Your IP :
e5da � @ sl d Z dZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd � d e�ZG d
d� de �Z
G dd
� d
e�ZdS )zasyncio exceptions.)�CancelledError�InvalidStateError�TimeoutError�IncompleteReadError�LimitOverrunError�SendfileNotAvailableErrorc @ s e Zd ZdZdS )r z!The Future or Task was cancelled.N��__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r r �*/usr/lib64/python3.8/asyncio/exceptions.pyr s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )r z*The operation exceeded the given deadline.Nr r r r r
s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )r z+The operation is not allowed in this state.Nr r r r r
r s r c @ s e Zd ZdZdS )r z~Sendfile syscall is not available.
Raised if OS does not support sendfile syscall for given socket or
file type.
Nr r r r r
r s r c s( e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Z� ZS )r z�
Incomplete read error. Attributes:
- partial: read bytes string before the end of stream was reached
- expected: total number of expected bytes (or None if unknown)
c s@ |d krdnt |�}t� �t|�� d|� d�� || _|| _d S )NZ undefinedz bytes read on a total of z expected bytes)�repr�super�__init__�len�partial�expected)�selfr r Z
r_expected�� __class__r r
r $ s zIncompleteReadError.__init__c C s t | �| j| jffS �N)�typer r �r r r r
__reduce__+ s zIncompleteReadError.__reduce__�r r r
r r r �
__classcell__r r r r
r s r c s( e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Z� ZS )r z�Reached the buffer limit while looking for a separator.
- consumed: total number of to be consumed bytes.
c s t � �|� || _d S r )r r �consumed)r �messager r r r
r 5 s zLimitOverrunError.__init__c C s t | �| jd | jffS )N� )r �argsr r r r r
r 9 s zLimitOverrunError.__reduce__r r r r r
r / s r N)r �__all__�
BaseExceptionr � Exceptionr r �RuntimeErrorr �EOFErrorr r r r r r
�<module> s