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d S( s& Fixer for has_key().
Calls to .has_key() methods are expressed in terms of the 'in'
d.has_key(k) -> k in d
1) While the primary target of this fixer is dict.has_key(), the
fixer will change any has_key() method call, regardless of its
2) Cases like this will not be converted:
m = d.has_key
if m(k):
Only *calls* to has_key() are converted. While it is possible to
convert the above to something like
m = d.__contains__
if m(k):
this is currently not done.
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fixer_base( t Namet parenthesizet FixHasKeyc B s e Z e Z d Z d � Z RS( s�
trailer< '.' 'has_key' >
( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any
| arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','>
trailer< '.' 'has_key' >
( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any
| arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','>
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comparisont and_testt or_testt testt lambdeft argumentR t lenR t Nodet powerR t comp_opt tuplet exprt xor_exprt and_exprt
arith_exprt termt factor( t selft nodet resultsR
R R R t nR R R
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% ( t __name__t
__module__t Truet
BM_compatiblet PATTERNR/ ( ( ( s1 /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/fix_has_key.pyR '