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" Vim syntax file
" Language: M4
" Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner (
" URL:
" Last Change: 2005 Jan 15
" This file will highlight user function calls if they use only
" capital letters and have at least one argument (i.e. the '('
" must be there). Let me know if this is a problem.
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if !exists("main_syntax")
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" we define it here so that included files can test for it
let main_syntax='m4'
" define the m4 syntax
syn match m4Variable contained "\$\d\+"
syn match m4Special contained "$[@*#]"
syn match m4Comment "\<\(m4_\)\=dnl\>.*" contains=SpellErrors
syn match m4Constants "\<\(m4_\)\=__file__"
syn match m4Constants "\<\(m4_\)\=__line__"
syn keyword m4Constants divnum sysval m4_divnum m4_sysval
syn region m4Paren matchgroup=m4Delimiter start="(" end=")" contained contains=@m4Top
syn region m4Command matchgroup=m4Function start="\<\(m4_\)\=\(define\|defn\|pushdef\)(" end=")" contains=@m4Top
syn region m4Command matchgroup=m4Preproc start="\<\(m4_\)\=\(include\|sinclude\)("he=e-1 end=")" contains=@m4Top
syn region m4Command matchgroup=m4Statement start="\<\(m4_\)\=\(syscmd\|esyscmd\|ifdef\|ifelse\|indir\|builtin\|shift\|errprint\|m4exit\|changecom\|changequote\|changeword\|m4wrap\|debugfile\|divert\|undivert\)("he=e-1 end=")" contains=@m4Top
syn region m4Command matchgroup=m4builtin start="\<\(m4_\)\=\(len\|index\|regexp\|substr\|translit\|patsubst\|format\|incr\|decr\|eval\|maketemp\)("he=e-1 end=")" contains=@m4Top
syn keyword m4Statement divert undivert
syn region m4Command matchgroup=m4Type start="\<\(m4_\)\=\(undefine\|popdef\)("he=e-1 end=")" contains=@m4Top
syn region m4Function matchgroup=m4Type start="\<[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*("he=e-1 end=")" contains=@m4Top
syn region m4String start="`" end="'" contained contains=@m4Top,@m4StringContents,SpellErrors
syn cluster m4Top contains=m4Comment,m4Constants,m4Special,m4Variable,m4String,m4Paren,m4Command,m4Statement,m4Function
" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
hi def link m4Delimiter Delimiter
hi def link m4Comment Comment
hi def link m4Function Function
hi def link m4Keyword Keyword
hi def link m4Special Special
hi def link m4String String
hi def link m4Statement Statement
hi def link m4Preproc PreProc
hi def link m4Type Type
hi def link m4Special Special
hi def link m4Variable Special
hi def link m4Constants Constant
hi def link m4Builtin Statement
let b:current_syntax = "m4"
if main_syntax == 'm4'
unlet main_syntax
" vim: ts=4