Your IP :
# cython: binding=True
# cython: auto_pickle=False
# cython: language_level=3
The ``lxml.etree`` module implements the extended ElementTree API for XML.
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = [
'AttributeBasedElementClassLookup', 'C14NError', 'C14NWriterTarget', 'CDATA',
'Comment', 'CommentBase', 'CustomElementClassLookup', 'DEBUG',
'DTD', 'DTDError', 'DTDParseError', 'DTDValidateError',
'DocumentInvalid', 'ETCompatXMLParser', 'ETXPath', 'Element',
'ElementBase', 'ElementClassLookup', 'ElementDefaultClassLookup',
'ElementNamespaceClassLookup', 'ElementTree', 'Entity', 'EntityBase',
'Error', 'ErrorDomains', 'ErrorLevels', 'ErrorTypes', 'Extension',
'FallbackElementClassLookup', 'FunctionNamespace', 'HTML',
'LxmlError', 'LxmlRegistryError', 'LxmlSyntaxError',
'NamespaceRegistryError', 'PI', 'PIBase', 'ParseError',
'ParserBasedElementClassLookup', 'ParserError', 'ProcessingInstruction',
'PyErrorLog', 'PythonElementClassLookup', 'QName', 'RelaxNG',
'RelaxNGError', 'RelaxNGErrorTypes', 'RelaxNGParseError',
'RelaxNGValidateError', 'Resolver', 'Schematron', 'SchematronError',
'SchematronParseError', 'SchematronValidateError', 'SerialisationError',
'SubElement', 'TreeBuilder', 'XInclude', 'XIncludeError', 'XML',
'XMLDTDID', 'XMLID', 'XMLParser', 'XMLSchema', 'XMLSchemaError',
'XMLSchemaParseError', 'XMLSchemaValidateError', 'XMLSyntaxError',
'XMLTreeBuilder', 'XPath', 'XPathDocumentEvaluator', 'XPathError',
'XPathEvalError', 'XPathEvaluator', 'XPathFunctionError', 'XPathResultError',
'XPathSyntaxError', 'XSLT', 'XSLTAccessControl', 'XSLTApplyError',
'XSLTError', 'XSLTExtension', 'XSLTExtensionError', 'XSLTParseError',
'XSLTSaveError', 'canonicalize',
'cleanup_namespaces', 'clear_error_log', 'dump',
'fromstring', 'fromstringlist', 'get_default_parser', 'iselement',
'iterparse', 'iterwalk', 'parse', 'parseid', 'register_namespace',
'set_default_parser', 'set_element_class_lookup', 'strip_attributes',
'strip_elements', 'strip_tags', 'tostring', 'tostringlist', 'tounicode',
cimport cython
from lxml cimport python
from lxml.includes cimport tree, config
from lxml.includes.tree cimport xmlDoc, xmlNode, xmlAttr, xmlNs, _isElement, _getNs
from lxml.includes.tree cimport const_xmlChar, xmlChar, _xcstr
from lxml.python cimport _cstr, _isString
from lxml.includes cimport xpath
from lxml.includes cimport c14n
# Cython's standard declarations
cimport cpython.mem
cimport cpython.ref
from libc cimport limits, stdio, stdlib
from libc cimport string as cstring_h # not to be confused with stdlib 'string'
from libc.string cimport const_char
cdef object os_path_abspath
from os.path import abspath as os_path_abspath
cdef object BytesIO, StringIO
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
cdef object OrderedDict
from collections import OrderedDict
cdef object _elementpath
from lxml import _elementpath
cdef object sys
import sys
cdef object re
import re
cdef object partial
from functools import partial
cdef object islice
from itertools import islice
cdef object ITER_EMPTY = iter(())
cdef object MutableMapping
from import MutableMapping
class _ImmutableMapping(MutableMapping):
def __getitem__(self, key):
raise KeyError, key
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
raise KeyError, key
def __delitem__(self, key):
raise KeyError, key
def __contains__(self, key):
return False
def __len__(self):
return 0
def __iter__(self):
iterkeys = itervalues = iteritems = __iter__
cdef object IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_MAPPING = _ImmutableMapping()
del _ImmutableMapping
# the rules
# ---------
# any libxml C argument/variable is prefixed with c_
# any non-public function/class is prefixed with an underscore
# instance creation is always through factories
# what to do with libxml2/libxslt error messages?
# 0 : drop
# 1 : use log
# maximum number of lines in the libxml2/xslt log if __DEBUG == 1
# make the compiled-in debug state publicly available
# A struct to store a cached qualified tag name+href pair.
# While we can borrow the c_name from the document dict,
# PyPy requires us to store a Python reference for the
# namespace in order to keep the byte buffer alive.
cdef struct qname:
const_xmlChar* c_name
python.PyObject* href
# initialize parser (and threading)
# global per-thread setup
# filename encoding
cdef bytes _FILENAME_ENCODING = (sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding() or 'ascii').encode("UTF-8")
# set up some default namespace prefixes
b"": b'xml',
b"": b"html",
b"": b"xsl",
b"": b"rdf",
b"": b"wsdl",
# xml schema
b"": b"xs",
b"": b"xsi",
# dublin core
b"": b"dc",
# objectify
b"" : b"py",
# To avoid runtime encoding overhead, we keep a Unicode copy
# of the uri-prefix mapping as (str, str) items view.
cdef _update_default_namespace_prefixes_items():
cdef bytes ns, prefix
ns.decode('utf-8') : prefix.decode('utf-8')
for ns, prefix in _DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES.items()
cdef object _check_internal_prefix = re.compile(br"ns\d+$").match
def register_namespace(prefix, uri):
"""Registers a namespace prefix that newly created Elements in that
namespace will use. The registry is global, and any existing
mapping for either the given prefix or the namespace URI will be
prefix_utf, uri_utf = _utf8(prefix), _utf8(uri)
if _check_internal_prefix(prefix_utf):
raise ValueError("Prefix format reserved for internal use")
if (uri_utf == b"" and prefix_utf != b'xml'
or prefix_utf == b'xml' and uri_utf != b""):
raise ValueError("Cannot change the 'xml' prefix of the XML namespace")
for k, v in list(_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES.items()):
if k == uri_utf or v == prefix_utf:
_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES[uri_utf] = prefix_utf
# Error superclass for ElementTree compatibility
cdef class Error(Exception):
# module level superclass for all exceptions
cdef class LxmlError(Error):
"""Main exception base class for lxml. All other exceptions inherit from
this one.
def __init__(self, message, error_log=None):
super(_Error, self).__init__(message)
if error_log is None:
self.error_log = __copyGlobalErrorLog()
self.error_log = error_log.copy()
cdef object _Error = Error
# superclass for all syntax errors
class LxmlSyntaxError(LxmlError, SyntaxError):
"""Base class for all syntax errors.
cdef class C14NError(LxmlError):
"""Error during C14N serialisation.
# version information
cdef __unpackDottedVersion(version):
version_list = []
l = (version.decode("ascii").replace('-', '.').split('.') + [0]*4)[:4]
for item in l:
item = int(item)
except ValueError:
if item.startswith('dev'):
count = item[3:]
item = -300
elif item.startswith('alpha'):
count = item[5:]
item = -200
elif item.startswith('beta'):
count = item[4:]
item = -100
count = 0
if count:
item += int(count)
return tuple(version_list)
cdef __unpackIntVersion(int c_version):
return (
((c_version // (100*100)) % 100),
((c_version // 100) % 100),
(c_version % 100)
re.match('[0-9]+', (<unsigned char*>tree.xmlParserVersion).decode("ascii")).group(0))
except Exception:
print("Unknown libxml2 version: " + (<unsigned char*>tree.xmlParserVersion).decode("latin1"))
LXML_VERSION = __unpackDottedVersion(tree.LXML_VERSION_STRING)
__version__ = tree.LXML_VERSION_STRING.decode("ascii")
# class for temporary storage of Python references,
# used e.g. for XPath results
cdef class _TempStore:
cdef list _storage
def __init__(self):
self._storage = []
cdef int add(self, obj) except -1:
return 0
cdef int clear(self) except -1:
del self._storage[:]
return 0
# class for temporarily storing exceptions raised in extensions
cdef class _ExceptionContext:
cdef object _exc_info
cdef int clear(self) except -1:
self._exc_info = None
return 0
cdef void _store_raised(self) noexcept:
self._exc_info = sys.exc_info()
except BaseException as e:
return # and swallow any further exceptions
cdef int _store_exception(self, exception) except -1:
self._exc_info = (exception, None, None)
return 0
cdef bint _has_raised(self) except -1:
return self._exc_info is not None
cdef int _raise_if_stored(self) except -1:
if self._exc_info is None:
return 0
type, value, traceback = self._exc_info
self._exc_info = None
if value is None and traceback is None:
raise type
raise type, value, traceback
# type of a function that steps from node to node
ctypedef public xmlNode* (*_node_to_node_function)(xmlNode*)
# Include submodules
include "proxy.pxi" # Proxy handling (element backpointers/memory/etc.)
include "apihelpers.pxi" # Private helper functions
include "xmlerror.pxi" # Error and log handling
# Public Python API
cdef public class _Document [ type LxmlDocumentType, object LxmlDocument ]:
"""Internal base class to reference a libxml document.
When instances of this class are garbage collected, the libxml
document is cleaned up.
cdef int _ns_counter
cdef bytes _prefix_tail
cdef xmlDoc* _c_doc
cdef _BaseParser _parser
def __dealloc__(self):
# if there are no more references to the document, it is safe
# to clean the whole thing up, as all nodes have a reference to
# the document
cdef getroot(self):
# return an element proxy for the document root
cdef xmlNode* c_node
c_node = tree.xmlDocGetRootElement(self._c_doc)
if c_node is NULL:
return None
return _elementFactory(self, c_node)
cdef bint hasdoctype(self) noexcept:
# DOCTYPE gets parsed into internal subset (xmlDTD*)
return self._c_doc is not NULL and self._c_doc.intSubset is not NULL
cdef getdoctype(self):
# get doctype info: root tag, public/system ID (or None if not known)
cdef tree.xmlDtd* c_dtd
cdef xmlNode* c_root_node
public_id = None
sys_url = None
c_dtd = self._c_doc.intSubset
if c_dtd is not NULL:
if c_dtd.ExternalID is not NULL:
public_id = funicode(c_dtd.ExternalID)
if c_dtd.SystemID is not NULL:
sys_url = funicode(c_dtd.SystemID)
c_dtd = self._c_doc.extSubset
if c_dtd is not NULL:
if not public_id and c_dtd.ExternalID is not NULL:
public_id = funicode(c_dtd.ExternalID)
if not sys_url and c_dtd.SystemID is not NULL:
sys_url = funicode(c_dtd.SystemID)
c_root_node = tree.xmlDocGetRootElement(self._c_doc)
if c_root_node is NULL:
root_name = None
root_name = funicode(
return root_name, public_id, sys_url
cdef getxmlinfo(self):
# return XML version and encoding (or None if not known)
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc = self._c_doc
if c_doc.version is NULL:
version = None
version = funicode(c_doc.version)
if c_doc.encoding is NULL:
encoding = None
encoding = funicode(c_doc.encoding)
return version, encoding
cdef isstandalone(self):
# returns True for "standalone=true",
# False for "standalone=false", None if not provided
if self._c_doc.standalone == -1:
return None
return <bint>(self._c_doc.standalone == 1)
cdef bytes buildNewPrefix(self):
# get a new unique prefix ("nsX") for this document
cdef bytes ns
if self._ns_counter < len(_PREFIX_CACHE):
ns = _PREFIX_CACHE[self._ns_counter]
ns = python.PyBytes_FromFormat("ns%d", self._ns_counter)
if self._prefix_tail is not None:
ns += self._prefix_tail
self._ns_counter += 1
if self._ns_counter < 0:
# overflow!
self._ns_counter = 0
if self._prefix_tail is None:
self._prefix_tail = b"A"
self._prefix_tail += b"A"
return ns
cdef xmlNs* _findOrBuildNodeNs(self, xmlNode* c_node,
const_xmlChar* c_href, const_xmlChar* c_prefix,
bint is_attribute) except NULL:
"""Get or create namespace structure for a node. Reuses the prefix if
cdef xmlNs* c_ns
cdef xmlNs* c_doc_ns
cdef python.PyObject* dict_result
if c_node.type != tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
assert c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE, \
"invalid node type %d, expected %d" % (
c_node.type, tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
# look for existing ns declaration
c_ns = _searchNsByHref(c_node, c_href, is_attribute)
if c_ns is not NULL:
if is_attribute and c_ns.prefix is NULL:
# do not put namespaced attributes into the default
# namespace as this would break serialisation
return c_ns
# none found => determine a suitable new prefix
if c_prefix is NULL:
dict_result = python.PyDict_GetItem(
_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES, <unsigned char*>c_href)
if dict_result is not NULL:
prefix = <object>dict_result
prefix = self.buildNewPrefix()
c_prefix = _xcstr(prefix)
# make sure the prefix is not in use already
while tree.xmlSearchNs(self._c_doc, c_node, c_prefix) is not NULL:
prefix = self.buildNewPrefix()
c_prefix = _xcstr(prefix)
# declare the namespace and return it
c_ns = tree.xmlNewNs(c_node, c_href, c_prefix)
if c_ns is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
return c_ns
cdef int _setNodeNs(self, xmlNode* c_node, const_xmlChar* c_href) except -1:
"Lookup namespace structure and set it for the node."
c_ns = self._findOrBuildNodeNs(c_node, c_href, NULL, 0)
tree.xmlSetNs(c_node, c_ns)
cdef tuple __initPrefixCache():
cdef int i
return tuple([ python.PyBytes_FromFormat("ns%d", i)
for i in range(30) ])
cdef tuple _PREFIX_CACHE = __initPrefixCache()
cdef _Document _documentFactory(xmlDoc* c_doc, _BaseParser parser):
cdef _Document result
result = _Document.__new__(_Document)
result._c_doc = c_doc
result._ns_counter = 0
result._prefix_tail = None
if parser is None:
parser = __GLOBAL_PARSER_CONTEXT.getDefaultParser()
result._parser = parser
return result
cdef object _find_invalid_public_id_characters = re.compile(
cdef class DocInfo:
"Document information provided by parser and DTD."
cdef _Document _doc
def __cinit__(self, tree):
"Create a DocInfo object for an ElementTree object or root Element."
self._doc = _documentOrRaise(tree)
root_name, public_id, system_url = self._doc.getdoctype()
if not root_name and (public_id or system_url):
raise ValueError, "Could not find root node"
def root_name(self):
"""Returns the name of the root node as defined by the DOCTYPE."""
root_name, public_id, system_url = self._doc.getdoctype()
return root_name
cdef tree.xmlDtd* _get_c_dtd(self):
""""Return the DTD. Create it if it does not yet exist."""
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc = self._doc._c_doc
cdef xmlNode* c_root_node
cdef const_xmlChar* c_name
if c_doc.intSubset:
return c_doc.intSubset
c_root_node = tree.xmlDocGetRootElement(c_doc)
c_name = if c_root_node else NULL
return tree.xmlCreateIntSubset(c_doc, c_name, NULL, NULL)
def clear(self):
"""Removes DOCTYPE and internal subset from the document."""
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc = self._doc._c_doc
cdef tree.xmlNode* c_dtd = <xmlNode*>c_doc.intSubset
if c_dtd is NULL:
property public_id:
"""Public ID of the DOCTYPE.
Mutable. May be set to a valid string or None. If a DTD does not
exist, setting this variable (even to None) will create one.
def __get__(self):
root_name, public_id, system_url = self._doc.getdoctype()
return public_id
def __set__(self, value):
cdef xmlChar* c_value = NULL
if value is not None:
match = _find_invalid_public_id_characters(value)
if match:
raise ValueError, f'Invalid character(s) {!r} in public_id.'
value = _utf8(value)
c_value = tree.xmlStrdup(_xcstr(value))
if not c_value:
raise MemoryError()
c_dtd = self._get_c_dtd()
if not c_dtd:
raise MemoryError()
if c_dtd.ExternalID:
c_dtd.ExternalID = c_value
property system_url:
"""System ID of the DOCTYPE.
Mutable. May be set to a valid string or None. If a DTD does not
exist, setting this variable (even to None) will create one.
def __get__(self):
root_name, public_id, system_url = self._doc.getdoctype()
return system_url
def __set__(self, value):
cdef xmlChar* c_value = NULL
if value is not None:
bvalue = _utf8(value)
# sys_url may be any valid unicode string that can be
# enclosed in single quotes or quotes.
if b"'" in bvalue and b'"' in bvalue:
raise ValueError(
'System URL may not contain both single (\') and double quotes (").')
c_value = tree.xmlStrdup(_xcstr(bvalue))
if not c_value:
raise MemoryError()
c_dtd = self._get_c_dtd()
if not c_dtd:
raise MemoryError()
if c_dtd.SystemID:
c_dtd.SystemID = c_value
def xml_version(self):
"""Returns the XML version as declared by the document."""
xml_version, encoding = self._doc.getxmlinfo()
return xml_version
def encoding(self):
"""Returns the encoding name as declared by the document."""
xml_version, encoding = self._doc.getxmlinfo()
return encoding
def standalone(self):
"""Returns the standalone flag as declared by the document. The possible
values are True (``standalone='yes'``), False
(``standalone='no'`` or flag not provided in the declaration),
and None (unknown or no declaration found). Note that a
normal truth test on this value will always tell if the
``standalone`` flag was set to ``'yes'`` or not.
return self._doc.isstandalone()
property URL:
"The source URL of the document (or None if unknown)."
def __get__(self):
if self._doc._c_doc.URL is NULL:
return None
return _decodeFilename(self._doc._c_doc.URL)
def __set__(self, url):
url = _encodeFilename(url)
c_oldurl = self._doc._c_doc.URL
if url is None:
self._doc._c_doc.URL = NULL
self._doc._c_doc.URL = tree.xmlStrdup(_xcstr(url))
if c_oldurl is not NULL:
def doctype(self):
"""Returns a DOCTYPE declaration string for the document."""
root_name, public_id, system_url = self._doc.getdoctype()
if system_url:
# If '"' in system_url, we must escape it with single
# quotes, otherwise escape with double quotes. If url
# contains both a single quote and a double quote, XML
# standard is being violated.
if '"' in system_url:
quoted_system_url = f"'{system_url}'"
quoted_system_url = f'"{system_url}"'
if public_id:
if system_url:
return f'<!DOCTYPE {root_name} PUBLIC "{public_id}" {quoted_system_url}>'
return f'<!DOCTYPE {root_name} PUBLIC "{public_id}">'
elif system_url:
return f'<!DOCTYPE {root_name} SYSTEM {quoted_system_url}>'
elif self._doc.hasdoctype():
return f'<!DOCTYPE {root_name}>'
return ''
def internalDTD(self):
"""Returns a DTD validator based on the internal subset of the document."""
return _dtdFactory(self._doc._c_doc.intSubset)
def externalDTD(self):
"""Returns a DTD validator based on the external subset of the document."""
return _dtdFactory(self._doc._c_doc.extSubset)
cdef public class _Element [ type LxmlElementType, object LxmlElement ]:
"""Element class.
References a document object and a libxml node.
By pointing to a Document instance, a reference is kept to
_Document as long as there is some pointer to a node in it.
cdef _Document _doc
cdef xmlNode* _c_node
cdef object _tag
def _init(self):
Called after object initialisation. Custom subclasses may override
this if they recursively call _init() in the superclasses.
def __dealloc__(self):
#print("trying to free node:", <int>self._c_node)
#displayNode(self._c_node, 0)
if self._c_node is not NULL:
def __setitem__(self, x, value):
"""__setitem__(self, x, value)
Replaces the given subelement index or slice.
cdef xmlNode* c_node = NULL
cdef xmlNode* c_next
cdef xmlDoc* c_source_doc
cdef _Element element
cdef bint left_to_right
cdef Py_ssize_t slicelength = 0, step = 0
if value is None:
raise ValueError, "cannot assign None"
if isinstance(x, slice):
# slice assignment
_findChildSlice(<slice>x, self._c_node, &c_node, &step, &slicelength)
if step > 0:
left_to_right = 1
left_to_right = 0
step = -step
_replaceSlice(self, c_node, slicelength, step, left_to_right, value)
# otherwise: normal item assignment
element = value
c_node = _findChild(self._c_node, x)
if c_node is NULL:
raise IndexError, "list index out of range"
c_source_doc = element._c_node.doc
c_next =
tree.xmlReplaceNode(c_node, element._c_node)
_moveTail(c_next, element._c_node)
moveNodeToDocument(self._doc, c_source_doc, element._c_node)
if not attemptDeallocation(c_node):
moveNodeToDocument(self._doc, c_node.doc, c_node)
def __delitem__(self, x):
"""__delitem__(self, x)
Deletes the given subelement or a slice.
cdef xmlNode* c_node = NULL
cdef xmlNode* c_next
cdef Py_ssize_t step = 0, slicelength = 0
if isinstance(x, slice):
# slice deletion
if _isFullSlice(<slice>x):
c_node = self._c_node.children
if c_node is not NULL:
if not _isElement(c_node):
c_node = _nextElement(c_node)
while c_node is not NULL:
c_next = _nextElement(c_node)
_removeNode(self._doc, c_node)
c_node = c_next
_findChildSlice(<slice>x, self._c_node, &c_node, &step, &slicelength)
_deleteSlice(self._doc, c_node, slicelength, step)
# item deletion
c_node = _findChild(self._c_node, x)
if c_node is NULL:
raise IndexError, f"index out of range: {x}"
_removeNode(self._doc, c_node)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
"__deepcopy__(self, memo)"
return self.__copy__()
def __copy__(self):
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef _Document new_doc
c_doc = _copyDocRoot(self._doc._c_doc, self._c_node) # recursive
new_doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, self._doc._parser)
root = new_doc.getroot()
if root is not None:
return root
# Comment/PI
c_node = c_doc.children
while c_node is not NULL and c_node.type != self._c_node.type:
c_node =
if c_node is NULL:
return None
return _elementFactory(new_doc, c_node)
def set(self, key, value):
"""set(self, key, value)
Sets an element attribute.
In HTML documents (not XML or XHTML), the value None is allowed and creates
an attribute without value (just the attribute name).
_setAttributeValue(self, key, value)
def append(self, _Element element not None):
"""append(self, element)
Adds a subelement to the end of this element.
_appendChild(self, element)
def addnext(self, _Element element not None):
"""addnext(self, element)
Adds the element as a following sibling directly after this
This is normally used to set a processing instruction or comment after
the root node of a document. Note that tail text is automatically
discarded when adding at the root level.
if self._c_node.parent != NULL and not _isElement(self._c_node.parent):
if element._c_node.type not in (tree.XML_PI_NODE, tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE):
raise TypeError, "Only processing instructions and comments can be siblings of the root element"
element.tail = None
_appendSibling(self, element)
def addprevious(self, _Element element not None):
"""addprevious(self, element)
Adds the element as a preceding sibling directly before this
This is normally used to set a processing instruction or comment
before the root node of a document. Note that tail text is
automatically discarded when adding at the root level.
if self._c_node.parent != NULL and not _isElement(self._c_node.parent):
if element._c_node.type != tree.XML_PI_NODE:
if element._c_node.type != tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE:
raise TypeError, "Only processing instructions and comments can be siblings of the root element"
element.tail = None
_prependSibling(self, element)
def extend(self, elements):
"""extend(self, elements)
Extends the current children by the elements in the iterable.
cdef _Element element
for element in elements:
if element is None:
raise TypeError, "Node must not be None"
_appendChild(self, element)
def clear(self, bint keep_tail=False):
"""clear(self, keep_tail=False)
Resets an element. This function removes all subelements, clears
all attributes and sets the text and tail properties to None.
Pass ``keep_tail=True`` to leave the tail text untouched.
cdef xmlAttr* c_attr
cdef xmlAttr* c_attr_next
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlNode* c_node_next
c_node = self._c_node
# remove self.text and self.tail
if not keep_tail:
# remove all attributes
c_attr =
if c_attr: = NULL
# remove all subelements
c_node = c_node.children
if c_node and not _isElement(c_node):
c_node = _nextElement(c_node)
while c_node is not NULL:
c_node_next = _nextElement(c_node)
_removeNode(self._doc, c_node)
c_node = c_node_next
def insert(self, index: int, _Element element not None):
"""insert(self, index, element)
Inserts a subelement at the given position in this element
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlNode* c_next
cdef xmlDoc* c_source_doc
c_node = _findChild(self._c_node, index)
if c_node is NULL:
_appendChild(self, element)
# prevent cycles
if _isAncestorOrSame(element._c_node, self._c_node):
raise ValueError("cannot append parent to itself")
c_source_doc = element._c_node.doc
c_next =
tree.xmlAddPrevSibling(c_node, element._c_node)
_moveTail(c_next, element._c_node)
moveNodeToDocument(self._doc, c_source_doc, element._c_node)
def remove(self, _Element element not None):
"""remove(self, element)
Removes a matching subelement. Unlike the find methods, this
method compares elements based on identity, not on tag value
or contents.
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlNode* c_next
c_node = element._c_node
if c_node.parent is not self._c_node:
raise ValueError, "Element is not a child of this node."
c_next =
_moveTail(c_next, c_node)
# fix namespace declarations
moveNodeToDocument(self._doc, c_node.doc, c_node)
def replace(self, _Element old_element not None,
_Element new_element not None):
"""replace(self, old_element, new_element)
Replaces a subelement with the element passed as second argument.
cdef xmlNode* c_old_node
cdef xmlNode* c_old_next
cdef xmlNode* c_new_node
cdef xmlNode* c_new_next
cdef xmlDoc* c_source_doc
c_old_node = old_element._c_node
if c_old_node.parent is not self._c_node:
raise ValueError, "Element is not a child of this node."
c_new_node = new_element._c_node
# prevent cycles
if _isAncestorOrSame(c_new_node, self._c_node):
raise ValueError("cannot append parent to itself")
# replace node
c_old_next =
c_new_next =
c_source_doc = c_new_node.doc
tree.xmlReplaceNode(c_old_node, c_new_node)
_moveTail(c_new_next, c_new_node)
_moveTail(c_old_next, c_old_node)
moveNodeToDocument(self._doc, c_source_doc, c_new_node)
# fix namespace declarations
moveNodeToDocument(self._doc, c_old_node.doc, c_old_node)
property tag:
"""Element tag
def __get__(self):
if self._tag is not None:
return self._tag
self._tag = _namespacedName(self._c_node)
return self._tag
def __set__(self, value):
cdef _BaseParser parser
ns, name = _getNsTag(value)
parser = self._doc._parser
if parser is not None and parser._for_html:
self._tag = value
tree.xmlNodeSetName(self._c_node, _xcstr(name))
if ns is None:
self._c_node.ns = NULL
self._doc._setNodeNs(self._c_node, _xcstr(ns))
def attrib(self):
"""Element attribute dictionary. Where possible, use get(), set(),
keys(), values() and items() to access element attributes.
return _Attrib.__new__(_Attrib, self)
property text:
"""Text before the first subelement. This is either a string or
the value None, if there was no text.
def __get__(self):
return _collectText(self._c_node.children)
def __set__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, QName):
value = _resolveQNameText(self, value).decode('utf8')
_setNodeText(self._c_node, value)
# using 'del el.text' is the wrong thing to do
#def __del__(self):
# _setNodeText(self._c_node, None)
property tail:
"""Text after this element's end tag, but before the next sibling
element's start tag. This is either a string or the value None, if
there was no text.
def __get__(self):
return _collectText(
def __set__(self, value):
_setTailText(self._c_node, value)
# using 'del el.tail' is the wrong thing to do
#def __del__(self):
# _setTailText(self._c_node, None)
# not in ElementTree, read-only
def prefix(self):
"""Namespace prefix or None.
if self._c_node.ns is not NULL:
if self._c_node.ns.prefix is not NULL:
return funicode(self._c_node.ns.prefix)
return None
# not in ElementTree, read-only
property sourceline:
"""Original line number as found by the parser or None if unknown.
def __get__(self):
cdef long line
line = tree.xmlGetLineNo(self._c_node)
return line if line > 0 else None
def __set__(self, line):
if line <= 0:
self._c_node.line = 0
self._c_node.line = line
# not in ElementTree, read-only
def nsmap(self):
"""Namespace prefix->URI mapping known in the context of this
Element. This includes all namespace declarations of the
Note that changing the returned dict has no effect on the Element.
return _build_nsmap(self._c_node)
# not in ElementTree, read-only
property base:
"""The base URI of the Element (xml:base or HTML base URL).
None if the base URI is unknown.
Note that the value depends on the URL of the document that
holds the Element if there is no xml:base attribute on the
Element or its ancestors.
Setting this property will set an xml:base attribute on the
Element, regardless of the document type (XML or HTML).
def __get__(self):
c_base = tree.xmlNodeGetBase(self._doc._c_doc, self._c_node)
if c_base is NULL:
if self._doc._c_doc.URL is NULL:
return None
return _decodeFilename(self._doc._c_doc.URL)
base = _decodeFilename(c_base)
return base
def __set__(self, url):
if url is None:
c_base = <const_xmlChar*>NULL
url = _encodeFilename(url)
c_base = _xcstr(url)
tree.xmlNodeSetBase(self._c_node, c_base)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Element %s at 0x%x>" % (self.tag, id(self))
def __getitem__(self, x):
"""Returns the subelement at the given position or the requested
cdef xmlNode* c_node = NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t step = 0, slicelength = 0
cdef Py_ssize_t c, i
cdef _node_to_node_function next_element
cdef list result
if isinstance(x, slice):
# slicing
if _isFullSlice(<slice>x):
return _collectChildren(self)
_findChildSlice(<slice>x, self._c_node, &c_node, &step, &slicelength)
if c_node is NULL:
return []
if step > 0:
next_element = _nextElement
step = -step
next_element = _previousElement
result = []
c = 0
while c_node is not NULL and c < slicelength:
result.append(_elementFactory(self._doc, c_node))
c += 1
for i in range(step):
c_node = next_element(c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
return result
# indexing
c_node = _findChild(self._c_node, x)
if c_node is NULL:
raise IndexError, "list index out of range"
return _elementFactory(self._doc, c_node)
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of subelements.
return _countElements(self._c_node.children)
def __bool__(self):
import warnings
"The behavior of this method will change in future versions. "
"Use specific 'len(elem)' or 'elem is not None' test instead.",
# emulate old behaviour
return _hasChild(self._c_node)
def __contains__(self, element):
"__contains__(self, element)"
cdef xmlNode* c_node
if not isinstance(element, _Element):
return 0
c_node = (<_Element>element)._c_node
return c_node is not NULL and c_node.parent is self._c_node
def __iter__(self):
return ElementChildIterator(self)
def __reversed__(self):
return ElementChildIterator(self, reversed=True)
def index(self, child: _Element, start: int = None, stop: int = None):
"""index(self, child, start=None, stop=None)
Find the position of the child within the parent.
This method is not part of the original ElementTree API.
cdef Py_ssize_t k, l
cdef Py_ssize_t c_start, c_stop
cdef xmlNode* c_child
cdef xmlNode* c_start_node
c_child = child._c_node
if c_child.parent is not self._c_node:
raise ValueError, "Element is not a child of this node."
# handle the unbounded search straight away (normal case)
if stop is None and (start is None or start == 0):
k = 0
c_child = c_child.prev
while c_child is not NULL:
if _isElement(c_child):
k += 1
c_child = c_child.prev
return k
# check indices
if start is None:
c_start = 0
c_start = start
if stop is None:
c_stop = 0
c_stop = stop
if c_stop == 0 or \
c_start >= c_stop and (c_stop > 0 or c_start < 0):
raise ValueError, "list.index(x): x not in slice"
# for negative slice indices, check slice before searching index
if c_start < 0 or c_stop < 0:
# start from right, at most up to leftmost(c_start, c_stop)
if c_start < c_stop:
k = -c_start
k = -c_stop
c_start_node = self._c_node.last
l = 1
while c_start_node != c_child and l < k:
if _isElement(c_start_node):
l += 1
c_start_node = c_start_node.prev
if c_start_node == c_child:
# found! before slice end?
if c_stop < 0 and l <= -c_stop:
raise ValueError, "list.index(x): x not in slice"
elif c_start < 0:
raise ValueError, "list.index(x): x not in slice"
# now determine the index backwards from child
c_child = c_child.prev
k = 0
if c_stop > 0:
# we can optimize: stop after c_stop elements if not found
while c_child != NULL and k < c_stop:
if _isElement(c_child):
k += 1
c_child = c_child.prev
if k < c_stop:
return k
# traverse all
while c_child != NULL:
if _isElement(c_child):
k = k + 1
c_child = c_child.prev
if c_start > 0:
if k >= c_start:
return k
return k
if c_start != 0 or c_stop != 0:
raise ValueError, "list.index(x): x not in slice"
raise ValueError, "list.index(x): x not in list"
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""get(self, key, default=None)
Gets an element attribute.
return _getAttributeValue(self, key, default)
def keys(self):
Gets a list of attribute names. The names are returned in an
arbitrary order (just like for an ordinary Python dictionary).
return _collectAttributes(self._c_node, 1)
def values(self):
Gets element attribute values as a sequence of strings. The
attributes are returned in an arbitrary order.
return _collectAttributes(self._c_node, 2)
def items(self):
Gets element attributes, as a sequence. The attributes are returned in
an arbitrary order.
return _collectAttributes(self._c_node, 3)
def getchildren(self):
Returns all direct children. The elements are returned in document
:deprecated: Note that this method has been deprecated as of
ElementTree 1.3 and lxml 2.0. New code should use
``list(element)`` or simply iterate over elements.
return _collectChildren(self)
def getparent(self):
Returns the parent of this element or None for the root element.
cdef xmlNode* c_node
#_assertValidNode(self) # not needed
c_node = _parentElement(self._c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
return None
return _elementFactory(self._doc, c_node)
def getnext(self):
Returns the following sibling of this element or None.
cdef xmlNode* c_node
#_assertValidNode(self) # not needed
c_node = _nextElement(self._c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
return None
return _elementFactory(self._doc, c_node)
def getprevious(self):
Returns the preceding sibling of this element or None.
cdef xmlNode* c_node
#_assertValidNode(self) # not needed
c_node = _previousElement(self._c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
return None
return _elementFactory(self._doc, c_node)
def itersiblings(self, tag=None, *tags, preceding=False):
"""itersiblings(self, tag=None, *tags, preceding=False)
Iterate over the following or preceding siblings of this element.
The direction is determined by the 'preceding' keyword which
defaults to False, i.e. forward iteration over the following
siblings. When True, the iterator yields the preceding
siblings in reverse document order, i.e. starting right before
the current element and going backwards.
Can be restricted to find only elements with specific tags,
see `iter`.
if preceding:
if self._c_node and not self._c_node.prev:
elif self._c_node and not
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return SiblingsIterator(self, tags, preceding=preceding)
def iterancestors(self, tag=None, *tags):
"""iterancestors(self, tag=None, *tags)
Iterate over the ancestors of this element (from parent to parent).
Can be restricted to find only elements with specific tags,
see `iter`.
if self._c_node and not self._c_node.parent:
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return AncestorsIterator(self, tags)
def iterdescendants(self, tag=None, *tags):
"""iterdescendants(self, tag=None, *tags)
Iterate over the descendants of this element in document order.
As opposed to ``el.iter()``, this iterator does not yield the element
itself. The returned elements can be restricted to find only elements
with specific tags, see `iter`.
if self._c_node and not self._c_node.children:
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return ElementDepthFirstIterator(self, tags, inclusive=False)
def iterchildren(self, tag=None, *tags, reversed=False):
"""iterchildren(self, tag=None, *tags, reversed=False)
Iterate over the children of this element.
As opposed to using normal iteration on this element, the returned
elements can be reversed with the 'reversed' keyword and restricted
to find only elements with specific tags, see `iter`.
if self._c_node and not self._c_node.children:
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return ElementChildIterator(self, tags, reversed=reversed)
def getroottree(self):
Return an ElementTree for the root node of the document that
contains this element.
This is the same as following element.getparent() up the tree until it
returns None (for the root element) and then build an ElementTree for
the last parent that was returned."""
return _elementTreeFactory(self._doc, None)
def getiterator(self, tag=None, *tags):
"""getiterator(self, tag=None, *tags)
Returns a sequence or iterator of all elements in the subtree in
document order (depth first pre-order), starting with this
Can be restricted to find only elements with specific tags,
see `iter`.
:deprecated: Note that this method is deprecated as of
ElementTree 1.3 and lxml 2.0. It returns an iterator in
lxml, which diverges from the original ElementTree
behaviour. If you want an efficient iterator, use the
``element.iter()`` method instead. You should only use this
method in new code if you require backwards compatibility
with older versions of lxml or ElementTree.
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return ElementDepthFirstIterator(self, tags)
def iter(self, tag=None, *tags):
"""iter(self, tag=None, *tags)
Iterate over all elements in the subtree in document order (depth
first pre-order), starting with this element.
Can be restricted to find only elements with specific tags:
pass ``"{ns}localname"`` as tag. Either or both of ``ns`` and
``localname`` can be ``*`` for a wildcard; ``ns`` can be empty
for no namespace. ``"localname"`` is equivalent to ``"{}localname"``
(i.e. no namespace) but ``"*"`` is ``"{*}*"`` (any or no namespace),
not ``"{}*"``.
You can also pass the Element, Comment, ProcessingInstruction and
Entity factory functions to look only for the specific element type.
Passing multiple tags (or a sequence of tags) instead of a single tag
will let the iterator return all elements matching any of these tags,
in document order.
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return ElementDepthFirstIterator(self, tags)
def itertext(self, tag=None, *tags, with_tail=True):
"""itertext(self, tag=None, *tags, with_tail=True)
Iterates over the text content of a subtree.
You can pass tag names to restrict text content to specific elements,
see `iter`.
You can set the ``with_tail`` keyword argument to ``False`` to skip
over tail text.
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return ElementTextIterator(self, tags, with_tail=with_tail)
def makeelement(self, _tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra):
"""makeelement(self, _tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra)
Creates a new element associated with the same document.
return _makeElement(_tag, NULL, self._doc, None, None, None,
attrib, nsmap, _extra)
def find(self, path, namespaces=None):
"""find(self, path, namespaces=None)
Finds the first matching subelement, by tag name or path.
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
if isinstance(path, QName):
path = (<QName>path).text
return _elementpath.find(self, path, namespaces, with_prefixes=not _isHtmlDocument(self))
def findtext(self, path, default=None, namespaces=None):
"""findtext(self, path, default=None, namespaces=None)
Finds text for the first matching subelement, by tag name or path.
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
if isinstance(path, QName):
path = (<QName>path).text
return _elementpath.findtext(self, path, default, namespaces, with_prefixes=not _isHtmlDocument(self))
def findall(self, path, namespaces=None):
"""findall(self, path, namespaces=None)
Finds all matching subelements, by tag name or path.
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
if isinstance(path, QName):
path = (<QName>path).text
return _elementpath.findall(self, path, namespaces, with_prefixes=not _isHtmlDocument(self))
def iterfind(self, path, namespaces=None):
"""iterfind(self, path, namespaces=None)
Iterates over all matching subelements, by tag name or path.
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
if isinstance(path, QName):
path = (<QName>path).text
return _elementpath.iterfind(self, path, namespaces, with_prefixes=not _isHtmlDocument(self))
def xpath(self, _path, *, namespaces=None, extensions=None,
smart_strings=True, **_variables):
"""xpath(self, _path, namespaces=None, extensions=None, smart_strings=True, **_variables)
Evaluate an xpath expression using the element as context node.
evaluator = XPathElementEvaluator(self, namespaces=namespaces,
return evaluator(_path, **_variables)
def cssselect(self, expr, *, translator='xml'):
Run the CSS expression on this element and its children,
returning a list of the results.
Equivalent to lxml.cssselect.CSSSelect(expr)(self) -- note
that pre-compiling the expression can provide a substantial
# Do the import here to make the dependency optional.
from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector
return CSSSelector(expr, translator=translator)(self)
cdef extern from "includes/etree_defs.h":
# macro call to 't->tp_new()' for fast instantiation
cdef object NEW_ELEMENT "PY_NEW" (object t)
cdef _Element _elementFactory(_Document doc, xmlNode* c_node):
cdef _Element result
result = getProxy(c_node)
if result is not None:
return result
if c_node is NULL:
return None
element_class = LOOKUP_ELEMENT_CLASS(
if hasProxy(c_node):
# prevent re-entry race condition - we just called into Python
return getProxy(c_node)
result = NEW_ELEMENT(element_class)
if hasProxy(c_node):
# prevent re-entry race condition - we just called into Python
result._c_node = NULL
return getProxy(c_node)
_registerProxy(result, doc, c_node)
if element_class is not _Element:
return result
cdef class __ContentOnlyElement(_Element):
cdef int _raiseImmutable(self) except -1:
raise TypeError, "this element does not have children or attributes"
def set(self, key, value):
"set(self, key, value)"
def append(self, value):
"append(self, value)"
def insert(self, index, value):
"insert(self, index, value)"
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
"__setitem__(self, index, value)"
def attrib(self):
property text:
def __get__(self):
return funicodeOrEmpty(self._c_node.content)
def __set__(self, value):
cdef tree.xmlDict* c_dict
if value is None:
c_text = <const_xmlChar*>NULL
value = _utf8(value)
c_text = _xcstr(value)
tree.xmlNodeSetContent(self._c_node, c_text)
def __getitem__(self, x):
"__getitem__(self, x)"
if isinstance(x, slice):
return []
raise IndexError, "list index out of range"
def __len__(self):
return 0
def get(self, key, default=None):
"get(self, key, default=None)"
return None
def keys(self):
return []
def items(self):
return []
def values(self):
return []
cdef class _Comment(__ContentOnlyElement):
def tag(self):
return Comment
def __repr__(self):
return "<!--%s-->" % self.text
cdef class _ProcessingInstruction(__ContentOnlyElement):
def tag(self):
return ProcessingInstruction
property target:
# not in ElementTree
def __get__(self):
return funicode(
def __set__(self, value):
value = _utf8(value)
c_text = _xcstr(value)
tree.xmlNodeSetName(self._c_node, c_text)
def __repr__(self):
text = self.text
if text:
return "<?%s %s?>" % (, text)
return "<?%s?>" %
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""get(self, key, default=None)
Try to parse pseudo-attributes from the text content of the
processing instruction, search for one with the given key as
name and return its associated value.
Note that this is only a convenience method for the most
common case that all text content is structured in
attribute-like name-value pairs with properly quoted values.
It is not guaranteed to work for all possible text content.
return self.attrib.get(key, default)
def attrib(self):
"""Returns a dict containing all pseudo-attributes that can be
parsed from the text content of this processing instruction.
Note that modifying the dict currently has no effect on the
XML node, although this is not guaranteed to stay this way.
return { attr : (value1 or value2)
for attr, value1, value2 in _FIND_PI_ATTRIBUTES(' ' + self.text) }
cdef object _FIND_PI_ATTRIBUTES = re.compile(r'\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*(?:\'([^\']*)\'|"([^"]*)")', re.U).findall
cdef class _Entity(__ContentOnlyElement):
def tag(self):
return Entity
property name:
# not in ElementTree
def __get__(self):
return funicode(
def __set__(self, value):
value_utf = _utf8(value)
if b'&' in value_utf or b';' in value_utf:
raise ValueError, f"Invalid entity name '{value}'"
tree.xmlNodeSetName(self._c_node, _xcstr(value_utf))
def text(self):
# FIXME: should this be None or '&[VALUE];' or the resolved
# entity value ?
return f'&{funicode(};'
def __repr__(self):
return "&%s;" %
cdef class QName:
"""QName(text_or_uri_or_element, tag=None)
QName wrapper for qualified XML names.
Pass a tag name by itself or a namespace URI and a tag name to
create a qualified name. Alternatively, pass an Element to
extract its tag name. ``None`` as first argument is ignored in
order to allow for generic 2-argument usage.
The ``text`` property holds the qualified name in
``{namespace}tagname`` notation. The ``namespace`` and
``localname`` properties hold the respective parts of the tag
You can pass QName objects wherever a tag name is expected. Also,
setting Element text from a QName will resolve the namespace prefix
on assignment and set a qualified text value. This is helpful in XML
languages like SOAP or XML-Schema that use prefixed tag names in
their text content.
cdef readonly unicode text
cdef readonly unicode localname
cdef readonly unicode namespace
def __init__(self, text_or_uri_or_element, tag=None):
if text_or_uri_or_element is None:
# Allow None as no namespace.
text_or_uri_or_element, tag = tag, None
if not _isString(text_or_uri_or_element):
if isinstance(text_or_uri_or_element, _Element):
text_or_uri_or_element = (<_Element>text_or_uri_or_element).tag
if not _isString(text_or_uri_or_element):
raise ValueError, f"Invalid input tag of type {type(text_or_uri_or_element)!r}"
elif isinstance(text_or_uri_or_element, QName):
text_or_uri_or_element = (<QName>text_or_uri_or_element).text
elif text_or_uri_or_element is not None:
text_or_uri_or_element = unicode(text_or_uri_or_element)
raise ValueError, f"Invalid input tag of type {type(text_or_uri_or_element)!r}"
ns_utf, tag_utf = _getNsTag(text_or_uri_or_element)
if tag is not None:
# either ('ns', 'tag') or ('{ns}oldtag', 'newtag')
if ns_utf is None:
ns_utf = tag_utf # case 1: namespace ended up as tag name
tag_utf = _utf8(tag)
self.localname = (<bytes>tag_utf).decode('utf8')
if ns_utf is None:
self.namespace = None
self.text = self.localname
self.namespace = (<bytes>ns_utf).decode('utf8')
self.text = "{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, self.localname)
def __str__(self):
return self.text
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.text)
def __richcmp__(self, other, int op):
if type(other) is QName:
other = (<QName>other).text
elif not isinstance(other, unicode):
other = unicode(other)
except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return NotImplemented
return python.PyObject_RichCompare(self.text, other, op)
cdef public class _ElementTree [ type LxmlElementTreeType,
object LxmlElementTree ]:
cdef _Document _doc
cdef _Element _context_node
# Note that _doc is only used to store the original document if we do not
# have a _context_node. All methods should prefer self._context_node._doc
# to honour tree restructuring. _doc can happily be None!
cdef int _assertHasRoot(self) except -1:
"""We have to take care here: the document may not have a root node!
This can happen if ElementTree() is called without any argument and
the caller 'forgets' to call parse() afterwards, so this is a bug in
the caller program.
assert self._context_node is not None, \
"ElementTree not initialized, missing root"
return 0
def parse(self, source, _BaseParser parser=None, *, base_url=None):
"""parse(self, source, parser=None, base_url=None)
Updates self with the content of source and returns its root.
cdef _Document doc = None
doc = _parseDocument(source, parser, base_url)
except _TargetParserResult as result_container:
# raises a TypeError if we don't get an _Element
self._context_node = result_container.result
self._context_node = doc.getroot()
self._doc = None if self._context_node is not None else doc
return self._context_node
def _setroot(self, _Element root not None):
"""_setroot(self, root)
Relocate the ElementTree to a new root node.
if root._c_node.type != tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
raise TypeError, "Only elements can be the root of an ElementTree"
self._context_node = root
self._doc = None
def getroot(self):
Gets the root element for this tree.
return self._context_node
def __copy__(self):
return _elementTreeFactory(self._doc, self._context_node)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
cdef _Element root
cdef _Document doc
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
if self._context_node is not None:
root = self._context_node.__copy__()
assert root is not None
_copyNonElementSiblings(self._context_node._c_node, root._c_node)
return _elementTreeFactory(None, root)
elif self._doc is not None:
c_doc = tree.xmlCopyDoc(self._doc._c_doc, 1)
if c_doc is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, self._doc._parser)
return _elementTreeFactory(doc, None)
# so what ...
return self
# not in ElementTree
def docinfo(self) -> DocInfo:
"""Information about the document provided by parser and DTD."""
return DocInfo(self._context_node._doc)
# not in ElementTree, read-only
def parser(self):
"""The parser that was used to parse the document in this ElementTree.
if self._context_node is not None and \
self._context_node._doc is not None:
return self._context_node._doc._parser
if self._doc is not None:
return self._doc._parser
return None
def write(self, file, *, encoding=None, method="xml",
bint pretty_print=False, xml_declaration=None, bint with_tail=True,
standalone=None, doctype=None, compression=0,
bint exclusive=False, inclusive_ns_prefixes=None,
bint with_comments=True, bint strip_text=False,
"""write(self, file, encoding=None, method="xml",
pretty_print=False, xml_declaration=None, with_tail=True,
standalone=None, doctype=None, compression=0,
exclusive=False, inclusive_ns_prefixes=None,
with_comments=True, strip_text=False)
Write the tree to a filename, file or file-like object.
Defaults to ASCII encoding and writing a declaration as needed.
The keyword argument 'method' selects the output method:
'xml', 'html', 'text', 'c14n' or 'c14n2'. Default is 'xml'.
With ``method="c14n"`` (C14N version 1), the options ``exclusive``,
``with_comments`` and ``inclusive_ns_prefixes`` request exclusive
C14N, include comments, and list the inclusive prefixes respectively.
With ``method="c14n2"`` (C14N version 2), the ``with_comments`` and
``strip_text`` options control the output of comments and text space
according to C14N 2.0.
Passing a boolean value to the ``standalone`` option will
output an XML declaration with the corresponding
``standalone`` flag.
The ``doctype`` option allows passing in a plain string that will
be serialised before the XML tree. Note that passing in non
well-formed content here will make the XML output non well-formed.
Also, an existing doctype in the document tree will not be removed
when serialising an ElementTree instance.
The ``compression`` option enables GZip compression level 1-9.
The ``inclusive_ns_prefixes`` should be a list of namespace strings
(i.e. ['xs', 'xsi']) that will be promoted to the top-level element
during exclusive C14N serialisation. This parameter is ignored if
exclusive mode=False.
If exclusive=True and no list is provided, a namespace will only be
rendered if it is used by the immediate parent or one of its attributes
and its prefix and values have not already been rendered by an ancestor
of the namespace node's parent element.
cdef bint write_declaration
cdef int is_standalone
if compression is None or compression < 0:
compression = 0
# C14N serialisation
if method in ('c14n', 'c14n2'):
if encoding is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot specify encoding with C14N")
if xml_declaration:
raise ValueError("Cannot enable XML declaration in C14N")
if method == 'c14n':
_tofilelikeC14N(file, self._context_node, exclusive, with_comments,
compression, inclusive_ns_prefixes)
else: # c14n2
with _open_utf8_file(file, compression=compression) as f:
target = C14NWriterTarget(
f.write, with_comments=with_comments, strip_text=strip_text)
_tree_to_target(self, target)
if not with_comments:
raise ValueError("Can only discard comments in C14N serialisation")
# suppress decl. in default case (purely for ElementTree compatibility)
if xml_declaration is not None:
write_declaration = xml_declaration
if encoding is None:
encoding = 'ASCII'
encoding = encoding.upper()
elif encoding is None:
encoding = 'ASCII'
write_declaration = 0
encoding = encoding.upper()
write_declaration = encoding not in (
'US-ASCII', 'ASCII', 'UTF8', 'UTF-8')
if standalone is None:
is_standalone = -1
elif standalone:
write_declaration = 1
is_standalone = 1
write_declaration = 1
is_standalone = 0
if docstring is not None and doctype is None:
import warnings
"The 'docstring' option is deprecated. Use 'doctype' instead.",
doctype = docstring
_tofilelike(file, self._context_node, encoding, doctype, method,
write_declaration, 1, pretty_print, with_tail,
is_standalone, compression)
def getpath(self, _Element element not None):
"""getpath(self, element)
Returns a structural, absolute XPath expression to find the element.
For namespaced elements, the expression uses prefixes from the
document, which therefore need to be provided in order to make any
use of the expression in XPath.
Also see the method getelementpath(self, element), which returns a
self-contained ElementPath expression.
cdef _Document doc
cdef _Element root
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
if self._context_node is not None:
root = self._context_node
doc = root._doc
elif self._doc is not None:
doc = self._doc
root = doc.getroot()
raise ValueError, "Element is not in this tree."
if element._doc is not doc:
raise ValueError, "Element is not in this tree."
c_doc = _fakeRootDoc(doc._c_doc, root._c_node)
c_path = tree.xmlGetNodePath(element._c_node)
_destroyFakeDoc(doc._c_doc, c_doc)
if c_path is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
path = funicode(c_path)
return path
def getelementpath(self, _Element element not None):
"""getelementpath(self, element)
Returns a structural, absolute ElementPath expression to find the
element. This path can be used in the .find() method to look up
the element, provided that the elements along the path and their
list of immediate children were not modified in between.
ElementPath has the advantage over an XPath expression (as returned
by the .getpath() method) that it does not require additional prefix
declarations. It is always self-contained.
cdef _Element root
cdef Py_ssize_t count
if element._c_node.type != tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
raise ValueError, "input is not an Element"
if self._context_node is not None:
root = self._context_node
elif self._doc is not None:
root = self._doc.getroot()
raise ValueError, "Element is not in this tree"
if element._doc is not root._doc:
raise ValueError, "Element is not in this tree"
path = []
c_element = element._c_node
while c_element is not root._c_node:
c_name =
c_href = _getNs(c_element)
tag = _namespacedNameFromNsName(c_href, c_name)
if c_href is NULL:
c_href = <const_xmlChar*>b'' # no namespace (NULL is wildcard)
# use tag[N] if there are preceding siblings with the same tag
count = 0
c_node = c_element.prev
while c_node is not NULL:
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
if _tagMatches(c_node, c_href, c_name):
count += 1
c_node = c_node.prev
if count:
tag = f'{tag}[{count+1}]'
# use tag[1] if there are following siblings with the same tag
c_node =
while c_node is not NULL:
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
if _tagMatches(c_node, c_href, c_name):
tag += '[1]'
c_node =
c_element = c_element.parent
if c_element is NULL or c_element.type != tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
raise ValueError, "Element is not in this tree."
if not path:
return '.'
return '/'.join(path)
def getiterator(self, tag=None, *tags):
"""getiterator(self, *tags, tag=None)
Returns a sequence or iterator of all elements in document order
(depth first pre-order), starting with the root element.
Can be restricted to find only elements with specific tags,
see `_Element.iter`.
:deprecated: Note that this method is deprecated as of
ElementTree 1.3 and lxml 2.0. It returns an iterator in
lxml, which diverges from the original ElementTree
behaviour. If you want an efficient iterator, use the
``tree.iter()`` method instead. You should only use this
method in new code if you require backwards compatibility
with older versions of lxml or ElementTree.
root = self.getroot()
if root is None:
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return root.getiterator(*tags)
def iter(self, tag=None, *tags):
"""iter(self, tag=None, *tags)
Creates an iterator for the root element. The iterator loops over
all elements in this tree, in document order. Note that siblings
of the root element (comments or processing instructions) are not
returned by the iterator.
Can be restricted to find only elements with specific tags,
see `_Element.iter`.
root = self.getroot()
if root is None:
if tag is not None:
tags += (tag,)
return root.iter(*tags)
def find(self, path, namespaces=None):
"""find(self, path, namespaces=None)
Finds the first toplevel element with given tag. Same as
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
root = self.getroot()
if _isString(path):
if path[:1] == "/":
path = "." + path
from warnings import warn
"This search incorrectly ignores the root element, and will be "
"fixed in a future version. If you rely on the current "
f"behaviour, change it to {path!r}",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=1
return root.find(path, namespaces)
def findtext(self, path, default=None, namespaces=None):
"""findtext(self, path, default=None, namespaces=None)
Finds the text for the first element matching the ElementPath
expression. Same as getroot().findtext(path)
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
root = self.getroot()
if _isString(path):
if path[:1] == "/":
path = "." + path
from warnings import warn
"This search incorrectly ignores the root element, and will be "
"fixed in a future version. If you rely on the current "
f"behaviour, change it to {path!r}",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=1
return root.findtext(path, default, namespaces)
def findall(self, path, namespaces=None):
"""findall(self, path, namespaces=None)
Finds all elements matching the ElementPath expression. Same as
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
root = self.getroot()
if _isString(path):
if path[:1] == "/":
path = "." + path
from warnings import warn
"This search incorrectly ignores the root element, and will be "
"fixed in a future version. If you rely on the current "
f"behaviour, change it to {path!r}",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=1
return root.findall(path, namespaces)
def iterfind(self, path, namespaces=None):
"""iterfind(self, path, namespaces=None)
Iterates over all elements matching the ElementPath expression.
Same as getroot().iterfind(path).
The optional ``namespaces`` argument accepts a
prefix-to-namespace mapping that allows the usage of XPath
prefixes in the path expression.
root = self.getroot()
if _isString(path):
if path[:1] == "/":
path = "." + path
from warnings import warn
"This search incorrectly ignores the root element, and will be "
"fixed in a future version. If you rely on the current "
f"behaviour, change it to {path!r}",
FutureWarning, stacklevel=1
return root.iterfind(path, namespaces)
def xpath(self, _path, *, namespaces=None, extensions=None,
smart_strings=True, **_variables):
"""xpath(self, _path, namespaces=None, extensions=None, smart_strings=True, **_variables)
XPath evaluate in context of document.
``namespaces`` is an optional dictionary with prefix to namespace URI
mappings, used by XPath. ``extensions`` defines additional extension
Returns a list (nodeset), or bool, float or string.
In case of a list result, return Element for element nodes,
string for text and attribute values.
Note: if you are going to apply multiple XPath expressions
against the same document, it is more efficient to use
XPathEvaluator directly.
evaluator = XPathDocumentEvaluator(self, namespaces=namespaces,
return evaluator(_path, **_variables)
def xslt(self, _xslt, extensions=None, access_control=None, **_kw):
"""xslt(self, _xslt, extensions=None, access_control=None, **_kw)
Transform this document using other document.
xslt is a tree that should be XSLT
keyword parameters are XSLT transformation parameters.
Returns the transformed tree.
Note: if you are going to apply the same XSLT stylesheet against
multiple documents, it is more efficient to use the XSLT
class directly.
style = XSLT(_xslt, extensions=extensions,
return style(self, **_kw)
def relaxng(self, relaxng):
"""relaxng(self, relaxng)
Validate this document using other document.
The relaxng argument is a tree that should contain a Relax NG schema.
Returns True or False, depending on whether validation
Note: if you are going to apply the same Relax NG schema against
multiple documents, it is more efficient to use the RelaxNG
class directly.
schema = RelaxNG(relaxng)
return schema.validate(self)
def xmlschema(self, xmlschema):
"""xmlschema(self, xmlschema)
Validate this document using other document.
The xmlschema argument is a tree that should contain an XML Schema.
Returns True or False, depending on whether validation
Note: If you are going to apply the same XML Schema against
multiple documents, it is more efficient to use the XMLSchema
class directly.
schema = XMLSchema(xmlschema)
return schema.validate(self)
def xinclude(self):
Process the XInclude nodes in this document and include the
referenced XML fragments.
There is support for loading files through the file system, HTTP and
Note that XInclude does not support custom resolvers in Python space
due to restrictions of libxml2 <= 2.6.29.
def write_c14n(self, file, *, bint exclusive=False, bint with_comments=True,
compression=0, inclusive_ns_prefixes=None):
"""write_c14n(self, file, exclusive=False, with_comments=True,
compression=0, inclusive_ns_prefixes=None)
C14N write of document. Always writes UTF-8.
The ``compression`` option enables GZip compression level 1-9.
The ``inclusive_ns_prefixes`` should be a list of namespace strings
(i.e. ['xs', 'xsi']) that will be promoted to the top-level element
during exclusive C14N serialisation. This parameter is ignored if
exclusive mode=False.
If exclusive=True and no list is provided, a namespace will only be
rendered if it is used by the immediate parent or one of its attributes
and its prefix and values have not already been rendered by an ancestor
of the namespace node's parent element.
NOTE: This method is deprecated as of lxml 4.4 and will be removed in a
future release. Use ``.write(f, method="c14n")`` instead.
if compression is None or compression < 0:
compression = 0
_tofilelikeC14N(file, self._context_node, exclusive, with_comments,
compression, inclusive_ns_prefixes)
cdef _ElementTree _elementTreeFactory(_Document doc, _Element context_node):
return _newElementTree(doc, context_node, _ElementTree)
cdef _ElementTree _newElementTree(_Document doc, _Element context_node,
object baseclass):
cdef _ElementTree result
result = baseclass()
if context_node is None and doc is not None:
context_node = doc.getroot()
if context_node is None:
result._doc = doc
result._context_node = context_node
return result
cdef class _Attrib:
"""A dict-like proxy for the ``Element.attrib`` property.
cdef _Element _element
def __cinit__(self, _Element element not None):
self._element = element
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
_setAttributeValue(self._element, key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
_delAttribute(self._element, key)
def update(self, sequence_or_dict):
if isinstance(sequence_or_dict, (dict, _Attrib)):
sequence_or_dict = sequence_or_dict.items()
for key, value in sequence_or_dict:
_setAttributeValue(self._element, key, value)
def pop(self, key, *default):
if len(default) > 1:
raise TypeError, f"pop expected at most 2 arguments, got {len(default)+1}"
result = _getAttributeValue(self._element, key, None)
if result is None:
if not default:
raise KeyError, key
result = default[0]
_delAttribute(self._element, key)
return result
def clear(self):
c_attrs =
if c_attrs: = NULL
def __repr__(self):
return repr(dict( _collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 3) ))
def __copy__(self):
return dict(_collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 3))
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return dict(_collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 3))
def __getitem__(self, key):
result = _getAttributeValue(self._element, key, None)
if result is None:
raise KeyError, key
return result
def __bool__(self):
cdef xmlAttr* c_attr =
while c_attr is not NULL:
if c_attr.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
return 1
c_attr =
return 0
def __len__(self):
cdef xmlAttr* c_attr =
cdef Py_ssize_t c = 0
while c_attr is not NULL:
if c_attr.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
c += 1
c_attr =
return c
def get(self, key, default=None):
return _getAttributeValue(self._element, key, default)
def keys(self):
return _collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 1)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(_collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 1))
def iterkeys(self):
return iter(_collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 1))
def values(self):
return _collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 2)
def itervalues(self):
return iter(_collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 2))
def items(self):
return _collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 3)
def iteritems(self):
return iter(_collectAttributes(self._element._c_node, 3))
def has_key(self, key):
return key in self
def __contains__(self, key):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
ns, tag = _getNsTag(key)
c_node = self._element._c_node
c_href = <const_xmlChar*>NULL if ns is None else _xcstr(ns)
return 1 if tree.xmlHasNsProp(c_node, _xcstr(tag), c_href) else 0
def __richcmp__(self, other, int op):
one = dict(self.items())
if not isinstance(other, dict):
other = dict(other)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return NotImplemented
return python.PyObject_RichCompare(one, other, op)
cdef class _AttribIterator:
"""Attribute iterator - for internal use only!
# XML attributes must not be removed while running!
cdef _Element _node
cdef xmlAttr* _c_attr
cdef int _keysvalues # 1 - keys, 2 - values, 3 - items (key, value)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
cdef xmlAttr* c_attr
if self._node is None:
raise StopIteration
c_attr = self._c_attr
while c_attr is not NULL and c_attr.type != tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
c_attr =
if c_attr is NULL:
self._node = None
raise StopIteration
self._c_attr =
if self._keysvalues == 1:
return _namespacedName(<xmlNode*>c_attr)
elif self._keysvalues == 2:
return _attributeValue(self._node._c_node, c_attr)
return (_namespacedName(<xmlNode*>c_attr),
_attributeValue(self._node._c_node, c_attr))
cdef object _attributeIteratorFactory(_Element element, int keysvalues):
cdef _AttribIterator attribs
if is NULL:
attribs = _AttribIterator()
attribs._node = element
attribs._c_attr =
attribs._keysvalues = keysvalues
return attribs
cdef public class _ElementTagMatcher [ object LxmlElementTagMatcher,
type LxmlElementTagMatcherType ]:
Dead but public. :)
cdef object _pystrings
cdef int _node_type
cdef char* _href
cdef char* _name
cdef _initTagMatch(self, tag):
self._href = NULL
self._name = NULL
if tag is None:
self._node_type = 0
elif tag is Comment:
self._node_type = tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE
elif tag is ProcessingInstruction:
self._node_type = tree.XML_PI_NODE
elif tag is Entity:
self._node_type = tree.XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE
elif tag is Element:
self._node_type = tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE
self._node_type = tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE
self._pystrings = _getNsTag(tag)
if self._pystrings[0] is not None:
self._href = _cstr(self._pystrings[0])
self._name = _cstr(self._pystrings[1])
if self._name[0] == c'*' and self._name[1] == c'\0':
self._name = NULL
cdef public class _ElementIterator(_ElementTagMatcher) [
object LxmlElementIterator, type LxmlElementIteratorType ]:
Dead but public. :)
# we keep Python references here to control GC
cdef _Element _node
cdef _node_to_node_function _next_element
def __iter__(self):
return self
cdef void _storeNext(self, _Element node):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
c_node = self._next_element(node._c_node)
while c_node is not NULL and \
self._node_type != 0 and \
(<tree.xmlElementType>self._node_type != c_node.type or
not _tagMatches(c_node, <const_xmlChar*>self._href, <const_xmlChar*>self._name)):
c_node = self._next_element(c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
self._node = None
# Python ref:
self._node = _elementFactory(node._doc, c_node)
def __next__(self):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef _Element current_node
if self._node is None:
raise StopIteration
# Python ref:
current_node = self._node
return current_node
cdef class _MultiTagMatcher:
Match an xmlNode against a list of tags.
cdef list _py_tags
cdef qname* _cached_tags
cdef size_t _tag_count
cdef size_t _cached_size
cdef _Document _cached_doc
cdef int _node_types
def __cinit__(self, tags):
self._py_tags = []
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef bint rejectsAll(self) noexcept:
return not self._tag_count and not self._node_types
cdef bint rejectsAllAttributes(self) noexcept:
return not self._tag_count
cdef bint matchesType(self, int node_type) noexcept:
if node_type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE and self._tag_count:
return True
return self._node_types & (1 << node_type)
cdef void _clear(self) noexcept:
cdef size_t i, count
count = self._tag_count
self._tag_count = 0
if self._cached_tags:
for i in range(count):
self._cached_tags = NULL
cdef initTagMatch(self, tags):
self._cached_doc = None
del self._py_tags[:]
if tags is None or tags == ():
# no selection in tags argument => match anything
self._node_types = (
1 << tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE |
1 << tree.XML_PI_NODE |
self._node_types = 0
self._storeTags(tags, set())
cdef _storeTags(self, tag, set seen):
if tag is Comment:
self._node_types |= 1 << tree.XML_COMMENT_NODE
elif tag is ProcessingInstruction:
self._node_types |= 1 << tree.XML_PI_NODE
elif tag is Entity:
self._node_types |= 1 << tree.XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE
elif tag is Element:
self._node_types |= 1 << tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE
elif python._isString(tag):
if tag in seen:
if tag in ('*', '{*}*'):
self._node_types |= 1 << tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE
href, name = _getNsTag(tag)
if name == b'*':
name = None
if href is None:
href = b'' # no namespace
elif href == b'*':
href = None # wildcard: any namespace, including none
self._py_tags.append((href, name))
elif isinstance(tag, QName):
self._storeTags(tag.text, seen)
# support a sequence of tags
for item in tag:
self._storeTags(item, seen)
cdef inline int cacheTags(self, _Document doc, bint force_into_dict=False) except -1:
Look up the tag names in the doc dict to enable string pointer comparisons.
cdef size_t dict_size = tree.xmlDictSize(doc._c_doc.dict)
if doc is self._cached_doc and dict_size == self._cached_size:
# doc and dict didn't change => names already cached
return 0
self._tag_count = 0
if not self._py_tags:
self._cached_doc = doc
self._cached_size = dict_size
return 0
if not self._cached_tags:
self._cached_tags = <qname*>python.lxml_malloc(len(self._py_tags), sizeof(qname))
if not self._cached_tags:
self._cached_doc = None
raise MemoryError()
self._tag_count = <size_t>_mapTagsToQnameMatchArray(
doc._c_doc, self._py_tags, self._cached_tags, force_into_dict)
self._cached_doc = doc
self._cached_size = dict_size
return 0
cdef inline bint matches(self, xmlNode* c_node) noexcept:
cdef qname* c_qname
if self._node_types & (1 << c_node.type):
return True
elif c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
for c_qname in self._cached_tags[:self._tag_count]:
if _tagMatchesExactly(c_node, c_qname):
return True
return False
cdef inline bint matchesNsTag(self, const_xmlChar* c_href,
const_xmlChar* c_name) noexcept:
cdef qname* c_qname
if self._node_types & (1 << tree.XML_ELEMENT_NODE):
return True
for c_qname in self._cached_tags[:self._tag_count]:
if _nsTagMatchesExactly(c_href, c_name, c_qname):
return True
return False
cdef inline bint matchesAttribute(self, xmlAttr* c_attr) noexcept:
"""Attribute matches differ from Element matches in that they do
not care about node types.
cdef qname* c_qname
for c_qname in self._cached_tags[:self._tag_count]:
if _tagMatchesExactly(<xmlNode*>c_attr, c_qname):
return True
return False
cdef class _ElementMatchIterator:
cdef _Element _node
cdef _node_to_node_function _next_element
cdef _MultiTagMatcher _matcher
cdef _initTagMatcher(self, tags):
self._matcher = _MultiTagMatcher.__new__(_MultiTagMatcher, tags)
def __iter__(self):
return self
cdef int _storeNext(self, _Element node) except -1:
c_node = self._next_element(node._c_node)
while c_node is not NULL and not self._matcher.matches(c_node):
c_node = self._next_element(c_node)
# store Python ref to next node to make sure it's kept alive
self._node = _elementFactory(node._doc, c_node) if c_node is not NULL else None
return 0
def __next__(self):
cdef _Element current_node = self._node
if current_node is None:
raise StopIteration
return current_node
cdef class ElementChildIterator(_ElementMatchIterator):
"""ElementChildIterator(self, node, tag=None, reversed=False)
Iterates over the children of an element.
def __cinit__(self, _Element node not None, tag=None, *, bint reversed=False):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
if reversed:
c_node = _findChildBackwards(node._c_node, 0)
self._next_element = _previousElement
c_node = _findChildForwards(node._c_node, 0)
self._next_element = _nextElement
while c_node is not NULL and not self._matcher.matches(c_node):
c_node = self._next_element(c_node)
# store Python ref to next node to make sure it's kept alive
self._node = _elementFactory(node._doc, c_node) if c_node is not NULL else None
cdef class SiblingsIterator(_ElementMatchIterator):
"""SiblingsIterator(self, node, tag=None, preceding=False)
Iterates over the siblings of an element.
You can pass the boolean keyword ``preceding`` to specify the direction.
def __cinit__(self, _Element node not None, tag=None, *, bint preceding=False):
if preceding:
self._next_element = _previousElement
self._next_element = _nextElement
cdef class AncestorsIterator(_ElementMatchIterator):
"""AncestorsIterator(self, node, tag=None)
Iterates over the ancestors of an element (from parent to parent).
def __cinit__(self, _Element node not None, tag=None):
self._next_element = _parentElement
cdef class ElementDepthFirstIterator:
"""ElementDepthFirstIterator(self, node, tag=None, inclusive=True)
Iterates over an element and its sub-elements in document order (depth
first pre-order).
Note that this also includes comments, entities and processing
instructions. To filter them out, check if the ``tag`` property
of the returned element is a string (i.e. not None and not a
factory function), or pass the ``Element`` factory for the ``tag``
argument to receive only Elements.
If the optional ``tag`` argument is not None, the iterator returns only
the elements that match the respective name and namespace.
The optional boolean argument 'inclusive' defaults to True and can be set
to False to exclude the start element itself.
Note that the behaviour of this iterator is completely undefined if the
tree it traverses is modified during iteration.
# we keep Python references here to control GC
# keep the next Element after the one we return, and the (s)top node
cdef _Element _next_node
cdef _Element _top_node
cdef _MultiTagMatcher _matcher
def __cinit__(self, _Element node not None, tag=None, *, bint inclusive=True):
self._top_node = node
self._next_node = node
self._matcher = _MultiTagMatcher.__new__(_MultiTagMatcher, tag)
if not inclusive or not self._matcher.matches(node._c_node):
# find start node (this cannot raise StopIteration, self._next_node != None)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef _Element current_node = self._next_node
if current_node is None:
raise StopIteration
c_node = current_node._c_node
if not self._matcher._tag_count:
# no tag name was found in the dict => not in document either
# try to match by node type
c_node = self._nextNodeAnyTag(c_node)
c_node = self._nextNodeMatchTag(c_node)
if c_node is NULL:
self._next_node = None
self._next_node = _elementFactory(current_node._doc, c_node)
return current_node
cdef xmlNode* _nextNodeAnyTag(self, xmlNode* c_node) noexcept:
cdef int node_types = self._matcher._node_types
if not node_types:
return NULL
tree.BEGIN_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(self._top_node._c_node, c_node, 0)
if node_types & (1 << c_node.type):
return c_node
return NULL
cdef xmlNode* _nextNodeMatchTag(self, xmlNode* c_node) noexcept:
tree.BEGIN_FOR_EACH_ELEMENT_FROM(self._top_node._c_node, c_node, 0)
if self._matcher.matches(c_node):
return c_node
return NULL
cdef class ElementTextIterator:
"""ElementTextIterator(self, element, tag=None, with_tail=True)
Iterates over the text content of a subtree.
You can pass the ``tag`` keyword argument to restrict text content to a
specific tag name.
You can set the ``with_tail`` keyword argument to ``False`` to skip over
tail text (e.g. if you know that it's only whitespace from pretty-printing).
cdef object _events
cdef _Element _start_element
def __cinit__(self, _Element element not None, tag=None, *, bint with_tail=True):
if with_tail:
events = ("start", "comment", "pi", "end")
events = ("start",)
self._start_element = element
self._events = iterwalk(element, events=events, tag=tag)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
cdef _Element element
result = None
while result is None:
event, element = next(self._events) # raises StopIteration
if event == "start":
result = element.text
elif element is not self._start_element:
result = element.tail
return result
cdef xmlNode* _createElement(xmlDoc* c_doc, object name_utf) except NULL:
cdef xmlNode* c_node
c_node = tree.xmlNewDocNode(c_doc, NULL, _xcstr(name_utf), NULL)
return c_node
cdef xmlNode* _createComment(xmlDoc* c_doc, const_xmlChar* text) noexcept:
cdef xmlNode* c_node
c_node = tree.xmlNewDocComment(c_doc, text)
return c_node
cdef xmlNode* _createPI(xmlDoc* c_doc, const_xmlChar* target, const_xmlChar* text) noexcept:
cdef xmlNode* c_node
c_node = tree.xmlNewDocPI(c_doc, target, text)
return c_node
cdef xmlNode* _createEntity(xmlDoc* c_doc, const_xmlChar* name) noexcept:
cdef xmlNode* c_node
c_node = tree.xmlNewReference(c_doc, name)
return c_node
# module-level API for ElementTree
def Element(_tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra):
"""Element(_tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra)
Element factory. This function returns an object implementing the
Element interface.
Also look at the `_Element.makeelement()` and
`_BaseParser.makeelement()` methods, which provide a faster way to
create an Element within a specific document or parser context.
return _makeElement(_tag, NULL, None, None, None, None,
attrib, nsmap, _extra)
def Comment(text=None):
Comment element factory. This factory function creates a special element that will
be serialized as an XML comment.
cdef _Document doc
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
if text is None:
text = b''
text = _utf8(text)
if b'--' in text or text.endswith(b'-'):
raise ValueError("Comment may not contain '--' or end with '-'")
c_doc = _newXMLDoc()
doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, None)
c_node = _createComment(c_doc, _xcstr(text))
tree.xmlAddChild(<xmlNode*>c_doc, c_node)
return _elementFactory(doc, c_node)
def ProcessingInstruction(target, text=None):
"""ProcessingInstruction(target, text=None)
ProcessingInstruction element factory. This factory function creates a
special element that will be serialized as an XML processing instruction.
cdef _Document doc
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
target = _utf8(target)
if target.lower() == b'xml':
raise ValueError, f"Invalid PI name '{target}'"
if text is None:
text = b''
text = _utf8(text)
if b'?>' in text:
raise ValueError, "PI text must not contain '?>'"
c_doc = _newXMLDoc()
doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, None)
c_node = _createPI(c_doc, _xcstr(target), _xcstr(text))
tree.xmlAddChild(<xmlNode*>c_doc, c_node)
return _elementFactory(doc, c_node)
PI = ProcessingInstruction
cdef class CDATA:
CDATA factory. This factory creates an opaque data object that
can be used to set Element text. The usual way to use it is::
>>> el = Element('content')
>>> el.text = CDATA('a string')
>>> print(el.text)
a string
>>> print(tostring(el, encoding="unicode"))
<content><![CDATA[a string]]></content>
cdef bytes _utf8_data
def __cinit__(self, data):
_utf8_data = _utf8(data)
if b']]>' in _utf8_data:
raise ValueError, "']]>' not allowed inside CDATA"
self._utf8_data = _utf8_data
def Entity(name):
Entity factory. This factory function creates a special element
that will be serialized as an XML entity reference or character
reference. Note, however, that entities will not be automatically
declared in the document. A document that uses entity references
requires a DTD to define the entities.
cdef _Document doc
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
name_utf = _utf8(name)
c_name = _xcstr(name_utf)
if c_name[0] == c'#':
if not _characterReferenceIsValid(c_name + 1):
raise ValueError, f"Invalid character reference: '{name}'"
elif not _xmlNameIsValid(c_name):
raise ValueError, f"Invalid entity reference: '{name}'"
c_doc = _newXMLDoc()
doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, None)
c_node = _createEntity(c_doc, c_name)
tree.xmlAddChild(<xmlNode*>c_doc, c_node)
return _elementFactory(doc, c_node)
def SubElement(_Element _parent not None, _tag,
attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra):
"""SubElement(_parent, _tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra)
Subelement factory. This function creates an element instance, and
appends it to an existing element.
return _makeSubElement(_parent, _tag, None, None, attrib, nsmap, _extra)
def ElementTree(_Element element=None, *, file=None, _BaseParser parser=None):
"""ElementTree(element=None, file=None, parser=None)
ElementTree wrapper class.
cdef xmlNode* c_next
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef xmlNode* c_node_copy
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
cdef _ElementTree etree
cdef _Document doc
if element is not None:
doc = element._doc
elif file is not None:
doc = _parseDocument(file, parser, None)
except _TargetParserResult as result_container:
return result_container.result
c_doc = _newXMLDoc()
doc = _documentFactory(c_doc, parser)
return _elementTreeFactory(doc, element)
def HTML(text, _BaseParser parser=None, *, base_url=None):
"""HTML(text, parser=None, base_url=None)
Parses an HTML document from a string constant. Returns the root
node (or the result returned by a parser target). This function
can be used to embed "HTML literals" in Python code.
To override the parser with a different ``HTMLParser`` you can pass it to
the ``parser`` keyword argument.
The ``base_url`` keyword argument allows to set the original base URL of
the document to support relative Paths when looking up external entities
(DTD, XInclude, ...).
cdef _Document doc
if parser is None:
parser = __GLOBAL_PARSER_CONTEXT.getDefaultParser()
if not isinstance(parser, HTMLParser):
doc = _parseMemoryDocument(text, base_url, parser)
return doc.getroot()
except _TargetParserResult as result_container:
return result_container.result
def XML(text, _BaseParser parser=None, *, base_url=None):
"""XML(text, parser=None, base_url=None)
Parses an XML document or fragment from a string constant.
Returns the root node (or the result returned by a parser target).
This function can be used to embed "XML literals" in Python code,
like in
>>> root = XML("<root><test/></root>")
>>> print(root.tag)
To override the parser with a different ``XMLParser`` you can pass it to
the ``parser`` keyword argument.
The ``base_url`` keyword argument allows to set the original base URL of
the document to support relative Paths when looking up external entities
(DTD, XInclude, ...).
cdef _Document doc
if parser is None:
parser = __GLOBAL_PARSER_CONTEXT.getDefaultParser()
if not isinstance(parser, XMLParser):
doc = _parseMemoryDocument(text, base_url, parser)
return doc.getroot()
except _TargetParserResult as result_container:
return result_container.result
def fromstring(text, _BaseParser parser=None, *, base_url=None):
"""fromstring(text, parser=None, base_url=None)
Parses an XML document or fragment from a string. Returns the
root node (or the result returned by a parser target).
To override the default parser with a different parser you can pass it to
the ``parser`` keyword argument.
The ``base_url`` keyword argument allows to set the original base URL of
the document to support relative Paths when looking up external entities
(DTD, XInclude, ...).
cdef _Document doc
doc = _parseMemoryDocument(text, base_url, parser)
return doc.getroot()
except _TargetParserResult as result_container:
return result_container.result
def fromstringlist(strings, _BaseParser parser=None):
"""fromstringlist(strings, parser=None)
Parses an XML document from a sequence of strings. Returns the
root node (or the result returned by a parser target).
To override the default parser with a different parser you can pass it to
the ``parser`` keyword argument.
cdef _Document doc
if isinstance(strings, (bytes, unicode)):
raise ValueError("passing a single string into fromstringlist() is not"
" efficient, use fromstring() instead")
if parser is None:
parser = __GLOBAL_PARSER_CONTEXT.getDefaultParser()
feed = parser.feed
for data in strings:
return parser.close()
def iselement(element):
Checks if an object appears to be a valid element object.
return isinstance(element, _Element) and (<_Element>element)._c_node is not NULL
def indent(tree, space=" ", *, Py_ssize_t level=0):
"""indent(tree, space=" ", level=0)
Indent an XML document by inserting newlines and indentation space
after elements.
*tree* is the ElementTree or Element to modify. The (root) element
itself will not be changed, but the tail text of all elements in its
subtree will be adapted.
*space* is the whitespace to insert for each indentation level, two
space characters by default.
*level* is the initial indentation level. Setting this to a higher
value than 0 can be used for indenting subtrees that are more deeply
nested inside of a document.
root = _rootNodeOrRaise(tree)
if level < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Initial indentation level must be >= 0, got {level}")
if _hasChild(root._c_node):
space = _utf8(space)
indent = b"\n" + level * space
_indent_children(root._c_node, 1, space, [indent, indent + space])
cdef int _indent_children(xmlNode* c_node, Py_ssize_t level, bytes one_space, list indentations) except -1:
# Reuse indentation strings for speed.
if len(indentations) <= level:
indentations.append(indentations[-1] + one_space)
# Start a new indentation level for the first child.
child_indentation = indentations[level]
if not _hasNonWhitespaceText(c_node):
_setNodeText(c_node, child_indentation)
# Recursively indent all children.
cdef xmlNode* c_child = _findChildForwards(c_node, 0)
while c_child is not NULL:
if _hasChild(c_child):
_indent_children(c_child, level+1, one_space, indentations)
c_next_child = _nextElement(c_child)
if not _hasNonWhitespaceTail(c_child):
if c_next_child is NULL:
# Dedent after the last child.
child_indentation = indentations[level-1]
_setTailText(c_child, child_indentation)
c_child = c_next_child
return 0
def dump(_Element elem not None, *, bint pretty_print=True, bint with_tail=True):
"""dump(elem, pretty_print=True, with_tail=True)
Writes an element tree or element structure to sys.stdout. This function
should be used for debugging only.
xml = tostring(elem, pretty_print=pretty_print, with_tail=with_tail, encoding='unicode')
if not pretty_print:
xml += '\n'
def tostring(element_or_tree, *, encoding=None, method="xml",
xml_declaration=None, bint pretty_print=False, bint with_tail=True,
standalone=None, doctype=None,
# method='c14n'
bint exclusive=False, inclusive_ns_prefixes=None,
# method='c14n2'
bint with_comments=True, bint strip_text=False,
"""tostring(element_or_tree, encoding=None, method="xml",
xml_declaration=None, pretty_print=False, with_tail=True,
standalone=None, doctype=None,
exclusive=False, inclusive_ns_prefixes=None,
with_comments=True, strip_text=False,
Serialize an element to an encoded string representation of its XML
Defaults to ASCII encoding without XML declaration. This
behaviour can be configured with the keyword arguments 'encoding'
(string) and 'xml_declaration' (bool). Note that changing the
encoding to a non UTF-8 compatible encoding will enable a
declaration by default.
You can also serialise to a Unicode string without declaration by
passing the name ``'unicode'`` as encoding (or the ``str`` function
in Py3 or ``unicode`` in Py2). This changes the return value from
a byte string to an unencoded unicode string.
The keyword argument 'pretty_print' (bool) enables formatted XML.
The keyword argument 'method' selects the output method: 'xml',
'html', plain 'text' (text content without tags), 'c14n' or 'c14n2'.
Default is 'xml'.
With ``method="c14n"`` (C14N version 1), the options ``exclusive``,
``with_comments`` and ``inclusive_ns_prefixes`` request exclusive
C14N, include comments, and list the inclusive prefixes respectively.
With ``method="c14n2"`` (C14N version 2), the ``with_comments`` and
``strip_text`` options control the output of comments and text space
according to C14N 2.0.
Passing a boolean value to the ``standalone`` option will output
an XML declaration with the corresponding ``standalone`` flag.
The ``doctype`` option allows passing in a plain string that will
be serialised before the XML tree. Note that passing in non
well-formed content here will make the XML output non well-formed.
Also, an existing doctype in the document tree will not be removed
when serialising an ElementTree instance.
You can prevent the tail text of the element from being serialised
by passing the boolean ``with_tail`` option. This has no impact
on the tail text of children, which will always be serialised.
cdef bint write_declaration
cdef int is_standalone
# C14N serialisation
if method in ('c14n', 'c14n2'):
if encoding is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot specify encoding with C14N")
if xml_declaration:
raise ValueError("Cannot enable XML declaration in C14N")
if method == 'c14n':
return _tostringC14N(element_or_tree, exclusive, with_comments, inclusive_ns_prefixes)
out = BytesIO()
target = C14NWriterTarget(
with_comments=with_comments, strip_text=strip_text)
_tree_to_target(element_or_tree, target)
return out.getvalue()
if not with_comments:
raise ValueError("Can only discard comments in C14N serialisation")
if strip_text:
raise ValueError("Can only strip text in C14N 2.0 serialisation")
if encoding is unicode or (encoding is not None and encoding.lower() == 'unicode'):
if xml_declaration:
raise ValueError, \
"Serialisation to unicode must not request an XML declaration"
write_declaration = 0
encoding = unicode
elif xml_declaration is None:
# by default, write an XML declaration only for non-standard encodings
write_declaration = encoding is not None and encoding.upper() not in \
('ASCII', 'UTF-8', 'UTF8', 'US-ASCII')
write_declaration = xml_declaration
if encoding is None:
encoding = 'ASCII'
if standalone is None:
is_standalone = -1
elif standalone:
write_declaration = 1
is_standalone = 1
write_declaration = 1
is_standalone = 0
if isinstance(element_or_tree, _Element):
return _tostring(<_Element>element_or_tree, encoding, doctype, method,
write_declaration, 0, pretty_print, with_tail,
elif isinstance(element_or_tree, _ElementTree):
return _tostring((<_ElementTree>element_or_tree)._context_node,
encoding, doctype, method, write_declaration, 1,
pretty_print, with_tail, is_standalone)
raise TypeError, f"Type '{python._fqtypename(element_or_tree).decode('utf8')}' cannot be serialized."
def tostringlist(element_or_tree, *args, **kwargs):
"""tostringlist(element_or_tree, *args, **kwargs)
Serialize an element to an encoded string representation of its XML
tree, stored in a list of partial strings.
This is purely for ElementTree 1.3 compatibility. The result is a
single string wrapped in a list.
return [tostring(element_or_tree, *args, **kwargs)]
def tounicode(element_or_tree, *, method="xml", bint pretty_print=False,
bint with_tail=True, doctype=None):
"""tounicode(element_or_tree, method="xml", pretty_print=False,
with_tail=True, doctype=None)
Serialize an element to the Python unicode representation of its XML
:deprecated: use ``tostring(el, encoding='unicode')`` instead.
Note that the result does not carry an XML encoding declaration and is
therefore not necessarily suited for serialization to byte streams without
further treatment.
The boolean keyword argument 'pretty_print' enables formatted XML.
The keyword argument 'method' selects the output method: 'xml',
'html' or plain 'text'.
You can prevent the tail text of the element from being serialised
by passing the boolean ``with_tail`` option. This has no impact
on the tail text of children, which will always be serialised.
if isinstance(element_or_tree, _Element):
return _tostring(<_Element>element_or_tree, unicode, doctype, method,
0, 0, pretty_print, with_tail, -1)
elif isinstance(element_or_tree, _ElementTree):
return _tostring((<_ElementTree>element_or_tree)._context_node,
unicode, doctype, method, 0, 1, pretty_print,
with_tail, -1)
raise TypeError, f"Type '{type(element_or_tree)}' cannot be serialized."
def parse(source, _BaseParser parser=None, *, base_url=None):
"""parse(source, parser=None, base_url=None)
Return an ElementTree object loaded with source elements. If no parser
is provided as second argument, the default parser is used.
The ``source`` can be any of the following:
- a file name/path
- a file object
- a file-like object
- a URL using the HTTP or FTP protocol
To parse from a string, use the ``fromstring()`` function instead.
Note that it is generally faster to parse from a file path or URL
than from an open file object or file-like object. Transparent
decompression from gzip compressed sources is supported (unless
explicitly disabled in libxml2).
The ``base_url`` keyword allows setting a URL for the document
when parsing from a file-like object. This is needed when looking
up external entities (DTD, XInclude, ...) with relative paths.
cdef _Document doc
doc = _parseDocument(source, parser, base_url)
return _elementTreeFactory(doc, None)
except _TargetParserResult as result_container:
return result_container.result
def adopt_external_document(capsule, _BaseParser parser=None):
"""adopt_external_document(capsule, parser=None)
Unpack a libxml2 document pointer from a PyCapsule and wrap it in an
lxml ElementTree object.
This allows external libraries to build XML/HTML trees using libxml2
and then pass them efficiently into lxml for further processing.
If a ``parser`` is provided, it will be used for configuring the
lxml document. No parsing will be done.
The capsule must have the name ``"libxml2:xmlDoc"`` and its pointer
value must reference a correct libxml2 document of type ``xmlDoc*``.
The creator of the capsule must take care to correctly clean up the
document using an appropriate capsule destructor. By default, the
libxml2 document will be copied to let lxml safely own the memory
of the internal tree that it uses.
If the capsule context is non-NULL, it must point to a C string that
can be compared using ``strcmp()``. If the context string equals
``"destructor:xmlFreeDoc"``, the libxml2 document will not be copied
but the capsule invalidated instead by clearing its destructor and
name. That way, lxml takes ownership of the libxml2 document in memory
without creating a copy first, and the capsule destructor will not be
called. The document will then eventually be cleaned up by lxml using
the libxml2 API function ``xmlFreeDoc()`` once it is no longer used.
If no copy is made, later modifications of the tree outside of lxml
should not be attempted after transferring the ownership.
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
cdef bint is_owned = False
c_doc = <xmlDoc*> python.lxml_unpack_xmldoc_capsule(capsule, &is_owned)
doc = _adoptForeignDoc(c_doc, parser, is_owned)
return _elementTreeFactory(doc, None)
# Include submodules
include "readonlytree.pxi" # Read-only implementation of Element proxies
include "classlookup.pxi" # Element class lookup mechanisms
include "nsclasses.pxi" # Namespace implementation and registry
include "docloader.pxi" # Support for custom document loaders
include "parser.pxi" # XML and HTML parsers
include "saxparser.pxi" # SAX-like Parser interface and tree builder
include "parsertarget.pxi" # ET Parser target
include "serializer.pxi" # XML output functions
include "iterparse.pxi" # incremental XML parsing
include "xmlid.pxi" # XMLID and IDDict
include "xinclude.pxi" # XInclude
include "cleanup.pxi" # Cleanup and recursive element removal functions
# Include submodules for XPath and XSLT
include "extensions.pxi" # XPath/XSLT extension functions
include "xpath.pxi" # XPath evaluation
include "xslt.pxi" # XSL transformations
include "xsltext.pxi" # XSL extension elements
# Validation
cdef class DocumentInvalid(LxmlError):
"""Validation error.
Raised by all document validators when their ``assertValid(tree)``
method fails.
cdef class _Validator:
"Base class for XML validators."
cdef _ErrorLog _error_log
def __cinit__(self):
self._error_log = _ErrorLog()
def validate(self, etree):
"""validate(self, etree)
Validate the document using this schema.
Returns true if document is valid, false if not.
return self(etree)
def assertValid(self, etree):
"""assertValid(self, etree)
Raises `DocumentInvalid` if the document does not comply with the schema.
if not self(etree):
raise DocumentInvalid(self._error_log._buildExceptionMessage(
"Document does not comply with schema"),
def assert_(self, etree):
"""assert_(self, etree)
Raises `AssertionError` if the document does not comply with the schema.
if not self(etree):
raise AssertionError, self._error_log._buildExceptionMessage(
"Document does not comply with schema")
cpdef _append_log_message(self, int domain, int type, int level, int line,
message, filename):
self._error_log._receiveGeneric(domain, type, level, line, message,
cpdef _clear_error_log(self):
def error_log(self):
"""The log of validation errors and warnings."""
assert self._error_log is not None, "XPath evaluator not initialised"
return self._error_log.copy()
include "dtd.pxi" # DTD
include "relaxng.pxi" # RelaxNG
include "xmlschema.pxi" # XMLSchema
include "schematron.pxi" # Schematron (requires libxml2 2.6.21+)
# Public C API
include "public-api.pxi"
# Other stuff
include "debug.pxi"