Your IP :
/* This is a proposed C API for support of SASL
* send email to and *
* if you need to add new error codes, callback types, property values, *
* etc. It is important to keep the multiple implementations of this *
* API from diverging. *
* Basic Type Summary:
* sasl_conn_t Context for a SASL connection negotiation
* sasl_ssf_t Security layer Strength Factor
* sasl_callback_t A typed client/server callback function and context
* sasl_interact_t A client interaction descriptor
* sasl_secret_t A client password
* sasl_rand_t Random data context structure
* sasl_security_properties_t An application's required security level
* Callbacks:
* sasl_getopt_t client/server: Get an option value
* sasl_logmsg_t client/server: Log message handler
* sasl_getsimple_t client: Get user/language list
* sasl_getsecret_t client: Get authentication secret
* sasl_chalprompt_t client: Display challenge and prompt for response
* Server only Callbacks:
* sasl_authorize_t user authorization policy callback
* sasl_getconfpath_t get path to search for config file
* sasl_server_userdb_checkpass check password and auxprops in userdb
* sasl_server_userdb_setpass set password in userdb
* sasl_server_canon_user canonicalize username routine
* Client/Server Function Summary:
* sasl_done Release all SASL global state
* sasl_dispose Connection done: Dispose of sasl_conn_t
* sasl_getprop Get property (e.g., user name, security layer info)
* sasl_setprop Set property (e.g., external ssf)
* sasl_errdetail Generate string from last error on connection
* sasl_errstring Translate sasl error code to a string
* sasl_encode Encode data to send using security layer
* sasl_decode Decode data received using security layer
* Utility functions:
* sasl_encode64 Encode data to send using MIME base64 encoding
* sasl_decode64 Decode data received using MIME base64 encoding
* sasl_erasebuffer Erase a buffer
* Client Function Summary:
* sasl_client_init Load and initialize client plug-ins (call once)
* sasl_client_new Initialize client connection context: sasl_conn_t
* sasl_client_start Select mechanism for connection
* sasl_client_step Perform one authentication step
* Server Function Summary
* sasl_server_init Load and initialize server plug-ins (call once)
* sasl_server_new Initialize server connection context: sasl_conn_t
* sasl_listmech Create list of available mechanisms
* sasl_server_start Begin an authentication exchange
* sasl_server_step Perform one authentication exchange step
* sasl_checkpass Check a plaintext passphrase
* sasl_checkapop Check an APOP challenge/response (uses pseudo "APOP"
* mechanism similar to CRAM-MD5 mechanism; optional)
* sasl_user_exists Check if user exists
* sasl_setpass Change a password or add a user entry
* sasl_auxprop_request Request auxiliary properties
* sasl_auxprop_getctx Get auxiliary property context for connection
* sasl_auxprop_store Store a set of auxiliary properties
* Basic client model:
* 1. client calls sasl_client_init() at startup to load plug-ins
* 2. when connection formed, call sasl_client_new()
* 3. once list of supported mechanisms received from server, client
* calls sasl_client_start(). goto 4a
* 4. client calls sasl_client_step()
* [4a. If SASL_INTERACT, fill in prompts and goto 4
* -- doesn't happen if callbacks provided]
* 4b. If SASL error, goto 7 or 3
* 4c. If SASL_OK, continue or goto 6 if last server response was success
* 5. send message to server, wait for response
* 5a. On data or success with server response, goto 4
* 5b. On failure goto 7 or 3
* 5c. On success with no server response continue
* 6. continue with application protocol until connection closes
* call sasl_getprop/sasl_encode/sasl_decode() if using security layer
* 7. call sasl_dispose(), may return to step 2
* 8. call sasl_done() when program terminates
* Basic Server model:
* 1. call sasl_server_init() at startup to load plug-ins
* 2. On connection, call sasl_server_new()
* 3. call sasl_listmech() and send list to client]
* 4. after client AUTH command, call sasl_server_start(), goto 5a
* 5. call sasl_server_step()
* 5a. If SASL_CONTINUE, output to client, wait response, repeat 5
* 5b. If SASL error, then goto 7
* 5c. If SASL_OK, move on
* 6. continue with application protocol until connection closes
* call sasl_getprop to get username
* call sasl_getprop/sasl_encode/sasl_decode() if using security layer
* 7. call sasl_dispose(), may return to step 2
* 8. call sasl_done() when program terminates
* IMPORTANT NOTE: server realms / username syntax
* If a user name contains a "@", then the rightmost "@" in the user name
* separates the account name from the realm in which this account is
* located. A single server may support multiple realms. If the
* server knows the realm at connection creation time (e.g., a server
* with multiple IP addresses tightly binds one address to a specific
* realm) then that realm must be passed in the user_realm field of
* the sasl_server_new call. If user_realm is non-empty and an
* unqualified user name is supplied, then the canon_user facility is
* expected to append "@" and user_realm to the user name. The canon_user
* facility may treat other characters such as "%" as equivalent to "@".
* If the server forbids the use of "@" in user names for other
* purposes, this simplifies security validation.
#ifndef SASL_H
#define SASL_H 1
#include <stddef.h> /* For size_t */
/* Keep in sync with win32/common.mak */
/* A convenience macro: same as was defined in the OpenLDAP LDAPDB */
#include "prop.h"
* Basic API *
/* SASL result codes: */
#define SASL_CONTINUE 1 /* another step is needed in authentication */
#define SASL_OK 0 /* successful result */
#define SASL_FAIL -1 /* generic failure */
#define SASL_NOMEM -2 /* memory shortage failure */
#define SASL_BUFOVER -3 /* overflowed buffer */
#define SASL_NOMECH -4 /* mechanism not supported */
#define SASL_BADPROT -5 /* bad protocol / cancel */
#define SASL_NOTDONE -6 /* can't request info until later in exchange */
#define SASL_BADPARAM -7 /* invalid parameter supplied */
#define SASL_TRYAGAIN -8 /* transient failure (e.g., weak key) */
#define SASL_BADMAC -9 /* integrity check failed */
#define SASL_NOTINIT -12 /* SASL library not initialized */
/* -- client only codes -- */
#define SASL_INTERACT 2 /* needs user interaction */
#define SASL_BADSERV -10 /* server failed mutual authentication step */
#define SASL_WRONGMECH -11 /* mechanism doesn't support requested feature */
/* -- server only codes -- */
#define SASL_BADAUTH -13 /* authentication failure */
#define SASL_NOAUTHZ -14 /* authorization failure */
#define SASL_TOOWEAK -15 /* mechanism too weak for this user */
#define SASL_ENCRYPT -16 /* encryption needed to use mechanism */
#define SASL_TRANS -17 /* One time use of a plaintext password will
enable requested mechanism for user */
#define SASL_EXPIRED -18 /* passphrase expired, has to be reset */
#define SASL_DISABLED -19 /* account disabled */
#define SASL_NOUSER -20 /* user not found */
#define SASL_BADVERS -23 /* version mismatch with plug-in */
#define SASL_UNAVAIL -24 /* remote authentication server unavailable */
#define SASL_NOVERIFY -26 /* user exists, but no verifier for user */
/* -- codes for password setting -- */
#define SASL_PWLOCK -21 /* passphrase locked */
#define SASL_NOCHANGE -22 /* requested change was not needed */
#define SASL_WEAKPASS -27 /* passphrase is too weak for security policy */
#define SASL_NOUSERPASS -28 /* user supplied passwords not permitted */
#define SASL_NEED_OLD_PASSWD -29 /* sasl_setpass needs old password in order
to perform password change */
#define SASL_CONSTRAINT_VIOLAT -30 /* a property can't be stored,
because of some constrains/policy violation */
#define SASL_BADBINDING -32 /* channel binding failure */
#define SASL_CONFIGERR -100 /* error when parsing configuration file */
/* max size of a sasl mechanism name */
#ifdef _WIN32
/* Define to have the same layout as a WSABUF */
struct iovec {
long iov_len;
char *iov_base;
struct iovec; /* Defined in OS headers */
/* per-connection SASL negotiation state for client or server
typedef struct sasl_conn sasl_conn_t;
/* Plain text password structure.
* len is the length of the password, data is the text.
typedef struct sasl_secret {
unsigned long len;
unsigned char data[1]; /* variable sized */
} sasl_secret_t;
/* random data context structure
typedef struct sasl_rand_s sasl_rand_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Configure Basic Services *
/* the following functions are used to adjust how allocation and mutexes work
* they must be called before all other SASL functions:
#include <sys/types.h>
/* memory allocation functions which may optionally be replaced:
typedef void *sasl_malloc_t(size_t);
typedef void *sasl_calloc_t(size_t, size_t);
typedef void *sasl_realloc_t(void *, size_t);
typedef void sasl_free_t(void *);
LIBSASL_API void sasl_set_alloc(sasl_malloc_t *,
sasl_calloc_t *,
sasl_realloc_t *,
sasl_free_t *);
/* mutex functions which may optionally be replaced:
* sasl_mutex_alloc allocates a mutex structure
* sasl_mutex_lock blocks until mutex locked
* returns -1 on deadlock or parameter error
* returns 0 on success
* sasl_mutex_unlock unlocks mutex if it's locked
* returns -1 if not locked or parameter error
* returns 0 on success
* sasl_mutex_free frees a mutex structure
typedef void *sasl_mutex_alloc_t(void);
typedef int sasl_mutex_lock_t(void *mutex);
typedef int sasl_mutex_unlock_t(void *mutex);
typedef void sasl_mutex_free_t(void *mutex);
LIBSASL_API void sasl_set_mutex(sasl_mutex_alloc_t *, sasl_mutex_lock_t *,
sasl_mutex_unlock_t *, sasl_mutex_free_t *);
* Security preference types *
/* security layer strength factor -- an unsigned integer usable by the caller
* to specify approximate security layer strength desired. Roughly
* correlated to effective key length for encryption.
* 0 = no protection
* 1 = integrity protection only
* 40 = 40-bit DES or 40-bit RC2/RC4
* 56 = DES
* 112 = triple-DES
* 128 = 128-bit RC2/RC4/BLOWFISH
* 256 = baseline AES
typedef unsigned sasl_ssf_t;
/* usage flags provided to sasl_server_new and sasl_client_new:
#define SASL_SUCCESS_DATA 0x0004 /* server supports data on success */
#define SASL_NEED_PROXY 0x0008 /* require a mech that allows proxying */
#define SASL_NEED_HTTP 0x0010 /* require a mech that can do HTTP auth */
* Security Property Types *
/* Structure specifying the client or server's security policy
* and optional additional properties.
/* These are the various security flags apps can specify. */
/* NOPLAINTEXT -- don't permit mechanisms susceptible to simple
* passive attack (e.g., PLAIN, LOGIN)
* NOACTIVE -- protection from active (non-dictionary) attacks
* during authentication exchange.
* Authenticates server.
* NODICTIONARY -- don't permit mechanisms susceptible to passive
* dictionary attack
* FORWARD_SECRECY -- require forward secrecy between sessions
* (breaking one won't help break next)
* NOANONYMOUS -- don't permit mechanisms that allow anonymous login
* PASS_CREDENTIALS -- require mechanisms which pass client
* credentials, and allow mechanisms which can pass
* credentials to do so
* MUTUAL_AUTH -- require mechanisms which provide mutual
* authentication
#define SASL_SEC_NOACTIVE 0x0002
#define SASL_SEC_MUTUAL_AUTH 0x0040
typedef struct sasl_security_properties
/* security strength factor
* min_ssf = minimum acceptable final level
* max_ssf = maximum acceptable final level
sasl_ssf_t min_ssf;
sasl_ssf_t max_ssf;
/* Maximum security layer receive buffer size.
* 0=security layer not supported
unsigned maxbufsize;
/* bitfield for attacks to protect against */
unsigned security_flags;
/* NULL terminated array of additional property names, values */
const char **property_names;
const char **property_values;
} sasl_security_properties_t;
* Callback types *
* Extensible type for a client/server callbacks
* id -- identifies callback type
* proc -- procedure call arguments vary based on id
* context -- context passed to procedure
/* Note that any memory that is allocated by the callback needs to be
* freed by the application, be it via function call or interaction.
* It may be freed after sasl_*_step returns SASL_OK. if the mechanism
* requires this information to persist (for a security layer, for example)
* it must maintain a private copy.
typedef struct sasl_callback {
/* Identifies the type of the callback function.
* Mechanisms must ignore callbacks with id's they don't recognize.
unsigned long id;
int (*proc)(void); /* Callback function. Types of arguments vary by 'id' */
void *context;
} sasl_callback_t;
/* callback ids & functions:
#define SASL_CB_LIST_END 0 /* end of list */
/* option reading callback -- this allows a SASL configuration to be
* encapsulated in the caller's configuration system. Some implementations
* may use default config file(s) if this is omitted. Configuration items
* may be plugin-specific and are arbitrary strings.
* inputs:
* context -- option context from callback record
* plugin_name -- name of plugin (NULL = general SASL option)
* option -- name of option
* output:
* result -- set to result which persists until next getopt in
* same thread, unchanged if option not found
* len -- length of result (may be NULL)
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- no error
* SASL_FAIL -- error
typedef int sasl_getopt_t(void *context, const char *plugin_name,
const char *option,
const char **result, unsigned *len);
#define SASL_CB_GETOPT 1
/* Logging levels for use with the logging callback function. */
#define SASL_LOG_NONE 0 /* don't log anything */
#define SASL_LOG_ERR 1 /* log unusual errors (default) */
#define SASL_LOG_FAIL 2 /* log all authentication failures */
#define SASL_LOG_WARN 3 /* log non-fatal warnings */
#define SASL_LOG_NOTE 4 /* more verbose than LOG_WARN */
#define SASL_LOG_DEBUG 5 /* more verbose than LOG_NOTE */
#define SASL_LOG_TRACE 6 /* traces of internal protocols */
#define SASL_LOG_PASS 7 /* traces of internal protocols, including
* passwords */
/* logging callback -- this allows plugins and the middleware to
* log operations they perform.
* inputs:
* context -- logging context from the callback record
* level -- logging level; see above
* message -- message to log
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- no error
* SASL_FAIL -- error
typedef int sasl_log_t(void *context,
int level,
const char *message);
#define SASL_CB_LOG 2
/* getpath callback -- this allows applications to specify the
* colon-separated path to search for plugins (by default,
* taken from an implementation-specific location).
* inputs:
* context -- getpath context from the callback record
* outputs:
* path -- colon seperated path
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- no error
* SASL_FAIL -- error
typedef int sasl_getpath_t(void *context,
const char **path);
/* verify file callback -- this allows applications to check if they
* want SASL to use files, file by file. This is intended to allow
* applications to sanity check the environment to make sure plugins
* or the configuration file can't be written to, etc.
* inputs:
* context -- verifypath context from the callback record
* file -- full path to file to verify
* type -- type of file to verify (see below)
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- no error (file can safely be used)
* SASL_CONTINUE -- continue WITHOUT using this file
* SASL_FAIL -- error
/* these are the types of files libsasl will ask about */
typedef enum {
SASL_VRFY_PLUGIN=0, /* a DLL/shared library plug-in */
SASL_VRFY_CONF=1, /* a configuration file */
SASL_VRFY_PASSWD=2, /* a password storage file/db */
SASL_VRFY_OTHER=3 /* some other file */
} sasl_verify_type_t;
typedef int sasl_verifyfile_t(void *context,
const char *file, sasl_verify_type_t type);
/* getconfpath callback -- this allows applications to specify the
* colon-separated path to search for config files (by default,
* taken from the SASL_CONF_PATH environment variable).
* inputs:
* context -- getconfpath context from the callback record
* outputs:
* path -- colon seperated path (allocated on the heap; the
* library will free it using the sasl_free_t *
* passed to sasl_set_callback, or the standard free()
* library call).
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- no error
* SASL_FAIL -- error
typedef int sasl_getconfpath_t(void *context,
char **path);
/* client/user interaction callbacks:
/* Simple prompt -- result must persist until next call to getsimple on
* same connection or until connection context is disposed
* inputs:
* context -- context from callback structure
* id -- callback id
* outputs:
* result -- set to NUL terminated string
* NULL = user cancel
* len -- length of result
* returns SASL_OK
typedef int sasl_getsimple_t(void *context, int id,
const char **result, unsigned *len);
#define SASL_CB_USER 0x4001 /* client user identity to login as */
#define SASL_CB_AUTHNAME 0x4002 /* client authentication name */
#define SASL_CB_LANGUAGE 0x4003 /* comma separated list of RFC 1766
* language codes in order of preference
* to be used to localize client prompts
* or server error codes */
#define SASL_CB_CNONCE 0x4007 /* caller supplies client-nonce
* primarily for testing purposes */
/* get a sasl_secret_t (plaintext password with length)
* inputs:
* conn -- connection context
* context -- context from callback structure
* id -- callback id
* outputs:
* psecret -- set to NULL to cancel
* set to password structure which must persist until
* next call to getsecret in same connection, but middleware
* will erase password data when it's done with it.
* returns SASL_OK
typedef int sasl_getsecret_t(sasl_conn_t *conn, void *context, int id,
sasl_secret_t **psecret);
#define SASL_CB_PASS 0x4004 /* client passphrase-based secret */
/* prompt for input in response to a challenge.
* input:
* context -- context from callback structure
* id -- callback id
* challenge -- server challenge
* output:
* result -- NUL terminated result, NULL = user cancel
* len -- length of result
* returns SASL_OK
typedef int sasl_chalprompt_t(void *context, int id,
const char *challenge,
const char *prompt, const char *defresult,
const char **result, unsigned *len);
#define SASL_CB_ECHOPROMPT 0x4005 /* challenge and client enterred result */
#define SASL_CB_NOECHOPROMPT 0x4006 /* challenge and client enterred result */
/* prompt (or autoselect) the realm to do authentication in.
* may get a list of valid realms.
* input:
* context -- context from callback structure
* id -- callback id
* availrealms -- available realms; string list; NULL terminated
* list may be empty.
* output:
* result -- NUL terminated realm; NULL is equivalent to ""
* returns SASL_OK
* result must persist until the next callback
typedef int sasl_getrealm_t(void *context, int id,
const char **availrealms,
const char **result);
#define SASL_CB_GETREALM (0x4008) /* realm to attempt authentication in */
/* server callbacks:
/* improved callback to verify authorization;
* canonicalization now handled elsewhere
* conn -- connection context
* requested_user -- the identity/username to authorize (NUL terminated)
* rlen -- length of requested_user
* auth_identity -- the identity associated with the secret (NUL terminated)
* alen -- length of auth_identity
* default_realm -- default user realm, as passed to sasl_server_new if
* urlen -- length of default realm
* propctx -- auxiliary properties
* returns SASL_OK on success,
* SASL_NOAUTHZ or other SASL response on failure
typedef int sasl_authorize_t(sasl_conn_t *conn,
void *context,
const char *requested_user, unsigned rlen,
const char *auth_identity, unsigned alen,
const char *def_realm, unsigned urlen,
struct propctx *propctx);
#define SASL_CB_PROXY_POLICY 0x8001
/* functions for "userdb" based plugins to call to get/set passwords.
* the location for the passwords is determined by the caller or middleware.
* plug-ins may get passwords from other locations.
/* callback to verify a plaintext password against the caller-supplied
* user database. This is necessary to allow additional <method>s for
* encoding of the userPassword property.
* user -- NUL terminated user name with user@realm syntax
* pass -- password to check (may not be NUL terminated)
* passlen -- length of password to check
* propctx -- auxiliary properties for user
typedef int sasl_server_userdb_checkpass_t(sasl_conn_t *conn,
void *context,
const char *user,
const char *pass,
unsigned passlen,
struct propctx *propctx);
/* callback to store/change a plaintext password in the user database
* user -- NUL terminated user name with user@realm syntax
* pass -- password to store (may not be NUL terminated)
* passlen -- length of password to store
* propctx -- auxiliary properties (not stored)
* flags -- see SASL_SET_* flags below (SASL_SET_CREATE optional)
typedef int sasl_server_userdb_setpass_t(sasl_conn_t *conn,
void *context,
const char *user,
const char *pass,
unsigned passlen,
struct propctx *propctx,
unsigned flags);
/* callback for a server-supplied user canonicalization function.
* This function is called directly after the mechanism has the
* authentication and authorization IDs. It is called before any
* User Canonicalization plugin is called. It has the responsibility
* of copying its output into the provided output buffers.
* in, inlen -- user name to canonicalize, may not be NUL terminated
* may be same buffer as out
* flags -- not currently used, supplied by auth mechanism
* user_realm -- the user realm (may be NULL in case of client)
* out -- buffer to copy user name
* out_max -- max length of user name
* out_len -- set to length of user name
* returns
* SASL_OK on success
* SASL_BADPROT username contains invalid character
/* User Canonicalization Function Flags */
#define SASL_CU_NONE 0x00 /* Not a valid flag to pass */
/* One of the following two is required */
#define SASL_CU_AUTHID 0x01
#define SASL_CU_AUTHZID 0x02
/* Combine the following with SASL_CU_AUTHID, if you don't want
to fail if auxprop returned SASL_NOUSER/SASL_NOMECH. */
#define SASL_CU_OVERRIDE 0x08 /* mapped to SASL_AUXPROP_OVERRIDE */
/* The following CU flags are passed "as is" down to auxprop lookup */
/* NOTE: Keep in sync with SASL_AUXPROP_<XXX> flags */
typedef int sasl_canon_user_t(sasl_conn_t *conn,
void *context,
const char *in, unsigned inlen,
unsigned flags,
const char *user_realm,
char *out,
unsigned out_max, unsigned *out_len);
#define SASL_CB_CANON_USER (0x8007)
* Common Client/server functions *
/* Types of paths to set (see sasl_set_path below). */
/* a simpler way to set plugin path or configuration file path
* without the need to set sasl_getpath_t callback.
* This function can be called before sasl_server_init/sasl_client_init.
LIBSASL_API int sasl_set_path (int path_type, char * path);
/* get sasl library version information
* implementation is a vendor-defined string
* version is a vender-defined representation of the version #.
* This function is being deprecated in favor of sasl_version_info. */
LIBSASL_API void sasl_version(const char **implementation,
int *version);
/* Extended version of sasl_version().
* This function is to be used
* for library version display and logging
* for bug workarounds in old library versions
* The sasl_version_info is not to be used for API feature detection.
* All parameters are optional. If NULL is specified, the value is not returned.
LIBSASL_API void sasl_version_info (const char **implementation,
const char **version_string,
int *version_major,
int *version_minor,
int *version_step,
int *version_patch);
/* dispose of all SASL plugins. Connection
* states have to be disposed of before calling this.
* This function is DEPRECATED in favour of sasl_server_done/
* sasl_client_done.
LIBSASL_API void sasl_done(void);
/* dispose of all SASL plugins. Connection
* states have to be disposed of before calling this.
* This function should be called instead of sasl_done(),
whenever possible.
LIBSASL_API int sasl_server_done(void);
/* dispose of all SASL plugins. Connection
* states have to be disposed of before calling this.
* This function should be called instead of sasl_done(),
whenever possible.
LIBSASL_API int sasl_client_done(void);
/* dispose connection state, sets it to NULL
* checks for pointer to NULL
LIBSASL_API void sasl_dispose(sasl_conn_t **pconn);
/* translate an error number into a string
* input:
* saslerr -- the error number
* langlist -- comma separated list of RFC 1766 languages (may be NULL)
* results:
* outlang -- the language actually used (may be NULL if don't care)
* returns:
* the error message in UTF-8 (only the US-ASCII subset if langlist is NULL)
LIBSASL_API const char *sasl_errstring(int saslerr,
const char *langlist,
const char **outlang);
/* get detail about the last error that occurred on a connection
* text is sanitized so it's suitable to send over the wire
* (e.g., no distinction between SASL_BADAUTH and SASL_NOUSER)
* input:
* conn -- mandatory connection context
* returns:
* the error message in UTF-8 (only the US-ASCII subset permitted if no
* SASL_CB_LANGUAGE callback is present)
LIBSASL_API const char *sasl_errdetail(sasl_conn_t *conn);
/* set the error string which will be returned by sasl_errdetail() using
* syslog()-style formatting (e.g. printf-style with %m as most recent
* errno error)
* primarily for use by server callbacks such as the sasl_authorize_t
* callback and internally to plug-ins
* This will also trigger a call to the SASL logging callback (if any)
* with a level of SASL_LOG_FAIL unless the SASL_NOLOG flag is set.
* Messages should be sensitive to the current language setting. If there
* is no SASL_CB_LANGUAGE callback messages MUST be US-ASCII otherwise UTF-8
* is used and use of RFC 2482 for mixed-language text is encouraged.
* if conn is NULL, function does nothing
LIBSASL_API void sasl_seterror(sasl_conn_t *conn, unsigned flags,
const char *fmt, ...);
#define SASL_NOLOG 0x01
/* get property from SASL connection state
* propnum -- property number
* pvalue -- pointer to value
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- no error
* SASL_NOTDONE -- property not available yet
* SASL_BADPARAM -- bad property number
LIBSASL_API int sasl_getprop(sasl_conn_t *conn, int propnum,
const void **pvalue);
#define SASL_USERNAME 0 /* pointer to NUL terminated user name */
#define SASL_SSF 1 /* security layer security strength factor,
* if 0, call to sasl_encode, sasl_decode
* unnecessary */
#define SASL_MAXOUTBUF 2 /* security layer max output buf unsigned */
#define SASL_DEFUSERREALM 3 /* default realm passed to server_new */
/* or set with setprop */
#define SASL_GETOPTCTX 4 /* context for getopt callback */
#define SASL_CALLBACK 7 /* current callback function list */
#define SASL_IPLOCALPORT 8 /* iplocalport string passed to server_new */
#define SASL_IPREMOTEPORT 9 /* ipremoteport string passed to server_new */
/* This returns a string which is either empty or has an error message
* from sasl_seterror (e.g., from a plug-in or callback). It differs
* from the result of sasl_errdetail() which also takes into account the
* last return status code.
#define SASL_PLUGERR 10
/* a handle to any delegated credentials or NULL if none is present
* is returned by the mechanism. The user will probably need to know
* which mechanism was used to actually known how to make use of them
* currently only implemented for the gssapi mechanism */
#define SASL_SERVICE 12 /* service passed to sasl_*_new */
#define SASL_SERVERFQDN 13 /* serverFQDN passed to sasl_*_new */
#define SASL_AUTHSOURCE 14 /* name of auth source last used, useful
* for failed authentication tracking */
#define SASL_MECHNAME 15 /* active mechanism name, if any */
#define SASL_AUTHUSER 16 /* authentication/admin user */
#define SASL_APPNAME 17 /* application name (used for logging/
configuration), same as appname parameter
to sasl_server_init */
/* GSS-API credential handle for sasl_client_step() or sasl_server_step().
* The application is responsible for releasing this credential handle. */
#define SASL_GSS_CREDS 18
/* GSS name (gss_name_t) of the peer, as output by gss_inquire_context()
* or gss_accept_sec_context().
* On server end this is similar to SASL_USERNAME, but the gss_name_t
* structure can contain additional attributes associated with the peer.
/* Local GSS name (gss_name_t) as output by gss_inquire_context(). This
* is particularly useful for servers that respond to multiple names. */
/* Channel binding information. Memory is managed by the caller. */
typedef struct sasl_channel_binding {
const char *name;
int critical;
unsigned long len;
const unsigned char *data;
} sasl_channel_binding_t;
/* HTTP Request (RFC 2616) - ONLY used for HTTP Digest Auth (RFC 2617) */
typedef struct sasl_http_request {
const char *method; /* HTTP Method */
const char *uri; /* request-URI */
const unsigned char *entity; /* entity-body */
unsigned long elen; /* entity-body length */
unsigned non_persist; /* Is it a non-persistent connection? */
} sasl_http_request_t;
/* set property in SASL connection state
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- value set
* SASL_BADPARAM -- invalid property or value
LIBSASL_API int sasl_setprop(sasl_conn_t *conn,
int propnum,
const void *value);
#define SASL_SSF_EXTERNAL 100 /* external SSF active (sasl_ssf_t *) */
#define SASL_SEC_PROPS 101 /* sasl_security_properties_t */
#define SASL_AUTH_EXTERNAL 102 /* external authentication ID (const char *) */
/* If the SASL_AUTH_EXTERNAL value is non-NULL, then a special version of the
* EXTERNAL mechanism is enabled (one for server-embedded EXTERNAL mechanisms).
* Otherwise, the EXTERNAL mechanism will be absent unless a plug-in
* including EXTERNAL is present.
/* do precalculations during an idle period or network round trip
* may pass NULL to precompute for some mechanisms prior to connect
* returns 1 if action taken, 0 if no action taken
LIBSASL_API int sasl_idle(sasl_conn_t *conn);
* Client API *
/* list of client interactions with user for caller to fill in
typedef struct sasl_interact {
unsigned long id; /* same as client/user callback ID */
const char *challenge; /* presented to user (e.g. OTP challenge) */
const char *prompt; /* presented to user (e.g. "Username: ") */
const char *defresult; /* default result string */
const void *result; /* set to point to result */
unsigned len; /* set to length of result */
} sasl_interact_t;
/* initialize the SASL client drivers
* callbacks -- base callbacks for all client connections;
* must include getopt callback
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- Success
* SASL_NOMEM -- Not enough memory
* SASL_BADVERS -- Mechanism version mismatch
* SASL_BADPARAM -- missing getopt callback or error in config file
* SASL_NOMECH -- No mechanisms available
* ...
LIBSASL_API int sasl_client_init(const sasl_callback_t *callbacks);
/* initialize a client exchange based on the specified mechanism
* service -- registered name of the service using SASL (e.g. "imap")
* serverFQDN -- the fully qualified domain name of the server
* iplocalport -- client IPv4/IPv6 domain literal string with port
* (if NULL, then mechanisms requiring IPaddr are disabled)
* ipremoteport -- server IPv4/IPv6 domain literal string with port
* (if NULL, then mechanisms requiring IPaddr are disabled)
* prompt_supp -- list of client interactions supported
* may also include sasl_getopt_t context & call
* NULL prompt_supp = user/pass via SASL_INTERACT only
* NULL proc = interaction supported via SASL_INTERACT
* flags -- server usage flags (see above)
* in/out:
* pconn -- connection negotiation structure
* pointer to NULL => allocate new
* Returns:
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_NOMECH -- no mechanism meets requested properties
* SASL_NOMEM -- not enough memory
LIBSASL_API int sasl_client_new(const char *service,
const char *serverFQDN,
const char *iplocalport,
const char *ipremoteport,
const sasl_callback_t *prompt_supp,
unsigned flags,
sasl_conn_t **pconn);
/* select a mechanism for a connection
* mechlist -- mechanisms server has available (punctuation ignored)
* if NULL, then discard cached info and retry last mech
* output:
* prompt_need -- on SASL_INTERACT, list of prompts needed to continue
* may be NULL if callbacks provided
* clientout -- the initial client response to send to the server
* will be valid until next call to client_start/client_step
* NULL if mech doesn't include initial client challenge
* mech -- set to mechansm name of selected mechanism (may be NULL)
* Returns:
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_NOMEM -- not enough memory
* SASL_NOMECH -- no mechanism meets requested properties
* SASL_INTERACT -- user interaction needed to fill in prompt_need list
LIBSASL_API int sasl_client_start(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *mechlist,
sasl_interact_t **prompt_need,
const char **clientout,
unsigned *clientoutlen,
const char **mech);
/* do a single authentication step.
* serverin -- the server message received by the client, MUST have a NUL
* sentinel, not counted by serverinlen
* output:
* prompt_need -- on SASL_INTERACT, list of prompts needed to continue
* clientout -- the client response to send to the server
* will be valid until next call to client_start/client_step
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_INTERACT -- user interaction needed to fill in prompt_need list
* SASL_BADPROT -- server protocol incorrect/cancelled
* SASL_BADSERV -- server failed mutual auth
LIBSASL_API int sasl_client_step(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *serverin,
unsigned serverinlen,
sasl_interact_t **prompt_need,
const char **clientout,
unsigned *clientoutlen);
* Server API *
/* initialize server drivers, done once per process
* callbacks -- callbacks for all server connections; must include
* getopt callback
* appname -- name of calling application (for lower level logging)
* results:
* state -- server state
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_BADPARAM -- error in config file
* SASL_NOMEM -- memory failure
* SASL_BADVERS -- Mechanism version mismatch
LIBSASL_API int sasl_server_init(const sasl_callback_t *callbacks,
const char *appname);
/* IP/port syntax:
* a.b.c.d;p where a-d are 0-255 and p is 0-65535 port number.
* e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l;p where e-l are 0000-ffff lower-case hexidecimal
* e:f:g:h:i:j:a.b.c.d;p alternate syntax for previous
* Note that one or more "0" fields in f-k can be replaced with "::"
* Thus: e:f:0000:0000:0000:j:k:l;p
* can be abbreviated: e:f::j:k:l;p
* A buffer of size 52 is adequate for the longest format with NUL terminator.
/* create context for a single SASL connection
* service -- registered name of the service using SASL (e.g. "imap")
* serverFQDN -- Fully qualified domain name of server. NULL means use
* gethostname() or equivalent.
* Useful for multi-homed servers.
* user_realm -- permits multiple user realms on server, NULL = default
* iplocalport -- server IPv4/IPv6 domain literal string with port
* (if NULL, then mechanisms requiring IPaddr are disabled)
* ipremoteport -- client IPv4/IPv6 domain literal string with port
* (if NULL, then mechanisms requiring IPaddr are disabled)
* callbacks -- callbacks (e.g., authorization, lang, new getopt context)
* flags -- usage flags (see above)
* returns:
* pconn -- new connection context
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_NOMEM -- not enough memory
LIBSASL_API int sasl_server_new(const char *service,
const char *serverFQDN,
const char *user_realm,
const char *iplocalport,
const char *ipremoteport,
const sasl_callback_t *callbacks,
unsigned flags,
sasl_conn_t **pconn);
/* Return an array of NUL-terminated strings, terminated by a NULL pointer,
* which lists all possible mechanisms that the library can supply
* Returns NULL on failure. */
LIBSASL_API const char ** sasl_global_listmech(void);
/* This returns a list of mechanisms in a NUL-terminated string
* conn -- the connection to list mechanisms for (either client
* or server)
* user -- restricts mechanisms to those available to that user
* (may be NULL, not used for client case)
* prefix -- appended to beginning of result
* sep -- appended between mechanisms
* suffix -- appended to end of result
* results:
* result -- NUL terminated result which persists until next
* call to sasl_listmech for this sasl_conn_t
* plen -- gets length of result (excluding NUL), may be NULL
* pcount -- gets number of mechanisms, may be NULL
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_NOMEM -- not enough memory
* SASL_NOMECH -- no enabled mechanisms
LIBSASL_API int sasl_listmech(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *user,
const char *prefix,
const char *sep,
const char *suffix,
const char **result,
unsigned *plen,
int *pcount);
/* start a mechanism exchange within a connection context
* mech -- the mechanism name client requested
* clientin -- client initial response (NUL terminated), NULL if empty
* clientinlen -- length of initial response
* serverout -- initial server challenge, NULL if done
* (library handles freeing this string)
* serveroutlen -- length of initial server challenge
* output:
* pconn -- the connection negotiation state on success
* Same returns as sasl_server_step() or
* SASL_NOMECH if mechanism not available.
LIBSASL_API int sasl_server_start(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *mech,
const char *clientin,
unsigned clientinlen,
const char **serverout,
unsigned *serveroutlen);
/* perform one step of the SASL exchange
* inputlen & input -- client data
* NULL on first step if no optional client step
* outputlen & output -- set to the server data to transmit
* to the client in the next step
* (library handles freeing this)
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- exchange is complete.
* SASL_CONTINUE -- indicates another step is necessary.
* SASL_TRANS -- entry for user exists, but not for mechanism
* and transition is possible
* SASL_BADPARAM -- service name needed
* SASL_BADPROT -- invalid input from client
* ...
LIBSASL_API int sasl_server_step(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *clientin,
unsigned clientinlen,
const char **serverout,
unsigned *serveroutlen);
/* check if an apop exchange is valid
* (note this is an optional part of the SASL API)
* if challenge is NULL, just check if APOP is enabled
* inputs:
* challenge -- challenge which was sent to client
* challen -- length of challenge, 0 = strlen(challenge)
* response -- client response, "<user> <digest>" (RFC 1939)
* resplen -- length of response, 0 = strlen(response)
* returns
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_BADAUTH -- authentication failed
* SASL_BADPARAM -- missing challenge
* SASL_BADPROT -- protocol error (e.g., response in wrong format)
* SASL_NOVERIFY -- user found, but no verifier
* SASL_NOMECH -- mechanism not supported
* SASL_NOUSER -- user not found
LIBSASL_API int sasl_checkapop(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *challenge, unsigned challen,
const char *response, unsigned resplen);
/* check if a plaintext password is valid
* if user is NULL, check if plaintext passwords are enabled
* inputs:
* user -- user to query in current user_domain
* userlen -- length of username, 0 = strlen(user)
* pass -- plaintext password to check
* passlen -- length of password, 0 = strlen(pass)
* returns
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_NOMECH -- mechanism not supported
* SASL_NOVERIFY -- user found, but no verifier
* SASL_NOUSER -- user not found
LIBSASL_API int sasl_checkpass(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *user, unsigned userlen,
const char *pass, unsigned passlen);
/* check if a user exists on server
* conn -- connection context
* service -- registered name of the service using SASL (e.g. "imap")
* user_realm -- permits multiple user realms on server, NULL = default
* user -- NUL terminated user name
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_DISABLED -- account disabled
* SASL_NOUSER -- user not found
* SASL_NOVERIFY -- user found, but no usable mechanism
* SASL_NOMECH -- no mechanisms enabled
* SASL_UNAVAIL -- remote authentication server unavailable, try again later
LIBSASL_API int sasl_user_exists(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *service,
const char *user_realm,
const char *user);
/* set the password for a user
* conn -- SASL connection
* user -- user name
* pass -- plaintext password, may be NULL to remove user
* passlen -- length of password, 0 = strlen(pass)
* oldpass -- NULL will sometimes work
* oldpasslen -- length of password, 0 = strlen(oldpass)
* flags -- see flags below
* returns:
* SASL_NOCHANGE -- proper entry already exists
* SASL_NOMECH -- no authdb supports password setting as configured
* SASL_NOVERIFY -- user exists, but no settable password present
* SASL_DISABLED -- account disabled
* SASL_PWLOCK -- password locked
* SASL_WEAKPASS -- password too weak for security policy
* SASL_NOUSERPASS -- user-supplied passwords not permitted
* SASL_FAIL -- OS error
* SASL_BADPARAM -- password too long
* SASL_OK -- successful
LIBSASL_API int sasl_setpass(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *user,
const char *pass, unsigned passlen,
const char *oldpass, unsigned oldpasslen,
unsigned flags);
#define SASL_SET_CREATE 0x01 /* create a new entry for user */
#define SASL_SET_DISABLE 0x02 /* disable user account */
#define SASL_SET_NOPLAIN 0x04 /* do not store secret in plain text */
#define SASL_SET_CURMECH_ONLY 0x08 /* set the mechanism specific password only.
fail if no current mechanism */
* Auxiliary Property Support -- added by cjn 1999-09-29 *
#define SASL_AUX_END NULL /* last auxiliary property */
#define SASL_AUX_ALL "*" /* A special flag to signal user deletion */
/* traditional Posix items (should be implemented on Posix systems) */
#define SASL_AUX_PASSWORD_PROP "userPassword" /* User Password */
#define SASL_AUX_PASSWORD "*" SASL_AUX_PASSWORD_PROP /* User Password (of authid) */
#define SASL_AUX_UIDNUM "uidNumber" /* UID number for the user */
#define SASL_AUX_GIDNUM "gidNumber" /* GID for the user */
#define SASL_AUX_FULLNAME "gecos" /* full name of the user, unix-style */
#define SASL_AUX_HOMEDIR "homeDirectory" /* home directory for user */
#define SASL_AUX_SHELL "loginShell" /* login shell for the user */
/* optional additional items (not necessarily implemented) */
/* single preferred mail address for user canonically-quoted
* RFC821/822 syntax */
#define SASL_AUX_MAILADDR "mail"
/* path to unix-style mailbox for user */
#define SASL_AUX_UNIXMBX "mailMessageStore"
/* SMTP mail channel name to use if user authenticates successfully */
#define SASL_AUX_MAILCHAN "mailSMTPSubmitChannel"
/* Request a set of auxiliary properties
* conn connection context
* propnames list of auxiliary property names to request ending with
* Subsequent calls will add items to the request list. Call with NULL
* to clear the request list.
* errors
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_BADPARAM -- bad count/conn parameter
* SASL_NOMEM -- out of memory
LIBSASL_API int sasl_auxprop_request(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char **propnames);
/* Returns current auxiliary property context.
* Use functions in prop.h to access content
* if authentication hasn't completed, property values may be empty/NULL
* properties not recognized by active plug-ins will be left empty/NULL
* returns NULL if conn is invalid.
LIBSASL_API struct propctx *sasl_auxprop_getctx(sasl_conn_t *conn);
/* Store the set of auxiliary properties for the given user.
* Use functions in prop.h to set the content.
* conn connection context
* ctx property context from prop_new()/prop_request()/prop_set()
* user NUL terminated user
* Call with NULL 'ctx' to see if the backend allows storing properties.
* errors
* SASL_OK -- success
* SASL_NOMECH -- can not store some/all properties
* SASL_BADPARAM -- bad conn/ctx/user parameter
* SASL_NOMEM -- out of memory
* SASL_FAIL -- failed to store
LIBSASL_API int sasl_auxprop_store(sasl_conn_t *conn,
struct propctx *ctx, const char *user);
* security layer API *
/* encode a block of data for transmission using security layer,
* returning the input buffer if there is no security layer.
* output is only valid until next call to sasl_encode or sasl_encodev
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success (returns input if no layer negotiated)
* SASL_NOTDONE -- security layer negotiation not finished
* SASL_BADPARAM -- inputlen is greater than the SASL_MAXOUTBUF
LIBSASL_API int sasl_encode(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *input, unsigned inputlen,
const char **output, unsigned *outputlen);
/* encode a block of data for transmission using security layer
* output is only valid until next call to sasl_encode or sasl_encodev
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success (returns input if no layer negotiated)
* SASL_NOTDONE -- security layer negotiation not finished
* SASL_BADPARAM -- input length is greater than the SASL_MAXOUTBUF
* or no security layer
LIBSASL_API int sasl_encodev(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const struct iovec *invec, unsigned numiov,
const char **output, unsigned *outputlen);
/* decode a block of data received using security layer
* returning the input buffer if there is no security layer.
* output is only valid until next call to sasl_decode
* if outputlen is 0 on return, than the value of output is undefined.
* returns:
* SASL_OK -- success (returns input if no layer negotiated)
* SASL_NOTDONE -- security layer negotiation not finished
* SASL_BADMAC -- bad message integrity check
LIBSASL_API int sasl_decode(sasl_conn_t *conn,
const char *input, unsigned inputlen,
const char **output, unsigned *outputlen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* SASL_H */