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Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dns/__pycache__/rcode.cpython-36.pyc


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eeed�Zedd�ej�D��ZGdd�dejj�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�ZdS)zDNS Result Codes.�N�)�long��������	�
�)�NOERROR�FORMERR�SERVFAIL�NXDOMAIN�NOTIMP�REFUSED�YXDOMAIN�YXRRSET�NXRRSET�NOTAUTH�NOTZONE�BADVERSccs|]\}}||fVqdS)N�)�.0�x�yrr�/usr/lib/python3.6/�	<genexpr>6src@seZdZdZdS)�UnknownRcodezA DNS rcode is unknown.N)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrrrr 9sr cCsB|j�r$t|�}|dkr$|dkr$|Stj|j��}|dkr>t�|S)z�Convert text into an rcode.

    @param text: the textual rcode
    @type text: string
    @raises UnknownRcode: the rcode is unknown
    @rtype: int
    ri�N)�isdigit�int�_by_text�get�upperr )�text�vrrr�	from_text>s	r,cCs0|d@|d?d@B}|dks$|dkr,td��|S)z�Return the rcode value encoded by flags and ednsflags.

    @param flags: the DNS flags
    @type flags: int
    @param ednsflags: the EDNS flags
    @type ednsflags: int
    @raises ValueError: rcode is < 0 or > 4095
    @rtype: int
    ��i�ri�zrcode must be >= 0 and <= 4095)�
ValueError)�flagsZ	ednsflags�valuerrr�
from_flagsQsr2cCs8|dks|dkrtd��|d@}t|d@�d>}||fS)z�Return a (flags, ednsflags) tuple which encodes the rcode.

    @param value: the rcode
    @type value: int
    @raises ValueError: rcode is < 0 or > 4095
    @rtype: (int, int) tuple
    ri�zrcode must be >= 0 and <= 4095r-i�r.)r/r)r1r+Zevrrr�to_flagsbs
	r3cCstj|�}|dkrt|�}|S)zbConvert rcode into text.

    @param value: the rcode
    @type value: int
    @rtype: string
    N)�	_by_valuer(�str)r1r*rrr�to_textrs
dns.exceptionZdnsZ_compatrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'�dict�itemsr4Z	exceptionZDNSExceptionr r,r2r3r6rrrr�<module>s@
