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/* Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
Data in big-endian format.
#define float4store(T,A) do { *(T)= ((uchar *) &A)[3];\
*((T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[2];\
*((T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[1];\
*((T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &A)[0]; } while(0)
#define float4get(V,M) do { float def_temp;\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[3];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[2];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[1];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[0];\
(V)=def_temp; } while(0)
#define float8store(T,V) do { *(T)= ((uchar *) &V)[7];\
*((T)+1)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[6];\
*((T)+2)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[5];\
*((T)+3)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[4];\
*((T)+4)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[3];\
*((T)+5)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[2];\
*((T)+6)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[1];\
*((T)+7)=(char) ((uchar *) &V)[0]; } while(0)
#define float8get(V,M) do { double def_temp;\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[7];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[6];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[5];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[4];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[4]=(M)[3];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[5]=(M)[2];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[6]=(M)[1];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[7]=(M)[0];\
(V) = def_temp; } while(0)
#define ushortget(V,M) do { V = (uint16) (((uint16) ((uchar) (M)[1]))+\
((uint16) ((uint16) (M)[0]) << 8)); } while(0)
#define shortget(V,M) do { V = (short) (((short) ((uchar) (M)[1]))+\
((short) ((short) (M)[0]) << 8)); } while(0)
#define longget(V,M) do { int32 def_temp;\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[0];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[1];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[2];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[3];\
(V)=def_temp; } while(0)
#define ulongget(V,M) do { uint32 def_temp;\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[0];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[1];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[2];\
((uchar*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[3];\
(V)=def_temp; } while(0)
#define shortstore(T,A) do { uint def_temp=(uint) (A) ;\
*(((char*)T)+1)=(char)(def_temp); \
*(((char*)T)+0)=(char)(def_temp >> 8); } while(0)
#define longstore(T,A) do { *(((char*)T)+3)=((A));\
*(((char*)T)+2)=(((A) >> 8));\
*(((char*)T)+1)=(((A) >> 16));\
*(((char*)T)+0)=(((A) >> 24)); } while(0)
#define floatget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(float))
/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */
#define floatstore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) (&V), sizeof(float))
#define doubleget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(double))
/* Cast away type qualifiers (necessary as macro takes argument by value). */
#define doublestore(T,V) memcpy((T), (void*) &V, sizeof(double))
#define longlongget(V,M) memcpy(&V, (M), sizeof(ulonglong))
#define longlongstore(T,V) memcpy((T), &V, sizeof(ulonglong))