Your IP :
;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 26.1
;;; with all optimizations.
;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29.
;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters,
;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23.
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\301&\210\304\313\314\315\310\316\312\301&\210\304\317\320\321\310\322\312\301&\210\304\323\324\325\310\326\312\301&\207" [custom-declare-group idna nil "Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications." custom-declare-variable idna-program "idn" "Name of the GNU Libidn \"idn\" application." :type string :group idna-environment '("CHARSET=UTF-8") "List of environment variable definitions prepended to `process-environment'." (repeat string) idna-to-ascii-parameters '("--quiet" "--idna-to-ascii" "--usestd3asciirules") "Parameters passed to `idna-program' to invoke IDNA ToASCII mode." (repeat string) idna-to-unicode-parameters '("--quiet" "--idna-to-unicode" "--usestd3asciirules") "Parameters passed `idna-program' to invoke IDNA ToUnicode mode." (repeat string)] 8)
#@48 Internal variable holding process for ToASCII.
(defvar idna-to-ascii-process nil (#$ . 1246))
#@72 Internal variable holding response data received from ToASCII process.
(defvar idna-to-ascii-response nil (#$ . 1346))
(defalias 'idna-to-ascii-response-clear #[nil "\301\211\207" [idna-to-ascii-response nil] 2])
(defalias 'idna-to-ascii-response #[nil "\302!\303=\203 \204 \304\305\"\210\202 \207" [idna-to-ascii-process idna-to-ascii-response process-status run accept-process-output 1] 3])
(defalias 'idna-to-ascii-filter #[(process string) " P\211\207" [idna-to-ascii-response string] 2])
(defalias 'idna-to-ascii-process #[nil "\203 \305!\306=\203 \207\203\"