Your IP :
GOOF----LE-8-2.0�- ] � 4 h� ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g ice-9� g threads� � g filenameS�
f ice-9/threads.scm� g importsS� g futures�
� g match� � � � g exportsS� g begin-thread� g parallel� g letpar� g make-thread� g
with-mutex� g monitor� g par-map� g par-for-each� g n-par-map� g n-par-for-each� g n-for-each-par-map� g %thread-handler� � !g set-current-module� "! � #! � $g make-syntax-transformer� %$ � &$ � 'g macro� (g $sc-dispatch� )( � *( � +g any� ,g each-any� -+,�� .+-�� /g
syntax-object� 0g call-with-new-thread� 1g top� 21 � 3g ribcage� 4g dummy� 5g e0� 6g e1� 7456 � 8g m-4712ba65e6-1� 981 � :922 � ;f l-4712ba65e6-6� <f l-4712ba65e6-7� =f l-4712ba65e6-8� >;<= � ?37:> � @3 � Ag x� BA � C9 � Df l-4712ba65e6-3� ED � F3BCE � G2?@F � Hg hygiene� IH � J/0GI � Kg lambda� L/KGI � M/GI � NM � Og syntax-violation� PO � QO � Rf -source expression failed to match any pattern� Sg _� TS,�� Ug generate-temporaries� Vg let� Wg tmp0� XW � Y2 � Zf l-4712ba65e6-16� [Z � \3XY[ � ]5 � ^f l-4712ba65e6-11� _^ � `3]Y_ � af l-4712ba65e6-e� ba � c3BYb � d2@\`@c � e/VdI � fg map� gf � hf � ig future� j/idI � kg values� l/kdI � mg touch� n/mdI � og each� p++ � qop � rq-�� s+r�� tg call-with-values� ug v� vg e� wg b0� xg b1� y4uvwx � zg m-4712ba65e6-1d� {z1 � |{2222 � }f l-4712ba65e6-22� ~f l-4712ba65e6-23� f l-4712ba65e6-24� �f l-4712ba65e6-25� �f l-4712ba65e6-26� �}~�� � �3y|� � �{ � �f l-4712ba65e6-1f� �� � �3B�� � �2�@� � �/t�I � �/K�I � �/�I � �g proc� �g arg� �4�� � �g m-4712ba65e6-30� ��1 � ��22 � �f l-4712ba65e6-35� �f l-4712ba65e6-36� �f l-4712ba65e6-37� ���� � �3��� � �� � �f l-4712ba65e6-32� �� � �3B�� � �2�@� � �/0�I � �/K�I � �/�I � �� � �+.�� �g m� �4�56 � �g m-4712ba65e6-3d� ��1 � ��222 � �f l-4712ba65e6-42� �f l-4712ba65e6-43� �f l-4712ba65e6-44� �f l-4712ba65e6-45� ����� � �3��� � �� � �f l-4712ba65e6-3f� �� � �3B�� � �2�@� � �/V�I � �/A�I � �g dynamic-wind� �/��I � �/K�I � �g
lock-mutex� �/��I � ��� � ��� � �g begin� �/��I � �g unlock-mutex� �/��I � ��� � ��� � �� � �g first� �g rest� �4�� � �g m-4712ba65e6-4c� ��1 � ��22 � �f l-4712ba65e6-51� �f l-4712ba65e6-52� �f l-4712ba65e6-53� ���� � �3��� � �� � �f l-4712ba65e6-4e� �� � �3B�� � �2�@� � �/�I � �g
make-mutex� �/��I � �� � �g reverse� �� � �� � �g make-future� �
� � �
� � �g
par-mapper� �g cons� �g for-each� �g const� �g make-list� �g length� �g join-thread� �g car� �g cdr� �g apply� �g no-value� �� � �g current-error-port� �g display� �f
In thread:� �g newline� �g
display-error� �f uncaught throw to � �f : � �g thread-handler�C 5 h8 � ]4
5 4# > "