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/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
* Copyright (C) 2011 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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* Declarations for credential cache selection module implementors.
* The ccselect pluggable interface currently has only one supported major
* version, which is 1. Major version 1 has a current minor version number of
* 1.
* Credential cache selection modules should define a function named
* ccselect_<modulename>_initvt, matching the signature:
* krb5_error_code
* ccselect_modname_initvt(krb5_context context, int maj_ver, int min_ver,
* krb5_plugin_vtable vtable);
* The initvt function should:
* - Check that the supplied maj_ver number is supported by the module, or
* return KRB5_PLUGIN_VER_NOTSUPP if it is not.
* - Cast the vtable pointer as appropriate for maj_ver:
* maj_ver == 1: Cast to krb5_ccselect_vtable
* - Initialize the methods of the vtable, stopping as appropriate for the
* supplied min_ver. Optional methods may be left uninitialized.
* Memory for the vtable is allocated by the caller, not by the module.
#include <krb5/krb5.h>
#include <krb5/plugin.h>
/* An abstract type for credential cache selection module data. */
typedef struct krb5_ccselect_moddata_st *krb5_ccselect_moddata;
/*** Method type declarations ***/
* Mandatory: Initialize module data and set *priority_out to one of the
* KRB5_CCSELECT_PRIORITY constants above. Authoritative modules will be
* consulted before heuristic ones.
typedef krb5_error_code
(*krb5_ccselect_init_fn)(krb5_context context, krb5_ccselect_moddata *data_out,
int *priority_out);
* Mandatory: Select a cache based on a server principal. Return 0 on success,
* with *cache_out set to the selected cache and *princ_out set to its default
* principal. Return KRB5_PLUGIN_NO_HANDLE to defer to other modules. Return
* KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND with *princ_out set if the client principal can be
* authoritatively determined but no cache exists for it. Return other errors
* as appropriate.
typedef krb5_error_code
(*krb5_ccselect_choose_fn)(krb5_context context, krb5_ccselect_moddata data,
krb5_principal server, krb5_ccache *cache_out,
krb5_principal *princ_out);
/* Optional: Release resources used by module data. */
typedef void
(*krb5_ccselect_fini_fn)(krb5_context context, krb5_ccselect_moddata data);
/*** vtable declarations **/
/* Credential cache selection plugin vtable for major version 1. */
typedef struct krb5_ccselect_vtable_st {
const char *name; /* Mandatory: name of module. */
krb5_ccselect_init_fn init;
krb5_ccselect_choose_fn choose;
krb5_ccselect_fini_fn fini;
/* Minor version 1 ends here. */
} *krb5_ccselect_vtable;