
* but under constant factory setups, this method operates in functionally pure manners
public static function fromInteger(string $integer): UuidInterface
return self::getFactory()->fromInteger($integer);
* Returns true if the provided string is a valid UUID
* @param string $uuid A string to validate as a UUID
* @return bool True if the string is a valid UUID, false otherwise
* @psalm-pure note: changing the internal factory is an edge case not covered by purity invariants,
* but under constant factory setups, this method operates in functionally pure manners
* @psalm-assert-if-true non-empty-string $uuid
public static function isValid(string $uuid): bool
return self::getFactory()->getValidator()->validate($uuid);
* Returns a version 1 (Gregorian time) UUID from a host ID, sequence number,
* and the current time
* @param Hexadecimal|int|string|null $node A 48-bit number representing the
* hardware address; this number may be represented as an integer or a
* hexadecimal string
* @param int $clockSeq A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates that
* could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID
* changes
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 1 UUID
public static function uuid1($node = null, ?int $clockSeq = null): UuidInterface
return self::getFactory()->uuid1($node, $clockSeq);
* Returns a version 2 (DCE Security) UUID from a local domain, local
* identifier, host ID, clock sequence, and the current time
* @param int $localDomain The local domain to use when generating bytes,
* according to DCE Security
* @param IntegerObject|null $localIdentifier The local identifier for the
* given domain; this may be a UID or GID on POSIX systems, if the local
* domain is person or group, or it may be a site-defined identifier
* if the local domain is org
* @param Hexadecimal|null $node A 48-bit number representing the hardware
* address
* @param int|null $clockSeq A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates
* that could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the
* node ID changes (in a version 2 UUID, the lower 8 bits of this number
* are replaced with the domain).
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 2 UUID
public static function uuid2(
int $localDomain,
?IntegerObject $localIdentifier = null,
?Hexadecimal $node = null,
?int $clockSeq = null
): UuidInterface {
return self::getFactory()->uuid2($localDomain, $localIdentifier, $node, $clockSeq);
* Returns a version 3 (name-based) UUID based on the MD5 hash of a
* namespace ID and a name
* @param string|UuidInterface $ns The namespace (must be a valid UUID)
* @param string $name The name to use for creating a UUID
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 3 UUID
* @psalm-suppress ImpureMethodCall we know that the factory being replaced can lead to massive
* havoc across all consumers: that should never happen, and
* is generally to be discouraged. Until the factory is kept
* un-replaced, this method is effectively pure.
* @psalm-pure note: changing the internal factory is an edge case not covered by purity invariants,
* but under constant factory setups, this method operates in functionally pure manners
public static function uuid3($ns, string $name): UuidInterface
return self::getFactory()->uuid3($ns, $name);
* Returns a version 4 (random) UUID
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 4 UUID
public static function uuid4(): UuidInterface
return self::getFactory()->uuid4();
* Returns a version 5 (name-based) UUID based on the SHA-1 hash of a
* namespace ID and a name
* @param string|UuidInterface $ns The namespace (must be a valid UUID)
* @param string $name The name to use for creating a UUID
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 5 UUID
* @psalm-pure note: changing the internal factory is an edge case not covered by purity invariants,
* but under constant factory setups, this method operates in functionally pure manners
* @psalm-suppress ImpureMethodCall we know that the factory being replaced can lead to massive
* havoc across all consumers: that should never happen, and
* is generally to be discouraged. Until the factory is kept
* un-replaced, this method is effectively pure.
public static function uuid5($ns, string $name): UuidInterface
return self::getFactory()->uuid5($ns, $name);
* Returns a version 6 (reordered time) UUID from a host ID, sequence number,
* and the current time
* @param Hexadecimal|null $node A 48-bit number representing the hardware
* address
* @param int $clockSeq A 14-bit number used to help avoid duplicates that
* could arise when the clock is set backwards in time or if the node ID
* changes
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 6 UUID
public static function uuid6(
?Hexadecimal $node = null,
?int $clockSeq = null
): UuidInterface {
return self::getFactory()->uuid6($node, $clockSeq);
* Returns a version 7 (Unix Epoch time) UUID
* @param DateTimeInterface|null $dateTime An optional date/time from which
* to create the version 7 UUID. If not provided, the UUID is generated
* using the current date/time.
* @return UuidInterface A UuidInterface instance that represents a
* version 7 UUID
public static function uuid7(?DateTimeInterface $dateTime = null): UuidInterface
$factory = self::getFactory();
if (method_exists($factory, 'uuid7')) {
/** @var UuidInterface */
return $factory->uuid7($dateTime);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
'The provided factory does not support the uuid7() method',