Your IP :
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "pystate.h"
#include "pyatomic.h"
#include "pythread.h"
#include "internal/mem.h"
#include "internal/ceval.h"
#include "internal/warnings.h"
/* GIL state */
struct _gilstate_runtime_state {
int check_enabled;
/* Assuming the current thread holds the GIL, this is the
PyThreadState for the current thread. */
_Py_atomic_address tstate_current;
PyThreadFrameGetter getframe;
/* The single PyInterpreterState used by this process'
GILState implementation
/* TODO: Given interp_main, it may be possible to kill this ref */
PyInterpreterState *autoInterpreterState;
Py_tss_t autoTSSkey;
/* hook for PyEval_GetFrame(), requested for Psyco */
#define _PyThreadState_GetFrame _PyRuntime.gilstate.getframe
/* Issue #26558: Flag to disable PyGILState_Check().
If set to non-zero, PyGILState_Check() always return 1. */
#define _PyGILState_check_enabled _PyRuntime.gilstate.check_enabled
typedef struct {
/* Full path to the Python program */
wchar_t *program_full_path;
wchar_t *prefix;
wchar_t *dll_path;
wchar_t *exec_prefix;
/* Set by Py_SetPath(), or computed by _PyPathConfig_Init() */
wchar_t *module_search_path;
/* Python program name */
wchar_t *program_name;
/* Set by Py_SetPythonHome() or PYTHONHOME environment variable */
wchar_t *home;
} _PyPathConfig;
#define _PyPathConfig_INIT {.module_search_path = NULL}
/* Note: _PyPathConfig_INIT sets other fields to 0/NULL */
PyAPI_DATA(_PyPathConfig) _Py_path_config;
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyInitError) _PyPathConfig_Calculate(
_PyPathConfig *config,
const _PyCoreConfig *core_config);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyPathConfig_Clear(_PyPathConfig *config);
/* interpreter state */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) _PyInterpreterState_LookUpID(PY_INT64_T);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_IDInitref(PyInterpreterState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_IDIncref(PyInterpreterState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_IDDecref(PyInterpreterState *);
/* Full Python runtime state */
typedef struct pyruntimestate {
int initialized;
int core_initialized;
PyThreadState *finalizing;
struct pyinterpreters {
PyThread_type_lock mutex;
PyInterpreterState *head;
PyInterpreterState *main;
/* _next_interp_id is an auto-numbered sequence of small
integers. It gets initialized in _PyInterpreterState_Init(),
which is called in Py_Initialize(), and used in
PyInterpreterState_New(). A negative interpreter ID
indicates an error occurred. The main interpreter will
always have an ID of 0. Overflow results in a RuntimeError.
If that becomes a problem later then we can adjust, e.g. by
using a Python int. */
int64_t next_id;
} interpreters;
#define NEXITFUNCS 32
void (*exitfuncs[NEXITFUNCS])(void);
int nexitfuncs;
struct _gc_runtime_state gc;
struct _warnings_runtime_state warnings;
struct _ceval_runtime_state ceval;
struct _gilstate_runtime_state gilstate;
// XXX Consolidate globals found via the check-c-globals script.
int int_max_str_digits;
} _PyRuntimeState;
#define _PyRuntimeState_INIT {.initialized = 0, .core_initialized = 0}
/* Note: _PyRuntimeState_INIT sets other fields to 0/NULL */
PyAPI_DATA(_PyRuntimeState) _PyRuntime;
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyInitError) _PyRuntimeState_Init(_PyRuntimeState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyRuntimeState_Fini(_PyRuntimeState *);
/* Initialize _PyRuntimeState.
Return NULL on success, or return an error message on failure. */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyInitError) _PyRuntime_Initialize(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyRuntime_Finalize(void);
/* Excluded from public struct _PyCoreConfig for backporting reasons. */
/* Modules/main.c config_init_int_max_str_digits() configures it. */
/* Storage declared in pylifecycle.c */
extern int _Py_global_config_int_max_str_digits;
#define _Py_CURRENTLY_FINALIZING(tstate) \
(_PyRuntime.finalizing == tstate)
/* Other */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyInitError) _PyInterpreterState_Enable(_PyRuntimeState *);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_INTERNAL_PYSTATE_H */