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Assorted utility functions for yum.
� )�print_function�absolute_import)�unicode_literals)�base64_decodebytes�
basestring�unicode)�*NZsha256c C s t dkrtjd�ja t | �S )z( Tests if a string is a shell wildcard. Nz[*?]|\[.+\])�_re_compiled_glob_match�re�compile�search)�s� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/�re_glob. s r c C sF t dkr(tjd�j}tjd�j}||fa xt D ]}|| �r.dS q.W dS )zC Tests if a string needs a full nevra match, instead of just name. Nz.*([-.*?]|\[.+\]).z[0-9]+:TF)�_re_compiled_full_matchr
r �match)r
ZoneZtwoZrecr r r �re_full_search_needed6 s
r c C s t d S )Nr )�_default_checksumsr r r r �get_default_chksum_typeD s r c @ s: e Zd ZdZd
dd�Zdd� Zdd� Zd d
� Zdd� ZdS )�
GenericHolderz�Generic Holder class used to hold other objects of known types
It exists purely to be able to do object.somestuff, object.someotherstuff
or object[key] and pass object to another function that will
understand itNc C s
|| _ d S )N)�_GenericHolder__iter)�self�iterr r r �__init__M s zGenericHolder.__init__c C s | j d k rt| | j �S d S )N)r r )r r r r �__iter__P s
zGenericHolder.__iter__c C s t | |�rt| |�S t|��d S )N)�hasattr�getattr�KeyError)r �itemr r r �__getitem__T s
zGenericHolder.__getitem__c C s dd� t | �j� D �S )z!Return a dictionary of all lists.c S s"