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w�Qc@s�dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZdZ	dZ
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dS(	s*Help for building DNS wire format messagesi����NiiiitRenderercBs�eZdZd
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�Zd�Zd�ZRS(stHelper class for building DNS wire-format messages.

    Most applications can use the higher-level L{dns.message.Message}
    class and its to_wire() method to generate wire-format messages.
    This class is for those applications which need finer control
    over the generation of messages.

    Typical use::

        r = dns.renderer.Renderer(id=1, flags=0x80, max_size=512)
        r.add_question(qname, qtype, qclass)
        r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ANSWER, rrset_1)
        r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ANSWER, rrset_2)
        r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.AUTHORITY, ns_rrset)
        r.add_edns(0, 0, 4096)
        r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ADDTIONAL, ad_rrset_1)
        r.add_rrset(dns.renderer.ADDTIONAL, ad_rrset_2)
        r.add_tsig(keyname, secret, 300, 1, 0, '', request_mac)
        wire = r.get_wire()

    @ivar output: where rendering is written
    @type output: cStringIO.StringIO object
    @ivar id: the message id
    @type id: int
    @ivar flags: the message flags
    @type flags: int
    @ivar max_size: the maximum size of the message
    @type max_size: int
    @ivar origin: the origin to use when rendering relative names
    @type origin: object
    @ivar compress: the compression table
    @type compress: dict
    @ivar section: the section currently being rendered
    @type section: int (dns.renderer.QUESTION, dns.renderer.ANSWER,
    dns.renderer.AUTHORITY, or dns.renderer.ADDITIONAL)
    @ivar counts: list of the number of RRs in each section
    @type counts: int list of length 4
    @ivar mac: the MAC of the rendered message (if TSIG was used)
    @type mac: string
    ii��cCs�tj�|_|dkr3tjdd�|_n	||_||_||_||_	i|_
t|_ddddg|_
|jjd�d|_dS(s�Initialize a new renderer.

        @param id: the message id
        @type id: int
        @param flags: the DNS message flags
        @type flags: int
        @param max_size: the maximum message size; the default is 65535.
        If rendering results in a message greater than I{max_size},
        then L{dns.exception.TooBig} will be raised.
        @type max_size: int
        @param origin: the origin to use when rendering relative names
        @type origin: or None.
        ii��sitNs(t	cStringIOtStringIOtoutputtNonetrandomtrandinttidtflagstmax_sizetorigintcompresstQUESTIONtsectiontcountstwritetmac(tselfRR	R
R((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pyt__init__Js						cCs~|jj|�|jj�g}x9|jj�D](\}}||kr3|j|�q3q3Wx|D]}|j|=qfWdS(s�Truncate the output buffer at offset I{where}, and remove any
        compression table entries that pointed beyond the truncation

        @param where: the offset
        @type where: int
        N(RtseekttruncateRt	iteritemstappend(Rtwheretkeys_to_deletetktv((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pyt	_rollbackgs	
cCs=|j|kr9|j|kr-tjj�n||_ndS(sZSet the renderer's current section.

        Sections must be rendered order: QUESTION, ANSWER, AUTHORITY,
        ADDITIONAL.  Sections may be empty.

        @param section: the section
        @type section: int
        @raises dns.exception.FormError: an attempt was made to set
        a section value less than the current section.
        N(Rtdnst	exceptiont	FormError(RR((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pyt_set_sectionyscCs�|jt�|jj�}|j|j|j|j�|jjtj	d||��|jj�}||j
kr�|j|�tj
j�n|jtcd7<dS(sAdd a question to the message.

        @param qname: the question name
        @type qname:
        @param rdtype: the question rdata type
        @type rdtype: int
        @param rdclass: the question rdata class
        @type rdclass: int
        s!HHiN(R R
Rttelltto_wireRRRtstructtpackR
RRRtTooBigR(Rtqnametrdtypetrdclasstbeforetafter((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pytadd_question�s

cKs�|j|�|jj�}|j|j|j|j|�}|jj�}||jkrw|j|�tj	j
�n|j|c|7<dS(sAdd the rrset to the specified section.

        Any keyword arguments are passed on to the rdataset's to_wire()

        @param section: the section
        @type section: int
        @param rrset: the rrset
        @type rrset: dns.rrset.RRset object
        N(R RR!R"RRR
RRRR%R(RRtrrsettkwR)tnR*((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pyt	add_rrset�s
cKs�|j|�|jj�}|j||j|j|j|�}|jj�}||jkrz|j|�tj	j
�n|j|c|7<dS(s�Add the rdataset to the specified section, using the specified
        name as the owner name.

        Any keyword arguments are passed on to the rdataset's to_wire()

        @param section: the section
        @type section: int
        @param name: the owner name
        @type name: object
        @param rdataset: the rdataset
        @type rdataset: dns.rdataset.Rdataset object
        N(R RR!R"RRR
RRRR%R(RRtnametrdatasetR-R)R.R*((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pytadd_rdataset�s
|dM}||d>O}|jt�|jj�}|jjtjddtjj	||d��|d
k	r�|jj�}x�|D]�}tjd|jd�}|jj|�|jj�}	|j|j�|jj�}
|	dks�t
�|jj|	d�tjd|
|	�}|jj|�|jjdd�q�W|jj�}||dkslt
�|jj|d�tjd||�}|jj|�|jjdd�n|jj�}||jkr�|j|�tjj�n|jtcd	7<d
S(s�Add an EDNS OPT record to the message.

        @param edns: The EDNS level to use.
        @type edns: int
        @param ednsflags: EDNS flag values.
        @type ednsflags: int
        @param payload: The EDNS sender's payload field, which is the maximum
        size of UDP datagram the sender can handle.
        @type payload: int
        @param options: The EDNS options list
        @type options: list of dns.edns.Option instances
        @see: RFC 2671
        l�~is!BHHIHis!HHiis!HiN(R t
ADDITIONALRR!RR#R$Rt	rdatatypetOPTRtotypeR"tAssertionErrorRR
Rtednst	ednsflagstpayloadtoptionsR)tlstarttopttstufftstarttendtlendR*((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pytadd_edns�s<


c	Cs�|jt�|jj�}	|jj�}
||tt	j	��|||||d|�	\}|_
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dkst�||jkr/|j|	�tjj�n|jj|
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s�Add a TSIG signature to the message.

        @param keyname: the TSIG key name
        @type keyname: object
        @param secret: the secret to use
        @type secret: string
        @param fudge: TSIG time fudge
        @type fudge: int
        @param id: the message id to encode in the tsig signature
        @type id: int
        @param tsig_error: TSIG error code; default is 0.
        @type tsig_error: int
        @param other_data: TSIG other data.
        @type other_data: string
        @param request_mac: This message is a response to the request which
        had the specified MAC.
        @type request_mac: string
        @param algorithm: the TSIG algorithm to use
        @type algorithm: object
        t	algorithms!HHIHiiis!Hii
N(R R3RR!tgetvalueRttsigtsigntintttimeRR"RRRR#R$R4tTSIGt
Cst|jjd�|jjtjd|j|j|jd|jd|jd|jd��|jjdd�dS(s�Write the DNS message header.

        Writing the DNS message header is done after all sections
        have been rendered, but before the optional TSIG signature
        is added.
        is!HHHHHHiiiN(RRRR#R$RR	R(R((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pytwrite_header1s
|jj�S(s@Return the wire format message.

        @rtype: string
__module__t__doc__RRRR RRJtINR+R/R2RBREtdefault_algorithmRVRWRX(((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pyRs)				04	(R[RR#RRHt
tANSWERt	AUTHORITYR3tobjectR(((s2/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/renderer.pyt<module>s
