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ProjectPier Change Log
Version 0.8.8 SP2 Jan 29, 2012
- Added (reminders) - Plugin for reminding by email (Thanks to ajax007).
- Added (language) - Dutch language pack (Engelbert)
- Added (language) - Many new and missing language elements
- Added (contacts) - Fields: Food preferences, license plate, location, Show route, Show map
- Added (authent.) - Authentication plugin (standard, Wordpress, WWW-Authenticate)
- Added (wiki) - Support for subpages
- Added (pdf) - fpdf library added
- Added (tasks) - PDF report of task list
- Added (zip) - pclzip library added
- Added (language) - Select language anytime, anywhere (left to logout)
- Added (files) - Streaming download from database file storage
- Changed (i18n) - Lots of improvements (e.g. load values)
- Changed (contacts) - Improvements on navigation
- Changed (notify) - Use display name in user notification mails
- Changed (time) - Technical improvements
- Changed (data acc.) - Technical improvements
- Changed (sessions) - Move session storage to PP tree (improved security, no dependencies)
- Changed (install) - Added check for session, sockets and ldap
- Changed (ldap) - Ldap not selectable if no ldap functions available
- Changed (config) - Improved styling, textile available for descriptions
- Changed (page act.) - Changed logic for displaying page actions
- Changed (dashboard) - Option to limit number of lines on dashboard log
- Changed (textile) - Render image files as images and auto-resize in textile output
- Changed (wiki) - Support templates thru [wiki:9,content] syntax (9 is any page number)
- Changed (files) - Folders display collapsed by default
- Changed (projects) - Projects display collapsed by default
- Changed (projects) - Project icons displayed 25x25 in My Projects
- Fixed (tickets) - Init. SQL had ; too much
- Fixed (language) - Sometimes undefined variable
- Fixed (config) - Option descriptions are back
- Fixed (3120) - Wiki actions have wrong text 0.8.8 sp1
- Fixed (3119) - Ticket SQL has error on reactivate plugin
- Fixed (link) - Uploading a logo is working again
- Fixed (3098) - Error downloading files larger than 500 kb
Version 0.8.8 SP1 Jan 16, 2012
- Added (language) - Chinese language pack (incomplete)
Not documented.
Version 0.8.8 Jan 9, 2012
- Added (contacts) - Contacts are now supported (Thanks to Timothee Boucher and Ryan Cross).
- Added (dashboard) - My Files shows all important files reachable by a user (over projects).
- Added (datetime) - Footer shows date, time, timezone, dst and [week] PP is working in.
- Added (date fmt) - Added language item 'input date format' to control date input format.
- Added (i18n) - Internationalization support (edit strings within ProjectPier)
- Added (links) - Links support description and logo.
- Added (links) - Links can be added by project users.
- Added (links) - Snapshot of URL including edit option.
- Added (send not.) - Configuration option for default of Send notification (see Features).
- Added (permission)- Lots of more permissions.
- Added (projects) - Support for subprojects.
- Added (reports) - Gantt chart, mind map.
- Added (tasks) - Add Time link to quickly add time if time plugin active.
- Added (time) - Initialize to task from Add Time link and default description.
- Added (tickets) - Assign to milestone.
- Added (tickets) - Download all tickets.
- Added (wiki) - Public wiki including page publish option.
- Added (Node 130) - Global search for administrators.
- Added (Node 1198) - Comments on task list and file support selecting recipients of notifications.
- Added (Node 2157) - Dropdown configuration option for selecting action after login.
- Added (Node 2201) - Notification alarm with iCalendar subscription
- Added (Node 2220) - Progress bar for milestones.
- Added (Node 2224) - Progress bar for projects.
- Added (Node 2242) - Notification alarm with iCalendar subscription
- Added (Node 2300) - Option to hide application logs from user interface.
- Changed (Node 1915) - Wiki pages are ordered by name in the side bar.
- Changed (Node 2279) - Page header uses H1 and H2 tags.
- Changed (login) - Language options are now in sync with installed languages.
- Changed (login) - Theme options are now in sync with installed themes.
- Changed (php) - Short open tags are off now (used to be on).
- Changed (tasks) - Suppress progress bar when empty.
- Changed (tasks) - Suppress 0 tasks comment in sidebar when 0 tasks.
- Changed (time) - Moved text from code to language file.
- Changed (notifier) - Clicking company checkbox selects all recipients.
- Changed (notifier) - Recipients are shown in alphabetical order.
- Changed (notifier) - Fixed almost all views to use proper language elements.
- Changed (theme) - Marine: More view options and action menu instead of action bar.
- Changed (theme) - Marine: Blocks are collapsable (e.g milestone card, application log, tickets log etc.)
- Changed (theme) - Marine: Error and success message can be clicked to remove.
- Changed (theme) - Marine: Success message fades out after 5 seconds.
- Changed (theme) - More uniform use of styles (e.g. header instead of milestoneHeader)
- Changed (theme) - Tabs are removed when an user this not have access to it.
- Changed (theme) - Marine: Long texts are now properly reformatted.
- Changed (upgrade) - Completely automated database upgrade.
- Removed (Node 2213) - add_comment.php.
- Fixed (install) - Initial data had SQL missing for login page message and logo.
- Fixed (upload) - Failed upload logo and avatar when no image functions present now gives a proper message.
- Fixed (time) - Error when done date was empty.
- Fixed (Node 672) - Dates not translated.
- Fixed (Node 1369) - No more double entries in iCalendar
- Fixed (Node 1490) - Upload fails when system upload directory not accessible.
- Fixed (Node 2026) - rss: outlook receives duplicate items
- Fixed (Node 2044) - Error when clicking tags.
- Fixed (Node 2047) - Search form.
- Fixed (Node 2048) - Private comments overlap.
- Fixed (Node 2053) - Lower case for accented characters.
- Fixed (Node 2058) - Missing icons for logtypes.
- Fixed (Node 2064) - Localized expand collapse.
- Fixed (Node 2103) - All short tags have become long.
- Fixed (Node 2167) - Fixed side bar size.
- Fixed (Node 2175) - Allow other date input formats than m/d/y.
- Fixed (Node 2180) - Fixed undefined variables in tickets plugin.
- Fixed (Node 2186) - Postal code and Google map with country.
- Fixed (Node 2205) - Download all project tasks.
- Fixed (Node 2220) - Hide private elements from milestone overview.
Known Problems:
- None
Version 0.8.6 December 31 2010 (stable)
- Changed (Node 1915) - Wiki pages are ordered by name in the side bar.
- Added (Node 1920) - Configuration option for setting the default (y/n) for private option.
- Added (Node 1923) - Links and files are copied properly now. Files are not duplicated in content.
- Added (Node 1953) - Task lists can be copied within a project.
- Added (Node 1953) - Task lists can be moved to another project.
- Added (Node 1961) - Dashboard shows open tickets for projects a user is connected to.
- Added (Node 1963) - Task due dates are now saved properly.
- Changed (favicon) - The favicon.ico of is used (transparent).
Changed (files) - Revisions retain the original filename.
- Changed (files) - Separate Add revision view, removed from Edit file.
- Changed (files) - Plugin: Files.
- Changed (forms) - Plugin: Forms.
- Changed (plugins) - Plugin framework structure simplified, view enhanced.
- Changed (tags) - Plugin: Tags.
- Changed (tasklist) - Sanitized the view and corrected a number of errors.
- Changed (tickets) - Plugin: Tickets (see Node 457 above).
- Changed (time mgt) - Plugin: Time Management.
- Changed (title) - Window title is in sync with page.
- Changed (user) - Add user saves then edits account permissions.
- Changed (Node 1247) - GUI Updates: Members removed from user interface.
- Changed (Node 1248) - GUI Updates: Userbox.
- Removed (languages) - All languages except en_us are removed.
- Removed (themes) - All themes except marine are removed
- Removed (yui) - All Yahoo UI functionality has been removed.
- Removed (Node 1904) - Invoice has been removed. Too confusing as example.
- Fixed (Node 101) - Clear error message when directories are missing during install.
- Fixed (Node 285) - Upload to file system works.
- Fixed (Node 493) - RSS Feed does not affect user activity anymore.
- Fixed (Node 719) - Non company users can attach files now.
- Fixed (Node 720) - Missing references to database link present now.
- Fixed (Node 798) - All activeCollab references removed.
- Fixed (Node 885) - CSS style tag replaced with class tag.
- Fixed (Node 991) - Application can now be reached via IP address.
- Fixed (Node 1009) - Dutch translation updated.
- Fixed (Node 1045) - Upload file fails when open basedir is active.
- Fixed (Node 1061) - Code improvement.
- Fixed (Node 1087) - All languages in UTF8.
- Fixed (Node 1093) - Large dimension images now generate a dummy thumbnail.
- Fixed (Node 1112) - Long type strings are now supported.
- Fixed (Node 1113) - Transparancy support for 32/64 bit PNG.
- Fixed (Node 1163) - Long type strings are now supported.
- Fixed (Node 1194) - String conversions are now unicode-aware.
- Fixed (Node 1250) - GMT is now the default timezone, not gmt.
- Fixed (Node 1344) - Code fixed: added ProjectFile::getViewUrl(), fixed ProjectFiles.class.php.
- Fixed (Node 1355) - Download file with proper file name.
- Fixed (Node 1480) - German translation updated.
- Fixed (Node 1508) - Users cannot see each others task list anymore.
- Fixed (Node 1622) - Text parts in comments and descriptions are clickable if they look like links.
- Fixed (Node 1641) - Valid URLs are now recognized.
- Fixed (Node 1649) - Downloading filesystem files in chunks (streaming).
- Fixed (Node 1721) - Upload file fails when open basedir is active.
- Fixed (Node 1856) - Upload file fails when open basedir is active.
- Fixed (Node 1909) - Installation removes autoloader and logs files.
- Fixed (Node 1916) - Open tasks drop down to wide in page Add Time.
- Closed (Node 259) - Absorbed in 920 (see Features)
- Closed (Node 439) - IE6 SP2 is not a target platform.
- Closed (Node 697) - Solved by 1198 (see Features)
- Closed (Node 950) - Solved by 1198 (see Features)
- Closed (Node 1236) - Development fails to reproduce error.
- Closed (Node 1554) - Installed XAMPP with PP. No problems when clicking on the links.
- Closed (Node 1662) - Installed XAMPP with PP. No problems.
- Closed (Node 1761) - Solved by 1223 (see Features)
Known Problems:
- None
Version Beta 1 June 2009
- Added (Node 28) - A calendar view of milestones
- Added two new themes: "zura1" and "zura-blue-steel"
- Added 8 new translations: Bulgarian, Czech, Mexican Spanish,
Finnish, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Continental Portuguese,
and Russian
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed (Node 685) - Milestones coming due the next day said "one days"
instead of "one day".
- Fixed (Node 506) - Type "Create new account for you" should be "Create
a new account for you".
- Fixed (Node 721) - No email notification when comments are added.
- Fixed (Node 843) - Cookies not expiring with browser closes
- Fixed (Node 797) - Remove redundant tags automtically
- Fixed (Node 743) - GIF format company logo with transparency now displays
- Fixed (Node 1262) - Documentation for ProjectPier not consistent with
the project's code standards: capitalized file names where needed.
- Fixed (Node 1038) - Pagination for search now works correctly.
- Fixed (Node 1237) - Comments to private messages are now forced to be private.
- Fixed (Node 437) - Security: Users can no longer download files from
projects they are not assigned to by manipulating the URL.