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the current output port.  Formatting can be controlled by a number of
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	�gport*	�gport		�gwidth		�gdisplay?		�gbreadth-first?		�gellipsis		]�gellipsis-width		s�gprint-sequence	��gprint		��
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documentationfAPrint @var{x}, truncating the output, if necessary, to make it fit
into @var{width} characters. By default, @var{x} will be printed using
@code{write}, though that behavior can be overriden via the
@var{display?} keyword argument.

The default behaviour is to print depth-first, meaning that the entire
remaining width will be available to each sub-expression of @var{x} --
e.g., if @var{x} is a vector, each member of @var{x}. One can attempt to
"ration" the available width, trying to allocate it equally to each
sub-expression, via the @var{breadth-first?} keyword argument.�CRC�gm
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