Your IP :
GOOF----LE-8-2.0 � ][ 4 h ; ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g ice-9� g
deprecated� � g filenameS�
f ice-9/deprecated.scm� g exportsS� g substring-move-left!�
g substring-move-right!� g dynamic-maybe-call� g dynamic-maybe-link� g try-module-linked� g try-module-dynamic-link� g list*� g feature?� g eval-case� g unmemoize-expr� g $asinh� g $acosh� g $atanh� g $sqrt� g $abs� g $exp� g $expt� g $log� g $sin� g $cos� g $tan� !g $asin� "g $acos� #g $atan� $g $sinh� %g $cosh� &g $tanh� 'g closure?� (g %nil� )g @bind� *g bad-throw� +g error-catching-loop� ,g error-catching-repl� -g scm-style-repl� .g
apply-to-args� /g has-suffix?� 0g scheme-file-suffix� 1g
get-option� 2g for-next-option� 3g display-usage-report� 4g transform-usage-lambda� 5g collect� 6g assert-repl-silence� 7g assert-repl-print-unspecified� 8g assert-repl-verbosity� 9g set-repl-prompt!� :g set-batch-mode?!� ;g repl� <g pre-unwind-handler-dispatch� =g default-pre-unwind-handler� >g handle-system-error� ?g stack-saved?� @g the-last-stack� Ag
save-stack� Bg named-module-use!� Cg top-repl� Dg turn-on-debugging� Eg read-hash-procedures� Fg process-define-module� Gg fluid-let-syntax� Hg set-system-module!� Ig char-code-limit� Jg generalized-vector?� Kg generalized-vector-length� Lg generalized-vector-ref� Mg generalized-vector-set!� Ng generalized-vector->list� O
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN C� Pg set-current-module� QP � RP � Sg issue-deprecation-warning� Tf E`substring-move-left!' is deprecated. Use `substring-move!' instead.� Ug substring-move!� Vf F`substring-move-right!' is deprecated. Use `substring-move!' instead.� Wg reverse� Xg string->symbol� Yg substring� Zg
string-ref� [g
string-length� \g split-c-module-name� ]g map� ^g c-registered-modules� _g c-clear-registered-modules� `g convert-c-registered-modules� ag registered-modules� bg append!� cg register-modules� df 3Autoloading of compiled code modules is deprecated.� ef 7Write a Scheme file instead that uses `load-extension'.� fg
simple-format� gf (You just autoloaded module ~S.)� hg warn-autoload-deprecation� ig or-map� jg delq!� kg resolve-module� lg save-module-excursion� mg set-module-public-interface!� ng dynamic-call� og init-dynamic-module� pf %`dynamic-maybe-call' is deprecated. � qf 7Wrap `dynamic-call' in a `false-if-exception' yourself.� rg catch� sr � tr � uf %`dynamic-maybe-link' is deprecated. � vf 7Wrap `dynamic-link' in a `false-if-exception' yourself.� wg dynamic-link� xg
string-append� yf lib� zg symbol->string� {f /� |f � }f _� ~f scm_init� g list->string� �g char-alphabetic?� �g
char-numeric?� �g string->list� �f _module� �g in-vicinity� �g try-using-libtool-name� �g try-using-sharlib-name� �g file-exists?� �g link-dynamic-module� �g
%load-path� �g find-and-link-dynamic-module� �f .la� �f .so� �f "`try-module-linked' is deprecated.� �f ,See the manual for how more on C extensions.� �f (`try-module-dynamic-link' is deprecated.� �f ,'list*' is deprecated. Use 'cons*' instead.� �g cons*� �f 3`feature?' is deprecated. Use `provided?' instead.� �g provided?� �g make-syntax-transformer� �� � �� � �g macro� �g $sc-dispatch� �� � �� � �g _� �g any� ����� �g
syntax->datum� �� � �� � �g
datum->syntax� �� � �� � �f 4`eval-case' is deprecated. Use `eval-when' instead.� �g assoc-ref� �g
load-toplevel� �� � �g begin� �g
*unspecified*� �g else� �� � �g syntax-violation� �� � �� � �f -source expression failed to match any pattern� �g read-hash-extend� �f =The `#y' bytevector syntax is deprecated. Use `#s8' instead.� �g read� �g list->s8vector� �g error� �f !#y needs to be followed by a list� �f C`unmemoize-expr' is deprecated. Use `unmemoize-expression' instead.� �g unmemoize-expression� �f -`$asinh' is deprecated. Use `asinh' instead.� �g asinh� �f -`$acosh' is deprecated. Use `acosh' instead.� �g acosh� �f -`$atanh' is deprecated. Use `atanh' instead.� �g atanh� �f +`$sqrt' is deprecated. Use `sqrt' instead.� �g sqrt� �f )`$abs' is deprecated. Use `abs' instead.� �g abs� �f )`$exp' is deprecated. Use `exp' instead.� �g exp� �f +`$expt' is deprecated. Use `expt' instead.� �g expt� �f )`$log' is deprecated. Use `log' instead.� �g log� �f )`$sin' is deprecated. Use `sin' instead.� �g sin� �f )`$cos' is deprecated. Use `cos' instead.� �g cos� �f )`$tan' is deprecated. Use `tan' instead.� �g tan� �f +`$asin' is deprecated. Use `asin' instead.� �g asin� �f +`$acos' is deprecated. Use `acos' instead.� �g acos� �f +`$atan' is deprecated. Use `atan' instead.� �g atan� �f +`$sinh' is deprecated. Use `sinh' instead.� �g sinh� �f +`$cosh' is deprecated. Use `cosh' instead.� �g cosh� �f +`$tanh' is deprecated. Use `tanh' instead.� �g tanh� �f 3`closure?' is deprecated. Use `procedure?' instead.� �g
procedure?� �g bound-identifier=?� �f 1`@bind' is deprecated. Use `with-fluids' instead.� �g each-any� ��ތ� �ߌ� ��� �g
syntax-object� �g let� �g top� �� � �g ribcage� �g b0� �g b1� ��� � ��� � �f l-2f788c0406b05c-348� �f l-2f788c0406b05c-349� ��� � ����� � �g bound-member� �� � �� � �f l-2f788c0406b05c-33d� �� � ����� � �g x� �� � �� � �f l-2f788c0406b05c-33c� �� � ����� � ����� � �g hygiene� �� � ����� � �g each� �� �� �ߌ����g and-map�g identifier?�f duplicate bound identifier�g generate-temporaries��� � � �
g old-v�g v�
f l-2f788c0406b05c-368�f l-2f788c0406b05c-369�
��� �g id�g val��� ����� �f l-2f788c0406b05c-357�f l-2f788c0406b05c-358�f l-2f788c0406b05c-359�f l-2f788c0406b05c-35a� �� �� �� ���� �g append� � � ] �!] �"g list�#g dynamic-wind�$�#� �%g lambda�&�%� �'g set!�(�'� �)g make-module�*g set-module-name!�+g %app�,+ �-g module-define-submodule!�.g the-root-module�/g app�0g modules�1g module-public-interface�2g and=>�3g module-local-variable�4g %module-public-interface�5g variable-ref�6f �Setting a module's public interface via munging %module-public-interface is
deprecated. Use set-module-public-interface! instead.�7g module-define!�8f m`bad-throw' in the default environment is deprecated.
Find it in the `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)' module instead.�9- �:9* �;9* �<f w`error-catching-loop' in the default environment is deprecated.
Find it in the `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)' module instead.�=9+ �>9+ �?f w`error-catching-repl' in the default environment is deprecated.
Find it in the `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)' module instead.�@9, �A9, �Bf �`scm-style-repl' in the default environment is deprecated.
Find it in the `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)' module instead, or
better yet, use the repl from `(system repl repl)'.�C9- �D9- �Ef D`apply-to-args' is deprecated. Include a local copy in your program.�Ff J`has-suffix?' is deprecated. Use `string-suffix?' instead (args reversed).�Gg string-suffix?�Hf C`scheme-file-suffix' is deprecated. Use `%load-extensions' instead.�If .scm�Jf >`get-option' is deprecated. Use `(ice-9 getopt-long)' instead.�Kg
normal-arg�Lg string-index�Mg symbol->keyword�Ng member�Og usage-error�Pf -�Qf C`for-next-option' is deprecated. Use `(ice-9 getopt-long)' instead.�Rf H`display-usage-report' is deprecated. Use `(ice-9 getopt-long)' instead.�Sg for-each�Tg string?�Uf <�Vf >�Wg with-output-to-string�Xg display�Yg keyword->symbol�Zf �[g make-string�\f
�]g newline�^g car�_g boolean?�`g %display-usage�ag quote�bg %argv�cb �dg %next-arg�ebb �fe �gg %opt�hg %arg�ig %new-argv�jghi �kg case�lf ,`collect' is deprecated. Define it yourself.�m� �nf l-2f788c0406b05c-442�on �p���o �q� p �r�aq� �sr �t�ߌ�ug x*�v�u �wf l-2f788c0406b05c-446�xf l-2f788c0406b05c-447�ywx �z�v�y �{�z p �|��{� �}�{� �~g cons��~{� ���5{� ��f <`assert-repl-silence' has moved to `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)'.��96 ��96 ��f F`assert-repl-print-unspecified' has moved to `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)'.��97 ��97 ��f >`assert-repl-verbosity' has moved to `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)'.��98 ��98 ��f h`set-repl-prompt!' is deprecated. Use `repl-default-prompt-set!' from
the `(system repl common)' module.��g
module-ref��g resolve-interface��g system��g common���;� ��g repl-default-prompt-set!��f C`set-batch-mode?!' is deprecated. Use `ensure-batch-mode!' instead.��g ensure-batch-mode!��f ``set-batch-mode?!' with an argument of `#f' is deprecated. Use the
`*repl-stack*' fluid instead.��f )`repl' is deprecated. Define it yourself.��g current-input-port��f u`pre-unwind-handler-dispatch' is deprecated. Use
`default-pre-unwind-handler' from `(ice-9 scm-style-repl)' directly.��9= ��9= ��f a`default-pre-unwind-handler' is deprecated. Use it from
`(ice-9 scm-style-repl)' if you need it.��f Z`handle-system-error' is deprecated. Use it from
`(ice-9 scm-style-repl)' if you need it.��9> ��9> ��g make-variable-transformer��f N`stack-saved?' is deprecated. Use it from
`(ice-9 save-stack)' if you need it.��g free-id��f l-2f788c0406b05c-46d��� ������ ��� � ���'�� ���� ����� ��g @�� ��f l-2f788c0406b05c-47b��� ������ ���� � ������ ����� ���A�� ���� ���?�� ����� �� ��f l-2f788c0406b05c-474��f l-2f788c0406b05c-475���� ������ ���� � ���'�� ������ ����� ���A�� ���� ���?�� ����� ��f P`the-last-stack' is deprecated. Use it from `(ice-9 save-stack)'
if you need it.��f l-2f788c0406b05c-483��� ������ ��f l-2f788c0406b05c-47e��� ������ ���� � ������ ����� ���A�� ���� ���@�� ����� ��f L`save-stack' is deprecated. Use it from `(ice-9 save-stack)' if you need
it.��A ���A ���A ��f E`named-module-use!' is deprecated. Define it yourself if you need it.��g module-use!��f 6`top-repl' has moved to the `(ice-9 top-repl)' module.��C ��g debug-enable��g memq��g debug��f 6`(debug-enable 'debug)' is obsolete and has no effect.��f Remove it from your code.��g delq��f <`(turn-on-debugging)' is obsolete and usually has no effect.��f .Debugging capabilities are present by default.��g backtrace��g read-enable��g positions��f %`read-hash-procedures' is deprecated.��f .Use the fluid `%read-hash-procedures' instead.��g read-hash-procedures-warning��� ��� ��g m-2f788c0406b05c-48f���� ��� ��f l-2f788c0406b05c-491��� ������ ��g shift��g exp1��g var��g exp2����� ������� ��f l-bde397a-1bec��f l-bde397a-1bed��f l-bde397a-1bee��f l-bde397a-1bef��f l-bde397a-1bf0������� ������ ��g xx��� ��f l-bde397a-1bda��� ������ ��� ��� � ��� � �'�� �� ��� �g expr� �f l-2f788c0406b05c-494� ��� �� � � ��� �
��� �
�� �g %read-hash-procedures��� ��ތ�f l-2f788c0406b05c-497� ���� �� � ���� ���� � �g fluid-ref��� ��� � � � � �� � � ��� �!��� �"��� �#" �$�� �%�� �&$% �'!#& �(f E`process-define-module' is deprecated. Use `define-module*' instead.�)g pureS�*g versionS�+g
duplicatesS�,g transformerS�-g importsS�.g reverse!�/g
re-exportsS�0g replacementsS�1g autoloadsS�2g
use-syntaxS�4f )missing argument to define-module keyword�5g syncase�65 �7f L(ice-9 syncase) is deprecated. Support for syntax-case is now in Guile core.�8g autoloadS�9g no-backtraceS�:g exportS�;g
export-syntaxS�<g re-exportS�=g re-export-syntaxS�>g replaceS�?g replace-syntaxS�@f #unrecognized define-module argument�Af A`fluid-let-syntax' is deprecated. Use syntax parameters instead.�Bg syntax-parameterize�Cg k�Dg body0�Eg body�FCDE �Gf l-2f788c0406b05c-4ed�Hf l-2f788c0406b05c-4ee�If l-2f788c0406b05c-4ef�Jf l-2f788c0406b05c-4f0�KGHIJ �L�FK �Mf l-2f788c0406b05c-4ea�NM �O���N �P�L O �Q�BP� �Rf 9`close-io-port' is deprecated. Use `close-port' instead.�Sg
close-io-port�Uf @`set-system-module!' is deprecated. There is no need to use it.�Vg set-procedure-property!�Wg module-eval-closure�Xg
system-module�Yf T`module-eval-closure' is deprecated. Use module-variable or module-define! instead.�Zg standard-eval-closure�C 5 hp� . ]4
O5 4R > "