Your IP :
/* pad.h
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
* 2009, 2010, 2011 by Larry Wall and others
* You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
* This file defines the types and macros associated with the API for
* manipulating scratchpads, which are used by perl to store lexical
* variables, op targets and constants.
=head1 Pad Data Structures
/* offsets within a pad */
typedef SSize_t PADOFFSET; /* signed so that -1 is a valid value */
#define NOT_IN_PAD ((PADOFFSET) -1)
/* B.xs expects the first members of these two structs to line up
(xpadl_max with xpadnl_fill).
struct padlist {
SSize_t xpadl_max; /* max index for which array has space */
union {
PAD ** xpadlarr_alloc; /* Pointer to beginning of array of AVs.
index 0 is a padnamelist * */
struct {
PAD * pad_1; /* this slice of PAD * array always alloced */
PAD * pad_2; /* maybe unalloced */
} * xpadlarr_dbg; /* for use with a C debugger only */
} xpadl_arr;
U32 xpadl_id; /* Semi-unique ID, shared between clones */
U32 xpadl_outid; /* ID of outer pad */
struct padnamelist {
SSize_t xpadnl_fill; /* max index in use */
PADNAME ** xpadnl_alloc; /* pointer to beginning of array */
SSize_t xpadnl_max; /* max index for which array has space */
PADOFFSET xpadnl_max_named; /* highest index with len > 0 */
U32 xpadnl_refcnt;
/* PERL_PADNAME_MINIMAL uses less memory, but on some platforms
PERL_PADNAME_ALIGNED may be faster, so platform-specific hints can
define one or the other. */
#define _PADNAME_BASE \
char * xpadn_pv; \
HV * xpadn_ourstash; \
union { \
HV * xpadn_typestash; \
CV * xpadn_protocv; \
} xpadn_type_u; \
U32 xpadn_low; \
U32 xpadn_high; \
U32 xpadn_refcnt; \
int xpadn_gen; \
U8 xpadn_len; \
U8 xpadn_flags
struct padname {
struct padname_with_str {
struct padname xpadn_padname;
char xpadn_str[1];
#define PADNAME_FROM_PV(s) \
((PADNAME *)((s) - STRUCT_OFFSET(struct padname_with_str, xpadn_str)))
/* a value that PL_cop_seqmax is guaranteed never to be,
* flagging that a lexical is being introduced, or has not yet left scope
#define COP_SEQMAX_INC \
(PL_cop_seqmax++, \
(void)(PL_cop_seqmax == PERL_PADSEQ_INTRO && PL_cop_seqmax++))
/* B.xs needs these for the benefit of B::Deparse */
/* Low range end is exclusive (valid from the cop seq after this one) */
/* High range end is inclusive (valid up to this cop seq) */
#define COP_SEQ_RANGE_LOW(pn) (pn)->xpadn_low
#define COP_SEQ_RANGE_HIGH(pn) (pn)->xpadn_high
#define PARENT_PAD_INDEX(pn) (pn)->xpadn_low
#define PARENT_FAKELEX_FLAGS(pn) (pn)->xpadn_high
/* Flags set in the SvIVX field of FAKE namesvs */
#define PAD_FAKELEX_ANON 1 /* the lex is declared in an ANON, or ... */
#define PAD_FAKELEX_MULTI 2 /* the lex can be instantiated multiple times */
/* flags for the pad_new() function */
#define padnew_CLONE 1 /* this pad is for a cloned CV */
#define padnew_SAVE 2 /* save old globals */
#define padnew_SAVESUB 4 /* also save extra stuff for start of sub */
/* values for the pad_tidy() function */
typedef enum {
padtidy_SUB, /* tidy up a pad for a sub, */
padtidy_SUBCLONE, /* a cloned sub, */
padtidy_FORMAT /* or a format */
} padtidy_type;
/* flags for pad_add_name_pvn. */
#define padadd_OUR 0x01 /* our declaration. */
#define padadd_STATE 0x02 /* state declaration. */
#define padadd_NO_DUP_CHECK 0x04 /* skip warning on dups. */
#define padadd_STALEOK 0x08 /* allow stale lexical in active
* sub, but only one level up */
/* ASSERT_CURPAD_LEGAL and ASSERT_CURPAD_ACTIVE respectively determine
* whether PL_comppad and PL_curpad are consistent and whether they have
* active values */
# define pad_peg(label)
# define ASSERT_CURPAD_LEGAL(label) \
pad_peg(label); \
if (PL_comppad ? (AvARRAY(PL_comppad) != PL_curpad) : (PL_curpad != 0)) \
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: illegal pad in %s: 0x%" UVxf "[0x%" UVxf "]",\
label, PTR2UV(PL_comppad), PTR2UV(PL_curpad));
# define ASSERT_CURPAD_ACTIVE(label) \
pad_peg(label); \
if (!PL_comppad || (AvARRAY(PL_comppad) != PL_curpad)) \
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: invalid pad in %s: 0x%" UVxf "[0x%" UVxf "]",\
label, PTR2UV(PL_comppad), PTR2UV(PL_curpad));
# define ASSERT_CURPAD_LEGAL(label)
# define ASSERT_CURPAD_ACTIVE(label)
/* Note: the following three macros are actually defined in scope.h, but
* they are documented here for completeness, since they directly or
* indirectly affect pads.
=for apidoc m|void|SAVEPADSV |PADOFFSET po
Save a pad slot (used to restore after an iteration)
XXX DAPM it would make more sense to make the arg a PADOFFSET
=for apidoc m|void|SAVECLEARSV |SV **svp
Clear the pointed to pad value on scope exit. (i.e. the runtime action of
=for apidoc m|void|SAVECOMPPAD
save C<PL_comppad> and C<PL_curpad>
=for apidoc Amx|PAD **|PadlistARRAY|PADLIST padlist
The C array of a padlist, containing the pads. Only subscript it with
numbers >= 1, as the 0th entry is not guaranteed to remain usable.
=for apidoc Amx|SSize_t|PadlistMAX|PADLIST padlist
The index of the last allocated space in the padlist. Note that the last
pad may be in an earlier slot. Any entries following it will be C<NULL> in
that case.
=for apidoc Amx|PADNAMELIST *|PadlistNAMES|PADLIST padlist
The names associated with pad entries.
=for apidoc Amx|PADNAME **|PadlistNAMESARRAY|PADLIST padlist
The C array of pad names.
=for apidoc Amx|SSize_t|PadlistNAMESMAX|PADLIST padlist
The index of the last pad name.
=for apidoc Amx|U32|PadlistREFCNT|PADLIST padlist
The reference count of the padlist. Currently this is always 1.
=for apidoc Amx|PADNAME **|PadnamelistARRAY|PADNAMELIST pnl
The C array of pad names.
=for apidoc Amx|SSize_t|PadnamelistMAX|PADNAMELIST pnl
The index of the last pad name.
=for apidoc Amx|SSize_t|PadnamelistREFCNT|PADNAMELIST pnl
The reference count of the pad name list.
=for apidoc Amx|void|PadnamelistREFCNT_dec|PADNAMELIST pnl
Lowers the reference count of the pad name list.
=for apidoc Amx|SV **|PadARRAY|PAD pad
The C array of pad entries.
=for apidoc Amx|SSize_t|PadMAX|PAD pad
The index of the last pad entry.
=for apidoc Amx|char *|PadnamePV|PADNAME pn
The name stored in the pad name struct. This returns C<NULL> for a target
=for apidoc Amx|STRLEN|PadnameLEN|PADNAME pn
The length of the name.
=for apidoc Amx|bool|PadnameUTF8|PADNAME pn
Whether PadnamePV is in UTF-8. Currently, this is always true.
=for apidoc Amx|SV *|PadnameSV|PADNAME pn
Returns the pad name as a mortal SV.
=for apidoc m|bool|PadnameIsOUR|PADNAME pn
Whether this is an "our" variable.
=for apidoc m|HV *|PadnameOURSTASH
The stash in which this "our" variable was declared.
=for apidoc m|bool|PadnameOUTER|PADNAME pn
Whether this entry belongs to an outer pad. Entries for which this is true
are often referred to as 'fake'.
=for apidoc m|bool|PadnameIsSTATE|PADNAME pn
Whether this is a "state" variable.
=for apidoc m|HV *|PadnameTYPE|PADNAME pn
The stash associated with a typed lexical. This returns the C<%Foo::> hash
for C<my Foo $bar>.
=for apidoc Amx|SSize_t|PadnameREFCNT|PADNAME pn
The reference count of the pad name.
=for apidoc Amx|void|PadnameREFCNT_dec|PADNAME pn
Lowers the reference count of the pad name.
=for apidoc m|SV *|PAD_SETSV |PADOFFSET po|SV* sv
Set the slot at offset C<po> in the current pad to C<sv>
=for apidoc m|SV *|PAD_SV |PADOFFSET po
Get the value at offset C<po> in the current pad
=for apidoc m|SV *|PAD_SVl |PADOFFSET po
Lightweight and lvalue version of C<PAD_SV>.
Get or set the value at offset C<po> in the current pad.
Unlike C<PAD_SV>, does not print diagnostics with -DX.
For internal use only.
=for apidoc m|SV *|PAD_BASE_SV |PADLIST padlist|PADOFFSET po
Get the value from slot C<po> in the base (DEPTH=1) pad of a padlist
=for apidoc m|void|PAD_SET_CUR |PADLIST padlist|I32 n
Set the current pad to be pad C<n> in the padlist, saving
the previous current pad. NB currently this macro expands to a string too
long for some compilers, so it's best to replace it with
=for apidoc m|void|PAD_SET_CUR_NOSAVE |PADLIST padlist|I32 n
like PAD_SET_CUR, but without the save
=for apidoc m|void|PAD_SAVE_SETNULLPAD
Save the current pad then set it to null.
=for apidoc m|void|PAD_SAVE_LOCAL|PAD *opad|PAD *npad
Save the current pad to the local variable C<opad>, then make the
current pad equal to C<npad>
=for apidoc m|void|PAD_RESTORE_LOCAL|PAD *opad
Restore the old pad saved into the local variable C<opad> by C<PAD_SAVE_LOCAL()>
#define PadlistARRAY(pl) (pl)->xpadl_arr.xpadlarr_alloc
#define PadlistMAX(pl) (pl)->xpadl_max
#define PadlistNAMES(pl) *((PADNAMELIST **)PadlistARRAY(pl))
#define PadlistNAMESARRAY(pl) PadnamelistARRAY(PadlistNAMES(pl))
#define PadlistNAMESMAX(pl) PadnamelistMAX(PadlistNAMES(pl))
#define PadlistREFCNT(pl) 1 /* reserved for future use */
#define PadnamelistARRAY(pnl) (pnl)->xpadnl_alloc
#define PadnamelistMAX(pnl) (pnl)->xpadnl_fill
#define PadnamelistMAXNAMED(pnl) (pnl)->xpadnl_max_named
#define PadnamelistREFCNT(pnl) (pnl)->xpadnl_refcnt
#define PadnamelistREFCNT_dec(pnl) Perl_padnamelist_free(aTHX_ pnl)
#define PadARRAY(pad) AvARRAY(pad)
#define PadMAX(pad) AvFILLp(pad)
#define PadnamePV(pn) (pn)->xpadn_pv
#define PadnameLEN(pn) (pn)->xpadn_len
#define PadnameUTF8(pn) 1
#define PadnameSV(pn) \
newSVpvn_flags(PadnamePV(pn), PadnameLEN(pn), SVs_TEMP|SVf_UTF8)
#define PadnameFLAGS(pn) (pn)->xpadn_flags
#define PadnameIsOUR(pn) (!!(pn)->xpadn_ourstash)
#define PadnameOURSTASH(pn) (pn)->xpadn_ourstash
#define PadnameTYPE(pn) (pn)->xpadn_type_u.xpadn_typestash
#define PadnamePROTOCV(pn) (pn)->xpadn_type_u.xpadn_protocv
#define PadnameREFCNT(pn) (pn)->xpadn_refcnt
#define PadnameREFCNT_dec(pn) Perl_padname_free(aTHX_ pn)
#define PadnameOURSTASH_set(pn,s) (PadnameOURSTASH(pn) = (s))
#define PadnameTYPE_set(pn,s) (PadnameTYPE(pn) = (s))
#define PadnameOUTER(pn) (PadnameFLAGS(pn) & PADNAMEt_OUTER)
#define PadnameIsSTATE(pn) (PadnameFLAGS(pn) & PADNAMEt_STATE)
#define PadnameLVALUE(pn) (PadnameFLAGS(pn) & PADNAMEt_LVALUE)
#define PadnameLVALUE_on(pn) (PadnameFLAGS(pn) |= PADNAMEt_LVALUE)
#define PadnameIsSTATE_on(pn) (PadnameFLAGS(pn) |= PADNAMEt_STATE)
#define PADNAMEt_OUTER 1 /* outer lexical var */
#define PADNAMEt_STATE 2 /* state var */
#define PADNAMEt_LVALUE 4 /* used as lvalue */
#define PADNAMEt_TYPED 8 /* for B; unused by core */
#define PADNAMEt_OUR 16 /* for B; unused by core */
/* backward compatibility */
#define SvPAD_STATE PadnameIsSTATE
#define SvPAD_TYPED(pn) (!!PadnameTYPE(pn))
#define SvPAD_OUR(pn) (!!PadnameOURSTASH(pn))
#define SvPAD_STATE_on PadnameIsSTATE_on
#define SvPAD_TYPED_on(pn) (PadnameFLAGS(pn) |= PADNAMEt_TYPED)
#define SvPAD_OUR_on(pn) (PadnameFLAGS(pn) |= PADNAMEt_OUR)
#define SvOURSTASH_set PadnameOURSTASH_set
#define SVpad_OUR PADNAMEt_OUR
# define PAD_SV(po) pad_sv(po)
# define PAD_SETSV(po,sv) pad_setsv(po,sv)
# define PAD_SV(po) (PL_curpad[po])
# define PAD_SETSV(po,sv) PL_curpad[po] = (sv)
#define PAD_SVl(po) (PL_curpad[po])
#define PAD_BASE_SV(padlist, po) \
(PadlistARRAY(padlist)[1]) \
? AvARRAY(MUTABLE_AV((PadlistARRAY(padlist)[1])))[po] \
#define PAD_SET_CUR_NOSAVE(padlist,nth) \
PL_comppad = (PAD*) (PadlistARRAY(padlist)[nth]); \
PL_curpad = AvARRAY(PL_comppad); \
DEBUG_Xv(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, \
"Pad 0x%" UVxf "[0x%" UVxf "] set_cur depth=%d\n", \
PTR2UV(PL_comppad), PTR2UV(PL_curpad), (int)(nth)));
#define PAD_SET_CUR(padlist,nth) \
PL_comppad = NULL; PL_curpad = NULL; \
DEBUG_Xv(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "Pad set_null\n"));
#define PAD_SAVE_LOCAL(opad,npad) \
opad = PL_comppad; \
PL_comppad = (npad); \
PL_curpad = PL_comppad ? AvARRAY(PL_comppad) : NULL; \
DEBUG_Xv(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, \
"Pad 0x%" UVxf "[0x%" UVxf "] save_local\n", \
PTR2UV(PL_comppad), PTR2UV(PL_curpad)));
#define PAD_RESTORE_LOCAL(opad) \
assert(!opad || !SvIS_FREED(opad)); \
PL_comppad = opad; \
PL_curpad = PL_comppad ? AvARRAY(PL_comppad) : NULL; \
DEBUG_Xv(PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, \
"Pad 0x%" UVxf "[0x%" UVxf "] restore_local\n", \
PTR2UV(PL_comppad), PTR2UV(PL_curpad)));
=for apidoc m|void|CX_CURPAD_SAVE|struct context
Save the current pad in the given context block structure.
=for apidoc m|SV *|CX_CURPAD_SV|struct context|PADOFFSET po
Access the SV at offset C<po> in the saved current pad in the given
context block structure (can be used as an lvalue).
#define CX_CURPAD_SAVE(block) (block).oldcomppad = PL_comppad
#define CX_CURPAD_SV(block,po) (AvARRAY(MUTABLE_AV(((block).oldcomppad)))[po])
Return the flags for the current compiling pad name
at offset C<po>. Assumes a valid slot entry.
=for apidoc m|char *|PAD_COMPNAME_PV|PADOFFSET po
Return the name of the current compiling pad name
at offset C<po>. Assumes a valid slot entry.
Return the type (stash) of the current compiling pad name at offset
C<po>. Must be a valid name. Returns null if not typed.
Return the stash associated with an C<our> variable.
Assumes the slot entry is a valid C<our> lexical.
The generation number of the name at offset C<po> in the current
compiling pad (lvalue).
=for apidoc m|STRLEN|PAD_COMPNAME_GEN_set|PADOFFSET po|int gen
Sets the generation number of the name at offset C<po> in the current
ling pad (lvalue) to C<gen>.
#define PAD_COMPNAME_SV(po) (PadnamelistARRAY(PL_comppad_name)[(po)])
#define PAD_COMPNAME_PV(po) PadnamePV(PAD_COMPNAME(po))
#define PAD_COMPNAME_GEN(po) \
#define PAD_COMPNAME_GEN_set(po, gen) \
(PadnamelistARRAY(PL_comppad_name)[po]->xpadn_gen = (gen))
=for apidoc m|void|PAD_CLONE_VARS|PerlInterpreter *proto_perl|CLONE_PARAMS* param
Clone the state variables associated with running and compiling pads.
/* NB - we set PL_comppad to null unless it points at a value that
* has already been dup'ed, ie it points to part of an active padlist.
* Otherwise PL_comppad ends up being a leaked scalar in code like
* the following:
* threads->create(sub { threads->create(sub {...} ) } );
* where the second thread dups the outer sub's comppad but not the
* sub's CV or padlist. */
#define PAD_CLONE_VARS(proto_perl, param) \
PL_comppad = av_dup(proto_perl->Icomppad, param); \
PL_curpad = PL_comppad ? AvARRAY(PL_comppad) : NULL; \
PL_comppad_name = \
padnamelist_dup(proto_perl->Icomppad_name, param); \
PL_comppad_name_fill = proto_perl->Icomppad_name_fill; \
PL_comppad_name_floor = proto_perl->Icomppad_name_floor; \
PL_min_intro_pending = proto_perl->Imin_intro_pending; \
PL_max_intro_pending = proto_perl->Imax_intro_pending; \
PL_padix = proto_perl->Ipadix; \
PL_padix_floor = proto_perl->Ipadix_floor; \
PL_pad_reset_pending = proto_perl->Ipad_reset_pending; \
PL_cop_seqmax = proto_perl->Icop_seqmax;
=for apidoc Am|PADOFFSET|pad_add_name_pvs|const char *name|U32 flags|HV *typestash|HV *ourstash
Exactly like L</pad_add_name_pvn>, but takes a C<NUL>-terminated literal string
instead of a string/length pair.
#define pad_add_name_pvs(name,flags,typestash,ourstash) \
Perl_pad_add_name_pvn(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(name), flags, typestash, ourstash)
=for apidoc Am|PADOFFSET|pad_findmy_pvs|const char *name|U32 flags
Exactly like L</pad_findmy_pvn>, but takes a C<NUL>-terminated literal string
instead of a string/length pair.
#define pad_findmy_pvs(name,flags) \
Perl_pad_findmy_pvn(aTHX_ STR_WITH_LEN(name), flags)
* ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: