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The only module that needs to be imported to use the Distutils; provides
the 'setup' function (which is to be called from the setup script). Also
indirectly provides the Distribution and Command classes, although they are
really defined in distutils.dist and distutils.cmd.
s $Id$i����N( t DEBUG( t DistutilsSetupErrort DistutilsArgErrort DistutilsErrort CCompilerError( t Distribution( t Command( t
PyPIRCCommand( t Extensions� usage: %(script)s [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
or: %(script)s --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
or: %(script)s --help-commands
or: %(script)s cmd --help
c C s! t j j | � } t i | d 6S( Nt script( t ost patht basenamet USAGE( t script_nameR ( ( s3 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/distutils/core.pyt gen_usage# s t distclassR t script_argst optionst namet versiont authort author_emailt
maintainert maintainer_emailt urlt licenset descriptiont long_descriptiont keywordst platformst classifierst download_urlt requirest providest obsoletest sourcest include_dirst
define_macrost undef_macrost library_dirst librariest runtime_library_dirst
extra_objectst extra_compile_argst extra_link_argst swig_optst export_symbolst dependst languagec K s5 | j d � } | r | d =n t } d | k rQ t j j t j d � | d <n d | k rq t j d | d <n y | | � a } WnF t k
r� } d | k r� t d | d | f � q� t d | � n Xt
d k r� | S| j � t r d
GH| j
� n t
d k r| Sy | j � } Wn- t k
rO} t t | j � d | � n Xt rhd
GH| j
� n t
d k rx| S| r1y | j � Wq1t k
r�t d � q1t t j f k
r�} t r�t j j d | f � � q.t d | f � q1t t f k
r-} t r� q.t d t | � � q1Xn | S( s� The gateway to the Distutils: do everything your setup script needs
to do, in a highly flexible and user-driven way. Briefly: create a
Distribution instance; find and parse config files; parse the command
line; run each Distutils command found there, customized by the options
supplied to 'setup()' (as keyword arguments), in config files, and on
the command line.
The Distribution instance might be an instance of a class supplied via
the 'distclass' keyword argument to 'setup'; if no such class is
supplied, then the Distribution class (in is instantiated.
All other arguments to 'setup' (except for 'cmdclass') are used to set
attributes of the Distribution instance.
The 'cmdclass' argument, if supplied, is a dictionary mapping command
names to command classes. Each command encountered on the command line
will be turned into a command class, which is in turn instantiated; any
class found in 'cmdclass' is used in place of the default, which is
(for command 'foo_bar') class 'foo_bar' in module
'distutils.command.foo_bar'. The command class must provide a
'user_options' attribute which is a list of option specifiers for
'distutils.fancy_getopt'. Any command-line options between the current
and the next command are used to set attributes of the current command
When the entire command-line has been successfully parsed, calls the
'run()' method on each command object in turn. This method will be
driven entirely by the Distribution object (which each command object
has a reference to, thanks to its constructor), and the
command-specific options that became attributes of each command
R R i R i R s error in %s setup command: %ss error in setup command: %st inits% options (after parsing config files):t configs
error: %ss% options (after parsing command line):t commandlinet interrupteds
error: %s
s error: %ss error: ( t getR R
R R t syst argvt _setup_distributionR t
SystemExitt _setup_stop_aftert parse_config_filesR t dump_option_dictst parse_command_lineR R R t run_commandst KeyboardInterruptt IOErrort errort stderrt writeR R t str( t attrst klasst distt msgt okt exc( ( s3 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/distutils/core.pyt setup<