Your IP :
# 1994/11/11
# Michael Shields <>
# A keymap redesigned for sanity.
# This keymap is a ground-up reimplementation of the keyboard map,
# intended to be consistent and rational. It uses an m4 metalanguage to
# declare the key mappings. Usage is `m4 | loadkeys'.
# The modifier flags used are `shift' (1), `control' (4), and `alt' (8).
# Left and right modifiers are not distinguished.
# In general, Meta is always distinguished, and M-S-KEY is distinct from
# M-KEY. This is good news for Emacs users. C-S-KEY is consistently
# folded into C-KEY.
# Shift is more loosely interpreted than the other modifiers; usually if
# S-KEY has no special meaning, the action will be the same as KEY.
# However, if M-KEY or H-KEY is undefined, nothing happens.
# Because Caps Lock's position is so out of proportion to its utility,
# it's been totally redefined to a new sort of modifier, which I've
# arbitrarily named `Hyper'. Shift is ignored with Hyper. Hyper
# provides dead keys:
# H-` dead accent grave
# H-' dead acute accent
# H-^ dead circumflex
# H-t dead tilde
# H-d dead diaeresis
# and ISO-8859-1 symbols (some more mnemonic than others):
# H-SPC nobreakspace
# H-! inverted bang
# H-h cents (`hundredths')
# H-# pounds sterling
# H-$ currency
# H-y yen
# H-| broken bar
# H-s section (the galaxy symbol)
# H-c copyright
# H-a feminine ordinal
# H-< left guillemot
# H-] not sign (it's angular)
# H-- soft hyphen
# H-r registered trademark symbol
# H-= macron
# H-0 degrees
# H-[ plus/minus (near + and -)
# H-k superior 2 (jkl form a series)
# H-l superior 3
# H-u mu
# H-p pilcrow
# H-: centered dot
# H-j superior 1
# H-o masculine ordinal
# H-> right guillemot
# H-q 1/4 fraction (qwe form a series)
# H-w 1/2 fraction
# H-e 3/4 fraction
# H-? inverted question mark
# H-x multiplication symbol
# H-% division symbol
# You can also use Hyper plus Alt to type characters by decimal code on
# the keypad, as with Alt alone, or in hex on the main keyboard. And
# H-TAB is a Caps Lock.
# Function keys work as marked, unless with Alt, in which case they
# switch to the console with the same number. Shift adds 12 and Hyper
# adds 24 to the numbers (i.e., they logically switch to other banks).
# Thus you can easily address up to 48. Control is ignored, for
# consistency with X.
# Finally, you can change the behavior of the Caps Lock and Controls
# with m4 command-line options. The default values are equivalent to
# `-DCAPSLOCK_K=Hyper -DLEFTCTRL_K=Control -DRIGHTCTRL_K=Control'. You
# can remove the Hyper code entirely with `-DCAPSLOCK_K=Caps_Lock'.
# This file is arranged vaguely by key position on the classic PC layout.
dnl Set default values.
ifdef(`CAPSLOCK_K', , `define(`CAPSLOCK_K', `Hyper')')
ifdef(`LEFTCTRL_K', , `define(`LEFTCTRL_K', `Control')')
ifdef(`RIGHTCTRL_K', , `define(`RIGHTCTRL_K', `Control')')
dnl Figure out if any key is a Hyper key. If so, define `hyper', both
dnl for usefulness and `ifdef' testability.
ifelse(CAPSLOCK_K, `Hyper', `define(`hyper', `ctrlr')',
LEFTCTRL_K, `Hyper', `define(`hyper', `ctrlr')',
RIGHTCTRL_K, `Hyper', `define(`hyper', `ctrlr')')
define(`Hyper', `CtrlR')
keymaps 0,1,4,5,8,9,12,13`'ifdef(`hyper', `,128,129,132,133,136,137,140,141')
dnl General usage of these macros is MACRO(KEYCODE, UNSHIFTED, SHIFTED).
dnl We first undefine `shift', which only causes problems.
define(`SIMPLE', `keycode $1 = $2 $2')
` keycode $1 = $2 VoidSymbol
shift keycode $1 = $3
alt keycode $1 = Meta_$2
shift alt keycode $1 = Meta_$3')
dnl This macro adds Control variations to a key.
` control keycode $1 = $2
shift control keycode $1 = $2
control alt keycode $1 = Meta_$2
shift control alt keycode $1 = Meta_$2')
dnl Add Hyper variations to a key.
define(`HYPER', ifdef(`hyper',
` hyper keycode $1 = $2
shift hyper keycode $1 = $2'))
define(`CONTROLHYPER', ifdef(`hyper',
` control hyper keycode $1 = $2
shift control hyper keycode $1 = $2'))
define(`METAHYPER', ifdef(`hyper',
` alt hyper keycode $1 = $2
shift alt hyper keycode $1 = $2'))
define(`CONTROLMETAHYPER', ifdef(`hyper', dnl Ludicrous.
` control alt hyper keycode $1 = $2
shift control alt hyper keycode $1 = $2'))
dnl Special case for letters. Best to be explicit.
` keycode $1 = `+'$2 VoidSymbol
shift keycode $1 = `+'translit($2, `a-z', `A-Z')
alt keycode $1 = `Meta_'$2
shift alt keycode $1 = `Meta_'translit($2, `a-z', `A-Z')
CONTROL($1, Control_$2)')
dnl For function keys. Call here is FUNCTION(KEYCODE, FKEYNUM).
define(`BANKSIZE', 12)
` keycode $1 = `F'$2 VoidSymbol
shift keycode $1 = `F'eval($2 + BANKSIZE)
hyper keycode $1 = `F'eval($2 + BANKSIZE * 2)
shift hyper keycode $1 = `F'eval($2 + BANKSIZE * 3)
alt keycode $1 = `Console_'$2
shift alt keycode $1 = `Console_'eval($2 + BANKSIZE)
hyper alt keycode $1 = `Console_'eval($2 + BANKSIZE * 2)
shift hyper alt keycode $1 = `Console_'eval($2 + BANKSIZE * 3)')
dnl For the keypad digits. KPDIGIT(KEYCODE, DIGIT).
` keycode $1 = KP_$2 VoidSymbol
shift keycode $1 = KP_$2
alt keycode $1 = Ascii_$2
shift alt keycode $1 = Ascii_$2
METAHYPER($1, Ascii_$2)')
dnl And a special approximation:
define(`Meta_Return', `Meta_Control_m')
KEY(1, Escape, Escape)
FUNCTION(68, 10)
FUNCTION(87, 11)
FUNCTION(88, 12)
KEY(2, one, exclam)
HYPER(2, exclamdown)
KEY(3, two, at)
CONTROL(3, nul)
KEY(4, three, numbersign)
HYPER(4, pound)
KEY(5, four, dollar)
HYPER(5, currency)
KEY(6, five, percent)
HYPER(6, division)
KEY(7, six, asciicircum)
CONTROL(7, Control_asciicircum)
HYPER(7, dead_circumflex)
KEY(8, seven, ampersand)
KEY(9, eight, asterisk)
KEY(10, nine, parenleft)
METAHYPER(10, Hex_9)
KEY(11, zero, parenright)
HYPER(11, degree)
METAHYPER(11, Hex_0)
KEY(12, minus, underscore)
CONTROL(12, Control_underscore)
HYPER(12, hyphen)
KEY(13, equal, plus)
HYPER(13, macron)
KEY(14, Delete, Delete)
CONTROL(14, BackSpace)
KEY(15, Tab, Tab)
HYPER(15, Caps_Lock)
LETTER(16, q)
HYPER(16, onequarter)
LETTER(17, w)
HYPER(17, onehalf)
LETTER(18, e)
HYPER(18, threequarters)
LETTER(19, r)
HYPER(19, registered)
LETTER(20, t)
HYPER(20, dead_tilde)
LETTER(21, y)
HYPER(21, yen)
LETTER(22, u)
HYPER(22, mu)
LETTER(23, i)
LETTER(24, o)
HYPER(24, masculine)
LETTER(25, p)
HYPER(25, 182) # pilcrow
KEY(26, bracketleft, braceleft)
CONTROL(26, Escape)
HYPER(26, plusminus)
KEY(27, bracketright, braceright)
CONTROL(27, Control_bracketright)
HYPER(27, notsign)
KEY(28, Return, Return)
LETTER(30, a)
HYPER(30, ordfeminine)
LETTER(31, s)
HYPER(31, section)
LETTER(32, d)
HYPER(32, dead_diaeresis)
LETTER(33, f)
LETTER(34, g)
LETTER(35, h)
HYPER(35, cent)
LETTER(36, j)
HYPER(36, onesuperior)
LETTER(37, k)
HYPER(37, twosuperior)
LETTER(38, l)
HYPER(38, threesuperior)
KEY(39, semicolon, colon)
HYPER(39, periodcentered)
KEY(40, apostrophe, quotedbl)
HYPER(40, dead_acute)
KEY(41, grave, asciitilde)
HYPER(41, dead_grave)
KEY(43, backslash, bar)
CONTROL(43, Control_backslash)
HYPER(43, brokenbar)
LETTER(44, z)
LETTER(45, x)
HYPER(45, multiplication)
LETTER(46, c)
HYPER(46, copyright)
LETTER(47, v)
LETTER(48, b)
LETTER(49, n)
LETTER(50, m)
KEY(51, comma, less)
HYPER(51, guillemotleft)
KEY(52, period, greater)
HYPER(52, guillemotright)
KEY(53, slash, question)
HYPER(53, questiondown)
KEY(57, space, space)
CONTROL(57, nul)
HYPER(57, nobreakspace)
KPDIGIT(71, 7)
KPDIGIT(72, 8)
KPDIGIT(73, 9)
SIMPLE(74, KP_Subtract)
KPDIGIT(75, 4)
KPDIGIT(76, 5)
KPDIGIT(77, 6)
SIMPLE(78, KP_Add)
KPDIGIT(79, 1)
KPDIGIT(80, 2)
KPDIGIT(81, 3)
KPDIGIT(82, 0)
SIMPLE(83, KP_Period)
SIMPLE(96, KP_Enter)
SIMPLE(98, KP_Divide)
SIMPLE(55, KP_Multiply)
SIMPLE(118, KP_MinPlus)
# Modifiers.
keycode 42 = Shift
keycode 54 = Shift
keycode 56 = Alt
keycode 100 = Alt
keycode 58 = CAPSLOCK_K
keycode 29 = LEFTCTRL_K
keycode 97 = RIGHTCTRL_K
# Everyone needs a compose key. This is C-..
control keycode 52 = Compose
SIMPLE(69, Num_Lock)
keycode 70 = Scroll_Lock
shift keycode 70 = Show_Memory
control keycode 70 = Show_State
alt keycode 70 = Show_Registers
# SysRq. I suppose there's some reason it's ^\.
SIMPLE(99, Control_backslash)
SIMPLE(119, Pause)
# Ctrl-Break seems to have low-level hardware behind it.
SIMPLE(101, Break)
SIMPLE(110, Insert)
SIMPLE(102, Find)
keycode 104 = Prior Scroll_Backward
SIMPLE(111, Remove)
SIMPLE(107, Select)
keycode 109 = Next Scroll_Forward
SIMPLE(103, Up)
SIMPLE(105, Left)
alt keycode 105 = Decr_Console
SIMPLE(106, Right)
alt keycode 106 = Incr_Console
SIMPLE(108, Down)
control alt keycode 83 = Boot
control alt keycode 111 = Boot
# Stock VT102 string definitions.
string F1 = "\033[[A"
string F2 = "\033[[B"
string F3 = "\033[[C"
string F4 = "\033[[D"
string F5 = "\033[[E"
string F6 = "\033[17~"
string F7 = "\033[18~"
string F8 = "\033[19~"
string F9 = "\033[20~"
string F10 = "\033[21~"
string F11 = "\033[23~"
string F12 = "\033[24~"
string F13 = "\033[25~"
string F14 = "\033[26~"
string F15 = "\033[28~"
string F16 = "\033[29~"
string F17 = "\033[31~"
string F18 = "\033[32~"
string F19 = "\033[33~"
string F20 = "\033[34~"
string Find = "\033[1~"
string Insert = "\033[2~"
string Remove = "\033[3~"
string Select = "\033[4~"
string Prior = "\033[5~"
string Next = "\033[6~"
string Macro = "\033[M"
string Pause = "\033[P"
# Stock ISO-8859-1 compositions.
compose '`' 'A' to '�'
compose '`' 'a' to '�'
compose '\'' 'A' to '�'
compose '\'' 'a' to '�'
compose '^' 'A' to '�'
compose '^' 'a' to '�'
compose '~' 'A' to '�'
compose '~' 'a' to '�'
compose '"' 'A' to '�'
compose '"' 'a' to '�'
compose 'O' 'A' to '�'
compose 'o' 'a' to '�'
compose '0' 'A' to '�'
compose '0' 'a' to '�'
compose 'A' 'A' to '�'
compose 'a' 'a' to '�'
compose 'A' 'E' to '�'
compose 'a' 'e' to '�'
compose ',' 'C' to '�'
compose ',' 'c' to '�'
compose '`' 'E' to '�'
compose '`' 'e' to '�'
compose '\'' 'E' to '�'
compose '\'' 'e' to '�'
compose '^' 'E' to '�'
compose '^' 'e' to '�'
compose '"' 'E' to '�'
compose '"' 'e' to '�'
compose '`' 'I' to '�'
compose '`' 'i' to '�'
compose '\'' 'I' to '�'
compose '\'' 'i' to '�'
compose '^' 'I' to '�'
compose '^' 'i' to '�'
compose '"' 'I' to '�'
compose '"' 'i' to '�'
compose '-' 'D' to '�'
compose '-' 'd' to '�'
compose '~' 'N' to '�'
compose '~' 'n' to '�'
compose '`' 'O' to '�'
compose '`' 'o' to '�'
compose '\'' 'O' to '�'
compose '\'' 'o' to '�'
compose '^' 'O' to '�'
compose '^' 'o' to '�'
compose '~' 'O' to '�'
compose '~' 'o' to '�'
compose '"' 'O' to '�'
compose '"' 'o' to '�'
compose '/' 'O' to '�'
compose '/' 'o' to '�'
compose '`' 'U' to '�'
compose '`' 'u' to '�'
compose '\'' 'U' to '�'
compose '\'' 'u' to '�'
compose '^' 'U' to '�'
compose '^' 'u' to '�'
compose '"' 'U' to '�'
compose '"' 'u' to '�'
compose '\'' 'Y' to '�'
compose '\'' 'y' to '�'
compose 'T' 'H' to '�'
compose 't' 'h' to '�'
compose 's' 's' to '�'
compose '"' 'y' to '�'
compose 's' 'z' to '�'
compose 'i' 'j' to '�'
# ISO-8859-3 compositions for Esperanto.
compose 'C' 'x' to '�' #198
compose 'G' 'x' to '�' #216
compose 'H' 'x' to '�' #166
compose 'J' 'x' to '�' #172
compose 'S' 'x' to '�' #222
compose 'U' 'x' to '�' #221
compose 'c' 'x' to '�' #230
compose 'g' 'x' to '�' #248
compose 'h' 'x' to '�' #182
compose 'j' 'x' to '�' #188
compose 's' 'x' to '�' #254
compose 'u' 'x' to '�' #253