Your IP :
| Zend Engine |
| Copyright (c) Zend Technologies Ltd. ( |
| This source file is subject to version 2.00 of the Zend license, |
| that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
| available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
| |
| If you did not receive a copy of the Zend license and are unable to |
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| so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Author: Zeev Suraski <> |
#ifndef ZEND_INI_H
#define ZEND_INI_H
#define ZEND_INI_USER (1<<0)
#define ZEND_INI_PERDIR (1<<1)
#define ZEND_INI_SYSTEM (1<<2)
#define ZEND_INI_MH(name) int name(zend_ini_entry *entry, zend_string *new_value, void *mh_arg1, void *mh_arg2, void *mh_arg3, int stage)
#define ZEND_INI_DISP(name) ZEND_COLD void name(zend_ini_entry *ini_entry, int type)
typedef struct _zend_ini_entry_def {
const char *name;
void *mh_arg1;
void *mh_arg2;
void *mh_arg3;
const char *value;
void (*displayer)(zend_ini_entry *ini_entry, int type);
uint32_t value_length;
uint16_t name_length;
uint8_t modifiable;
} zend_ini_entry_def;
struct _zend_ini_entry {
zend_string *name;
void *mh_arg1;
void *mh_arg2;
void *mh_arg3;
zend_string *value;
zend_string *orig_value;
void (*displayer)(zend_ini_entry *ini_entry, int type);
int module_number;
uint8_t modifiable;
uint8_t orig_modifiable;
uint8_t modified;
ZEND_API void zend_ini_startup(void);
ZEND_API void zend_ini_shutdown(void);
ZEND_API void zend_ini_global_shutdown(void);
ZEND_API void zend_ini_deactivate(void);
ZEND_API void zend_ini_dtor(HashTable *ini_directives);
ZEND_API void zend_copy_ini_directives(void);
ZEND_API void zend_ini_sort_entries(void);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_register_ini_entries(const zend_ini_entry_def *ini_entry, int module_number);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_register_ini_entries_ex(const zend_ini_entry_def *ini_entry, int module_number, int module_type);
ZEND_API void zend_unregister_ini_entries(int module_number);
ZEND_API void zend_unregister_ini_entries_ex(int module_number, int module_type);
ZEND_API void zend_ini_refresh_caches(int stage);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_alter_ini_entry(zend_string *name, zend_string *new_value, int modify_type, int stage);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_alter_ini_entry_ex(zend_string *name, zend_string *new_value, int modify_type, int stage, bool force_change);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_alter_ini_entry_chars(zend_string *name, const char *value, size_t value_length, int modify_type, int stage);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_alter_ini_entry_chars_ex(zend_string *name, const char *value, size_t value_length, int modify_type, int stage, int force_change);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_restore_ini_entry(zend_string *name, int stage);
ZEND_API void display_ini_entries(zend_module_entry *module);
ZEND_API zend_long zend_ini_long(const char *name, size_t name_length, int orig);
ZEND_API double zend_ini_double(const char *name, size_t name_length, int orig);
ZEND_API char *zend_ini_string(const char *name, size_t name_length, int orig);
ZEND_API char *zend_ini_string_ex(const char *name, size_t name_length, int orig, bool *exists);
ZEND_API zend_string *zend_ini_get_value(zend_string *name);
ZEND_API bool zend_ini_parse_bool(zend_string *str);
* Parses an ini quantity
* The value parameter must be a string in the form
* sign? digits ws* multiplier?
* with
* sign: [+-]
* digit: [0-9]
* digits: digit+
* ws: [ \t\n\r\v\f]
* multiplier: [KMG]
* Leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored.
* If the string is empty or consists only of only whitespaces, 0 is returned.
* Digits is parsed as decimal unless the first digit is '0', in which case
* digits is parsed as octal.
* The multiplier is case-insensitive. K, M, and G multiply the quantity by
* 2**10, 2**20, and 2**30, respectively.
* For backwards compatibility, ill-formatted values are handled as follows:
* - No leading digits: value is treated as '0'
* - Invalid multiplier: multiplier is ignored
* - Invalid characters between digits and multiplier: invalid characters are
* ignored
* - Integer overflow: The result of the overflow is returned
* In any of these cases an error string is stored in *errstr (caller must
* release it), otherwise *errstr is set to NULL.
ZEND_API zend_long zend_ini_parse_quantity(zend_string *value, zend_string **errstr);
* Unsigned variant of zend_ini_parse_quantity
ZEND_API zend_ulong zend_ini_parse_uquantity(zend_string *value, zend_string **errstr);
ZEND_API zend_long zend_ini_parse_quantity_warn(zend_string *value, zend_string *setting);
ZEND_API zend_ulong zend_ini_parse_uquantity_warn(zend_string *value, zend_string *setting);
ZEND_API zend_result zend_ini_register_displayer(const char *name, uint32_t name_length, void (*displayer)(zend_ini_entry *ini_entry, int type));
ZEND_API ZEND_INI_DISP(zend_ini_boolean_displayer_cb);
ZEND_API ZEND_INI_DISP(zend_ini_color_displayer_cb);
ZEND_API ZEND_INI_DISP(display_link_numbers);
#define ZEND_INI_BEGIN() static const zend_ini_entry_def ini_entries[] = {
#define ZEND_INI_END() { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0} };
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY3_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, arg2, arg3, displayer) \
{ name, on_modify, arg1, arg2, arg3, default_value, displayer, sizeof(default_value)-1, sizeof(name)-1, modifiable },
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY3(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, arg2, arg3) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY3_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, arg2, arg3, NULL)
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY2_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, arg2, displayer) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY3_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, arg2, NULL, displayer)
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY2(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, arg2) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY2_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, arg2, NULL)
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY1_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, displayer) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY3_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, NULL, NULL, displayer)
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY1(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY1_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, arg1, NULL)
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, displayer) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY3_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, NULL, NULL, NULL, displayer)
#define ZEND_INI_ENTRY(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, NULL)
#ifdef ZTS
#define STD_ZEND_INI_ENTRY(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, property_name, struct_type, struct_ptr) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY2(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, (void *) XtOffsetOf(struct_type, property_name), (void *) &struct_ptr##_id)
#define STD_ZEND_INI_ENTRY_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, property_name, struct_type, struct_ptr, displayer) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY2_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, (void *) XtOffsetOf(struct_type, property_name), (void *) &struct_ptr##_id, displayer)
#define STD_ZEND_INI_BOOLEAN(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, property_name, struct_type, struct_ptr) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY3_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, (void *) XtOffsetOf(struct_type, property_name), (void *) &struct_ptr##_id, NULL, zend_ini_boolean_displayer_cb)
#define STD_ZEND_INI_ENTRY(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, property_name, struct_type, struct_ptr) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY2(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, (void *) XtOffsetOf(struct_type, property_name), (void *) &struct_ptr)
#define STD_ZEND_INI_ENTRY_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, property_name, struct_type, struct_ptr, displayer) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY2_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, (void *) XtOffsetOf(struct_type, property_name), (void *) &struct_ptr, displayer)
#define STD_ZEND_INI_BOOLEAN(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, property_name, struct_type, struct_ptr) \
ZEND_INI_ENTRY3_EX(name, default_value, modifiable, on_modify, (void *) XtOffsetOf(struct_type, property_name), (void *) &struct_ptr, NULL, zend_ini_boolean_displayer_cb)
#define INI_INT(name) zend_ini_long((name), strlen(name), 0)
#define INI_FLT(name) zend_ini_double((name), strlen(name), 0)
#define INI_STR(name) zend_ini_string_ex((name), strlen(name), 0, NULL)
#define INI_BOOL(name) ((bool) INI_INT(name))
#define INI_ORIG_INT(name) zend_ini_long((name), strlen(name), 1)
#define INI_ORIG_FLT(name) zend_ini_double((name), strlen(name), 1)
#define INI_ORIG_STR(name) zend_ini_string((name), strlen(name), 1)
#define INI_ORIG_BOOL(name) ((bool) INI_ORIG_INT(name))
#define REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES() zend_register_ini_entries_ex(ini_entries, module_number, type)
#define UNREGISTER_INI_ENTRIES() zend_unregister_ini_entries_ex(module_number, type)
#define DISPLAY_INI_ENTRIES() display_ini_entries(zend_module)
#define REGISTER_INI_DISPLAYER(name, displayer) zend_ini_register_displayer((name), strlen(name), displayer)
#define REGISTER_INI_BOOLEAN(name) REGISTER_INI_DISPLAYER(name, zend_ini_boolean_displayer_cb)
/* Standard message handlers */
/* char* versions */
ZEND_API ZEND_INI_MH(OnUpdateStringUnempty);
/* zend_string* versions */
ZEND_API ZEND_INI_MH(OnUpdateStrNotEmpty);
/* INI parsing engine */
typedef void (*zend_ini_parser_cb_t)(zval *arg1, zval *arg2, zval *arg3, int callback_type, void *arg);
ZEND_API int zend_parse_ini_file(zend_file_handle *fh, bool unbuffered_errors, int scanner_mode, zend_ini_parser_cb_t ini_parser_cb, void *arg);
ZEND_API int zend_parse_ini_string(char *str, bool unbuffered_errors, int scanner_mode, zend_ini_parser_cb_t ini_parser_cb, void *arg);
/* INI entries */
#define ZEND_INI_PARSER_ENTRY 1 /* Normal entry: foo = bar */
#define ZEND_INI_PARSER_SECTION 2 /* Section: [foobar] */
#define ZEND_INI_PARSER_POP_ENTRY 3 /* Offset entry: foo[] = bar */
typedef struct _zend_ini_parser_param {
zend_ini_parser_cb_t ini_parser_cb;
void *arg;
} zend_ini_parser_param;
#ifndef ZTS
# define ZEND_INI_GET_BASE() ((char *) mh_arg2)
# define ZEND_INI_GET_BASE() ((char *) ts_resource(*((int *) mh_arg2)))
#define ZEND_INI_GET_ADDR() (ZEND_INI_GET_BASE() + (size_t) mh_arg1)
#endif /* ZEND_INI_H */