Your IP :
GOOF----LE-8-2.0�A ] � 4 h! ] g foo� g bar� g foo/bar� f 0.0.2� g doc-snarf-version� g guile� � g define-module*� �
� g scripts� g doc-snarf�
� g filenameS� f scripts/doc-snarf.scm� g importsS� g ice-9� g getopt-long� � � g regex� � � g
string-fun� � � g rdelim� � � � g exportsS� � !g set-current-module� "! � #! � $f $Snarf out documentation from a file.� %g %summary� &g version� 'g single-char� ('v � )g value� *) � +&(* � ,g help� -'h � .,-* � /g output� 0'o � 1) � 2/01 � 3g texinfo� 4't � 534* � 6g lang� 7'l � 8671 � 9+.258 � :g command-synopsis� ;g display� <f
doc-snarf � =g newline� >g display-version� ?f (Usage: doc-snarf [options...] inputfile
� @f 6 --help, -h Show this usage information
� Af 3 --version, -v Show version information
� Bf ? --output=FILE, -o Specify output file [default=stdout]
� Cf 3 --texinfo, -t Format output as texinfo
� Df 5 --lang=[c,scheme], -l Specify the input language
� Eg display-help� Ff doc-snarf� Gg
option-ref� Hg string->symbol� Ig string-downcase� Jf scheme� Kg
snarf-file� Lg main� Mg c� Nf ^/\*(.*)� Of ^ \*/� Pf ^ \* (.*)� Qf ^ \*-(.*)� Rf NOTHING AT THIS TIME!!!� SMNOPQR � Tg scheme� Uf ^;; (.*)� Vf ^;;\.� Wf ^;;-(.*)� Xf ^\(define� YTUVUWX � ZSY � [g supported-languages� \g list-ref� ]g assq-ref� ^g docstring-start� _g
docstring-end� `g docstring-prefix� ag
option-prefix� bg signature-start� cg std-int-doc?� dg lang-parm� eg memq� fg map� gg car� hg error� if .doc-snarf: input language must be c or scheme.� jg write-output� kg snarf� lg format-texinfo� mg format-plain� ng
unread-string� og read� pg length� qg define� rg lambda� sg string?� tg find-std-int-doc� ug separate-fields-discarding-char� vg
string-append� wg split-prefixed� xg open-input-file� yg make-regexp� zg eof-object?� {g close-input-port� |g reverse� }g neutral� ~g regexp-exec� g read-line� �g
doc-string� �g match:substring� �g options� �f
internal: � �g append� �g parse-entry� �g entry� �g
make-entry� �g entry-symbol� �g entry-signature� �g entry-docstrings� �g
entry-options� �g entry-filename� �g
entry-line� �g
get-symbol� �g make-prototype� �f � �g call-with-input-string� �g read-char� �g join-symbols� �g symbol->string� �f . � �f � �g with-output-to-port� �g open-output-file� �g current-output-port� �g for-each� �f
� �f @c snarfed from � �f :� �f @deffn procedure � �g
write-line� �f @c � �f
@end deffn� �f Procedure: � �f ;; � �f
Snarfed from � �f �C 5 h@3 v ] h � ] $ CC ~ g braz
g filenamef scripts/doc-snarf.scm�
�� 2 ��
2 ��
2 �� g nameg foo/bar� CRR4
5 4# > "