Your IP :
--- !ruby/object:RI::MethodDescription
aliases: []
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: "Returns true if <em>path</em> matches against <em>pattern</em> The pattern is not a regular expression; instead it follows rules similar to shell filename globbing. It may contain the following metacharacters:"
- !ruby/object:SM::Flow::LIST
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "<code>*</code>:"
body: Matches any file. Can be restricted by other values in the glob. <tt>*</tt> will match all files; <tt>c*</tt> will match all files beginning with <tt>c</tt>; <tt>*c</tt> will match all files ending with <tt>c</tt>; and <b><tt>c</tt></b> will match all files that have <tt>c</tt> in them (including at the beginning or end). Equivalent to <tt>/ .* /x</tt> in regexp.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "<code>**</code>:"
body: Matches directories recursively or files expansively.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "<code>?</code>:"
body: Matches any one character. Equivalent to <tt>/.{1}/</tt> in regexp.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "<code>[set]</code>:"
body: Matches any one character in <tt>set</tt>. Behaves exactly like character sets in Regexp, including set negation (<tt>[^a-z]</tt>).
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "<code>\\</code>:"
body: Escapes the next metacharacter.
type: :NOTE
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: <em>flags</em> is a bitwise OR of the <tt>FNM_xxx</tt> parameters. The same glob pattern and flags are used by <tt>Dir::glob</tt>.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::VERB
body: " File.fnmatch('cat', 'cat') #=> true : match entire string\n File.fnmatch('cat', 'category') #=> false : only match partial string\n File.fnmatch('c{at,ub}s', 'cats') #=> false : { } isn't supported\n\n File.fnmatch('c?t', 'cat') #=> true : '?' match only 1 character\n File.fnmatch('c??t', 'cat') #=> false : ditto\n File.fnmatch('c*', 'cats') #=> true : '*' match 0 or more characters\n File.fnmatch('c*t', 'c/a/b/t') #=> true : ditto\n File.fnmatch('ca[a-z]', 'cat') #=> true : inclusive bracket expression\n File.fnmatch('ca[^t]', 'cat') #=> false : exclusive bracket expression ('^' or '!')\n\n File.fnmatch('cat', 'CAT') #=> false : case sensitive\n File.fnmatch('cat', 'CAT', File::FNM_CASEFOLD) #=> true : case insensitive\n\n File.fnmatch('?', '/', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> false : wildcard doesn't match '/' on FNM_PATHNAME\n File.fnmatch('*', '/', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> false : ditto\n File.fnmatch('[/]', '/', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> false : ditto\n\n File.fnmatch('\\?', '?') #=> true : escaped wildcard becomes ordinary\n File.fnmatch('\\a', 'a') #=> true : escaped ordinary remains ordinary\n File.fnmatch('\\a', '\\a', File::FNM_NOESCAPE) #=> true : FNM_NOESACPE makes '\\' ordinary\n File.fnmatch('[\\?]', '?') #=> true : can escape inside bracket expression\n\n File.fnmatch('*', '.profile') #=> false : wildcard doesn't match leading\n File.fnmatch('*', '.profile', File::FNM_DOTMATCH) #=> true period by default.\n File.fnmatch('.*', '.profile') #=> true\n\n rbfiles = '**' '/' '*.rb' # you don't have to do like this. just write in single string.\n File.fnmatch(rbfiles, 'main.rb') #=> false\n File.fnmatch(rbfiles, './main.rb') #=> false\n File.fnmatch(rbfiles, 'lib/song.rb') #=> true\n File.fnmatch('**.rb', 'main.rb') #=> true\n File.fnmatch('**.rb', './main.rb') #=> false\n File.fnmatch('**.rb', 'lib/song.rb') #=> true\n File.fnmatch('*', 'dave/.profile') #=> true\n\n pattern = '*' '/' '*'\n File.fnmatch(pattern, 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> false\n File.fnmatch(pattern, 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_PATHNAME | File::FNM_DOTMATCH) #=> true\n\n pattern = '**' '/' 'foo'\n File.fnmatch(pattern, 'a/b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> true\n File.fnmatch(pattern, '/a/b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> true\n File.fnmatch(pattern, 'c:/a/b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> true\n File.fnmatch(pattern, 'a/.b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME) #=> false\n File.fnmatch(pattern, 'a/.b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME | File::FNM_DOTMATCH) #=> true\n"
full_name: File::fnmatch
is_singleton: true
name: fnmatch
params: |
File.fnmatch( pattern, path, [flags] ) => (true or false)
File.fnmatch?( pattern, path, [flags] ) => (true or false)
visibility: public