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* Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at
* See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
#ifndef ISCCFG_CFG_H
#define ISCCFG_CFG_H 1
***** Module Info
/*! \file isccfg/cfg.h
* \brief
* This is the new, table-driven, YACC-free configuration file parser.
*** Imports
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <isc/formatcheck.h>
#include <isc/lang.h>
#include <isc/types.h>
#include <isc/list.h>
*** Types
* A configuration parser.
typedef struct cfg_parser cfg_parser_t;
* A configuration type definition object. There is a single
* static cfg_type_t object for each data type supported by
* the configuration parser.
typedef struct cfg_type cfg_type_t;
* A configuration object. This is the basic building block of the
* configuration parse tree. It contains a value (which may be
* of one of several types) and information identifying the file
* and line number the value came from, for printing error
* messages.
typedef struct cfg_obj cfg_obj_t;
* A configuration object list element.
typedef struct cfg_listelt cfg_listelt_t;
* A callback function to be called when parsing an option
* that needs to be interpreted at parsing time, like
* "directory".
typedef isc_result_t
(*cfg_parsecallback_t)(const char *clausename, const cfg_obj_t *obj, void *arg);
*** Functions
cfg_parser_attach(cfg_parser_t *src, cfg_parser_t **dest);
* Reference a parser object.
cfg_parser_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_log_t *lctx, cfg_parser_t **ret);
* Create a configuration file parser. Any warning and error
* messages will be logged to 'lctx'.
* The parser object returned can be used for a single call
* to cfg_parse_file() or cfg_parse_buffer(). It must not
* be reused for parsing multiple files or buffers.
cfg_parser_setcallback(cfg_parser_t *pctx,
cfg_parsecallback_t callback,
void *arg);
* Make the parser call 'callback' whenever it encounters
* a configuration clause with the callback attribute,
* passing it the clause name, the clause value,
* and 'arg' as arguments.
* To restore the default of not invoking callbacks, pass
* callback==NULL and arg==NULL.
cfg_parse_file(cfg_parser_t *pctx, const char *file,
const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret);
cfg_parse_buffer(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer,
const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret);
cfg_parse_buffer2(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer,
const char *file, const cfg_type_t *type,
cfg_obj_t **ret);
cfg_parse_buffer3(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer,
const char *file, unsigned int line,
const cfg_type_t *type, cfg_obj_t **ret);
cfg_parse_buffer4(cfg_parser_t *pctx, isc_buffer_t *buffer,
const char *file, unsigned int line,
const cfg_type_t *type, unsigned int flags,
cfg_obj_t **ret);
* Read a configuration containing data of type 'type'
* and make '*ret' point to its parse tree.
* The configuration is read from the file 'filename'
* (isc_parse_file()) or the buffer 'buffer'
* (isc_parse_buffer()).
* If 'file' is not NULL, it is the name of the file, or a name to use
* for the buffer in place of the filename, when logging errors.
* If 'line' is not 0, then it is the beginning line number to report
* when logging errors. This is useful when passing text that has been
* read from the middle of a file.
* Returns an error if the file or buffer does not parse correctly.
* Requires:
*\li "filename" is valid.
*\li "mem" is valid.
*\li "type" is valid.
*\li "cfg" is non-NULL and "*cfg" is NULL.
*\li "flags" be one or more of CFG_PCTX_NODEPRECATED or zero.
* Returns:
* \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - success
*\li #ISC_R_NOMEMORY - no memory available
*\li #ISC_R_INVALIDFILE - file doesn't exist or is unreadable
*\li others - file contains errors
cfg_parser_mapadd(cfg_parser_t *pctx, cfg_obj_t *mapobj,
cfg_obj_t *obj, const char *clause);
* Add the object 'obj' to the specified clause in mapbody 'mapobj'.
* Used for adding new zones.
* Require:
* \li 'obj' is a valid cfg_obj_t.
* \li 'mapobj' is a valid cfg_obj_t of type map.
* \li 'pctx' is a valid cfg_parser_t.
cfg_parser_reset(cfg_parser_t *pctx);
* Reset an existing parser so it can be re-used for a new file or
* buffer.
cfg_parser_destroy(cfg_parser_t **pctxp);
* Remove a reference to a configuration parser; destroy it if there are no
* more references.
cfg_obj_isvoid(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of void type (e.g., an optional
* value not specified).
cfg_obj_ismap(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of a map type.
cfg_obj_isfixedpoint(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of a fixedpoint type.
cfg_obj_ispercentage(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of a percentage type.
cfg_map_get(const cfg_obj_t *mapobj, const char* name, const cfg_obj_t **obj);
* Extract an element from a configuration object, which
* must be of a map type.
* Requires:
* \li 'mapobj' points to a valid configuration object of a map type.
* \li 'name' points to a null-terminated string.
* \li 'obj' is non-NULL and '*obj' is NULL.
* Returns:
* \li #ISC_R_SUCCESS - success
* \li #ISC_R_NOTFOUND - name not found in map
const cfg_obj_t *
cfg_map_getname(const cfg_obj_t *mapobj);
* Get the name of a named map object, like a server "key" clause.
* Requires:
* \li 'mapobj' points to a valid configuration object of a map type.
* Returns:
* \li A pointer to a configuration object naming the map object,
* or NULL if the map object does not have a name.
unsigned int
cfg_map_count(const cfg_obj_t *mapobj);
* Get the number of elements defined in the symbol table of a map object.
* Requires:
* \li 'mapobj' points to a valid configuration object of a map type.
* Returns:
* \li The number of elements in the map object.
cfg_obj_istuple(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of a map type.
const cfg_obj_t *
cfg_tuple_get(const cfg_obj_t *tupleobj, const char *name);
* Extract an element from a configuration object, which
* must be of a tuple type.
* Requires:
* \li 'tupleobj' points to a valid configuration object of a tuple type.
* \li 'name' points to a null-terminated string naming one of the
*\li fields of said tuple type.
cfg_obj_isuint32(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of integer type.
cfg_obj_asuint32(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the value of a configuration object of 32-bit integer type.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of 32-bit integer type.
* Returns:
* \li A 32-bit unsigned integer.
cfg_obj_isuint64(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of integer type.
cfg_obj_asuint64(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the value of a configuration object of 64-bit integer type.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of 64-bit integer type.
* Returns:
* \li A 64-bit unsigned integer.
cfg_obj_asfixedpoint(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the value of a configuration object of fixed point number.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of fixed point type.
* Returns:
* \li A 32-bit unsigned integer.
cfg_obj_aspercentage(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the value of a configuration object of percentage
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of percentage type.
* Returns:
* \li A 32-bit unsigned integer.
cfg_obj_isstring(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of string type.
const char *
cfg_obj_asstring(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the value of a configuration object of a string type
* as a null-terminated string.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a string type.
* Returns:
* \li A pointer to a null terminated string.
cfg_obj_isboolean(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of a boolean type.
cfg_obj_asboolean(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the value of a configuration object of a boolean type.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a boolean type.
* Returns:
* \li A boolean value.
cfg_obj_issockaddr(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is a socket address.
const isc_sockaddr_t *
cfg_obj_assockaddr(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the value of a configuration object representing a socket address.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a socket address type.
* Returns:
* \li A pointer to a sockaddr. The sockaddr must be copied by the caller
* if necessary.
cfg_obj_getdscp(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the DSCP value of a configuration object representing a
* socket address.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a
* socket address type.
* Returns:
* \li DSCP value associated with a sockaddr, or -1.
cfg_obj_isnetprefix(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is a network prefix.
cfg_obj_asnetprefix(const cfg_obj_t *obj, isc_netaddr_t *netaddr,
unsigned int *prefixlen);
* Gets the value of a configuration object representing a network
* prefix. The network address is returned through 'netaddr' and the
* prefix length in bits through 'prefixlen'.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of network prefix type.
*\li 'netaddr' and 'prefixlen' are non-NULL.
cfg_obj_islist(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of list type.
const cfg_listelt_t *
cfg_list_first(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Returns the first list element in a configuration object of a list type.
* Requires:
* \li 'obj' points to a valid configuration object of a list type or NULL.
* Returns:
* \li A pointer to a cfg_listelt_t representing the first list element,
* or NULL if the list is empty or nonexistent.
const cfg_listelt_t *
cfg_list_next(const cfg_listelt_t *elt);
* Returns the next element of a list of configuration objects.
* Requires:
* \li 'elt' points to cfg_listelt_t obtained from cfg_list_first() or
* a previous call to cfg_list_next().
* Returns:
* \li A pointer to a cfg_listelt_t representing the next element,
* or NULL if there are no more elements.
unsigned int
cfg_list_length(const cfg_obj_t *obj, bool recurse);
* Returns the length of a list of configure objects. If obj is
* not a list, returns 0. If recurse is true, add in the length of
* all contained lists.
cfg_obj_t *
cfg_listelt_value(const cfg_listelt_t *elt);
* Returns the configuration object associated with cfg_listelt_t.
* Requires:
* \li 'elt' points to cfg_listelt_t obtained from cfg_list_first() or
* cfg_list_next().
* Returns:
* \li A non-NULL pointer to a configuration object.
cfg_print(const cfg_obj_t *obj,
void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen),
void *closure);
cfg_printx(const cfg_obj_t *obj, unsigned int flags,
void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen),
void *closure);
#define CFG_PRINTER_XKEY 0x1 /* '?' out shared keys. */
#define CFG_PRINTER_ONELINE 0x2 /* print config as a single line */
* Print the configuration object 'obj' by repeatedly calling the
* function 'f', passing 'closure' and a region of text starting
* at 'text' and comprising 'textlen' characters.
* If CFG_PRINTER_XKEY the contents of shared keys will be obscured
* by replacing them with question marks ('?')
cfg_print_grammar(const cfg_type_t *type,
void (*f)(void *closure, const char *text, int textlen),
void *closure);
* Print a summary of the grammar of the configuration type 'type'.
cfg_obj_istype(const cfg_obj_t *obj, const cfg_type_t *type);
* Return true iff 'obj' is of type 'type'.
cfg_obj_attach(cfg_obj_t *src, cfg_obj_t **dest);
* Reference a configuration object.
cfg_obj_destroy(cfg_parser_t *pctx, cfg_obj_t **obj);
* Delete a reference to a configuration object; destroy the object if
* there are no more references.
* Require:
* \li '*obj' is a valid cfg_obj_t.
* \li 'pctx' is a valid cfg_parser_t.
cfg_obj_log(const cfg_obj_t *obj, isc_log_t *lctx, int level,
const char *fmt, ...)
* Log a message concerning configuration object 'obj' to the logging
* channel of 'pctx', at log level 'level'. The message will be prefixed
* with the file name(s) and line number where 'obj' was defined.
const char *
cfg_obj_file(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return the file that defined this object.
unsigned int
cfg_obj_line(const cfg_obj_t *obj);
* Return the line in file where this object was defined.
const char *
cfg_map_firstclause(const cfg_type_t *map, const void **clauses,
unsigned int *idx);
const char *
cfg_map_nextclause(const cfg_type_t *map, const void **clauses,
unsigned int *idx);
#endif /* ISCCFG_CFG_H */