Your IP :
'use strict'
let Cache
const url = require('url')
const CachePolicy = require('http-cache-semantics')
const fetch = require('node-fetch-npm')
const pkg = require('./package.json')
const retry = require('promise-retry')
let ssri
const Stream = require('stream')
const getAgent = require('./agent')
const setWarning = require('./warning')
const isURL = /^https?:/
const USER_AGENT = `${}/${pkg.version} (+${})`
const RETRY_ERRORS = [
'ECONNRESET', // remote socket closed on us
'ECONNREFUSED', // remote host refused to open connection
'EADDRINUSE', // failed to bind to a local port (proxy?)
'ETIMEDOUT' // someone in the transaction is WAY TOO SLOW
// Known codes we do NOT retry on:
// ENOTFOUND (getaddrinfo failure. Either bad hostname, or offline)
const RETRY_TYPES = [
module.exports = cachingFetch
cachingFetch.defaults = function (_uri, _opts) {
const fetch = this
if (typeof _uri === 'object') {
_opts = _uri
_uri = null
function defaultedFetch (uri, opts) {
const finalOpts = Object.assign({}, _opts || {}, opts || {})
return fetch(uri || _uri, finalOpts)
defaultedFetch.defaults = fetch.defaults
defaultedFetch.delete = fetch.delete
return defaultedFetch
cachingFetch.delete = cacheDelete
function cacheDelete (uri, opts) {
opts = configureOptions(opts)
if (opts.cacheManager) {
const req = new fetch.Request(uri, {
method: opts.method,
headers: opts.headers
return opts.cacheManager.delete(req, opts)
function initializeCache (opts) {
if (typeof opts.cacheManager === 'string') {
if (!Cache) {
// Default cacache-based cache
Cache = require('./cache')
opts.cacheManager = new Cache(opts.cacheManager, opts)
opts.cache = opts.cache || 'default'
if (opts.cache === 'default' && isHeaderConditional(opts.headers)) {
// If header list contains `If-Modified-Since`, `If-None-Match`,
// `If-Unmodified-Since`, `If-Match`, or `If-Range`, fetch will set cache
// mode to "no-store" if it is "default".
opts.cache = 'no-store'
function configureOptions (_opts) {
const opts = Object.assign({}, _opts || {})
opts.method = (opts.method || 'GET').toUpperCase()
if (opts.retry && typeof opts.retry === 'number') {
opts.retry = { retries: opts.retry }
if (opts.retry === false) {
opts.retry = { retries: 0 }
if (opts.cacheManager) {
return opts
function initializeSsri () {
if (!ssri) {
ssri = require('ssri')
function cachingFetch (uri, _opts) {
const opts = configureOptions(_opts)
if (opts.integrity) {
// if verifying integrity, node-fetch must not decompress
opts.compress = false
const isCachable = (opts.method === 'GET' || opts.method === 'HEAD') &&
opts.cacheManager &&
opts.cache !== 'no-store' &&
opts.cache !== 'reload'
if (isCachable) {
const req = new fetch.Request(uri, {
method: opts.method,
headers: opts.headers
return opts.cacheManager.match(req, opts).then(res => {
if (res) {
const warningCode = (res.headers.get('Warning') || '').match(/^\d+/)
if (warningCode && +warningCode >= 100 && +warningCode < 200) {
// If a stored response is selected for update, the cache MUST:
// * delete any Warning header fields in the stored response with
// warn-code 1xx (see Section 5.5);
// * retain any Warning header fields in the stored response with
// warn-code 2xx;
if (opts.cache === 'default' && !isStale(req, res)) {
return res
if (opts.cache === 'default' || opts.cache === 'no-cache') {
return conditionalFetch(req, res, opts)
if (opts.cache === 'force-cache' || opts.cache === 'only-if-cached') {
// 112 Disconnected operation
// SHOULD be included if the cache is intentionally disconnected from
// the rest of the network for a period of time.
// (
setWarning(res, 112, 'Disconnected operation')
return res
if (!res && opts.cache === 'only-if-cached') {
const errorMsg = `request to ${
} failed: cache mode is 'only-if-cached' but no cached response available.`
const err = new Error(errorMsg)
err.code = 'ENOTCACHED'
throw err
// Missing cache entry, or mode is default (if stale), reload, no-store
return remoteFetch(req.url, opts)
return remoteFetch(uri, opts)
function iterableToObject (iter) {
const obj = {}
for (let k of iter.keys()) {
obj[k] = iter.get(k)
return obj
function makePolicy (req, res) {
const _req = {
url: req.url,
method: req.method,
headers: iterableToObject(req.headers)
const _res = {
status: res.status,
headers: iterableToObject(res.headers)
return new CachePolicy(_req, _res, { shared: false })
function isStale (req, res) {
if (!res) {
return null
const _req = {
url: req.url,
method: req.method,
headers: iterableToObject(req.headers)
const policy = makePolicy(req, res)
const responseTime = res.headers.get('x-local-cache-time') ||
res.headers.get('date') ||
policy._responseTime = new Date(responseTime)
const bool = !policy.satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(_req)
return bool
function mustRevalidate (res) {
return (res.headers.get('cache-control') || '').match(/must-revalidate/i)
function conditionalFetch (req, cachedRes, opts) {
const _req = {
url: req.url,
method: req.method,
headers: Object.assign({}, opts.headers || {})
const policy = makePolicy(req, cachedRes)
opts.headers = policy.revalidationHeaders(_req)
return remoteFetch(req.url, opts)
.then(condRes => {
const revalidatedPolicy = policy.revalidatedPolicy(_req, {
status: condRes.status,
headers: iterableToObject(condRes.headers)
if (condRes.status >= 500 && !mustRevalidate(cachedRes)) {
// 111 Revalidation failed
// MUST be included if a cache returns a stale response because an
// attempt to revalidate the response failed, due to an inability to
// reach the server.
// (
setWarning(cachedRes, 111, 'Revalidation failed')
return cachedRes
if (condRes.status === 304) { // 304 Not Modified
condRes.body = cachedRes.body
return opts.cacheManager.put(req, condRes, opts)
.then(newRes => {
newRes.headers = new fetch.Headers(revalidatedPolicy.policy.responseHeaders())
return newRes
return condRes
.then(res => res)
.catch(err => {
if (mustRevalidate(cachedRes)) {
throw err
} else {
// 111 Revalidation failed
// MUST be included if a cache returns a stale response because an
// attempt to revalidate the response failed, due to an inability to
// reach the server.
// (
setWarning(cachedRes, 111, 'Revalidation failed')
// 199 Miscellaneous warning
// The warning text MAY include arbitrary information to be presented to
// a human user, or logged. A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take
// any automated action, besides presenting the warning to the user.
// (
`Miscellaneous Warning ${err.code}: ${err.message}`
return cachedRes
function remoteFetchHandleIntegrity (res, integrity) {
const oldBod = res.body
const newBod = ssri.integrityStream({
res.body = newBod
oldBod.once('error', err => {
newBod.emit('error', err)
newBod.once('error', err => {
oldBod.emit('error', err)
function remoteFetch (uri, opts) {
const agent = getAgent(uri, opts)
const headers = Object.assign({
'connection': agent ? 'keep-alive' : 'close',
'user-agent': USER_AGENT
}, opts.headers || {})
const reqOpts = {
body: opts.body,
compress: opts.compress,
follow: opts.follow,
headers: new fetch.Headers(headers),
method: opts.method,
redirect: 'manual',
size: opts.size,
counter: opts.counter,
timeout: opts.timeout
return retry(
(retryHandler, attemptNum) => {
const req = new fetch.Request(uri, reqOpts)
return fetch(req)
.then(res => {
res.headers.set('x-fetch-attempts', attemptNum)
if (opts.integrity) {
remoteFetchHandleIntegrity(res, opts.integrity)
const isStream = req.body instanceof Stream
if (opts.cacheManager) {
const isMethodGetHead = req.method === 'GET' ||
req.method === 'HEAD'
const isCachable = opts.cache !== 'no-store' &&
isMethodGetHead &&
makePolicy(req, res).storable() &&
res.status === 200 // No other statuses should be stored!
if (isCachable) {
return opts.cacheManager.put(req, res, opts)
if (!isMethodGetHead) {
return opts.cacheManager.delete(req).then(() => {
if (res.status >= 500 && req.method !== 'POST' && !isStream) {
if (typeof opts.onRetry === 'function') {
return retryHandler(res)
return res
const isRetriable = req.method !== 'POST' &&
!isStream && (
res.status === 408 || // Request Timeout
res.status === 420 || // Enhance Your Calm (usually Twitter rate-limit)
res.status === 429 || // Too Many Requests ("standard" rate-limiting)
res.status >= 500 // Assume server errors are momentary hiccups
if (isRetriable) {
if (typeof opts.onRetry === 'function') {
return retryHandler(res)
if (!fetch.isRedirect(res.status) || opts.redirect === 'manual') {
return res
// handle redirects - matches behavior of npm-fetch:
if (opts.redirect === 'error') {
const err = new Error(`redirect mode is set to error: ${uri}`)
err.code = 'ENOREDIRECT'
throw err
if (!res.headers.get('location')) {
const err = new Error(`redirect location header missing at: ${uri}`)
throw err
if (req.counter >= req.follow) {
const err = new Error(`maximum redirect reached at: ${uri}`)
err.code = 'EMAXREDIRECT'
throw err
const resolvedUrl = url.resolve(req.url, res.headers.get('location'))
let redirectURL = url.parse(resolvedUrl)
if (isURL.test(res.headers.get('location'))) {
redirectURL = url.parse(res.headers.get('location'))
// Remove authorization if changing hostnames (but not if just
// changing ports or protocols). This matches the behavior of request:
if (url.parse(req.url).hostname !== redirectURL.hostname) {
// for POST request with 301/302 response, or any request with 303 response,
// use GET when following redirect
if (res.status === 303 ||
((res.status === 301 || res.status === 302) && req.method === 'POST')) {
opts.method = 'GET'
opts.body = null
opts.headers = {}
req.headers.forEach((value, name) => {
opts.headers[name] = value
opts.counter = ++req.counter
return cachingFetch(resolvedUrl, opts)
.catch(err => {
const code = err.code === 'EPROMISERETRY' ? err.retried.code : err.code
const isRetryError = RETRY_ERRORS.indexOf(code) === -1 &&
RETRY_TYPES.indexOf(err.type) === -1
if (req.method === 'POST' || isRetryError) {
throw err
if (typeof opts.onRetry === 'function') {
return retryHandler(err)
).catch(err => {
if (err.status >= 400) {
return err
throw err
function isHeaderConditional (headers) {
if (!headers || typeof headers !== 'object') {
return false
const modifiers = [
return Object.keys(headers)
.some(h => modifiers.indexOf(h.toLowerCase()) !== -1)