Your IP :
; The URL of your blog.
site.url = "[[softurl]]/"
; Your timezone
timezone = "Asia/Kolkata"
; Date format.
date.format = "d F Y"
; Your language (example "en_US" for English or "de_DE" for German.
; See lang directory for available language)
language = "en_US"
; Blog info
blog.title = "[[site_name]]"
blog.tagline = "Just another HTMLy blog"
blog.description = "Proudly powered by HTMLy, a databaseless blogging platform."
blog.copyright = "(c) Your name."
; Set permalink type. "default" using /year/month/title. "post" using /post/title
permalink.type = "default"
; Make the frontpage static. Options "false" and "true"
static.frontpage = "false"
; Show the /blog url as the blog homepage. Options "false" and "true"
blog.enable = "false"
blog.path = "blog"
blog.string = "Blog"
; Social account
social.bluesky = ""
social.twitter = ""
social.facebook = ""
social.instagram = ""
social.linkedin = ""
social.github = "" = ""
social.mastodon = ""
social.tiktok = ""
; Breadcrumb home text. Useful when installed on subfolder.
breadcrumb.home = "Home"
; Comment system. Choose "facebook", "disqus", or "disable".
comment.system = "disable"
; Facebook comments
fb.appid = ""
fb.num = "5"
fb.color = "light"
; Disqus comments
disqus.shortname = ""
; Google Web Master Tool ID verification = ""
; Google analytics = ""
; Google gtag analytics = ""
; Login protection system Choose "google", "cloudflare", or "disable".
login.protect.system = "disable"
login.protect.public = ""
login.protect.private = ""
; Multi-factor authentication
mfa.state = "false"
; Pagination, RSS, and JSON
posts.perpage = "10"
category.perpage = "10"
tag.perpage = "10"
archive.perpage = "10"
search.perpage = "10"
profile.perpage = "10"
type.perpage = "10"
json.count = "10"
; Category info = "true"
; Related posts
related.count = "3"
; Recent posts
recent.count = "5"
; Popular posts
popular.count = "5"
; Tagcloud
tagcloud.count = "40"
; Read more link text for "full" teaser type
read.more = "Read more"
; Teaser type: set "trimmed" or "full".
teaser.type = "full"
; In summary mode, whether check the shortcode first or not before trim the content to x char
; Options: "default" and "check"
teaser.behave = "default"
; Teaser character count
teaser.char = "200"
; Description character count
description.char = "150"
; rss description type. body or meta
rss.description = "body"
; RSS feed count
rss.count = "10"
; RSS feed description length. If left empty we will use full page.
rss.char = "200"
; Enable views Counter, the options is "true" and "false".
; If set to "true", you can see the Counts in Admin page and popular posts.
views.counter = "false"
; Sitemap priorities between "0.0" and "1.0".
; Set "-1" (minus one) to disable a sitemap for the given type. (See /sitemap.xml)
sitemap.priority.base = "1.0" = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.static = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.category = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.tag = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.archiveMonth = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.archiveYear = "0.5" = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.type = "0.5"
; Also install pre-release
prerelease = "false"
; Cache expiration in hour. Eg. "6", "12". Default 6 hours.
cache.expiration = "6"
; Switch on and off the file cache for development purposes. Options "false" and "true" = "false"
; Switch on and off the page generation time. Options "false" and "true"
generation.time = "false"
; Switch on and off the cache timestamp. Options "false" and "true"
cache.timestamp = "false"
; The site.url depends on where you are visiting from. Same installation = "false"
; TOC label
toc.label = "Table of Contents"
; TOC inital state. Option "close and "open"
toc.state = "close"
; Load the default style or not. Option "default" and "theme" = "default"
; Automatically add TOC, but first it check if the shortcode available or not
; Option "true" and "false"
toc.automatic = "false"
; Automatically insert the TOC after x paragraph
toc.position = "1"
; Title formats
home.title.format = "%blog_title% - %blog_tagline%"
post.title.format = "%post_title% - %blog_title%"
page.title.format = "%page_title% - %blog_title%"
category.title.format = "%category_title% - %blog_title%"
tag.title.format = "%tag_title% - %blog_title%"
archive.title.format = "%archive_title% - %blog_title%"
search.title.format = "%search_title% - %blog_title%"
type.title.format = "%type_title% - %blog_title%"
profile.title.format = "%author_name% - %blog_title%"
blog.title.format = "Blog - %blog_title%"
default.title.format = "%page_title% - %blog_title%"
; Default image for Open Graph
default.image = ""
; Favicon image
favicon.image = ""
; Autosave
autosave.enable = "true"
; Show HTMLy version
show.version = "true"
; Set the theme here
views.root = "themes/tailwind"
; Framework config. No need to edit.
views.layout = "layout"
; Admin theme mode: light or dark
admin.theme = "light"
; Fulltext search = "false"