Your IP :
What's Changed
Add buttons on client view to delete note (Ajax) by @sudwebdesign in #1149
Translate Client "Extra Field Title" to complete #1003 by @sudwebdesign in #1150
[IP-1146]: after posting a Payments Form when amount > inv. total by @sudwebdesign in #1151
[IP-1147]: Fix setup sql filenames by @sudwebdesign in #1152
[IP-1130]: Added required input check on full page loaded to fix #1130 by @AeroBytesNL in #1155
bug-fix-#1147-error-on-database-migration by @AeroBytesNL in #1159
Fix setup Red Screen Of Death with bad DB query by @sudwebdesign in #1160
[IP-1128]: Update QrCode.php wrong variable by @VizardAlpha in #1129
Improve download function in #1127
Chore: Fix upload_file function in #1141
Show list of themes on Windows by @RobiNN1 in #1014
[IP-1038]: Fix for issue 1038: Wrong translation string in setup by @naui95 in #1039
[IP-1012]: Revert change to invoice_logo() by @jmclaren7 in #1013
Slight improvements to by @xeruf in #1061
[IP-1070] by @naui95 in #1071
[IP-1072] Fixed broken customer-link in projects-widget on dashboard. by @NiklasSchmitt in #1073
[IP-1078]: ZUGFeRD Name should not be user name by @pumpi in #1079
[IP-1006]: feature: payments v1.6.2 by @naui95 in #1046
added information on theming by @naui95 in #1087
[IP-1097]: add docker publish workflow by @redxtech in #1098
[IP-841]: Copy Quote UI feedback by @Verony-makesIT in #932
[IP-998]: copy all fields available in quotes by @naui95 in #1086
[IP-1083]: Add pagination for tabs in client detail by @pumpi in #1084
[IP-731]: Add another digit for quantity (new version) by @naui95 in #1112
[IP-1003]: Add extra field title by nielsdrost7 in #1101
add function to check post variables by nielsdrost7 in #1090
[IP-1096] Payments array variable gets lost for invoices by nielsdrost7 in #1104
Chore: add pint by nielsdrost7 in #1081
[IP-1033] creation dates of invoices should never be changed by nielsdrost7 in #1040
[IP-1034]: Fix error where default_language at some point switches to English by nielsdrost7 in #1035
Make sure we don't get unintended output in our PDF files by nielsdrost7 in #1089
[IP-1010]: Add php-dom and php-xml to the Dockerfile by nielsdrost7 in #1110
Special project by nielsdrost7 in #1120
[IP-1063]: Allowing for Dynamic Properties (PHP 8.2) by nielsdrost7 in #1117
What's Changed
[IP-992]: add a trim to client search
[IP-883]: fix loading stripe for websites not using clean urls (#883) by @naui95 in #896
In version 1.6.0 the logo isn't shown on the PDF by @vespino in #897
[IP-971]: by @KevinJ30 in #1005
[IP-894]: by @naui95 in #899
Fix: Inserting email template by @mheiduk in #900
Update view.php by @vespino in #906
[IP-907]: by @naui95 in #908
[IP-902]: fix possible vulnerabilities #902 by @naui95 in #918
Detect Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut and save the form by @MatoTominac in #903
Make product.* available in quotes by @nielsdrost7 in #915
[IP-895]: Option to Initiate Terms When Sending Invoice by @naui95 in #928
[IP-911]: required fields check by @nielsdrost7 in #927
Fix bug #840 Deleted the extra "state" field by @Verony-makesIT in #930
added versioning file by @naui95 in #937
[IP-940]: unicode inside select by @kelvin-codes-stuff in #950
[IP-959]: set encryption key after installing by @nielsdrost7 in #960
[IP-898]: Fix bug where logo wasn't found while creating PDF invoice by @nielsdrost7 in #964
security fixes by @nielsdrost7 in #973
2023 23011 by @nielsdrost7 in #974
[IP-766] add extra logging when IP_DEBUG=true for the Recurring invoices by @nielsdrost7 in #970
[IP-968] Sometimes a user isn't created, add more logging to see what's going on by @nielsdrost7 in #969
[IP-980]: Wasn't able to reproduce the bug, added more logging by @nielsdrost7 in #983
*[IP-978]: When on a mobile the SESS_MATCH_IP environment variable is important. Changed a setting in /application/config.php to env_bool instead of _env by @nielsdrost7 in #982
[IP-973]: Bug fixes after a report in the comments of PR #973 by @nielsdrost7 in #981
own env option for 'sess_save_path' by @mheiduk in #984
Update Github Workflows by @fabm3n in #989
feat: payment QR code for web/pdf templates by @mheiduk in #995
What's Changed
[IP-798]: Prepare for PHP 8.1 compatibility release by @vtq221, @Ordissimo and of course @naui95 in #831
fix to CVE-2021-29024 #735 by @naui95 in #754
Don't show upload-path by @zeitschlag in #739
fix for CVE-2021-29023 #733 by @naui95 in #767
Fix for outdated card data handling #814 by @naui95 in #816
Trivial typo fix by @pimvanpelt in #788
Fix bug with recurring invoices dropping discounts by @pimvanpelt in #791
Fix Payment Method Select by @tridnguyen in #805
Escape client name for PDF generation (Only in Zugferd invoices) by @Forceu in #810
[IP-711] Add responsive view for invoices/quotes by @nielsdrost7 in #783
fix minor flaws in quotes itemlist view by @der-peer in #787
Develop by @yvesmethz in #774
Display $client surname for recurring invoices by @giacy86 in #811
Select appropriate pdf template for guest users by @giacy86 in #765
update composer and javascript packages by @nielsdrost7 in #822
Create by @zidingz in #752
Update composer and javascript packages by @nielsdrost7 in #776
Create by @dagelf in #797
Quick bugfix with a nullable value
Fix in the npm packages to make the yarn build work