Your IP :
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: Event.tcl,v 1.6 2004/04/09 21:37:01 hobbs Exp $
# Event.tcl --
# Handles the event bindings of the -command and -browsecmd options
# (and various of others such as -validatecmd).
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# Evaluate high-level bindings (-command, -browsecmd, etc):
# with % subsitution or without (compatibility mode)
# BUG : if a -command is intercepted by a hook, the hook must use
# the same record name as the issuer of the -command. For the time
# being, you must use the name "bind" as the record name!!!!!
namespace eval ::tix {
variable event_flags ""
set evs [list % \# a b c d f h k m o p s t w x y A B E K N R S T W X Y]
foreach ev $evs {
lappend event_flags "%$ev"
# This is a "name stack" for storing the "bind" structures
# The bottom of the event stack is usually a raw event (generated by
# tixBind) but it may also be a programatically triggered (caused by
# tixEvalCmdBinding)
variable EVENT
set EVENT(nameStack) ""
set EVENT(stackLevel) 0
proc tixBind {tag event action} {
set cmd [linsert $::tix::event_flags 0 _tixRecordFlags $event]
append cmd "; $action; _tixDeleteFlags;"
bind $tag $event $cmd
proc tixPushEventStack {} {
variable ::tix::EVENT
set lastEvent [lindex $EVENT(nameStack) 0]
incr EVENT(stackLevel)
set thisEvent ::tix::_event$EVENT(stackLevel)
set EVENT(nameStack) [list $thisEvent $EVENT(nameStack)]
if {$lastEvent == ""} {
upvar #0 $thisEvent this
set this(type) <Application>
} else {
upvar #0 $lastEvent last
upvar #0 $thisEvent this
foreach name [array names last] {
set this($name) $last($name)
return $thisEvent
proc tixPopEventStack {varName} {
variable ::tix::EVENT
if {$varName ne [lindex $EVENT(nameStack) 0]} {
error "unmatched tixPushEventStack and tixPopEventStack calls"
incr EVENT(stackLevel) -1
set EVENT(nameStack) [lindex $EVENT(nameStack) 1]
global $varName
unset $varName
# Events triggered by tixBind
proc _tixRecordFlags [concat event $::tix::event_flags] {
set thisName [tixPushEventStack]; upvar #0 $thisName this
set this(type) $event
foreach f $::tix::event_flags {
set this($f) [set $f]
proc _tixDeleteFlags {} {
variable ::tix::EVENT
tixPopEventStack [lindex $EVENT(nameStack) 0]
# programatically trigged events
proc tixEvalCmdBinding {w cmd {subst ""} args} {
global tixPriv tix
variable ::tix::EVENT
set thisName [tixPushEventStack]; upvar #0 $thisName this
if {$subst != ""} {
upvar $subst bind
if {[info exists bind(specs)]} {
foreach spec $bind(specs) {
set this($spec) $bind($spec)
if {[info exists bind(type)]} {
set this(type) $bind(type)
if {[catch {
if {![info exists tix(-extracmdargs)]
|| [string is true -strict $tix(-extracmdargs)]} {
# Compatibility mode
set ret [uplevel \#0 $cmd $args]
} else {
set ret [uplevel 1 $cmd]
} error]} {
if {[catch {tixCmdErrorHandler $error} error]} {
# double fault: just print out
tixBuiltInCmdErrorHandler $error
tixPopEventStack $thisName
return ""
} else {
tixPopEventStack $thisName
return $ret
proc tixEvent {option args} {
global tixPriv
variable ::tix::EVENT
set varName [lindex $EVENT(nameStack) 0]
if {$varName == ""} {
error "tixEvent called when no event is being processed"
} else {
upvar #0 $varName event
switch -exact -- $option {
type {
return $event(type)
value {
if {[info exists event(%V)]} {
return $event(%V)
} else {
return ""
flag {
set f %[lindex $args 0]
if {[info exists event($f)]} {
return $event($f)
error "The flag \"[lindex $args 0]\" does not exist"
match {
return [string match [lindex $args 0] $event(type)]
default {
error "unknown option \"$option\""
# tixBuiltInCmdErrorHandler --
# Default method to report command handler errors. This procedure is
# also called if double-fault happens (command handler causes error,
# then tixCmdErrorHandler causes error).
proc tixBuiltInCmdErrorHandler {errorMsg} {
global errorInfo tcl_platform
if {![info exists errorInfo]} {
set errorInfo "???"
if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
bgerror "Tix Error: $errorMsg"
} else {
puts "Error:\n $errorMsg\n$errorInfo"
# tixCmdErrorHandler --
# You can redefine this command to handle the errors that occur
# in the command handlers. See the programmer's documentation
# for details
if {![llength [info commands tixCmdErrorHandler]]} {
proc tixCmdErrorHandler {errorMsg} {
tixBuiltInCmdErrorHandler $errorMsg