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kr|dd� Zeje� dS )a3 Standard "encodings" Package
Standard Python encoding modules are stored in this package
Codec modules must have names corresponding to normalized encoding
names as defined in the normalize_encoding() function below, e.g.
'utf-8' must be implemented by the module ''.
Each codec module must export the following interface:
* getregentry() -> codecs.CodecInfo object
The getregentry() API must return a CodecInfo object with encoder, decoder,
incrementalencoder, incrementaldecoder, streamwriter and streamreader
atttributes which adhere to the Python Codec Interface Standard.
In addition, a module may optionally also define the following
APIs which are then used by the package's codec search function:
* getaliases() -> sequence of encoding name strings to use as aliases
Alias names returned by getaliases() must be normalized encoding
names as defined by normalize_encoding().
Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (
(c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY.
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__module__�__qualname__� r r �*/usr/lib64/python3.6/encodings/__init__.pyr ( s r c C sj t | t�rt| d�} g }d}xB| D ]:}|j� s6|dkrX|rH|rH|jd� |j|� d}q"d}q"W dj|�S )a� Normalize an encoding name.
Normalization works as follows: all non-alphanumeric
characters except the dot used for Python package names are
collapsed and replaced with a single underscore, e.g. ' -;#'
becomes '_'. Leading and trailing underscores are removed.
Note that encoding names should be ASCII only; if they do use
non-ASCII characters, these must be Latin-1 compatible.
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