Your IP :
* Declarations of request structures for the BIGFONT extension.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Bruno Haible
* Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The XFree86 Project, Inc.
#ifndef _XF86BIGFPROTO_H_
#define _XF86BIGFPROTO_H_
#include <X11/extensions/xf86bigfont.h>
#define XF86BIGFONTNAME "XFree86-Bigfont"
#define XF86BIGFONT_MAJOR_VERSION 1 /* current version numbers */
typedef struct _XF86BigfontQueryVersion {
CARD8 reqType; /* always XF86BigfontReqCode */
CARD8 xf86bigfontReqType; /* always X_XF86BigfontQueryVersion */
CARD16 length;
} xXF86BigfontQueryVersionReq;
#define sz_xXF86BigfontQueryVersionReq 4
typedef struct {
BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
CARD8 capabilities;
CARD16 sequenceNumber;
CARD32 length;
CARD16 majorVersion; /* major version of XFree86-Bigfont */
CARD16 minorVersion; /* minor version of XFree86-Bigfont */
CARD32 uid;
CARD32 gid;
CARD32 signature;
CARD32 pad1;
CARD32 pad2;
} xXF86BigfontQueryVersionReply;
#define sz_xXF86BigfontQueryVersionReply 32
/* Bit masks that can be set in the capabilities */
#define XF86Bigfont_CAP_LocalShm 1
typedef struct _XF86BigfontQueryFont {
CARD8 reqType; /* always XF86BigfontReqCode */
CARD8 xf86bigfontReqType; /* always X_XF86BigfontQueryFont */
CARD16 length;
CARD32 id;
CARD32 flags;
} xXF86BigfontQueryFontReq;
#define sz_xXF86BigfontQueryFontReq 12
typedef struct {
BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
CARD8 pad1;
CARD16 sequenceNumber;
CARD32 length;
xCharInfo minBounds;
#ifndef WORD64
CARD32 walign1;
xCharInfo maxBounds;
#ifndef WORD64
CARD32 walign2;
CARD16 minCharOrByte2;
CARD16 maxCharOrByte2;
CARD16 defaultChar;
CARD16 nFontProps;
CARD8 drawDirection;
CARD8 minByte1;
CARD8 maxByte1;
BOOL allCharsExist;
INT16 fontAscent;
INT16 fontDescent;
CARD32 nCharInfos;
CARD32 nUniqCharInfos;
CARD32 shmid;
CARD32 shmsegoffset;
/* followed by nFontProps xFontProp structures */
/* and if nCharInfos > 0 && shmid == -1,
followed by nUniqCharInfos xCharInfo structures
and then by nCharInfos CARD16 indices (each >= 0, < nUniqCharInfos)
and then, if nCharInfos is odd, one more CARD16 for padding. */
} xXF86BigfontQueryFontReply;
#define sz_xXF86BigfontQueryFontReply 72
/* Bit masks that can be set in the flags */
#define XF86Bigfont_FLAGS_Shm 1
#endif /* _XF86BIGFPROTO_H_ */