Your IP :
# support for DTD validation
from lxml.includes cimport dtdvalid
cdef class DTDError(LxmlError):
"""Base class for DTD errors.
cdef class DTDParseError(DTDError):
"""Error while parsing a DTD.
cdef class DTDValidateError(DTDError):
"""Error while validating an XML document with a DTD.
cdef inline int _assertValidDTDNode(node, void *c_node) except -1:
assert c_node is not NULL, u"invalid DTD proxy at %s" % id(node)
cdef class _DTDElementContentDecl:
cdef DTD _dtd
cdef tree.xmlElementContent* _c_node
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s object name=%r type=%r occur=%r at 0x%x>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,, self.type, self.occur, id(self))
def name(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(
def type(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef int type = self._c_node.type
return "pcdata"
return "element"
elif type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_SEQ:
return "seq"
elif type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OR:
return "or"
return None
def occur(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef int occur = self._c_node.ocur
if occur == tree.XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_ONCE:
return "once"
elif occur == tree.XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OPT:
return "opt"
elif occur == tree.XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_MULT:
return "mult"
elif occur == tree.XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_PLUS:
return "plus"
return None
def left(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
c1 = self._c_node.c1
if c1:
node = <_DTDElementContentDecl>_DTDElementContentDecl.__new__(_DTDElementContentDecl)
node._dtd = self._dtd
node._c_node = <tree.xmlElementContent*>c1
return node
return None
def right(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
c2 = self._c_node.c2
if c2:
node = <_DTDElementContentDecl>_DTDElementContentDecl.__new__(_DTDElementContentDecl)
node._dtd = self._dtd
node._c_node = <tree.xmlElementContent*>c2
return node
return None
cdef class _DTDAttributeDecl:
cdef DTD _dtd
cdef tree.xmlAttribute* _c_node
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s object name=%r elemname=%r prefix=%r type=%r default=%r default_value=%r at 0x%x>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,, self.elemname, self.prefix, self.type, self.default, self.default_value, id(self))
def name(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(
def elemname(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_node.elem)
def prefix(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_node.prefix)
def type(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef int type = self._c_node.atype
if type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA:
return "cdata"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_ID:
return "id"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREF:
return "idref"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS:
return "idrefs"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY:
return "entity"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITIES:
return "entities"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN:
return "nmtoken"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS:
return "nmtokens"
return "enumeration"
elif type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION:
return "notation"
return None
def default(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef int default = self._c_node.def_
if default == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NONE:
return "none"
elif default == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED:
return "required"
elif default == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIED:
return "implied"
elif default == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_FIXED:
return "fixed"
return None
def default_value(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_node.defaultValue)
def itervalues(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef tree.xmlEnumeration *c_node = self._c_node.tree
while c_node is not NULL:
yield funicode(
c_node =
def values(self):
return list(self.itervalues())
cdef class _DTDElementDecl:
cdef DTD _dtd
cdef tree.xmlElement* _c_node
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s object name=%r prefix=%r type=%r at 0x%x>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,, self.prefix, self.type, id(self))
def name(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(
def prefix(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_node.prefix)
def type(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef int type = self._c_node.etype
return "undefined"
elif type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_EMPTY:
return "empty"
elif type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_ANY:
return "any"
elif type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_MIXED:
return "mixed"
elif type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_TYPE_ELEMENT:
return "element"
return None
def content(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef tree.xmlElementContent *content = self._c_node.content
if content:
node = <_DTDElementContentDecl>_DTDElementContentDecl.__new__(_DTDElementContentDecl)
node._dtd = self._dtd
node._c_node = content
return node
return None
def iterattributes(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
cdef tree.xmlAttribute *c_node = self._c_node.attributes
while c_node:
node = <_DTDAttributeDecl>_DTDAttributeDecl.__new__(_DTDAttributeDecl)
node._dtd = self._dtd
node._c_node = c_node
yield node
c_node = c_node.nexth
def attributes(self):
return list(self.iterattributes())
cdef class _DTDEntityDecl:
cdef DTD _dtd
cdef tree.xmlEntity* _c_node
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s object name=%r at 0x%x>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,, id(self))
def name(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(
def orig(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_node.orig)
def content(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_node.content)
def system_url(self):
_assertValidDTDNode(self, self._c_node)
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_node.SystemID)
cdef class DTD(_Validator):
u"""DTD(self, file=None, external_id=None)
A DTD validator.
Can load from filesystem directly given a filename or file-like object.
Alternatively, pass the keyword parameter ``external_id`` to load from a
cdef tree.xmlDtd* _c_dtd
def __init__(self, file=None, *, external_id=None):
if file is not None:
file = _getFSPathOrObject(file)
if _isString(file):
file = _encodeFilename(file)
with self._error_log:
orig_loader = _register_document_loader()
self._c_dtd = xmlparser.xmlParseDTD(NULL, _xcstr(file))
elif hasattr(file, 'read'):
orig_loader = _register_document_loader()
self._c_dtd = _parseDtdFromFilelike(file)
raise DTDParseError, u"file must be a filename, file-like or path-like object"
elif external_id is not None:
with self._error_log:
orig_loader = _register_document_loader()
self._c_dtd = xmlparser.xmlParseDTD(<const_xmlChar*>external_id, NULL)
raise DTDParseError, u"either filename or external ID required"
if self._c_dtd is NULL:
raise DTDParseError(
self._error_log._buildExceptionMessage(u"error parsing DTD"),
def name(self):
if self._c_dtd is NULL:
return None
return funicodeOrNone(
def external_id(self):
if self._c_dtd is NULL:
return None
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_dtd.ExternalID)
def system_url(self):
if self._c_dtd is NULL:
return None
return funicodeOrNone(self._c_dtd.SystemID)
def iterelements(self):
cdef tree.xmlNode *c_node = self._c_dtd.children if self._c_dtd is not NULL else NULL
while c_node is not NULL:
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ELEMENT_DECL:
node = _DTDElementDecl()
node._dtd = self
node._c_node = <tree.xmlElement*>c_node
yield node
c_node =
def elements(self):
return list(self.iterelements())
def iterentities(self):
cdef tree.xmlNode *c_node = self._c_dtd.children if self._c_dtd is not NULL else NULL
while c_node is not NULL:
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ENTITY_DECL:
node = _DTDEntityDecl()
node._dtd = self
node._c_node = <tree.xmlEntity*>c_node
yield node
c_node =
def entities(self):
return list(self.iterentities())
def __dealloc__(self):
def __call__(self, etree):
u"""__call__(self, etree)
Validate doc using the DTD.
Returns true if the document is valid, false if not.
cdef _Document doc
cdef _Element root_node
cdef xmlDoc* c_doc
cdef dtdvalid.xmlValidCtxt* valid_ctxt
cdef int ret = -1
assert self._c_dtd is not NULL, "DTD not initialised"
doc = _documentOrRaise(etree)
root_node = _rootNodeOrRaise(etree)
valid_ctxt = dtdvalid.xmlNewValidCtxt()
if valid_ctxt is NULL:
raise DTDError(u"Failed to create validation context")
# work around error reporting bug in libxml2 <= 2.9.1 (and later?)
valid_ctxt.error = <dtdvalid.xmlValidityErrorFunc>_nullGenericErrorFunc
valid_ctxt.userData = NULL
with self._error_log:
c_doc = _fakeRootDoc(doc._c_doc, root_node._c_node)
ret = dtdvalid.xmlValidateDtd(valid_ctxt, c_doc, self._c_dtd)
_destroyFakeDoc(doc._c_doc, c_doc)
if ret == -1:
raise DTDValidateError(u"Internal error in DTD validation",
return ret == 1
cdef tree.xmlDtd* _parseDtdFromFilelike(file) except NULL:
cdef _ExceptionContext exc_context
cdef _FileReaderContext dtd_parser
cdef _ErrorLog error_log
cdef tree.xmlDtd* c_dtd = NULL
exc_context = _ExceptionContext()
dtd_parser = _FileReaderContext(file, exc_context, None)
error_log = _ErrorLog()
with error_log:
c_dtd = dtd_parser._readDtd()
if c_dtd is NULL:
raise DTDParseError(u"error parsing DTD", error_log)
return c_dtd
cdef DTD _dtdFactory(tree.xmlDtd* c_dtd):
# do not run through DTD.__init__()!
cdef DTD dtd
if c_dtd is NULL:
return None
dtd = DTD.__new__(DTD)
dtd._c_dtd = _copyDtd(c_dtd)
return dtd
cdef tree.xmlDtd* _copyDtd(tree.xmlDtd* c_orig_dtd) except NULL:
Copy a DTD. libxml2 (currently) fails to set up the element->attributes
links when copying DTDs, so we have to rebuild them here.
c_dtd = tree.xmlCopyDtd(c_orig_dtd)
if not c_dtd:
raise MemoryError
cdef tree.xmlNode* c_node = c_dtd.children
while c_node:
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL:
_linkDtdAttribute(c_dtd, <tree.xmlAttribute*>c_node)
c_node =
return c_dtd
cdef void _linkDtdAttribute(tree.xmlDtd* c_dtd, tree.xmlAttribute* c_attr):
Create the link to the DTD attribute declaration from the corresponding
element declaration.
c_elem = dtdvalid.xmlGetDtdElementDesc(c_dtd, c_attr.elem)
if not c_elem:
# no such element? something is wrong with the DTD ...
c_pos = c_elem.attributes
if not c_pos:
c_elem.attributes = c_attr
c_attr.nexth = NULL
# libxml2 keeps namespace declarations first, and we need to make
# sure we don't re-insert attributes that are already there
if _isDtdNsDecl(c_attr):
if not _isDtdNsDecl(c_pos):
c_elem.attributes = c_attr
c_attr.nexth = c_pos
while c_pos != c_attr and c_pos.nexth and _isDtdNsDecl(c_pos.nexth):
c_pos = c_pos.nexth
# append at end
while c_pos != c_attr and c_pos.nexth:
c_pos = c_pos.nexth
if c_pos == c_attr:
c_attr.nexth = c_pos.nexth
c_pos.nexth = c_attr
cdef bint _isDtdNsDecl(tree.xmlAttribute* c_attr):
if cstring_h.strcmp(<const_char*>, "xmlns") == 0:
return True
if (c_attr.prefix is not NULL and
cstring_h.strcmp(<const_char*>c_attr.prefix, "xmlns") == 0):
return True
return False