Your IP :
�V~gc @ s? d Z d d l m Z m Z d d � Z d d d � � YZ d S( s8 Check for errs in the AST.
The Python parser does not catch all syntax errors. Others, like
assignments with invalid targets, are caught in the code generation
The compiler package catches some errors in the transformer module.
But it seems clearer to write checkers that use the AST to detect
i����( t astt walkc C s t | � } t | | � | j S( N( t SyntaxErrorCheckerR t errors( t treet multit v( ( s4 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/compiler/syntax.pyt check s
R c B s, e Z d Z d d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s+ A visitor to find syntax errors in the AST.c C s | | _ d | _ d S( s� Create new visitor object.
If optional argument multi is not None, then print messages
for each error rather than raising a SyntaxError for the
i N( R R ( t selfR ( ( s4 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/compiler/syntax.pyt __init__ s c C sZ | j d | _ | j d k r: d | j | j | f GHn t d | | j | j f � d S( Ni s %s:%s: %ss
%s (%s:%s)( R R t Nonet filenamet linenot SyntaxError( R t nodet msg( ( s4 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/compiler/syntax.pyt error s c C s d S( N( ( R R ( ( s4 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/compiler/syntax.pyt visitAssign'