Your IP :
# functions for tree cleanup and removing elements from subtrees
def cleanup_namespaces(tree_or_element, top_nsmap=None, keep_ns_prefixes=None):
u"""cleanup_namespaces(tree_or_element, top_nsmap=None, keep_ns_prefixes=None)
Remove all namespace declarations from a subtree that are not used
by any of the elements or attributes in that tree.
If a 'top_nsmap' is provided, it must be a mapping from prefixes
to namespace URIs. These namespaces will be declared on the top
element of the subtree before running the cleanup, which allows
moving namespace declarations to the top of the tree.
If a 'keep_ns_prefixes' is provided, it must be a list of prefixes.
These prefixes will not be removed as part of the cleanup.
element = _rootNodeOrRaise(tree_or_element)
c_element = element._c_node
if top_nsmap:
doc = element._doc
# declare namespaces from nsmap, then apply them to the subtree
_setNodeNamespaces(c_element, doc, None, top_nsmap)
moveNodeToDocument(doc, c_element.doc, c_element)
keep_ns_prefixes = (
set([_utf8(prefix) for prefix in keep_ns_prefixes])
if keep_ns_prefixes else None)
_removeUnusedNamespaceDeclarations(c_element, keep_ns_prefixes)
def strip_attributes(tree_or_element, *attribute_names):
u"""strip_attributes(tree_or_element, *attribute_names)
Delete all attributes with the provided attribute names from an
Element (or ElementTree) and its descendants.
Attribute names can contain wildcards as in `_Element.iter`.
Example usage::
cdef _MultiTagMatcher matcher
element = _rootNodeOrRaise(tree_or_element)
if not attribute_names:
matcher = _MultiTagMatcher.__new__(_MultiTagMatcher, attribute_names)
if matcher.rejectsAllAttributes():
_strip_attributes(element._c_node, matcher)
cdef _strip_attributes(xmlNode* c_node, _MultiTagMatcher matcher):
cdef xmlAttr* c_attr
cdef xmlAttr* c_next_attr
tree.BEGIN_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(c_node, c_node, 1)
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
c_attr =
while c_attr is not NULL:
c_next_attr =
if matcher.matchesAttribute(c_attr):
c_attr = c_next_attr
def strip_elements(tree_or_element, *tag_names, bint with_tail=True):
u"""strip_elements(tree_or_element, *tag_names, with_tail=True)
Delete all elements with the provided tag names from a tree or
subtree. This will remove the elements and their entire subtree,
including all their attributes, text content and descendants. It
will also remove the tail text of the element unless you
explicitly set the ``with_tail`` keyword argument option to False.
Tag names can contain wildcards as in `_Element.iter`.
Note that this will not delete the element (or ElementTree root
element) that you passed even if it matches. It will only treat
its descendants. If you want to include the root element, check
its tag name directly before even calling this function.
Example usage::
'simpletagname', # non-namespaced tag
'{http://some/ns}tagname', # namespaced tag
'{http://some/other/ns}*' # any tag from a namespace
lxml.etree.Comment # comments
cdef _MultiTagMatcher matcher
doc = _documentOrRaise(tree_or_element)
element = _rootNodeOrRaise(tree_or_element)
if not tag_names:
matcher = _MultiTagMatcher.__new__(_MultiTagMatcher, tag_names)
if matcher.rejectsAll():
if isinstance(tree_or_element, _ElementTree):
# include PIs and comments next to the root node
if matcher.matchesType(tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE):
_removeSiblings(element._c_node, tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE, with_tail)
if matcher.matchesType(tree.XML_PI_NODE):
_removeSiblings(element._c_node, tree.XML_PI_NODE, with_tail)
_strip_elements(doc, element._c_node, matcher, with_tail)
cdef _strip_elements(_Document doc, xmlNode* c_node, _MultiTagMatcher matcher,
bint with_tail):
cdef xmlNode* c_child
cdef xmlNode* c_next
tree.BEGIN_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(c_node, c_node, 1)
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
# we run through the children here to prevent any problems
# with the tree iteration which would occur if we unlinked the
# c_node itself
c_child = _findChildForwards(c_node, 0)
while c_child is not NULL:
c_next = _nextElement(c_child)
if matcher.matches(c_child):
if c_child.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
if not with_tail:
_removeNode(doc, c_child)
if with_tail:
c_child = c_next
def strip_tags(tree_or_element, *tag_names):
u"""strip_tags(tree_or_element, *tag_names)
Delete all elements with the provided tag names from a tree or
subtree. This will remove the elements and their attributes, but
*not* their text/tail content or descendants. Instead, it will
merge the text content and children of the element into its
Tag names can contain wildcards as in `_Element.iter`.
Note that this will not delete the element (or ElementTree root
element) that you passed even if it matches. It will only treat
its descendants.
Example usage::
'simpletagname', # non-namespaced tag
'{http://some/ns}tagname', # namespaced tag
'{http://some/other/ns}*' # any tag from a namespace
Comment # comments (including their text!)
cdef _MultiTagMatcher matcher
doc = _documentOrRaise(tree_or_element)
element = _rootNodeOrRaise(tree_or_element)
if not tag_names:
matcher = _MultiTagMatcher.__new__(_MultiTagMatcher, tag_names)
if matcher.rejectsAll():
if isinstance(tree_or_element, _ElementTree):
# include PIs and comments next to the root node
if matcher.matchesType(tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE):
_removeSiblings(element._c_node, tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE, 0)
if matcher.matchesType(tree.XML_PI_NODE):
_removeSiblings(element._c_node, tree.XML_PI_NODE, 0)
_strip_tags(doc, element._c_node, matcher)
cdef _strip_tags(_Document doc, xmlNode* c_node, _MultiTagMatcher matcher):
cdef xmlNode* c_child
cdef xmlNode* c_next
tree.BEGIN_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(c_node, c_node, 1)
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
# we run through the children here to prevent any problems
# with the tree iteration which would occur if we unlinked the
# c_node itself
c_child = _findChildForwards(c_node, 0)
while c_child is not NULL:
if not matcher.matches(c_child):
c_child = _nextElement(c_child)
if c_child.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
c_next = _findChildForwards(c_child, 0) or _nextElement(c_child)
_replaceNodeByChildren(doc, c_child)
if not attemptDeallocation(c_child):
if c_child.nsDef is not NULL:
# make namespaces absolute
moveNodeToDocument(doc, doc._c_doc, c_child)
c_child = c_next
c_next = _nextElement(c_child)
c_child = c_next