Your IP :
/* Grammar interface */
#ifndef Py_GRAMMAR_H
#define Py_GRAMMAR_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "bitset.h" /* Sigh... */
/* A label of an arc */
typedef struct {
int lb_type;
const char *lb_str;
} label;
#define EMPTY 0 /* Label number 0 is by definition the empty label */
/* A list of labels */
typedef struct {
int ll_nlabels;
const label *ll_label;
} labellist;
/* An arc from one state to another */
typedef struct {
short a_lbl; /* Label of this arc */
short a_arrow; /* State where this arc goes to */
} arc;
/* A state in a DFA */
typedef struct {
int s_narcs;
const arc *s_arc; /* Array of arcs */
/* Optional accelerators */
int s_lower; /* Lowest label index */
int s_upper; /* Highest label index */
int *s_accel; /* Accelerator */
int s_accept; /* Nonzero for accepting state */
} state;
/* A DFA */
typedef struct {
int d_type; /* Non-terminal this represents */
char *d_name; /* For printing */
int d_nstates;
state *d_state; /* Array of states */
bitset d_first;
} dfa;
/* A grammar */
typedef struct {
int g_ndfas;
const dfa *g_dfa; /* Array of DFAs */
const labellist g_ll;
int g_start; /* Start symbol of the grammar */
int g_accel; /* Set if accelerators present */
} grammar;
const dfa *PyGrammar_FindDFA(grammar *g, int type);
const char *PyGrammar_LabelRepr(label *lb);
void PyGrammar_AddAccelerators(grammar *g);
void PyGrammar_RemoveAccelerators(grammar *);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_GRAMMAR_H */