Your IP :
'use strict'
const BB = require('bluebird')
const exec = require('child_process').execFile
const spawn = require('./spawn')
const npm = require('../npm.js')
const which = require('which')
const git = npm.config.get('git')
const assert = require('assert')
const log = require('npmlog')
const noProgressTillDone = require('./no-progress-while-running.js').tillDone
exports.spawn = spawnGit
exports.exec = BB.promisify(execGit)
exports.chainableExec = chainableExec
exports.whichAndExec = whichAndExec
function prefixGitArgs () {
return process.platform === 'win32' ? ['-c', 'core.longpaths=true'] : []
function execGit (args, options, cb) {'git', args)
const fullArgs = prefixGitArgs().concat(args || [])
return exec(git, fullArgs, options, noProgressTillDone(cb))
function spawnGit (args, options) {'git', args)
// If we're already in a git command (eg, running test as an exec
// line in an interactive rebase) then these environment variables
// will force git to operate on the current project, instead of
// checking out/fetching/etc. whatever the user actually intends.
options.env = options.env || Object.keys(process.env)
.filter(k => !/^GIT/.test(k))
.reduce((set, k) => {
set[k] = process.env[k]
return set
}, {})
return spawn(git, prefixGitArgs().concat(args || []), options)
function chainableExec () {
var args =
return [execGit].concat(args)
function whichAndExec (args, options, cb) {
assert.equal(typeof cb, 'function', 'no callback provided')
// check for git
which(git, function (err) {
if (err) {
err.code = 'ENOGIT'
return cb(err)
execGit(args, options, cb)