Your IP :
package Authen::NTLM;
use strict;
use Authen::NTLM::DES;
use Authen::NTLM::MD4;
use MIME::Base64;
use Digest::HMAC_MD5;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
require Exporter;
=head1 NAME
Authen::NTLM - An NTLM authentication module
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use Authen::NTLM;
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(Server=>'imaphost');
$imap->authenticate("NTLM", Authen::NTLM::ntlm);
my $ntlm = Authen::NTLM-> new(
host => $host,
user => $username,
domain => $domain,
password => $password,
version => 1,
$ntlm-> challenge;
$ntlm-> challenge($challenge);
This module provides methods to use NTLM authentication. It can
be used as an authenticate method with the Mail::IMAPClient module
to perform the challenge/response mechanism for NTLM connections
or it can be used on its own for NTLM authentication with other
protocols (eg. HTTP).
The implementation is a direct port of the code from F<fetchmail>
which, itself, has based its NTLM implementation on F<samba>. As
such, this code is not especially efficient, however it will still
take a fraction of a second to negotiate a login on a PII which is
likely to be good enough for most situations.
=over 4
=item ntlm_domain()
Set the domain to use in the NTLM authentication messages.
Returns the new domain. Without an argument, this function
returns the current domain entry.
=item ntlm_user()
Set the username to use in the NTLM authentication messages.
Returns the new username. Without an argument, this function
returns the current username entry.
=item ntlm_password()
Set the password to use in the NTLM authentication messages.
Returns the new password. Without an argument, this function
returns the current password entry.
=item ntlm_reset()
Resets the NTLM challenge/response state machine so that the next
call to C<ntlm()> will produce an initial connect message.
=item ntlm()
Generate a reply to a challenge. The NTLM protocol involves an
initial empty challenge from the server requiring a message
response containing the username and domain (which may be empty).
The first call to C<ntlm()> generates this first message ignoring
any arguments.
The second time it is called, it is assumed that the argument is
the challenge string sent from the server. This will contain 8
bytes of data which are used in the DES functions to generate the
response authentication strings. The result of the call is the
final authentication string.
If C<ntlm_reset()> is called, then the next call to C<ntlm()> will
start the process again allowing multiple authentications within
an application.
=item ntlmv2()
Use NTLM v2 authentication.
=item new %options
Creates an object that accepts the following options: C<user>, C<host>,
C<domain>, C<password>, C<version>.
=item challenge [$challenge]
If C<$challenge> is not supplied, first-stage challenge string is generated.
Otherwise, the third-stage challenge is generated, where C<$challenge> is
assumed to be extracted from the second stage of NTLM exchange. The result of
the call is the final authentication string.
=head1 AUTHOR
David (Buzz) Bussenschutt <> - current maintainer
Dmitry Karasik <> - nice ntlmv2 patch, OO extensions.
Andrew Hobson <> - initial ntlmv2 code
Mark Bush <> - perl port
Eric S. Raymond - author of fetchmail
Andrew Tridgell and Jeremy Allison for SMB/Netbios code
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<perl>, L<Mail::IMAPClient>, L<LWP::Authen::Ntlm>
=head1 HISTORY
1.09 - fix CPAN ticket # 70703
1.08 - fix CPAN ticket # 39925
1.07 - not publicly released
1.06 - relicense as GPL+ or Artistic
1.05 - add OO interface by Dmitry Karasik
1.04 - implementation of NTLMv2 by Andrew Hobson/Dmitry Karasik
1.03 - fixes long-standing 1 line bug L<> - released by David Bussenschutt 9th Aug 2007
1.02 - released by Mark Bush 29th Oct 2001
$VERSION = "1.09";
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(ntlm ntlm_domain ntlm_user ntlm_password ntlm_reset ntlm_host ntlmv2);
my $domain = "";
my $user = "";
my $password = "";
my $str_hdr = "vvV";
my $hdr_len = 8;
my $ident = "NTLMSSP";
my $msg1_f = 0x0000b207;
my $msg1 = "Z8VV";
my $msg1_hlen = 16 + ($hdr_len*2);
my $msg2 = "Z8Va${hdr_len}Va8a8a${hdr_len}";
my $msg2_hlen = 12 + $hdr_len + 20 + $hdr_len;
my $msg3 = "Z8V";
my $msg3_tl = "V";
my $msg3_hlen = 12 + ($hdr_len*6) + 4;
my $state = 0;
my $host = "";
my $ntlm_v2 = 0;
my $ntlm_v2_msg3_flags = 0x88205;
# Domain Name supplied on negotiate
# Workstation Name supplied on negotiate
# Try to use NTLMv2
use constant NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM2 => 0x00080000;
# Object API
sub new
my ( $class, %opt) = @_;
for (qw(domain user password host)) {
$opt{$_} = "" unless defined $opt{$_};
$opt{version} ||= 1;
return bless { %opt }, $class;
sub challenge
my ( $self, $challenge) = @_;
$state = defined $challenge;
($user,$domain,$password,$host) = @{$self}{qw(user domain password host)};
$ntlm_v2 = ($self-> {version} eq '2') ? 1 : 0;
return ntlm($challenge);
eval "sub $_ { \$#_ ? \$_[0]->{$_} = \$_[1] : \$_[0]->{$_} }"
for qw(user domain password host version);
# Function API
sub ntlm_domain
if (@_)
$domain = shift;
return $domain;
sub ntlm_user
if (@_)
$user = shift;
return $user;
sub ntlm_password
if (@_)
$password = shift;
return $password;
sub ntlm_reset
$state = 0;
sub ntlmv2
if (@_) {
$ntlm_v2 = shift;
return $ntlm_v2;
sub ntlm_host {
if (@_) {
$host = shift;
return $host;
sub ntlm
my ($challenge) = @_;
my ($flags, $user_hdr, $domain_hdr,
$u_off, $d_off, $c_info, $lmResp, $ntResp, $lm_hdr,
$nt_hdr, $wks_hdr, $session_hdr, $lm_off, $nt_off,
$wks_off, $s_off, $u_user, $msg1_host, $host_hdr, $u_host);
my $response;
if ($state)
$challenge =~ s/^\s*//;
$challenge = decode_base64($challenge);
$c_info = &decode_challenge($challenge);
$u_user = &unicode($user);
if (!$ntlm_v2) {
$domain = substr($challenge, $c_info->{domain}{offset}, $c_info->{domain}{len});
$lmResp = &lmEncrypt($c_info->{data});
$ntResp = &ntEncrypt($c_info->{data});
$flags = pack($msg3_tl, $c_info->{flags});
elsif ($ntlm_v2 eq '1') {
$lmResp = &lmv2Encrypt($c_info->{data});
$ntResp = &ntv2Encrypt($c_info->{data}, $c_info->{target_data});
$flags = pack($msg3_tl, $ntlm_v2_msg3_flags);
else {
$domain = &unicode($domain);#substr($challenge, $c_info->{domain}{offset}, $c_info->{domain}{len});
$lmResp = &lmEncrypt($c_info->{data});
$ntResp = &ntEncrypt($c_info->{data});
$flags = pack($msg3_tl, $c_info->{flags});
$u_host = &unicode(($host ? $host : $user));
$response = pack($msg3, $ident, 3);
$lm_off = $msg3_hlen;
$nt_off = $lm_off + length($lmResp);
$d_off = $nt_off + length($ntResp);
$u_off = $d_off + length($domain);
$wks_off = $u_off + length($u_user);
$s_off = $wks_off + length($u_host);
$lm_hdr = &hdr($lmResp, $msg3_hlen, $lm_off);
$nt_hdr = &hdr($ntResp, $msg3_hlen, $nt_off);
$domain_hdr = &hdr($domain, $msg3_hlen, $d_off);
$user_hdr = &hdr($u_user, $msg3_hlen, $u_off);
$wks_hdr = &hdr($u_host, $msg3_hlen, $wks_off);
$session_hdr = &hdr("", $msg3_hlen, $s_off);
$response .= $lm_hdr . $nt_hdr . $domain_hdr . $user_hdr .
$wks_hdr . $session_hdr . $flags .
$lmResp . $ntResp . $domain . $u_user . $u_host;
else # first response;
my $f = $msg1_f;
if (!length $domain) {
$msg1_host = $user;
if ($ntlm_v2 and $ntlm_v2 eq '1') {
$msg1_host = "";
$response = pack($msg1, $ident, 1, $f);
$u_off = $msg1_hlen;
$d_off = $u_off + length($msg1_host);
$host_hdr = &hdr($msg1_host, $msg1_hlen, $u_off);
$domain_hdr = &hdr($domain, $msg1_hlen, $d_off);
$response .= $host_hdr . $domain_hdr . $msg1_host . $domain;
$state = 1;
return encode_base64($response, "");
sub hdr
my ($string, $h_len, $offset) = @_;
my ($res, $len);
$len = length($string);
if ($string)
$res = pack($str_hdr, $len, $len, $offset);
$res = pack($str_hdr, 0, 0, $offset - $h_len);
return $res;
sub decode_challenge
my ($challenge) = @_;
my $res;
my (@res, @hdr);
my $original = $challenge;
$res->{buffer} = $msg2_hlen < length $challenge
? substr($challenge, $msg2_hlen) : '';
$challenge = substr($challenge, 0, $msg2_hlen);
@res = unpack($msg2, $challenge);
$res->{ident} = $res[0];
$res->{type} = $res[1];
@hdr = unpack($str_hdr, $res[2]);
$res->{domain}{len} = $hdr[0];
$res->{domain}{maxlen} = $hdr[1];
$res->{domain}{offset} = $hdr[2];
$res->{flags} = $res[3];
$res->{data} = $res[4];
$res->{reserved} = $res[5];
$res->{empty_hdr} = $res[6];
@hdr = unpack($str_hdr, $res[6]);
$res->{target}{len} = $hdr[0];
$res->{target}{maxlen} = $hdr[1];
$res->{target}{offset} = $hdr[2];
$res->{target_data} = substr($original, $hdr[2], $hdr[1]);
return $res;
sub unicode
my ($string) = @_;
my ($reply, $c, $z) = ('');
$z = sprintf "%c", 0;
foreach $c (split //, $string)
$reply .= $c . $z;
return $reply;
sub NTunicode
my ($string) = @_;
my ($reply, $c);
foreach $c (map {ord($_)} split(//, $string))
$reply .= pack("v", $c);
return $reply;
sub lmEncrypt
my ($data) = @_;
my $p14 = substr($password, 0, 14);
$p14 =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$p14 .= "\0"x(14-length($p14));
my $p21 = E_P16($p14);
$p21 .= "\0"x(21-length($p21));
my $p24 = E_P24($p21, $data);
return $p24;
sub ntEncrypt
my ($data) = @_;
my $p21 = &E_md4hash;
$p21 .= "\0"x(21-length($p21));
my $p24 = E_P24($p21, $data);
return $p24;
sub E_md4hash
my $wpwd = &NTunicode($password);
my $p16 = mdfour($wpwd);
return $p16;
sub lmv2Encrypt {
my ($data) = @_;
my $u_pass = &unicode($password);
my $ntlm_hash = mdfour($u_pass);
my $u_user = &unicode("\U$user\E");
my $u_domain = &unicode("$domain");
my $concat = $u_user . $u_domain;
my $hmac = Digest::HMAC_MD5->new($ntlm_hash);
my $ntlm_v2_hash = $hmac->digest;
# Firefox seems to use this as its random challenge
my $random_challenge = "\0" x 8;
my $concat2 = $data . $random_challenge;
$hmac = Digest::HMAC_MD5->new($ntlm_v2_hash);
$hmac->add(substr($data, 0, 8) . $random_challenge);
my $r = $hmac->digest . $random_challenge;
return $r;
sub ntv2Encrypt {
my ($data, $target) = @_;
my $u_pass = &unicode($password);
my $ntlm_hash = mdfour($u_pass);
my $u_user = &unicode("\U$user\E");
my $u_domain = &unicode("$domain");
my $concat = $u_user . $u_domain;
my $hmac = Digest::HMAC_MD5->new($ntlm_hash);
my $ntlm_v2_hash = $hmac->digest;
my $zero_long = "\000" x 4;
my $sig = pack("H8", "01010000");
my $time = pack("VV", (time + 11644473600) + 10000000);
my $rand = "\0" x 8;
my $blob = $sig . $zero_long . $time . $rand . $zero_long .
$target . $zero_long;
$concat = $data . $blob;
$hmac = Digest::HMAC_MD5->new($ntlm_v2_hash);
my $d = $hmac->digest;
my $r = $d . $blob;
return $r;