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dd�ZY nX ddd�ZdS )z�A minimal subset of the locale module used at interpreter startup
(imported by the _io module), in order to reduce startup time.
Don't import directly from third-party code; use the `locale` module instead!
� N�winTc C s t j� d S )N� )�_localeZ_getdefaultlocale)�do_setlocale� r �#/usr/lib64/python3.6/�getpreferredencoding s r c C s dd l }|j| �S )Nr )�localer )r r r r r r s c C s$ t jt j�}| r tjdkr d}|S )N�darwinzUTF-8)r �nl_langinfo�CODESET�sys�platform)r �resultr r r r s )T)T)T)�__doc__r
r r �
startswithr r �AttributeErrorr r r r �<module> s