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S )zEDNS Options� c @ sd e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� Zedd� �Zdd � Zd
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dd� ZdS )�Optionz*Base class for all EDNS option types.
c C s
|| _ dS )z\Initialize an option.
@param otype: The rdata type
@type otype: int
N)�otype)�selfr � r �/usr/lib/python3.6/�__init__ s zOption.__init__c C s t �dS )z*Convert an option to wire format.
N)�NotImplementedError)r �filer r r �to_wire! s zOption.to_wirec C s t �dS )a� Build an EDNS option object from wire format
@param otype: The option type
@type otype: int
@param wire: The wire-format message
@type wire: string
@param current: The offset in wire of the beginning of the rdata.
@type current: int
@param olen: The length of the wire-format option data
@type olen: int
@rtype: dns.edns.Option instanceN)r )�clsr �wire�current�olenr r r � from_wire&