Your IP :
* *
* (c) 2004 Vladimir V. Kalynyak, Alexey V. Vinokurov, Ilya M. Shalnev *
* *
* This is commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid *
* license and accept to the terms of the License Agreement can install *
* and use this program. *
* *
if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); }
* PHP options
// Log everything, but do not display
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0', '>=')) {
error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_DEPRECATED);
if (!defined('CONSOLE')) {
// Set maximum time limit for script execution.
* Database connection options
$config['db_host'] = '[[softdbhost]]';
$config['db_name'] = '[[softdb]]';
$config['db_user'] = '[[softdbuser]]';
$config['db_password'] = '[[softdbpass]]';
$config['database_backend'] = 'mysqli';
// Database tables prefix
$config['table_prefix'] = '[[dbprefix]]';
* Script location options
* Example:
* Your url is
* $config['http_host'] = '';
* $config['http_path'] = '/store/cart';
* Your secure url is
* $config['https_host'] = '';
* $config['https_path'] = '/secure_dir/cart';
// Host and directory where software is installed on no-secure server
$config['http_host'] = '[[domhost]]';
$config['http_path'] = '[[relativeurl]]';
// Host and directory where software is installed on secure server
$config['https_host'] = '[[domhost]]';
$config['https_path'] = '[[relativeurl]]';
* Misc options
// Names of index files for the frontend and backend
$config['customer_index'] = 'index.php';
$config['admin_index'] = '[[admin_folder]]';
// DEMO mode
$config['demo_mode'] = false;
// Source of the installation
$config['source'] = 'Softaculous';
// Tweaks
$config['tweaks'] = array (
// Whether to remove any javascript code from description and name of product, category, etc.
// Auto - false for ULT, true for MVE.
'sanitize_user_html' => 'auto',
'anti_csrf' => true, // protect forms from CSRF attacks
'disable_block_cache' => false, // used to disable block cache
'disable_localizations' => true, // Disable Localizations functionality
'disable_dhtml' => false, // Disable Ajax-based pagination and Ajax-based "Add to cart" button
'do_not_apply_promotions_on_order_update' => true, // If true, the promotions that applied to the order won't be changed when editing the order. New promotions won't be applied to the order.
'dev_js' => false, // set to true to disable js files compilation
'redirect_to_cart' => false, // Redirect customer to the cart contents page. Used with the "disable_dhtml" setting.
'api_https_only' => false, // Allows the use the API functionality only by the HTTPS protocol
'api_allow_customer' => false, // Allow open API for unauthorized customers
'lazy_thumbnails' => false, // generate image thumbnails on the fly
'image_resize_lib' => 'auto', // library to resize images - "auto", "gd" or "imagick"
'products_found_rows_no_cache_limit' => 100, // Max count of SQL found rows without saving to cache
'show_database_changes' => false, // Show database changes in View changes tool
'backup_db_mysqldump' => false, // Backup database using mysqldump when available
'allow_product_filters_to_create_temporary_table' => true, // Allows product filters to create temporary table for products query
'request_errors_threshold' => 30, // Threshold for the number of errors when an email realtime delivery error notification is triggered
'profile_field_max_upload_filesize' => '10M', //Limit max upload file size for profile fields
'validate_menu' => true, // Disable option to add any new element to top and central admin panel menu and to Add-ons top menu element.
'secure_cookies' => true, // Allow to set "Secure" flag to cookies, if your store works with HTTPS. P.S. All users will be log out, also, all abandoned carts will lost.
'cors_allowlist' => [], // CORS enabled domains, e.g. ['', '']
'csp_frame_ancestors' => [], // The HTTP Content-Security-Policy (CSP) frame-ancestors directive specifies valid parents that may embed a page using <frame>, <iframe>, <object>, <embed>, or <applet>.
'allow_global_individual_settings' => true, // Allow global individual settings (Track inventory, Options type, Zero price action etc.)
'show_marketplace_logs' => false, // Allow to show logs of all requests to marketplace
'disable_resource_preloading' => false, // Allows to disable resource preloading for the theme
'max_fonts_to_preload' => 1, // Maximum amount of fonts to preload
'show_helpdesk_logs' => false, // Allows showing logs of all requests to Help Desk service
'download_upgrade_package_timeout' => 180, // Allows changing timeout for upgrade package download if server has low download speed
// Key for sensitive data encryption
$config['crypt_key'] = '[[secret_key]]';
// Cache backend
// Available backends: file, sqlite, database, redis, xcache, apc, apcu
// To use sqlite cache the "sqlite3" PHP module should be installed
// To use xcache cache the "xcache" PHP module should be installed
// To use apc cache the "apc" PHP module should be installed
// To use apcu cache the PHP version should be >= 7.x and the "apcu" PHP module should be installed
$config['cache_backend'] = 'file';
$config['cache_redis_server'] = 'localhost';
$config['cache_redis_global_ttl'] = 0; // set this if your cache size reaches Redis server memory size
// Storage backend for sessions. Available backends: database, redis
$config['session_backend'] = 'database';
$config['session_redis_server'] = 'localhost';
$config['cache_apc_global_ttl'] = 0;
$config['cache_xcache_global_ttl'] = 0;
// Lock backend
// Available backends: database, redis, dummy
// To disable locks use dummy provider
$config['lock_backend'] = 'database';
$config['lock_redis_server'] = 'localhost';
$config['lock_redis_server_password'] = null;
// Set to unique store prefix if you use the same Redis/Xcache/Apc storage
// for serveral cart installations
$config['store_prefix'] = '';
// CDN server backend
$config['cdn_backend'] = 'cloudfront';
// Storage options
$config['storage'] = array(
'images' => array(
'prefix' => 'images',
'dir' => $config['dir']['root'],
'cdn' => true
'downloads' => array(
'prefix' => 'downloads',
'secured' => true,
'dir' => $config['dir']['var']
'assets' => array(
'dir' => & $config['dir']['cache_misc'],
'prefix' => 'assets',
'cdn' => true
'custom_files' => array(
'dir' => & $config['dir']['var'],
'prefix' => 'custom_files'
// Default permissions for newly created files and directories
// Maximum number of files, stored in directory. You may change this parameter straight after a store was installed. And you must not change it when the store has been populated with products already.
define('MAX_FILES_IN_DIR', 1000);
// Developer configuration file
if (file_exists(DIR_ROOT . '/local_conf.php')) {
include_once(DIR_ROOT . '/local_conf.php');
// Enable DEV mode if Product status is not empty (like Beta1, dev, etc.)
if (PRODUCT_STATUS != '' && !defined('DEVELOPMENT')) {
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', true);
define('DEVELOPMENT', true);